National Repository of Grey Literature 2,321 records found  beginprevious2312 - 2321  jump to record: Search took 0.12 seconds. 

Radiation-induced cancer in the population of villages around MAPE Mydlovary
In 1959, the building of chemical preparation plant of uranium ore MAPE Mydlovary was initiated in a small village Mydlovary, near České Budějovice. In October 1962, the operation and processing of the uranium ore started. During operation, about 17 million tons of uranium ore were processed and the material from processed uranium ores was stored into the contiguous sludge lagoons. The operation of this plant was terminated in November 1991. The premises of MAPE Mydlovary were partially liquidated, decontaminated and handed over for privatization, nowadays there are recovery and reclamation works in process. Even though, MAPE Mydlovary is nowadays one of the most dangerous strains for environment, which emerged after mining and processing of uranium ores in the Czech Republic. The projection is to liquidate the consequences of this process for many more years from now. In immediate closeness to the premises of MAPE Mydlovary there lie the villages Mydlovary, Olešník and Zahájí. It can be assumed that during the processing of uranium ores and subsequent storing of waste into the contiguous sludge lagoons there could have been some impact on the inhabitants of these villages by radio nuclides. The possibility that there are still some sources of contamination and effect on the inhabitants of the three neighboring villages cannot be excluded nowadays, even after almost 23 years after the shutdown of the plant. For this reason this diploma thesis is dealing with the effects of the preparation plant MAPE Mydlovary on the inhabitants of Mydlovary, Olešník and Zahájí, specifically on the amount of deaths due to cancer diseases of inhabitants of these villages. Data was collected from October 2013 till April 2014 and it includes figures from the period 1971-2010. It was collected using non-standardized interviews and was provided by practicing physicians of the investigated villages; furthermore, data was collected from websites of the Czech Statistical Office. Aim of this thesis was to analyze and compare the deaths due to cancer diseases of the inhabitants in the surroundings of MAPE Mydlovary and of inhabitants in the whole Czech Republic (whole republic´s cancer disease mortality) and evaluate the possible influence of the radiation load on the number of deaths due to cancer diseases of inhabitants in the surroundings of MAPE Mydlovary. The analysis and comparison of the number of deaths was carried out using statistical research. Non parametric testing was used for the statistical research and the so called Fisher exact test was used, which is carried out by means of statistical software For this test the level of significance - = 0, 2 was used. The influence of the radiation load on the number of deaths due to cancer diseases is statistically significant only in the village Mydlovary, where it is possible to prove statistically an increased number of deaths due to cancer diseases in comparison to the number of deaths due to cancer diseases in the whole Czech Republic. Based on the evaluation of the obtained data we can state that the chemical preparation plant of uranium ore MAPE Mydlovary most likely had and still may have a negative impact on the inhabitants of the neighboring villages, especially on the inhabitants of the village Mydlovary. For this reason it is very important to continue with the recovery and reclamation works in the premises of the chemical preparation plant of uranium ore MAPE Mydlovary and their main objective is to protect the inhabitants of surrounding villages against possible exposure to the radio nuclides. Nevertheless, the impacts of processing the former chemical preparation plant of uranium ore MAPE Mydlovary will be eliminated for many more years.

The evolution of mobile internet technology and its impact on users in the Czech Republic
Sochor, Filip ; Sigmund, Tomáš (advisor) ; Egressy, Adam (referee)
This thesis deals with the development of mobile internet connection technology, focusing on users in the Czech Republic. The main goal is to map out the current situation regarding mobile internet connection to the internet, research the preferences and usage of users, and respond to the question of whether local telecommunications providers meet the expectations of customers from the viewpoint of usage of the newest mobile technology, offer of services and overall availability. The chosen issue is addressed in both the theoretical and practical sections of this thesis. The first part concerns the development of mobile technology, their availability and the end user usage possibilities with all the benefits and drawbacks. Availability is used in the sense of coverage throughout the Czech Republic and the utilisation of frequency bands. The theoretical section further contains information about the Czech mobile market and a comparison of telecommunications operators with a picture of their overall coverage in the Czech Republic. These details were taken from specialist publications, publically available sources and on the basis of direct communication with the technical departments of Czech telecommunications operators Vodafone and T-Mobile. The second section looks into satisfaction, usability and utilisation of mobile internet connections through comparisons, SWOT analysis and a survey/questionnaire. The practical section confirms how Czech users behave and how much time they spend on the internet on mobile devices. The collection of data was undertaken during a period of six months (Quarter 4 2015 and Quarter 1 2016). The result of the practical section is determining user satisfaction with the readiness of services in terms of optimizing the content and range of information, services and entertainment, or supporting applications using Internet connection; and further to this, when and for what purposes the connections are used. All of this is separated into gender and age divisions with the purpose of showing the diversity of user focus. This thesis can be used by mobile and virtual mobile operators for their own purposes as a reflection of the current situation in the Czech Republic, and also by specialists focused on the opportunities for the utilisation of mobile internet connections in terms of its current state and predicted evolution.

Opioid receptors and their signaling system in the myocardium
Ladislav, Marek ; Novotný, Jiří (advisor) ; Neckář, Jan (referee)
The main objective of this bachelor thesis is to systematically collect and sort information about opioid receptors and their signaling system in the myocardium. Heart activity is controlled mainly by adrenergic signaling, and this work therefore contains also some data concerning the characteristic and significance of other relevant receptors. For better understanding, general basic information about opioid system, especially about the receptors and their signaling, is also provided. Relatively little is known about opioid receptors in the myocardium even though these receptors may have an important role especially in various pathophysiological conditions. There can be several reasons for this. The possibility of further characterization of opioid receptors in the myocardium is rather difficult due to the relatively small number of these receptors in heart tissue. The situation is somewhat complicated also by some differences in the modulation of cardiac function among different species. The complete molecular mechanism by which opioid receptors act on the myocardium has not yet been fully uncovered. Especially in the case of humans this knowledge can be crucial, because these receptors and their ligands could be used for medical purposes.

The analysis of effectiveness and undesirable effects of the radical chemoradiotherapy of anal cancer
Vácha, Ondřej ; Vítek, Pavel (advisor) ; Konopásek, Bohuslav (referee)
The subject of presented bachelor thesis is an analysis of efficacy and side effects in chemoradiotherapy of anal canal cancer. High anticancer activity besides severe adverse effects are specific for anal canal cancer. Adverse effect may finally negatively influence even overall survival. The data of 110 patients treated within the last 20 years at the Institute of Radiation Oncology, University Hospital Na Bulovce, Prague were analyzed to determine an impact of radiation delivery technique, chemotherapy and other variables on treatment results. Common chemoradiation regimen of mitomycin + 5-FU and radiation up to 60 Gy was employed. The single-institution data confirm high efficacy of standard treatment in terms of survival and relapse rate. There is a substantial rate of acute and delayed toxicity. Therefore there is a significant reduction of chemotherapy in elderly patients. However the survival and time to relapse data do not significantly differ in elderly patients. The age at diagnosis as a continuous variable does not significantly influence either survival or time to relapse. More advanced radiation delivery technique IMRT brings significantly less side effects compared to classic 2D and 3D conformal radiation therapy. Conclusions: High toxicity of standard chemoradiation for anal canal...

název v anglickém jazyce není uveden
Lischke, Robert ; Pafko, Pavel (advisor) ; Král, Vladimír (referee) ; Adamec, Miloš (referee)
Induction therapy in lung transplantation: initial single-center experience comparing daclizumab and anti-thymocyte globulin BACKGROUND: Acute and chronic rejection remain unresolved problems after lung transplantation, despite heavy multidrug immunosuppression. In turn, the strong immunosuppression has been responsible for mortality and pervasive morbidity. Because acute rejection is associated with inferior outcomes in lung transplantation, we have routinely employed anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG), or daclizumab as adjuncts to reduce rejection. Daclizumab is a human monoclonal antibody that binds to the interleukin-2 receptor. METHOD: We performed a controlled clinical trial of these 2 therapies to determine differences in post-operative rejection, infection, bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) and survival. 25 consecutive lung transplant patients received ATG (n = 12)(Group 1) and daclizumab (n = 13)(Group2) as induction agents. The groups had similar demographics and immunosuppression protocols differing only in induction agents used. RESULTS: No differences were observed in immediate post-operative outcomes such as length of hospitalization, ICU stay, or time on ventilators. No patient receiving daclizumab developed drug specific side-effects. There were no significant differences in the...

Development of the mammographic screening in the Czech Republic
Nowadays the most common cancer among women in the Czech Republic is represented by malignant tumour in breast. The nationwide mammographic screening programme was officially introduced in the Czech Republic in September 2002 and it is based on regular and preventive mammographic screening to women in order to detect early any neoplastic disease even in cases when women do not have any symptoms or difficulties. The main aim of the mammographic screening is to confirm or to disprove malignancy and if the malignancy is detected then to make sure that it is in the earliest stage. The thesis focuses on the development of the mammographic screening in the Czech Republic but it also pursue the number of mammographic screenings to number of recording of carcinoma no matter whether it is about the whole number of recorded carcinoma or the number of carcinoma in terms of mammographic screening and also in number of private patience. The first aim of the thesis was to find out which doctor often sends their patients to mammographic screening whether it is a general practitioner of a gynaecologist. These data were found out from the Mammographic screening Centre in Havlíčkův Brod. The second aim was to analyse the most frequent reason of patients, who requested the screening themselves. To collect the data it was done by a questionnaire method which answered sixty women. Thirty of them answered it in a clinic Medipoint Ltd and other thirty of them in the Mammographic screening Centre Havlíčkův Brod. The questionnaire was done by women younger than 40 years old who were tested for the ultrasound screening as by women over 40 years old who were tested for the mammographic screening. The information filled in this questionnaire included the date, the region they are from, age, and the reason why they came privately for the mammographic or ultraviolet screening. The hypothesis, that the number of mammographic screening requested by private patients is increasing, was confirmed due to the collected data from the Mammographic screening Centre in Havlíčkův Brod. As a result from the research we can see that since 2002, when the mammographic screening programme began nationwide, has been an enormous progress in the mammographic screening in the Czech Republic. Nowadays more women request to be tested for the mammographic screening in spite of the rising incidence of the cancer the mortality remains stable. This proves that this mammographic screening programme has a positive effect on the prevention of this illness.

Standard of general laic public knowledge of first aid giving
Nechanická, Veronika ; Slowik, Regina (advisor) ; Skála, Bohumil (referee) ; Býma, Svatopluk (referee)
The synopsis of principles of first aid, including the newest guidelines for cardiopulmocerebral resuscitation was elaborated in this work. The selected states altering the human health or life-threatening conditions were mentioned, including their recommended management. The recommendations for appropriate calling for an ambulance were elaborated and the remark concerning criminal law was made. In the practical part of this work the answers of 99 respondents to questions investigating the basic sociometric and demografic data and elementary knowledge of first aid were analyzed. The hypotheses that people who had undergone first aid training, who had dealt with the accident or emergency in real life, and people with medical education have better knowledge of first aid were confirmed. The people who evaluated their own knowledge of first aid as good from their subjective point of view really had better knowledge. The hypothesis of direct proportion between knowledge of first aid and achieved education was confirmed in the female group. The assumption that the youngest and the oldest generation has the worst knowledge of first aid was also confirmed. The surprising findings were revealed in the male group. A group of the youngest respondents and a group with the lowest education had the best...

Nursing Care of the Patient with Colorectal Cancer
Pokorná, Petra ; Vytejčková, Renata (advisor) ; Vobořil, René (referee)
Cílem mé bakalářské práce je zpracování případové studie ošetřovatelské péče o nemocného, který byl hospitalizován na chirurgickém oddělení v jedné z pražských nemocnic s diagnózou karcinom recti. V této studii jsem se věnovala 40-ti letému pacientovi, který byl přijat k resekci rektosigmoidea. Pacient souhlasí s tím, že informace o jeho nemoci budou použity při zpracování této práce. V klinické části se věnuji charakteristice onemocnění, anatomii a fyziologii tlustého střeva a rekta. Dále se zabývám patofyziologií nádorů, klinickým obrazem nemoci a základními vyšetřovacími metodami vedoucí k diagnóze kolorektálního karcinomu, prognózou a možnostmi prevence. Dále jsou zde uvedeny základní údaje o pacientovi, údaje z lékařské anamnézy a vyšetření, která byla rozhodující indikací k operačnímu výkonu. Následuje stručný průběh hospitalizace. Ošetřovatelská část zahrnuje stručnou charakteristiku ošetřovatelského procesu, zhodnocení nemocného podle modelu Majory Gordonové, stanovení aktuálních a potencionálních diagnóz, realizaci a hodnocení ošetřovatelské péče. Informace o nemocném jsem zaznamenala do formuláře zpracované pro potřeby výuky v oboru ošetřovatelství na 3. LF UK v Praze a ošetřovatelskou anamnézu jsem zaznamenala do formuláře z nemocnice ÚVN. Ošetřovatelské diagnózy jsem stanovila z analýzy...

Subcutaneous mastectomy as a prevention of oncological disease
Měšťák, Ondřej ; Měšťák, Jan (advisor)
This diploma paper is concerned with subcutaneous mastectomy as a prevention of breast cancer. We collected a group of patients who were operated for subcutaneous mastectomy on Departement of Plastic Surgery, University Hospital Bulovka in years 2001- 2005. Indication for profylactic mastectomy was based on severe fibrocystic mastopathy. In our study, we focused on medical history, histological findings, type and time of reconstruction.

Pneumological Occupational Diseases, Their Development and Prevention
Kliková, Hana ; Kneidlová, Monika (advisor)
As an occupational disease is called an illness, which is located on a valid list of occupational diseases and illness is only when working environment and quality of work meets the conditions of the affected of occupational disease. Whether working in the environment and under specific conditions to occupational disease arise then decides hygienist. The purpose of this work is to determine which lung disease of occupation for the period decreased, and which rather increasing, and what is the incidence of these diseases amongmen and females. Occupational diseases, their development and prevention are a very serious social and economic problem. Diseases that affect the lungs and related organs (airways, pleura, peritoneum), whether of fibrosing, cancer, infectious or allergic disability, are one of the most common and therefore the most important. Therefore, it is one part of the work chapter, which deals with prevention. The theoretical part is a list of pulmonary illness, a brief description of their clinical and radiologic features, conditions and circumstances their origin. The practical part is processed statistics from 2003 to 2007 inclusive, and is ends with a group of case studies to illustrate the visual this issue.