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Styly vedení lidí
Kunc, Tomáš ; Štůsek, Jaromír (vedoucí práce)
Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na různé styly vedení lidí s důrazem na kvalitní motivaci zaměstnanců. V dnešní době je čím dál důležitější a těžší udržet zaměstnance motivované a proto se koučing a motivace stávají čím dál běžnějším prostředkem manažerů. V teoretické části práce je čtenář blíže seznámen se styly vedení lidí a různými druhy motivace a koučingu. Praktická část je zaměřena na práci vedoucích pracovníků s jejich podřízenými. V této část je proveden sociologický výzkum, formou řízeného rozhovoru, který nám pomůže porovnat různé přístupy manažerů ke svým podřízeným a následně jim doporučit nejlepší postup.

Manažerské dovednosti
Červinková, Barbora ; Kříž, Josef (vedoucí práce) ; Zdeněk, Zdeněk (oponent)
Teoretická východiska v této práci vysvětlují pojmy blízce související s managementem a manažerskými dovednostmi. Úvodní část se týká přiblížení samotného pojmu manažer a management, dále jsou rozepsány manažerské funkce, které jsou souvisle rozvity do popisu dalších schopností, jako jsou komunikace, stanovování cílů, kompetence i koučování. Stěžejním bodem je přiblížení pojmů soft a hard dovednosti, které by manažeři měli vlastnit, anebo kterým by se měli v průběhu své praxi naučit. Jen díky správnému ovládání obou těchto skupin dovedností lze docílit kvalitního vedení organizace. Pro zřetelnější vysvětlení je v části manažerských dovedností obsažen grafický náhled, který přibližuje rozdělení dovedností. V druhé části práce, tedy praktické části, je popsána situace s dosavadními dovednostmi manažerů ve zvolené společnosti. Díky dotazníku je možné změřit současnou úroveň získaných dovedností manažerů na třech úrovních a dále lze vyhodnotit, jaký je zájem o zvyšování jednotlivých dovedností, anebo zda se manažeři cítí dostatečně kvalifikování na výkon své pracovní pozice.

Hovory s Jindřiškou Křivánkovou
Fröhlichová, Marie ; SOPROVÁ, Jana (vedoucí práce) ; HALAŠ, Adam (oponent)
Cílem této práce je zachytit principy tvorby Jindřišky Křivánkové, profesně starší a zkušenější divadelní performerky a konfrontovat její způsob myšlení a kreativity s vlastními názory na uměleckou tvorbu, stejně jako dovednostmi, získanými během studia na HAMU. Text se nejprve věnuje stručnému přehledu aktivit Jindřišky Křivánkové od počátku dodnes. Poté se snaží specifikovat Jindřiščin divadelní vývoj, okolnosti a hlavní aspekty jejího uměleckého zrání, podobně též vliv konkrétních osobností, které pomohly utvářet její svébytný pohled na divadlo. Následuje debata o nejrůznějších aspektech umělecké tvorby a tvůrčího procesu, ve vzájemné konfrontaci nás dvou, v němž se dotýkáme nejen obecných věcí týkající se kultury a divadla, ale také přístupu k němu.

Time lapse tomography of fracture progress in silicate-based composite subjected to the loading a combination with acoustic emission scanning
Kumpová, Ivana ; Kytýř, Daniel ; Fíla, Tomáš ; Veselý, V. ; Trčka, T. ; Vopálenský, Michal ; Vavřík, Daniel
The initiation and propagation of a fracture in quasi-brittle materials (such as silicatebased composite) is an increasingly discussed topic for which various methods of research have been developed/applied. As the quasi-brittle silicate-based composite compounds are very non-homogenous, the mechanism of the crack initiation and propagation can be very different even for samples with the\nidentical geometry. One possible approach to study the fracture mechanism in quasi-brittle materials is to use several different experimental techniques in a single experiment and perform detail analysis to identify generally valid fracture process phenomena. In this work, a simultaneous monitoring of fracture\nprocess zone formation and propagation by three different methods is presented and discussed. A three point bending test was performed on a notched silicate composite specimen. During the loading process, a highly accurate force displacement dependence was recorded accompanied with X-ray radiography,\nX-ray computed tomogra-phy and acoustic emission scanning.

Soubor publikovaných článků
Cílem předkládaného souboru publikovaných článků je charakterizovat sociální dovednosti učitele jako součást jeho profesní kompetence a vymezit jejich význam ve výuce angličtiny komunikační metodou v edukačních interakcích ve školní třídě. Teoretickými východisky výzkumů jejichž výsledky jednotlivé články předkládají jsou funkčně komunikační přístupu k jazyku a z něj vycházející komunikační metoda. Pozornost je věnována procesům interakce, komunikace a cizojazyčnému diskurzu ve školním prostředí s akcentem na cizojazyčnou výuku dospívajících. Na základě specifik cizojazyčné edukační interakce konkretizujeme sociální dovednosti učitele a vymezujeme sociálně-dovednostní aspekty cizojazyčné edukační interakce. Zjištění výzkumů prezentovaných v předkládaných článcích se týkají zejména žákovské reflexe edukačního stylu učitelů angličtiny a edukačního působení učitele v konkrétní třídní interakci. Výzkum je rovněž zacílen na analýzu vybraných sociálně-dovednostních aspektů edukační interakce a diskurzu ve výuce angličtiny komunikační metodou. Konkrétně se jedná o žákovské a učitelské iniciace komunikace, otázky a distribuci komunikačních příležitostí.

New Methods for Increasing Efficiency and Speed of Functional Verification
Zachariášová, Marcela ; Dohnal, Jan (oponent) ; Steininger, Andreas (oponent) ; Kotásek, Zdeněk (vedoucí práce)
In the development of current hardware systems, e.g. embedded systems or computer hardware, new ways how to increase their reliability are highly investigated. One way how to tackle the issue of reliability is to increase the efficiency and the speed of verification processes that are performed in the early phases of the design cycle. In this Ph.D. thesis, the attention is focused on the verification approach called functional verification. Several challenges and problems connected with the efficiency and the speed of functional verification are identified and reflected in the goals of the Ph.D. thesis. The first goal focuses on the reduction of the simulation runtime when verifying complex hardware systems. The reason is that the simulation of inherently parallel hardware systems is very slow in comparison to the speed of real hardware. The optimization technique is proposed that moves the verified system into the FPGA acceleration board while the rest of the verification environment runs in simulation. By this single move, the simulation overhead can be significantly reduced. The second goal deals with manually written verification environments which represent a huge bottleneck in the verification productivity. However, it is not reasonable, because almost all verification environments have the same structure as they utilize libraries of basic components from the standard verification methodologies. They are only adjusted to the system that is verified. Therefore, the second optimization technique takes the high-level specification of the system and then automatically generates a comprehensive verification environment for this system. The third goal elaborates how the completeness of the verification process can be achieved using the intelligent automation. The completeness is measured by different coverage metrics and the verification is usually ended when a satisfying level of coverage is achieved. Therefore, the third optimization technique drives generation of input stimuli in order to activate multiple coverage points in the veri\-fied system and to enhance the overall coverage rate. As the main optimization tool the genetic algorithm is used, which is adopted for the functional verification purposes and its parameters are well-tuned for this domain. It is running in the background of the verification process, it analyses the coverage and it dynamically changes constraints of the stimuli generator. Constraints are represented by the probabilities using which particular values from the input domain are selected.       The fourth goal discusses the re-usability of verification stimuli for regression testing and how these stimuli can be further optimized in order to speed-up the testing. It is quite common in verification that until a satisfying level of coverage is achieved, many redundant stimuli are evaluated as they are produced by pseudo-random generators. However, when creating optimal regression suites, redundancy is not needed anymore and can be removed. At the same time, it is important to retain the same level of coverage in order to check all the key properties of the system. The fourth optimization technique is also based on the genetic algorithm, but it is not integrated into the verification process but works offline after the verification is ended. It removes the redundancy from the original suite of stimuli very fast and effectively so the resulting verification runtime of the regression suite is significantly improved.

Packet Classification Algorithms
Puš, Viktor ; Lhotka,, Ladislav (oponent) ; Dvořák, Václav (vedoucí práce)
This thesis deals with packet classification in computer networks. Classification is the key task in many networking devices, most notably packet filters - firewalls. This thesis therefore concerns the area of computer security. The thesis is focused on high-speed networks with the bandwidth of 100 Gb/s and beyond. General-purpose processors can not be used in such cases, because their performance is not sufficient. Therefore, specialized hardware is used, mainly ASICs and FPGAs. Many packet classification algorithms designed for hardware implementation were presented, yet these approaches are not ready for very high-speed networks. This thesis addresses the design of new high-speed packet classification algorithms, targeted for the implementation in dedicated hardware. The algorithm that decomposes the problem into several easier sub-problems is proposed. The first subproblem is the longest prefix match (LPM) operation, which is used also in IP packet routing. As the LPM algorithms with sufficient speed have already been published, they can be used in out context. The following subproblem is mapping the prefixes to the rule numbers. This is where the thesis brings innovation by using a specifically constructed hash function. This hash function allows the mapping to be done in constant time and requires only one memory with narrow data bus. The algorithm throughput can be determined analytically and is independent on the number of rules or the network traffic characteristics. With the use of available parts the throughput of 266 million packets per second can be achieved. Additional three algorithms (PFCA, PCCA, MSPCCA) that follow in this thesis are designed to lower the memory requirements of the first one without compromising the speed. The second algorithm lowers the memory size by 11 % to 96 %, depending on the rule set. The disadvantage of low stability is removed by the third algorithm, which reduces the memory requirements by 31 % to 84 %, compared to the first one. The fourth algorithm combines the third one with the older approach and thanks to the use of several techniques lowers the memory requirements by 73 % to 99 %.

Harnessing Forest Automata for Verification of Heap Manipulating Programs
Šimáček, Jiří ; Abdulla, Parosh (oponent) ; Křetínský, Mojmír (oponent) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
This work addresses verification of infinite-state systems, more specifically, verification of programs manipulating complex dynamic linked data structures. Many different approaches emerged to date, but none of them provides a~sufficiently robust solution which would succeed in all possible scenarios appearing in practice. Therefore, in this work, we propose a new approach which aims at improving the current state of the art in several dimensions. Our approach is based on using tree automata, but it is also partially inspired by some ideas taken from the methods based on separation logic. Apart from that, we also present multiple advancements within the implementation of various tree automata operations, crucial for our verification method to succeed in practice. Namely, we provide an optimised algorithm for computing simulations over labelled transition systems which then translates into more efficient computation of simulations over tree automata. We also give a new algorithm for checking inclusion over tree automata, and we provide experimental evaluation demonstrating

Optimization of Gaussian Mixture Subspace Models and Related Scoring Algorithms in Speaker Verification
Glembek, Ondřej ; Brummer, Niko (oponent) ; Campbell,, William (oponent) ; Burget, Lukáš (vedoucí práce)
This thesis deals with Gaussian Mixture Subspace Modeling in automatic speaker recognition. The thesis consists of three parts.  In the first part, Joint Factor Analysis (JFA) scoring methods are studied.  The methods differ mainly in how they deal with the channel of the tested utterance.  The general JFA likelihood function is investigated and the methods are compared both in terms of accuracy and speed.  It was found that linear approximation of the log-likelihood function gives comparable results to the full log-likelihood evaluation while simplyfing the formula and dramatically reducing the computation speed. In the second part, i-vector extraction is studied and two simplification methods are proposed. The motivation for this part was to allow for using the state-of-the-art technique on small scale devices and to setup a simple discriminative-training system.  It is shown that, for long utterances, while sacrificing the accuracy, we can get very fast and compact i-vector systems. On a short-utterance(5-second) task, the results of the simplified systems are comparable to the full i-vector extraction. The third part deals with discriminative training in automatic speaker recognition.  Previous work in the field is summarized and---based on the knowledge from the earlier chapters of this work---discriminative training of the i-vector extractor parameters is proposed.  It is shown that discriminative re-training of the i-vector extractor can improve the system if the initial estimation is computed using the generative approach.

Network-wide Security Analysis
de Silva, Hidda Marakkala Gayan Ruchika ; Šafařík,, Jiří (oponent) ; Šlapal, Josef (oponent) ; Švéda, Miroslav (vedoucí práce)
The objective of the research is to model and analyze the effects of dynamic routing protocols. The thesis addresses the analysis of service reachability, configurations, routing and security filters on dynamic networks in the event of device or link failures. The research contains two main sections, namely, modeling and analysis. First section consists of modeling of network topology, protocol behaviors, device configurations and filters. In the modeling, graph algorithms, routing redistribution theory, relational algebra and temporal logics were used. For the analysis of reachability, a modified topology table was introduced. This is a unique centralized table for a given network and invariant for network states. For the analysis of configurations, a constraint-based analysis was developed by using XSD Prolog. Routing and redistribution were analyzed by using routing information bases and for analyzing the filtering rules, a SAT-based decision procedure was incorporated. A part of the analysis was integrated to a simulation tool at OMNeT++ environment. There are several innovations introduced in this thesis. Filtering network graph, modified topology table, general state to reduce the state space, modeling devices as filtering nodes and constraint-based analysis are the key innovations. Abstract network graph, forwarding device model and redistribution with routing information are extensions of the existing research. Finally, it can be concluded that this thesis discusses novel approaches, modeling methods and analysis techniques in the area of dynamic networks. Integration of these methods into a simulation tool will be a very demanding product for the network designers and the administrators.