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Selective adjustment to EU regulatory provisions in new member states : the case of electricity market liberalization in Bulgaria and Czech Republic
Neofitov, Alexander ; Weiss, Tomáš (advisor) ; Cibulková, Petra (referee)
The present work aspires to provide a comprehensive analysis of the policy developments through which European-level prescriptions regarding the liberalization of national electricity markets have been accommodated within the domestic policy contexts of two new member states of the European Union: Bulgaria and Czech Republic. Despite being subjected to uniform demands, adaptation to community regulatory provisions in the two countries has prompted divergent patterns of policy change, resulting in full compliance in the Czech Republic and a failure to meet EU objectives in Bulgaria. In order to address the observed inconsistency the envisaged research identifies a causal link between the outcomes of regulatory compliance and the influence of utility regulation as a sector-specific EU governance pattern on the dynamics of resource re-distribution at the domestic level. A major concern of the research is how contextual factors, such as incumbent power balances across actor populations in the target policy area condition the impacts of EU inputs on domestic policy decisions. In this respect the work hypothesizes that due to transition "sediments" in the new EU member states external rules may be selectively applied in order to match the existing realities and lead to outcomes that diverge from the...
Opening of the EU 's energy market: Case study with focus on the electricity market in the Slovak Republic
Hrušč, Erik ; Hrubý, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Rečka, Lukáš (referee)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the question of electricity market liberalization in the European Union, especially on the case of Slovak Republic. The goal of this thesis is process analysis of the electricity market opening in Slovakia, tracking of the implementation process of individual European energy packages, as well as analysis of current state on the electricity market in Slovakia with focus on the key actors and participants on the market. This thesis is enriched by short analysis of positives and negatives of the liberalization process and of the unbundling process of vertically integrated companies.
Alternative Energy Sources and Their Integration into the Concept of Smart Grids
Kopička, Marek ; Procházka, Jiří (referee) ; Baxant, Petr (advisor)
This work deals mainly with electrical energy. In the first part is focused on alternative energy sources, and describes structure of consumption and production of electricity over the past few years, during which is focuses on renewable energy sources. In this context, assesses the conditions for alternative energy sources in the Czech Republic from the perspective of the legislative, as well as current status and potential of alternative energy sources and tries to predict the development of these issues. The next section describes the Smart Grids as a means to achieve these goals. There are presented the basic features of this system, its goals and challenges, a description of the integration of Smart Grids with other sources of electricity and the benefits of using Smart Grids both from the perspective of user and from the perspective of system. Other parts are focused on distributed control systems in the energy sector, its development and principle. The last part is devoted to consideration of the role of alternative energy sources and distributed generation in Smart Grids.
Investment strategy on the electricity market
Jurík, Martin ; Brada, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Kováč, Michal (referee)
This diploma thesis inquiries into business activities of the electricity market retailer. Thesis starts with an explanation of retailers role and its relations with other market participants in the Czech Republic. In application part there are two solved examples of tasks hidden behind retailers profitable operations.
Electricity market model of the Czech Republic
Kubát, Jan ; Pelikán, Jan (advisor) ; Kodera, Jan (referee) ; Marvan, Miroslav (referee)
A competitive electricity market has been established in many European countries including the Czech Republic. The electricity market includes a limited number of significant producers and traders, which can be described by oligopoly model. Since the electricity transmission and distribution are regulated, I consider two types of players performing in the electricity market: producers of electricity and traders, who buy electricity from producers and sell it to final customers. I derive oligopoly model with producers and traders "a la Cournot" and calculate a formula of equilibrium strategies. I use these theoretical findings to build a dynamic oligopoly model Ele. Ele is formulated as a mixed complementary problem and calibrated on data for the Czech Republic and neighbor states for several scenarios. The model was specified and calculated in GAMS software by the PATH solver. The results represent a Nash equilibrium. That means for individual producers: electricity generation, investment in new power plants construction and emission permits purchases. For traders the results are: equilibrium purchases, sales and cross-border transfers of electricity in each particular time period. Ele derives also equilibrium regional wholesale and retail electricity prices, emission permit prices and prices of cross-border auctions. Ele results point to an economic profitability of new nuclear power plants constructions. Further, I formulate a game in short-term electricity market, where I advise to Czech market participants, subjects of settlement, how much and in which circumstances to buy or sell electricity. Equilibrium results obtained through simulations based on the principle of a fictive game show that the current payment system of imbalance in the Czech Republic does not increase the risk of instability of electricity networks.
Aspects of Czech energy market liberalization in the context of European Union
Bačová, Michaela ; Němcová, Ingeborg (advisor) ; Horák, Jiří (referee)
This bachelor thesis takes a comprehensive overview of the electricity market liberalization emphasizing the impact on households. Despite efforts to create a common energy market, competitive environment is significantly influenced by the presence of natural monopolies in the transmission and distribution sector. Possibility to switch electricity supplier may lead to price savings, but due to high proportion of regulated components in total price of electricity, liberalization itselfs creates only little space for lower price. Electricity price is influenced by many factors, but strong interdependence of Central European region enhances the risk of being influenced by higher prices. This thesis divides electricity market into individual subjects with regard to the proportion on total electricity price for end user.
Wholesale electricity market
Lipták, Marek ; Paholok, Igor (advisor)
This thesis concerns with entire electric power market focusing on wholesale market in the Czech Republic. In the first part it describes electricity as a commodity and in the following parts describes changes that recently took place in power engineering sector. The thesis furthermore describes electricity delivery, electricity trade and at the end it analyzes the electricity price.
Electricity market and its regulation
ŘÍHA, Jaroslav
The objective of the Bachelor Thesis is a survey of electricity market and its regulation in the Czech Republic. The fundamental principles of regulation of the electricity market are determined primarily by Act No. 458/2000 Coll., on the Conditions of Business and State Administration in the Energy Industries and Changes to Certain Laws (the Energy Act) as amended. The most significant purpose of the electricity market is price determination based on demand and supply. Also the Energy Regulatory Office contributes to competition within the energy market. The total consumer price consists of several partial amounts: commodity price, transportation price, distribution and contribution for renewable resources. Only the commodity price is not object of regulation. The Bachelor Thesis includes also comparison of two different methods of regulation of the distribution price ? revenue-cap and price-cap.
IS for electricity market domain
Blaha, Jan ; Pour, Jan (advisor) ; Derfler, Václav (referee)
There are many companies operating in the current electricity market and new companies are still forming. This gives every consumer an option to choose a company selling electricity. Electricity dealers can even buy or sell electricity from abroad. Although this situation seems to be natural, it's very complicated to achieve. It's necessary to follow a lot of rules and business processes to be able to establish a functional liberalized market. Because of the amount of business processes it's obvious that liberalized market depends first of all on information systems. However, to develop an information system is usually big investment and it is necessary to find some way to cut the information systems prices. This thesis introduces an effective way of system development for the electricity market domain. This method is introduced as Model Driven Development (MDD) methodology. The idea promoted by MDD is to use models to describe programs and automation code generators to transform models into source code. Model creation is obviously much faster than writing source code, which makes software development more effective. In the category of supporting MDD tools, Damas Energy platform is introduced. The main goal of this thesis is to analyze the usability of Damas Energy with MDD and to show which method to choose when developing information systems for the electricity market domain.
Nuclear energy and its future
Eretová, Kamila ; Dvořák, Antonín (advisor) ; Hadrabová, Alena (referee)
This work deals with the potential of nuclear energy in general and in our country. Nuclear energy offers as almost a necessary alternative to fill growing demand for electricity in our country and the world. Increased attention is paid to the electricity market in our country, the role of nuclear energy in the Czech energy mix and the possibilities of its use in the future as an alternative to other energy sources (renewable, fossil resources), and savings and imports from abroad. The author summarizes the main benefits, but also the risk that nuclear energy brings. Does not forget the attitude of environmentalists, opponents and the public to the nuclear issue, which improves long-term, giving scope for the use of nuclear energy.

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