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Local Political Coalitions in the Statutory City of České Budějovice
Valenta, Martin ; Čmejrek, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Markéta, Markéta (referee)
Municipal policy is quite a new discipline within political science, and especially in the Czech environment it has been an object of attention in recent two decades only. While political scientists abroad have dealt with municipal policy for a long time, in the Czech environment the research of local problems has been in the margin for years. The subject of this dissertation is not focused on the research of the Czech municipal policy as a whole, but it is concerned with the research of the particular local political system in České Budějovice in recent 25 years. As the city is a large regional capital, there might be implied a certain link between municipal and national policies, which can be noticeable not only in the representation of individual parliamentary parties in the city council, but also in the process of creating individual post-election coalitions. Methodically the present work is a kind of comparative study which is based on the theoretical conception applying to local democracy, participation of citizens in public life, party systems, an electoral process and forming of election and executive coalitions at a local political level. In the practical part the degree work is based on the study and analysis of local authority documents of České Budějovice, the programmes of Czech traditional political parties and other parties which, in some cases, became parts of the local political system in České Budějovice. The practical part is also to a large extent based on comparison of election data from the Czech Statistical Office.

The Development of Local Government in the Municipality of Horní Cerekev
Toman, Radek ; Kubálek, Michal (advisor) ; Kristýna, Kristýna (referee)
The thesis deals with the development of local government in the village of Horni Cerekev. The work is conceived as a case study. Thematic framework for the work starts in 1990 and continues to the present. The work depicts Individual municipal elections as an element shaping the local political environment and summarizes the development of the political scene in relation to local government. The introductory part describes the basic theoretical background of the local rural area of the municipality. The work is based on political science theory. The work also defines the context and specificity of municipal elections, the basic characteristics of the typology of the political scene municipalities, mayor types including municipal systems. The theoretical part sets the basis for the practical part. Describing the socio-economic indicators of the village continues in the practical part of the work focusingon on semi-structured interviews to evaluate the local political scene, principles of functioning of local party system and identification of political participants.

The Development of Local Government in the Municipality of Kamenný Újezd
Rysl, Jan ; Kubálek, Michal (advisor) ; Daniela, Daniela (referee)
This dissertation focuses on current issues of Kamenný Újezd´s local council. Kamenný Újezd is a municipality with over two thousand inhabitants. This assessment looks into the local political process in the municipality. This assessment is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. Theoretical part focuses on the local councils, general establishments and elections into the local authorities in the Czech Republic. It also focuses on local political partisanship, coalition and the theory of political cleavage. The practical part of the dissertation describes some demographic and socioeconomics indicators in the municipality. Majority of the practical part is devoted to the local elections from 1994 - 2014. The results from these elections are put into graphs and charts. The collected data is then compared. In the last part of the dissertation are interviews with local politicians. Main public and political problems in the municipality are discussed. Also public relations and main political cleavages between individual politicians are discussed in these interviews.

Political Aspeckts of Local Government – Voting Behavior of Inhabitans of the Town Jičín
Stránská, Michaela ; Kopřiva, Radek (advisor) ; Lenka, Lenka (referee)
The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the voting behavior of the citizens of the city of Jičín. The theoretical part deals with local democracy, introduces the voting system or different researches of voting behavior. The mainstay of this thesis is the practical part consisting of case study, whose task is to analyze behavior of Jičín citizens. The author of this thesis determined four tasks. First one is the implementation of socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of Jičín, enabling to conclude the voting behavior of its citizens. The other task is the analysis of election results in 2006, 2010 and 2014. Further is analyzed the voter turnout in Jičín and political parties which participated in past years are introduced. The third task is the qualitative research in the form of interview with the Jičínský Demokratický Klub leader and city's councilor. In the last part is conducted quantitative research, which will enable to answer the questions, regarding election behavior of citizens of Jičín.

Political Aspects of Local Government. Elections and Voting Behaviour of the Residents of the Town Kopidlno
Ječná, Jitka ; Kopřiva, Radek (advisor) ; Lenka, Lenka (referee)
The thesis is conceived as a case study. The main goal is to verify the applicability of the theory of voting behaviour in a specific sample of municipality voters in the Czech Republic. The object of the research is to determine which factors influenced the decision of voters in the municipal elections for the Town Council of Kopidlno in 2010 and 2014. The theoretical part deals with a description of the basic concepts primarily related to democracy, with a specific emphasis on the local character. The theoretical perspective further concerns with the issues of elections including characteristics of different kinds of electoral systems and accessible theories of voting behaviour. The practical part primarily characterizes the town of Kopidlno in historical, demographic and political perspective. Further, the study focuses on the local political entities. The following chapters summarize and analyze the results of the municipal elections in 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014. The final part summarizes the results obtained in an independent questionnaire survey used as a research tool to analyse voting behaviour of the residents of Kopidlno.

Genetic structure of local domestic breeds
Neradilová, Silvie ; Baranyiová, Eva (advisor)
A switch from hunting to beginnings of farming and agriculture was a crucial step for humans and for developing civilization. This period was suitable for domestication processes. Dogs were the first domesticated animals at all. Their breeding was connected with settlement and cattle protection and they were used as shepherd and hunting dogs. In some cultures they are even used as food source. Recent trends lead to breeding of new breeds and division of original gene pool into smaller closed groups which lead to an increase of homozygosity and to display recessively inherited diseases. These effects are mostly visible in small local breeds that have a small population size. Global protection of genetic diversity in cattle, poultry and pigs was already addressed in many studies, probably because of the high economic value of these animals. Impact of domesticated carnivores to humans is comparable and due to the growing market in veterinary services it is needed to protect sufficient genetic variability of various unique races. The aim of this work is to compare selected local breeds of dogs from different regions of origin, to evaluate their overall genetic diversity, to determine the occurrence of candidate types of diseases and to compare the frequency of these diseases in selected breeds. Main output is to recommend appropriate methods to protect the gene pool of these unique races. Central European breed (e.g. Český Fousek), subtropical breed (e.g. Sarplaninec), tropical continental breed (eg. Basenji), tropical island breed (e.g. The New Guinea Singing Dog) will be selected. The material will be collected at exhibitions and in cooperation with local farmers. The samples will be processed by classical methods of population genetics in the laboratory of molecular genetics FTZ ČZU.

Analysis of the development of the selected villages in relation to the Czech Republic´s entry to EU
Baitoukou, Renáta ; Svatošová, Libuše (advisor) ; Petr, Petr (referee)
This translated thesis is focused on use of tools for local level development.Main goal of thesis is to point out the ability of local self-government and how to strive to realization of goals and sustainable development with help of european and regional politics.This thesis analyses the influences of european politics on villages with population of less than 1000 inhabitants.Problematics delve into the are of specifications of villages,funcions of self-governments in small villages and points out individual factors of influencing the development. Analysis of development of chosen village in correlation with admission of Czech Republic to EU is based on detailed characteristic of area of interest. For better clarity more significant areas were chosen which we can safely judge with the development in certain time period how and if the area became to worse,started to stagnate or became generaly better and what was its cause.In relation of admission if Czech Republic to EU the results will be evaluated if this act had any significant benefit on this specific ocasion.

The Development of Local Government in the Municipality of Kunvald
Rek, Michal ; Čopík, Jan (advisor) ; Dušan, Dušan (referee)
This thesis deals with the development of the local government in the municipality of Kunvald since 1989. The theoretical part describes the basic concepts related to local government, including the urban area itself its citizens, the neighbourhood authorities, communal electoral system of Czech and the electoral right. The practical part is focused on characteristics of the community, description of its history, and the definition of the local political parties. Futhermore, it is also targeted to the local organizations and evaluates of the socio-economic indicators of the village during its participation in public life and local government. It is also proceed further analysis of the progression and outcome of the local elections of municipality named Kunvald from 1989 to 2014. The analysis describes all individual candidates, political parties, electoral participation, results and arising representatives, including the characteristics of their subsequent decision-making process who's municipal political scene will be implemented in the following election period in the organs of the municipality. In addition, the practical also describes the comparison of the results from the municipal, district, regional and national level since 1989 to 2014. Last but not least, not only it also contains analyses of active and passive usage of the voting rights, but it also includes a description of continuity and discontinuity of individual members of the municipal council called Kunvald.

Social Life in Rural Area
Kučerová, Kamila ; Majerová, Věra (advisor) ; Petra, Petra (referee)
This submitted thesis concerns itself with social life in the countryside, specifically in Peruc, located in Ústecký kraj. The paper consists of two parts. The first, theoretical part, describes particular expressions, out of which some have been further researched and worked upon in the context of personal research. On the basis of available printed materials a description of the village has been drawn in a geographical, historical and contemporary aspect. The practical part provides a research plan and a choice of appropriate methods for research and data collection. An analysis of demographic indexes has been conducted and four semi-standardized interviews with the village and local organisations' representatives have been implemented for a better understanding of the social situation. Out of the spectrum of methods belonging to quantitative methodology, a survey type of research has been used to confirm or refute set hypotheses, which was followed by a discussion and a recommendation for the village and local organisations' leaders. Recommended suggestions could contribute to ameliorating social life in the village and therefore increasing general well-being and augmenting the village's grade. At the end the thesis has been shortly summarized, followed by a description of the most intriguing research findings.

Invasion alien animal species and their impact on local population and ecosystems
Nováková, Kateřina ; Kubík, Štěpán (advisor)
Fenoménu biologických invazí a šíření nepůvodních druhů je v posledních letech věnována značná pozornost. Se změnami kvality stanovišť, vzrůstajícím využíváním přírodních zdrojů, změnou klimatu a znečištěním životního prostředí, jsou invaze nepůvodních druhů považovány za hlavní procesy, které výrazně negativně ovlivňují světovou biodiverzitu. Invaze mají vliv nejen na lidskou společnost, ale jsou především zodpovědné za celou škálu změn prostředí. Mění fungování ekosystémů, mají vliv na původní společenstva a dokonce v některých případech přispívají k lokální extinkci druhů. K tomu dochází v případě, kdy se daný druh začne nekontrolovatelně šířit natolik, že rozvrací přirozené ekosystémy, což vede k rozsáhlým ekologickým škodám a k agresivnímu vytlačování mnoha původních druhů a tím k ochuzení druhové diverzity. Cílem této bakalářské práce je shrnout současné znalosti týkající se problematiky biologických invazí, charakterizovat vybrané zástupce a v neposlední řadě zhodnotit vlivy nepůvodních živočišných druhů na hostitelská společenstva a ekosystémy a stanovit preventivní opatření, způsoby kontroly šíření a priority ochrany přírody.