National Repository of Grey Literature 21,032 records found  beginprevious21023 - 21032  jump to record: Search took 0.51 seconds. 

Contractual and non-contractual obligations in private international law
Čejková, Martina ; Pauknerová, Monika (advisor) ; Brodec, Jan (referee)
67 8 Summary 8.1 Contractual and Non-contractual Obligations in Private International Law This thesis deals with the European international private law and discusses the current law-crash modification of contractual and non-contractual obligations. Characteristic of the European community is the absence of unification of the substantive law, which is compensated, by the unification of conflict standards. The unification of conflict standards, as an instrument of the international private law, can be understood as a certain sign of unification of direct standards. Conflict standards do not govern directly the rights and obligations of the parties to a contract in international private law but they answer the question by which legal order the given relationship should be abided and therefore they provide certain degree of foresee ability and safety. The first (general) part called "European international private law - from conventions to regulations" is dedicated to development of the unification of conflict standards within the European community. At present, the unification of the conflict issue is represented by two new-adopted Roman regulations concurring to the Roman convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations. Analysis of the first Roman regulation on the law applicable to contractual...

The Analysis of Traffic Accident Quantity on the Roads of Central Bohemia
Špačková, Tereza ; Marek, Luboš (advisor) ; Polič, Daniel (referee)
The aim of my diploma thesis is the analysis of traffic accident quantity on roads (highways and motorways) of Central Bohemia. My personal contribution to this topic is the particular analysis of accident frequency within Central Bohemia between 1994 and 2007. Nobody has dealt with such an analysis in frame of this region until the present. In the theoretical part of the thesis, basic definitions are expounded from the theory of traffic accident frequency and the partition of traffic accidents according to different criteria, and the classification of roads. There is a situation described in Central Bohemia for each type of classification for mentioned years. The practical part of the thesis is divided into three sections, which analyze problems from different points of view. In the first part, there are detected reciprocal relations between basic indicators of traffic accident frequency in the particular districts of Central Bohemia. The next part targets the analysis of time series of causes and results of traffic accidents within this region, in particular months of mentioned years. The aim of this part is to describe the trend of time series by acceptable methods and to estimate their supposed development in the following 12 months. In the third and final part of the thesis, the analysis of less commonly considered causes of traffic accidents are performed, as is directional conditions, status of road surface, visibility, weather conditions and transversal setting of communication. The target of this final part is to verify whether these factors significantly influence the number of traffic accidents on different types of roads.

Contractual modification of community property of spouses
Odstrčilová, Alena ; Hendrychová, Michaela (advisor) ; Frintová, Dita (referee)
60 6.Resume: Contractual modifications of the joint property The purpose of this work is to describe the history and the recent state of a legal regulation of a property in a marriage, mainly, the possible contractual modifications of a legal mode of the joint property. The historical part is retracing the developement of this institute from the year 1811. It's describing diferent legal attitudes to the property of a husband and a wife in the history, until nowadays, from the separate property mode, to the "co-ownership of shared property", and also diferent possibilities to change this legal mode. The possibility of contractual modifications has been implemented into the recent czech law by the act no. 509/1991. The important changes in this area has been made in 1998, by the act no. 91/1998 which has put into practice a new term for co-ownership in mariage, "the joint property" and extended the possibility to change it by a contract to the current state. This work gives the summary of the current regulation of this contractual modifications. Czech civil law provides wide range of these possibilities for a husband and a wife, as well as for a man and a woman who are going to get married. There is possibility to narrow it down by a court, and extend, narow down, and postpone the creation of the joint...

Change of legal form from trading business to limited company - accounting connections and consequences
Menčlová, Barbora ; Zouhar, Tomáš (advisor)
In my bachelor work I dealt with closure of the trade business and limited company floatation. First I characterized tax accounts and described duties arising from stopping the trading. Than I defined limited company, process of foundation, its conveniences and disadvantages. I distinguished interrelations between the company and partner. In next chapter I attended to accounting, especially to bookkeeping start and to operations at the end of accounting period. In my practical example I discontinued trade business and floated the limited company analyzing the related time and financial demands.

Comparison of Autocratic and Democratic Style of Leading While Taking Account Their Influence on the Working Environment
Švarcová, Monika ; Havrdová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Juřička, Radomír (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to distinguish the leadership of two different managers with different styles of managerial skills and evaluate the whole process and consequences in case of management change in certain nursing facilities. By means of quantitative research the thesis further overviews the fact that leading skill is a manifold of substantial factors that importantly influence the interpersonal relations, working standard, motivation and working climate. The provided service quality is evaluated as well. The validity of research, theoretical part of the thesis was verified in general practice. Important learning was the fact that leading skill is a manifold of substantial factors that importantly influence the leadership standard, staff motivation and their effectivity, working climate and interpersonal relations as well.

International relations of the Czechoslovak (Czech) archives after 1918 up to the present
Simkovičová, Jana ; Linhartová, Lenka (referee) ; Ebelová, Ivana (advisor)
Cílem předkládané práce je postíhnout mezinárodní vztahy českého, respektive československého archivnictví po roce 1918 do současnosti. Vzhledem k tomu, že se jedná o časově poměrně rozsáhlý úsek, bylo nutné rozčlenit práci do několika kapitol podle časových období. Samotnému jádru práce předchází rozbor použi tých pramenů a literatury. Úvodní kapitola je věnována děj inám čes kého archivnictví po roce 1918, která byla zařazena s ohledem na celkově složitý organizační tématu. vývoj našeho archivnictví a lepší pochopení Předem je nutné upozornit, že smyslem práce a jejím cílem je zmapovat mezinárodní vztahy a vazby českého archivnictví, které se začaly rýsovat po roce 1918 a v průběhu let se dále tvořily a upevňovaly. Mezinárodními styky jsou přitom myšleny především případy spolupráce, která je již zaštítěna jak plnou státní suverenitou a oficiální podporou úředních míst, tak i vědeckými organizacemi. Tato koncepce zachovává linii textu na úrovni mezinárodních vztahů v pravém slova smyslu. Příkladem může být téma archivní rozluky, kde se výklad úmyslně nezabývá přehledem konkrétních fondů a jejich osudů v rámci rozlukových prací, ale sleduj e jednání a diplomatické kroky, které byly v tomto směru podniknuty a hodnotí výsledky, kterých bylo dosaženo. S ohledem na jednotlivých kapitolách jednotlivých států.

The role of special teachers in schools in inclusive education of children, pupils and students with disabilities
ROMOVÁ, Eliška
This bachelor thesis deals with a special education teacher?s role in inclusive education of children (pupils, students) with special eduacational needs in the ordinary school. The aim of this thesis was to focus on the role of a special education teacher in inclusive education. It explains and emphasize the importance of this profession. The theoretical framework defines the concept of integration and inclusion. It describes the history of integration and its existence in documents. The process of inclusive education is analyzed with respect to different special needs. Educational consultancy facilities and consulting services for individuals with disabilities are also mentioned. The practical part investigates teacher?s activities and responsibilities in inclusive education. The method of participant observation and structured interviews with teachers and parents of integrated children (pupils) were used. Special Education Centre and Pedagogical-Psychological Counselling were contacted. Two nursery schools and an elementary school were visited by the author of this thesis (along with special teachers). Children with different dissabilities were observed. Finally, the thesis presents the research results: A great importance of a special teacher?s role in inclusive education is blatantly obvious. Positive relationships among a special teacher, a child, a teacher and child?s parents are essential. A comprehensive approach to an integrated child is apparent: a special teacher is a kind of mediator during an integration. He informs and presents the process and procedure of all activities to teachers and teaching assistants. Therefore, his profession is extremely important and almost indispensable. The thesis can contribute to all the students who are interested in this issue. It can also help the schools with inclusive education. Last, but not least, parents of children with special educational needs (SEN) find many answers for their questions here.

Possibilities for Influencing Children in Nursery Schools with the aid of Psycho-motor Activities
Špalková, Markéta ; Dvořáková, Hana (advisor) ; Pokorný, Ladislav (referee)
Aggressive behaviour is possible to mwention in pre-school age. The principal aim was to find out whatt agressive actions are most common and frequent, how they aree dealt in group of children and possibilities to eliminate them by executing studied psychomotor activities. For monitoring has been used following tools: questionnaire for pedagogues, discussions with pedagogues, discussions with children, monitoring, experimenting. By realizing methods above has been reached the following results. The most common aggressive behaviour ferociousnesses are verbal offences, bitting, beating, kicking, poking, quarreling over sympathies in group of children or group position and friendship. One of the factors that influences such phenomenons is large number of children in classroom or impeding of movement and exercise needs of children. Child with frequent agressive behaviour was not so much favoured in group of children in contrast to one with mostly oral offence displays. Possibility to eliminate such agressive behaviour by executing studied psychomotor activities turned out as not capable of proof.

Ancient astrology: signs of zodiac
Látalová, Petra ; Musil, Jiří (advisor) ; Stančo, Ladislav (referee)
V dnešní době, kdy se řada lidí odvrací od exaktních věd a hledá určitou alternativu k čistě racionálnímu obrazu světa, se zvyšuje zájem o esoteriku, parapsychologii, alternativní medicínu a také astrologii. Astrologie Je obor, který se zabývá vztahy mez1 postaveními Slunce, Měsíce, planet a hvězd a děním na Zemi. Ačkoli řada odpůrců jí upírá označení vědní disciplíny, je astrologie podobně jako věda založena na empirii, pozorování a statistických metodách, ve kterých rovněž využívá poznatků astronomie. Při svých interpretacích vychází z názoru, že vesmír tvoří jeden celek a tedy všechny jeho součásti nutně musí souviset s ostatními. Právě díky mému hlubšímu zájmu o astrologii jsem se rozhodla zjistit více o tom, odkud vlastně astrologie vzešla, jak se dále šířila a rozvíjela, zdali už v antickém světě dosáhla takové úrovně a poznatků, jakými disponuje dnes a také v jakém prostředí a kým byla praktikována. Výše zmíněné otázky se pokusím zodpovědět v jednotlivých kapitolách. Celá práce bude rozdělena na dvě části, přičemž v první nastíním vývoj astrologické disciplíny a její šíření v antickém světě, ve druhé se budu věnovat jednotlivým znamením zvěrokruhu a jejich zobrazením. Také se dotknu některých astronomických otázek, neboť právě astronomie s astrologií úzce souvisí a její rozvoj byl velmi důležitý pro...

Political conceptions of Austria-Hungary's new settlement, Trianon and their impact on current Hungarian-Slovak relations
Bendíková, Katarína ; Nechvátal, Martin (advisor) ; Veselý, Zdeněk (referee)
Práca analyzuje dopad predstáv maďarských a slovenských politikov z obdobia Rakúska-Uhorska na povahu súčasných maďarsko-slovenských vzťahov vyznačujúcich sa vzájomnými rozpormi. Tieto rozpory vyplývajú na jednej strane z jednostranného chápania dejinných udalostí spejúcich k rozpadu monarchie, na druhej strane za nimi stojí pozostatok trianonského delenia Uhorska ? maďarská menšina na Slovensku. V piatich kapitolách sa práca postupne venuje nasledujúcim oblastiam: vplyvu minulosti na súčasné dianie, predstavám politikov predvojnového obdobia, vystúpeniam maďarskej a československej delegácie na parížskej mierovej konferencii, rezíduám trianonského usporiadania a súčasným maďarsko-slovenským medzištátnym vzťahom.