National Repository of Grey Literature 45 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Jesus Heals on Sabath Day: Mark 3:1-6
Kadlec, Tomáš ; Brož, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Scarano, Angelo (referee)
There are several references to the passion of Jesus Christ in the Gospels even before the Crucifixion narrative. The diploma thesis discusses the first reference to Jesus' suffering in the Marcan version (Mark 3:1-6). It narrates the healing of a man with withered hand, which Jesus performed in the synagogue on the day of Sabbath before the eyes of Pharisees and Herodians. This is the last one in series of five Galilean conflicts. The importance of the passage is among others in its context with the crucifixion. The thesis starts with examination of the text from a perspective of textual criticism, context, and synoptic comparison. It also discusses the themes of the passage from the perspective of biblical symbolism: synagogue, Sabbath, hand, dry/withered, healing, Pharisees, and Herodians. The last chapter focuses on the revelation of Jesus' power, which approves him as the Lord of the Sabbath here and at the same time functions as a reference to his future crucifixion and resurrection.
Physiotherapeutic treatment of a patient after distal radius fracture: a case study
Pavlovič, Ondřej ; Vomáčková, Helena (advisor) ; Mahr, Edwin (referee)
Author: Mgr. Ondřej Pavlovič Title:Physiotherapeutic treatment of a patient after distal radius fracture: a case study Objectives: The objective of the theoretical part is to summarize general theoretical backgroud regarding distal radius fractures (DRF), objective of the special part is to present a case study describing physioterapeutic treatment of a patient after DRF. Methods: This thesis is divided into two parts. In the first, theoretical part, general principles of DRF are described, including anatomic and kinesiologic relatioships, etiology and epidemiology of fractures and their respective classifications, commonly used diagnostic methods and therapeutic possibilities. Second, special part is a case study of a patient after DRF. It includes initial and final examination, description of all therapeutical units and final evaluation of its therapeutical effect. Results: Patient's condition improved, with significant reduction of pain and swelling. There was notable improvement in range of motion and also positive influence on associated soft tissue changes and muscle imbalances of injured arm. Results were both noted subjectively by the patient and measured objectively through examination. Conclusion: Objectives of this thesis were met. Keywords: Fracture, distal radius, DRF, trauma, injury,...
Rehabilitation Assistant
Štyndl, Martin ; Kratochvíl, Patrik ; Bárta, Ondřej
This work occupies exclusively the method of implementation of the rehabilition aid.The emphasis is placed on finding the optimal solution for automatic rehabilition asistence. Severalpossible solutions and their advantages or disadvantages are discribed here. The problem ofdetecting the patient´s condition and calculating the expected development is also part of this work.
Depth-Based Determination of a 3D Hand Position
Ondris, Ladislav ; Tinka, Jan (referee) ; Drahanský, Martin (advisor)
Cílem této práce je určení kostry ruky z hloubkového obrazu a jeho následné využití k rozpoznání statického gesta. Na vstupu je hloubkový obrázek, ve kterém je nejprve detekována ruka pomocí neuronové sítě Tiny YOLOv3. Následně je obrázek zbaven pozadí a z takto předzpracovaného obrázku je určena kostra ruky v podobě 21 klíčových bodů neuronovou sítí JGR-P2O. K rozpoznání gesta z klíčových bodů ruky byla navržena technika, která porovná kostru na vstupu s uživatelem definovanými gesty. Funkcionalita systému byla otestována na vytvořeném datasetu s více než čtyřmi tisíci obrázky.
Liveness Detection of a Hand
Vanický, Jozef ; Kanich, Ondřej (referee) ; Sakin, Martin (advisor)
This thesis solves the security problem of biometric systems which uses biometric data of a hand. It focuses on the absence of liveness detection during verification of a sample by the biometric system. In result this thesis offers to extend the contactless biometric systems by a system of liveness detection, which utilizes specific properties of human skin and its reactions to certain wavelengths of the visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. Reactions of the skin on the specific wavelengths of visible spectrum are analyzed and compared with the reactions of inorganic materials which imitates the hand. Outcome of this thesis is a design and implementation of a liveness detection algorithm, which can, based on the analysis of a set of photographs of the human palm, which was exposed to four wavelengths of a visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum, successfully recognize a hand from a counterfeit with an average accuracy rate of 82.20 %.
Case Study of Physiotherapy Treatment of a Patient with the Diagnosis of Fracture of the Distal Radius
Bezděková, Hana ; Opatrná Novotná, Irena (advisor) ; Sohrová, Jana (referee)
Author: Hana Bezděková Title: Case Study of Physiotherapy Treatment of a Patient with the Diagnosis of Fracture of the Distal Radius Head of the thesis: Mgr. Irena Opatrná Novotná Objectives: The main aim of this these sis to describe the possibilities of physiotherapy threatment of patient after distal radius fracture. The summary of theoretical knowledge and a case study of one patient. Methods: The theoretical part of the thesis is elaborated in the form of a literature research. It describes the important information of anatomy, kinesiology and hand function. The traumatology side discusses possible fractures in the area of the forearm, the possibilities of treating the injuries and the most commonly used physiotherapeutic methods. The special part is a case study of a patient after distal radius fracture. The special part includes input and output assesment, description of the individual therapeutic units and evaluation of the effect of the therapy. The data for the special part of the thesis were obtained in Centrum léčby pohybového aparátu in Prague, Vysočany since 13. 1. 2020 to 7. 2. 2020. Results: During the physiotherapy treatment the patient's condition improved. Swelling was reduced as well as overal pain, joint play of the joints and the range of their motion improved, reflexive...
Functional Hand and Wrist Examination of Spinal Cord Injury People with Tetraplegia
Partišová, Michaela ; Kuželková, Anna (advisor) ; Rejtarová, Anna (referee)
Title: Functional Hand and Wrist Examination of Spinal Cord Injury People with Tetraplegia Abstract: This work deals with the functional hand and wrist examination of spinal cord injury people with tetraplegia. The examination focuses mainly on the areas of evaluation that are important for the occupational therapist. The theoretical part summarizes the basic knowledge of spinal lesion and spinal problems. Furthermore, a description of hand and wrist and their anatomy and function is provided in this part. Last but not least, the theoretical part mentions the importance of evaluation in occupational therapy and individual functional tests that examine the hand and wrist in persons after spinal cord injury. The purpose of the practical part is to perform a functional examination of the hand and wrist in persons after the damage of the spinal cord with tetraplegia with a help of an appropriately created evaluation instrument and then test this instrument in practice. The aim is to answer the elemental question: "To what extent is the proposed functional examination of the hand and wrist in people after the injury to the spinal cord with tetraplegia useful in practice?" The result is a designed assessment tool that investigates the function of the hand and wrist in people after spinal cord injury with...
The effect of hypermobile elbow joint position on hand position in yoga poses.
Wanke, Ondřej ; Malá, Jitka (advisor) ; Králová, Aneta (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the effect of elbow joint position on the position of hand in selected yoga poses (cat pose, downward facing dog pose, upward facing dog pose). Then evaluate the suitability of verbal correction of elbow joint - that is often used in yoga classes. The theoretical part includes information about yoga, hypermobility, anatomy and kinesiology of elbow joint and hand and their mutual relationship. We include literature review of different views on the correct position of hand in poses where the upper limb is in supporting function. In 11 probands (10 females and 1 male) was measured the hyperextension (20.91 ± 4.68 degrees) of elbow joint on the dominant limb. Probands were at age of 27.6 ± 11.1 years. 3 of them regularly practice yoga, another 4 have met with yoga at least once. To evaluate the effect of elbow joint position on the position of hand we used pressure scan PEDIKOM to measure pressure distribution on palm. We also measured the angle of elbow joint before and after the correction using the goniometer. To evaluate palmar pressure changes we made a new evaluating scale. Hyperextended position was significant in cat pose (p < 0,05), in other two poses it was not (p > 0,05). The change of elbow joint position after correction was significant in all three...
Robotic Hand with RC Model Servos
Doležal, Filip ; Musil, Petr (referee) ; Zemčík, Pavel (advisor)
The thesis deals with the design and creation of a robotic hand using standard RC servomotors, ways of its control and subsequent creation of a program designed for its control. It attempts to solve the most suitable ways of controlling the servomotors, especially with regard to their finest operation.
Case Study of Physiotherapy Treatment of a Patient with the Diagnosis of fracture of the distal radius
Vanya, Ondřej ; Vomáčková, Helena (advisor) ; Šachová, Dana (referee)
Title Case study of physiotherapy treatment of a patient with the diagnosis of fracture of the distal radius Aim of the thesis The aim of the teoretical part of this thesis is to familiarize the reader with the knowledge of anatomy and kinesiology of the upper limb and to approach the problém of fractures of the forearm with a focus on fractures of the distal radius. The aim of the practical part is to describe the physiotherapeutic care of a patient with a diagnosis of the condition after a fracture of he distal radius by means of a case report using the techniques, methods and knowledge acquired during the study of physiotherapy. Methodology The theoretical part of the thesis is elaborated in the form of a literature search. It describes all the important data related to the themes of the practical part, namely anatomy, kinesiology, hand function and grip. The traumatology side discusses possible fractures in the area of the forearm, the possibilities of treating the injuries and the most commonly used physiotherapeutic methods and the means for subsequent rehabilitation. The practical part is a case report of a patient diagnosed with a distal radius fracture, description of the whole therapeutic care, input and output kinesiological analysis, description of the individual therapeutic units and...

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