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Prevalence of food intolerance and allergy in the adult population of the Czech Republic
Purpose of this diploma thesis is mapping of prevalence of food intolerance and food allergy in the adult population. Theoretical part of the diploma thesis deals with the basic terms in this field - as are food intolerance, particular sorts of food intolerance, food allergy, crossed food allergies and also specific types of allergens. Next chapter describes adulthood from the aspect of developmental psychology and also from the legislative point of view. Further the general principles in case of food intolerance or food allergy are contained here. In the practical part, there was surveyed the prevalence of food intolerance or food allergy in the adult population. These data were obtained by means of a questionnaire of own construction. The questionnaire included 13 questions. In total 84 respondents took part in this questionnaire survey. From the results is evident that food intolerance or allergy appears mostly by women (72,6 %) - mainly in the population at the age of 18 - 28 years. The food allergy is the most frequent. According to the results milk, nuts and cereals belong to the frequent allergens. Gluten intolerance appears most frequently.
Průzkum výskytu oportunního prvoka, \kur{Giardia intestinalis}, u zdravých lidí a jejich zvířat v ČR s použitím qPCR
BROŽOVÁ, Kristýna
The main aim of this study was to optimize the qPCR diagnostic protocol for determination of the prevalence of intestinal protist, Giardia intestinalis, in a volunteer group across the Czech Republic. A total of 428 samples were collected from gut-healthy humans (296) and from animals (132) with which these people were in close contact. The overall prevalence of G. intestinalis was 7 % in humans and 19 % in animals. In addition, we compared the sensitivity of two molecular methods for detecting of the presence of giardia, specifically qPCR and conventional PCR. Based on our results, we found out that qPCR is more sensitive method than PCR.
Avian cryptosporidiosis is a common parasitic disease caused by unicellular parasites belonging to the genus Cryptosporidium spp. These parasites have been described as a cause of various respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases of humans, farm and wild animals. Total of 204 faecal samples of common ostriches (Struthio camelus) were collected on four ostrich farms in the Czech Republic. Samples were screened for Cryptosporidium presence by microscopy and PCR/sequencing. Overall, 2.5 % (5/204) and 5.9 % (12/204) of animals were positive for Cryptosporidium by microscopy and PCR, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis of small subunit rRNA, actin and gp60 gene sequences showed the presence of Cryptosporidium avian genotype II (n=7) and C. ubiquitum IXa (n=5). Only ostriches infected with Cryptosporidium avian genotype II shed oocysts that were detectable by microscopy. Oocysts were purified from a pooled sample of four birds, characterised morphometrically and used in experimental infections to determine biological characteristics. Oocysts of Cryptosporidium avian genotype II measure 6.13 × 5.15 m, which is indistinguishable from C. baileyi and C. avium. Cryptosporidium avian genotype II was experimentally infectious for geese (Anser anser f. domestica), chickens (Gallus gallus f. domestica) and cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus), with a prepatent period of four, seven and eight days post infection, respectively and not infectious for mice (Mus musculus) and rats (Rattus norvegicus). The infection intensity ranged from 1,000 to 16,000 oocysts per gram. None of the naturally or experimentally infected birds developed clinical signs in the present study.
Kryptosporidiové infekce veverek
We investigated the Cryptosporidium spp. infecting red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) in 27 areas in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Examination of 157 faecal samples revealed oocysts of Cryptosporidium sp. in 14 animals (21.98%). Phylogenetic analysis of small subunit rRNA, actin and gp60 gene sequences showed the presence of Cryptosporidium infection in 14 animals. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of Cryptosporidium ferret genotype in all positive samples. Three gp60 subtypes, VIIIb, VIIIc and novel subtype VIIIe were detected within screed population of squirrels. The occurrence of Cryptosporidium infection did not differ between the age or sex of animals. Only juvenile animals shed microscopically detectable amount of oocysts. The infection intensity ranged from 100000 to 250000 oocysts per gram. None of the naturally infected squirrels developed clinical signs in the present study. Cryptosporidium chipmunk genotype I obtained from naturally infected Eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) in Italy and used for experiments was infectious for mice (Mus musculus; strains SCID, C57BL/6J, CD4-/- and CD8-/-), ferret (Mustela putorius furo) and red squirrels, with a prepatent period of 10, 4, 4, 4, 4 and 11 days post- infection, respectively. Oocysts of the Cryptosporidium chipmunk genotype I measured 5,64 (5,50-5,89) × 5,37 (4,86-5,60) m (shape index 1,05 (1,01-1,14)). All mice strains except SCID clear infection within 8-18 days post-infection. Clinical cryptosporidiosis was observed in SCID mice, ferret and squirrels, but only squirrels suffer severe diarrhoea and the infection was lethal for them. SCID mice represent the suitable laboratory model host for maintenance of Cryptosporidium chipmunk genotype I.
Čerstvé a měkké sýry jako potenciální zdroj \kur{Encephalitozoon cuniculi}
The aim of this work was to determine the occurrence and prevalence of Encephalitozoon cuniculi in goat's milk and faeces, and to evaluate the effect of pasteurization and curdling in goat cheese production on the infectivity of E. cuniculi spores for immunodeficient (SCID, CD4-/- and CD8-/-) and immunocompetent (BALB / ca C57BL/6) mice. Under experimental conditions, spores of E. cuniculi genotype II (557,000 spores in 1 g of cheese) remain viable in fresh cheeses treated by pasteurization at 72 ° C for 20 seconds and are able to cause infection in laboratory animals. Using nested PCR, specific DNA of E. cuniculi genotype I and genotype II was detected in eight of the nine goat cheeses purchased from various producers/breeders in the Czech Republic in the amount of 1 to 202 spores per 1 g of cheese. These cheeses were fed to immunodeficient and immunocompetent mice at a dose of 60 g/mouse within 24 days. The results of the experiment showed that spores of E. cuniculi genotype I and II remain viable in both fresh and soft cheeses and are able to cause infection in laboratory animals. Based on the results obtained, fresh and soft cheeses should be considered as a potential source of E. cuniculi infection for humans.
Role střevního prvoka \kur{Dientamoeba fragilis} v lidském zdraví a nemoci
The main aim of this study was to summarize available information about the gut protist Dientamoeba fragilis with special focus on the influence of selected factors such as age, gender, travelling or lifestyle to its colonization. It was first described in 1918 by Jepps and Dobell. First, D. fragilis was classified as an amoeba but later, based on molecular studies, was revealed that it is closely related to the trichomonads. Dientamoeba fragilis has three life forms - cyst, precyst and trophozoite. Until recently, only trophozoite of D. fragilis stage was known and the way of transmission between individuals was not clear. Thus, it was hypothetised that D. fragilis trophozoites are transmitted with eggs of some worms colonizing gastrointestinal tract. Recently, the cyst and precyst stages were discovered. In addition to humans, the presence of D. fragilis has been observed in primates, pigs and some pets. Mice seem to be successful experimental models. In terms of age factor, D. fragilis is most common in young children. There have not been revealed any correlations between occurrence of D. fragilis and gender. Pathogenicity of D. fragilis is another controversial fact about this organism. In past, it was considered a pathogen causing gastrointestinal disorders, mainly in children. However, a few recent epidemiological studies focused on healthy human population highlighted that D. fragilis appears to be more common in people without no gastrointestinal problems. Despite of this, there is still a small number of epidemiological studies on people with no intestinal problems, thus, it is difficult to compare prevalence of D. fragilis between healthy populations and patients suffering from intestinal diseases. Occurrence of D. fragilis is more prevalent in developed countries in contrast to Western populations. RT-PCR was evaluated as the most optimal method of detection of this organism from stool samples. The role of this intestinal protist in health and disease remains the subject of scientific discussions. But according to some new studies this organism tends to commensal character in the human body. At the end of this theoretical work is a brief summary of the current experimental work, which will be presented in detail in the master thesis.
Biologie a diverzita kryptosporidií infikujících myši domácí (Mus musculus)
Cryptosporidium spp. are globally distributed unicellular parasitic protozoa of the phylum Apicomplexa that infect a wide range of vertebrates, including humans. Their exogenous developmental stages are resistant to most disinfectants and no effective drugs have been developed to date. Cryptosporidium infections of humans and many livestock have been well studied over the past 30 years, but our knowledge of Cryptosporidium spp. in small mammals has been inadequate. Recently, detailed studies of cryptosporidia have been carried out in a number of rodents, especially mice, voles, rats or tree and ground squirrels. This thesis aims to add to our mosaic of knowledge data on the prevalence, diversity and biological characteristics of cryptosporidia in the house mouse (Mus musculus), the most common unwelcome visitor to human settlements.
Production and periodicity in the emergence of cercariae of \kur{Diplostomum} spp. (Digenea) from snails \kur{Radix lagotis} (Lymnaeidae)
The cercarial emergence patterns of three species of Diplostomum (D. mergi, D. spathaceum and D. pariventosum) parasitising freshwater first intermediate host Radix lagotis were studied under various experimental conditions, i.e., field, laboratory and incubator, and seasons, i.e., spring, summer and autumn. This study provided novel data on the production and periodicity in cercarial emergence and revealed both interspecific and intraspecific variaons related to the species-specific adaptive nature of cercariae to facilitate transmission to second intermediate fish hosts.
Trypanosomes of green frogs (genus Pelophylax)
Poloprutská, Klára ; Votýpka, Jan (advisor) ; Modrý, David (referee)
Anuran trypanosomes are the first ever observed and described trypanosomes and Trypanosoma rotatorium from frogs of the genus Pelophylax is a type species of the genus Trypanosoma. Despite the early discovery, they are being neglected in terms of current descriptive studies when compared to other trypanosomes, although their diversity and prevalence in anurans are quite high. Anuran trypanosomes, which are significantly larger than their mammal relatives, display a high rate of polymorphism and pleiomorphism; however, without any explanations. Because of the amphibious nature of frogs, the vectors of anuran trypanosomes are both aquatic leeches and terrestrial bloodsucking insects. This thesis which aims at widening the scope of knowledge about this neglected group of trypanosomes focuses on trypanosomes from frogs of the genus Pelophylax found in Central Europe and the Balkan Peninsula. An overall prevalence of 71% was found in 981 individuals and a total of thirteen trypanosome species were detected, eight of which are new to science. Significantly higher diversity was found in frogs originating from the Balkan Peninsula; however, no host specificity of trypanosomes was detected. It was not possible to unambiguously prove the relationship between morphospecies and genospecies. On the contrary, I...

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