National Repository of Grey Literature 41 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Crime prevention through environmental design strategy and its use in selected Prague's localities
Fiala, Ondřej ; Šiftová, Jana (advisor) ; Šilhánková, Vladimíra (referee)
In this thesis I focus on the preventive strategy called Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED). The aim of this strategy is to act preventively against crime and to reduce fear of crime by means of modification of the physical setting in public spaces. CPTED is theoretically based mainly on findings of crime geography, environmental criminology and architecture. After presenting this concept at the theoretical level I focus on six concrete locations in Prague. On the basis of my field research I investigate if the principles of CPTED are applied in these locations. I also refer to differences between locations, where the preventive principles were applied and locations without use of the CPTED standards. Through the use of questionnaires I try to verify if people really feel safer in places where the principles of CPTED were used. Then I observe the types of activites and the structure of people in those six examined locations. Semistructured interviews with the employees of the Prague municipal police were realised to complete the characteristics of these places. In the last part of the thesis I consider the possibilities of design adjustments in the unsuitable locations according to the CPTED principles.
Revitalization and Renewal of the Town of Velké Němčice
Vršanová, Dominika ; Kopečková, Petra (referee) ; Havliš, Karel (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is the revitalization of the small castle and the surrounding area which is located in the center of the village with a connection to the associated buildings of the brewery and the mill which were part of the former farmyard in Velké Němčice. The vision for this work is to help further the development of the municipality improve the quality of public spaces and give them a new life. Due to the current state of the center and the castle, the aim was to complete the reconstruction of the building with a connection to the surroundings and to create a quality public space in the city center. The thesis proposes ideas for possible interventions and changes that will result in the castle and its surroundings becoming the new living center of the village and new functions will be inserted into it which will restore this historical building to its original importance. Based on previous analyses consultation with city representatives and other experts in transport greenery and heritage care a proposal was created with indoor and outdoor modifications of the manor house and adjacent area.
Čitelnost města - Tvorba veřejných prostorů
Šindlerová, Jana
Dissertation thesis Legibility of the city and creation of public enviroments is urban-architectural study on certain space in Nový Jičín. Selected space was choosen thoroughly and was supported by the method of mental mapping and by the answers of interviewed individuals. Selected enviroment bears great potential, which is currently not fulfilled. These are unutilized, in some cases impassable spaces with highlighted automobile traffic and many other issues that are dealt with in the study. The enviroment is in study approached with invention and great care to create better standart of living and architecturally interesting space. The study reacts on problems in selected area and offers solutions. There is a greenway designed along the shore that enables padestrian interconnection from one part of city all the way to historic center. Futhermore there is an approach to wather surface designed and realization of architectural study on building construction in the area of Dolní brána. Main objective of the study is to create urban enviroment that would fulfill its purpose and was used in context with the main idea of thy study.
Multifunctional Building on Obchodná Street in Bratislava
Banič, Róbert ; Machová, Petra (referee) ; Vajkay, František (advisor)
Předmětem této diplomové práce je návrh a projektová dokumentace pětipodlažní multifunkční budovy se 2 suterénními podlažími pro parkování pro 52 aut. První 2 patra jsou veřejná - k pronájmu je 23 samostatných prostor. Horní 3 podlaží obsahují 18 bytů a mají samostatné vchody se dvěma schodišti a 2 výtahy. Budova má dvě úrovně střechy a obě jsou pochozí s malým parkem a vegetací. Budova se nachází v hlavním městě Slovenska, Bratislavě, na Obchodní ulici. Záměrem je nahradit dvě staré budovy ve velmi špatném stavu. Z architektonického hlediska má tato budova zapadat do historického vzhledu ulice úpravou tvaru oken a materiálů a zároveň působit mírně moderně. Z konstrukčního hlediska má budova rámové nosné konstrukce z betonových nosníků sloupů a obousměrně vyztužených betonových desek vyplněných dřevěnými konstrukcemi a lehké sádrokartonové příčky.
Urbanistic analysis of the city with a focus on public spaces - urban interventions
Moučka, Michal ; Rozmanová, Naděžda (referee) ; Májek, Jan (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with town and country planning and public spaces. The problem of town and country planning is briefly explained in the bachelor thesis according to the Act on town and country planning and building code and also on the specific example of local zoning plan. This is followed by the main part of the bachelor thesis, which will focus on public spaces. This part contains the definition of the term “public spaces” and current knowledge of creating quality public spaces. From this knowledge comes out the practical part, in which the analysis of the existing public space is performed with the aim to evaluate public space from several views and eventually to offer possibilities for its improvement. The analysis and specific examples are applied to the town Žďár nad Sázavou, which is described at the beginning of the bachelor thesis.
Gallery aviation technology and traditions of aviation at the airport Medlánky in Brno
Sudolský, Filip ; Hrabec, Josef (referee) ; Šindlar, Jiljí (advisor)
The main subject of the diploma project was to create architecture study for new building of a Gallery for sport aircrafts and their traditions and other equipment that cooperate with this topic. The Gallery is designed in Brno´s Medlanky municipality and it is incorporated on current local sport airport. This project was preceded by studio project on the same area, which included reconstruction and development of this airport area. In this diploma project I was trying to continue with this development and establish a design which would react to my earlier design. The site has a sloped character and it separated from a dense city area. Starting point for the design was to gently touch the landscape and also trying to find certain references directly in the closest surrounding. From the views to surrounding was created the idea to preserve the horizontal lines and with a landscape and constructions demands was created the main idea to continue with the landscape over the spatial structure. The need to cover large-scale exhibit items like aircrafts and other items from this topic led to a starting point of my design. The structure is formed as a spatial truss structure and dominates the exhibition space. Building is connected by program and structure to services and other areas like conference hall, coffee, study room, work room and administration. As a one building it teems mainly from arrival at the airport area when the roofing is an organic, monolithic surface disappearing in surrounding. But gallery itself emerges from the ground and opens towards the aircraft take off and departure area where it is also direction of a main view to the surrounding. The building is also unique for its entering, such as the main entrance through narrow staircase gap in the roof. This entrance should evoke to people an aircraft landing, where while descent plane dive in to the clouds and appear underneath above a whole new landscape. Thus a person sore in to the roof surface a
A Great House for a Small Town
Havelka, Tomáš ; Novák,, Petr (referee) ; Vojtová, Lea (advisor)
Diploma project solves renovation of campus SOU Rousínov. Campus is situated in wide city centre of Rousínov. Campus is composed of five connected buildings. Project brings new functions such as primary school, library, old people´s home and coffee-house. One aim of project is urban revitalization and creation of area for leisure time activities. Architectural aim is to create campus with uniform character. Buildings are specific in shape simplicity. Connecting element is also colour unity of main volumes with coloured emphasizing of details and structures.
Smoking as a part of the process of socialization
Lacina, Petr ; Tuček, Milan (advisor) ; Kuchař, Pavel (referee)
Nowadays is smoking still tolerated social phenomen in this country, despite belongs to the biggest killer in a human history and every day year die 5 milion people for this. Especially dangerous is smoking among young people, because they aren't grown up physical or mentally and therefore is smoking for them so dangerous. 78% of the adult smokers, started smoke before sixteen. In this paper I present the statistics from actual researches and additional analyses of smokers. In comparison with other european states is Czech republic on the second places in number of young smokers. The influence of social environment is crucial for if people started smoke or not. The government should protect smokers and non-smokers due to the effect of smoking in public places. In the Czech has tobacco industry strong position and there is no political will to change it although people want it.
Crime prevention through environmental design strategy and its use in selected Prague's localities
Fiala, Ondřej ; Šiftová, Jana (advisor) ; Šilhánková, Vladimíra (referee)
In this thesis I focus on the preventive strategy called Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED). The aim of this strategy is to act preventively against crime and to reduce fear of crime by means of modification of the physical setting in public spaces. CPTED is theoretically based mainly on findings of crime geography, environmental criminology and architecture. After presenting this concept at the theoretical level I focus on six concrete locations in Prague. On the basis of my field research I investigate if the principles of CPTED are applied in these locations. I also refer to differences between locations, where the preventive principles were applied and locations without use of the CPTED standards. Through the use of questionnaires I try to verify if people really feel safer in places where the principles of CPTED were used. Then I observe the types of activites and the structure of people in those six examined locations. Semistructured interviews with the employees of the Prague municipal police were realised to complete the characteristics of these places. In the last part of the thesis I consider the possibilities of design adjustments in the unsuitable locations according to the CPTED principles.
Residential Complex in Brno - Komín
Dušková, Barbora ; Nový, Vítězslav (referee) ; Františák, Luboš (advisor)
The subject of the bachelor thesis was to design a residential complex in the area between the existing gardens and two streets - Houškova and Pastviny, in the city of Brno - Komin. Given the disparities parcel proposal, I divided it into three parts. In the lower part, which has only little elevation, I designed four apartment buildings with just 3 floors. Those buildings are creating a public space between them selves. In the second, the middle section there are two types of townhouses and the third part is due to its steep slope designed for two terraced houses. Thanks to the diversity of housing you will find people of all ages and different social stratacoming to live here. Due to the excess height of apartment buildings and houses seem almost similar and there is no high-rise dominant. Houses naturally follow the sloping terrain.

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