National Repository of Grey Literature 29 records found  beginprevious21 - 29  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The breach of employee duties and its employment consequences
Barbaričová, Martina ; Hůrka, Petr (advisor) ; Štefko, Martin (referee)
DIPLOMA THESIS ABSTRACT The breach of employee duties and its employment consequences This thesis deals with the breach of employee duties and its employment consequences. Primarily the basic of employment relationship which underlies duties is characterized. This characteristic is divided into five parts, in the first the employment relationship is defined, the second part deals with the identification of the subjects of the employment relationship, the third approximates the content of the employment relationship, and the fourth allocates duties to the employee only and the fifth part explains the concept of work discipline. The second chapter of the thesis deals with the sources of law. Besides the basic sources such as the constitutional law or Labour Code are, mainly the internal regulation of employer are described. It identifies internal regulation, as a unilateral act of the employer which entail an duty or grant the capacity of a person in a subordinate position. This internal regulation serves as an employee's duties concretization tool. The thesis also mentions the contract of employment and work direction. In connection with the determination of duties also the supervision of compliance with these duties and the possible use of control is analyzed. In the third chapter the breach is defined, as...
Labour law aspects of non-competition
Brončková, Hana ; Pichrt, Jan (advisor) ; Štefko, Martin (referee)
This presented thesis deals with the issue of prohibition of employee's competitive conduct during and after the employment relationship. The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the provisions of the affected legislation and to refer to some related court decisions. The thesis is composed of five separate chapters, the main part is elaborated in Chapter Three (legal regulations of the prohibition of competitive conduct during the employment relationship) and Chapter Four (non-competitive clauses). Labour law states the conflict of employers and employees in economic competition and the related collision of fundamental right to freedom of trade and choice of profession with protection to ownership, but legal regulations of trade law may be applied. The thesis deals with both of these areas and also related criminal legislation. Attention is also paid to the historical survey of these issues and the thesis briefly describes some of the general context of the current Labour Code. Changes which are connected with the New Civil Code are mentioned as comments. The thesis also focuses on legal regulations of the prohibition of competition in Slovak labour law, in which it refers to the positive and negative aspects of the relevant sections of the Act as well as recent experiences of practical application.
Prohibition of a competition in labour relations
Hořáková, Jitka ; Pichrt, Jan (advisor) ; Hůrka, Petr (referee)
This submitted thesis deals with a legal regulation of the prohibition of a competition in labour relations. The thesis is composed of six coherent chapters, the Fourth Chapter addressing the issue of current legal regulation applicable to prohibition of the competition in labour relations in the Czech Republic is the core part of the thesis. The purpose of the thesis is to analyse and to provide the comprehensive overview of the prohibition of the competition during the labour relation as well as after its termination (i.e. the non-competition clause). The thesis also briefly describes the legal concept of labour relations; the attention is also paid to the historical survey of the prohibition of the competition in labour relations. Furthermore, the thesis outlines the legal regulation of the prohibition of the competition in French and German labour systems. The main sources of information have been Czech and foreign publications, articles published in professional journals and court decisions. Due to the comparison of the various legal systems, the author has arrived to the conclusion that the legal regulations in all of the examined states are very similar, however some distinctions arising from the individuality of each state can be also found.
Options of harmonization of work and family in terms of setting the pillars of flexicurity in the Czech Republic
Monhartová, Monika ; Nekolová, Markéta (advisor) ; Geissler, Hana (referee)
Bachelor thesis "Možnosti harmonizace práce a rodiny z hlediska nastavení pilířů flexicurity v ČR" deals with situation regarding the setting of two of three pillars of flexicurity (numerical flexibility and jobs protection, employment protection supporting functional flexibility) and possibilities of harmonization of work and family in the Czech Republic. The goal is to evaluate which actions of flexicurity there are in our country and what effect they have on the situation regarding the reconciliation of work and family roles and what could be improved in this issue. Within the evaluation of the current situation was described and evaluated the system setting of childcare, which contributes by a large degree to opportunities for females on labour market and thus also to harmonize work and family. The issue has been consulted from a gender perspective. Also the system of active employment policy and lifelong learning, which contributes to functional flexibility, was described and evaluated. The second part is created by the results of interviews analysis, which were performed by the author with experts from organizations such as MPSV, Hospodářská komora, ČMKOS or Gender Studies. The goal of this part is to show how does the concept of flexicurity and reconciling of work and family work in practice...
Mobbing – nebezpečný fenomén naší doby
Výzkumný ústav bezpečnosti práce
Publikace se zaměřuje na šikanu v práci, tzv. mobbing. Tento jev úzce souvisí s bezpečností práce - pod vlivem mobbingu dochází u oběti k mnoha změnám, které mohou mít za následek zvýšenou míru selhání, chyb či úrazů. Obrana jednotlivce je složitá, proto by měli pomoci kolegové. Ti však zůstávají pasivní. Důvodem je ve většině případů strach a nechuť přivodit si svým zásahem potíže. Ignorace a tolerance mobbingu však plyne i z nedostatku informací o tomto jevu. Cílem publikace je poukázat na nebezpečnost mobbingu, přispět k větší informovanosti a rozkrýt, jak se projevuje, koho se týká a jak se mu bránit. Jinak budou schopní lidé dále odcházet ze zaměstnání, které je baví jenom proto, aby se zbavili nepříjemných pocitů a osvobodili se od nekalých praktik mobbera.
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Employment of Employees
Kratochvílová, Marcela ; Bolf, Pavel (referee) ; Musilová, Helena (advisor)
This thesis deals with the process of employment of employees in Skanska a.s. Using analytical methods examines documents used in this process and comparing different alternatives of employment of employees assesses the established procedure in Skanska a.s. Based on analysis selects appropriate variants and gives them the positives and negatives. Based on their assessment selects the optimum solution that will save the company costs and increase their competitiveness.
Zhodnocení personálních činností ve vybrané firmě
Kahounová, Monika Bc. ; Nesnídalová, Jitka (advisor) ; Zíka, Petr (referee)
Teoreticko-metodologická část obecně popisuje personální útvar a jeho funkce, charakterizuje jednotlivé personální činnosti (získávání a přijímání pracovníků, hodnocení a rozvoj pracovníků, pracovní vztahy, péče o zaměstnance, personální informační systém). Praktická část se zabývá základní charakteristikou firmy, popisuje personální útvar a personální management vybrané firmy, charakterizuje a hodnotí personální činnosti analyzované společnosti a poskytuje doporučení a návrhy pro personální management.
Zhodnocení personálních činností ve vybrané firmě
Hladká, Petra Bc. ; Nesnídalová, Jitka (advisor) ; Vinšová, Tereza (referee)
Lidé jsou dnes v organizacích považováni za největší bohatství, hrají důležitou roli v plánování a dosahování strategických cílů podniku a udávají směr ostatním zdrojům. Náplní personálního útvaru je řízení lidského faktoru ve firmě a jeho ovlivňování žádoucím směrem. Mezi základní oblasti personalistiky patří: vytváření a analýza pracovních míst, plánování pracovníků, získávání, výběr, přijímání a rozmisťování pracovníků, hodnocení pracovníků, vzdělávání a rozvoj pracovníků, odměňování, pracovní vztahy, péče o pracovníky a personální informační systém.

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