National Repository of Grey Literature 19,845 records found  beginprevious19836 - 19845  jump to record: Search took 1.60 seconds. 

Auditing of the Supreme Audit Office de lege ferenda
Jančík, Marek ; Boháč, Radim (advisor) ; Vondráčková, Pavlína (referee)
This rigorous thesis (thesis) deals with a legal regulation of the supreme audit institution on our territory. The task of the Supreme Audit Office is to verify whether the public authorities (the bodies executing public authority) manage public resources in accordance with the legal regulation and adequately, economically and effectively. The results of the activities of the Supreme Audit Office are the so-called audit conclusions. In view of the fact that the Supreme Audit Office has not been endowed with executive powers, these results of its activities do not lead directly to remedial action. The Supreme Audit Office provides chiefly feedback on the management of the state authorities to the Parliament of the Czech Republic, government, controlled person or body and also to general public since the audit conclusions are published. By way of its activities it contributes to stability and positive development of the state, therefore it is important to establish a suitable legal framework enabling the supreme audit institution to be endowed with sufficient competence and powers for proper fulfilling its goals. At the beginning of my thesis I am concerned with a classification of the Supreme Audit Office into the system of the control of public administration. Other bodies participating in the...

Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Computational Linguistics
Němec, Petr
Neural networks represent a promising approach to problems, which exact algorithmic solution is unknown or not efficient enough. Morphological tagging is one of such tasks in the area of computational linguistics. We have tried to use a backpropagation neural network in several types of experiments. When determining the correct tag on the basis of reliable context, we have learned that the neural tag is basically capable to handle the problem, although the achieved tagging precision (89,22%) did not reach that of statistical methods (93,47%). We also managed to determine appropriate network and context parameters that we have used in the next experiments. The attempt to determine the correct tag on the basis of beforehand statistically determined tags brought a slight decrease of tagging precision (88,71%). Finally, the experiment, which goal was to vote from the outputs of two statistical taggers, showed higher tagging precision (93,56%) than any of these methods (92,74%, 92,58%). It is therefore the overall best result on the given training data set (Prague Dependency Treebank). Hence, it is recommended to test the method by training it on a larger training set (Czech Corpus).

Competitiveness Improvements of Railway Passenger Transport in Section Unicov - Sumperk
Melecký, Martin ; Kubina, Jiří (referee) ; Říha, Tomáš (advisor)
The thesis target is to design construction treatments resulting in improving the passenger railway transport in this section. Planned modernization and electrification will change the transport nature significantly, which calls for an examination of the existing track possibilities. The task was to focus on the regarding stations as a crucial troughput aspect and on the travel quality improvment by minor construction adjustments. I have examined walking distances, designed a new Troubelice - Centrum stop. By convenient platform shifts higher velocities criteria were met. All precautions respect the wheelchair access. The station design allows higher velocities operation and do not restricts current use.

Financial analysis of selected company
Macura, Filip ; Mach, Jiří (advisor) ; Hálová, Pavlína (referee)
The main task of my bachelor thesis, which is "financial analysis of selected company "is to assess the financial condition of company ,Ltd. Company is major manufacturer of garden suppliers for company called Gardena. The first part is theoretical and it's primary focused on concepts of financial analysis, in the second part are descriptions of methods that are consecutively used in practical part that follows. Regarding practical part, it's dedicated to examine selected company by the methods mentioned in theoretical part. At the end is the summery and evaluation of financial health as well as recommendations for future well-being of the company.

Attention in preschool children
Černá, Veronika ; Trpišovská, Dobromila (advisor) ; Viktorová, Ida (referee)
English abstrakt The main task of the thesis is to identify and measure the attention of children of preschool age. It is divided into two parts. Theoretical part, which is devoted to the definition of attention, provides a comprehensive overview of the history beginning with the issue, describes the different types, characteristics, attention disorders and conditions affecting the attention. An integral part is a description of the preschool child and work with children of preschool age. The second part of the research, then engaged in empirical research with preschool children. Children in kindergarten were placed on various characteristics of the tests of attention. These tests were then evaluated and processed. Were investigated differences in tasks between children and between the three established groups of children Bachelor thesis aims to answer the question, what are the differences between the four-year, five year old and six year old children and compares the performance and level of awareness among different groups of children. Key words: attention, attention characteristics, pre-school children

Repletion Municipal Plan as a Planning Tool - Documetation vs. Reality
Hrudková, Magdalena ; Perlín, Radim (advisor) ; Treml, Václav (referee)
Spatial planning is a science that draws from the natural, technical and social sciences, and also penetrates into the sphere of economic, social and environmental spheres. It also responds to changes in social conditions. The task of land use plans, as long document is to respond to past developments, contemporary trends and to support future development. Regional plans made in the 90 years later, in the environment of the new political regime had an important role to capture and promote regional development. Among the cities which have sourced a new political conditions, land use plan, and belonged to Plzen. The effectiveness of Pilsen development plan of 1995 was forecast over 15 years, until last year. In the case of efforts on the evaluation of the development plan, it is necessary to take into account the changing conditions in various companies. If we respect the impact of these changes, then evaluate the good or bad the plan is not possible. For this reason, in this work are treated to a sort of reflection on the repletion of the city plan of Pilsen.

Sculptor Josef Dietrich from České Budějovice
The aim of this work is to discuss the life and selected works of somewhat neglected baroque sculptor Josef Dietrich from České Budějovice. Because of his work in the streets of České Budějovice occupies privileged position in number, he could be considered as the most important and most prolific artist who ever lived in this city and his contribution to the South Bohemian baroque art, in my opinion, has not been adequately appreciated. All aspects of artistic and personal life of Josef Dietrich could not be covered in this bachelor thesis, so the aim of this task is to analyze selected works of Dietrich and take them into his account patterns, to identify previously unknown circumstances of his creation, to highlight his importance to České Budějovice region and integrate the production of his workshop into the development of baroque sculpture in the country. The principal sources in the preparation of this work I have been using were archivals and literature about the history and development of České Budějovice city where Josef Dietrich lived most of his life.

Examination of respiratory disorders stereotypes and their effects on the musculoskeletal system PF JU students aged 19 to 25 years
MAREŠ, Martin
The main task of this thesis was an examination of breathing stereotypes on selected students of Pedagogical faculty aged from 19 to 25. The other objective was to develop an intervention programme according to which the selected students participated in six weeks lasting workouts that were focused on breath training with consecutive heightening of their physical efficiency. A method of content analysis was used for analysing literature and a method of content synthesis was used for application of gathered information and for creating the intervention programme. For the examination of breathing stereotypes a muscle dynamometer was used which is able to record a movement dynamics and simultaneously to record a breathing activity dynamics. The vital capacity was measured through a forced expiratory vital capacity (FVC) when also a value of one second exhale was recorded (FEV1). This test was performed in standing upright position on the machine Spirometr Otthon, evaluation was processed in the Thorsoft programme. The study was participated by six students who at first passed out an entrance examination where the main values were defined, then the intervention programme and after the end of it the participants underwent a checking (output) examination. During processing of the thesis it was confirmed that the developed intervention programme, which is based on aerobic exercises and completed with resistance training, has a factual and statistical significant effect on strengthening the respiratory muscles which are activated by the diaphragmatic breathing within resting breathing and deepened breathing. For the determination of the substantive significance the Cohen's d was used, then the paired Student´s t test for dependent samples.

Empirický bayesovský přístup v mikromodelech pro výpočet rizika rezerv
Fedorčáková, Claudia ; Zimmermann, Pavel (advisor) ; Bílková, Diana (referee)
The traditional reserve estimation by an insurance company is based on the aggregated data. However, new trend is to utilize all the information available and analyse each claim separately. This way the application of claims specific features, such as non-proportional reinsurance or policy limits, is possible. The aim of this thesis is to construct the reserving model based on the individual claims. Following the recent legislative changes, the reserve risk has been redefined from ultimate claim horizon to a one-year risk horizon. Hence, the next task is to setup simulation model to calculate one year horizon reserve risk by updating the estimates based on new observations collected over one year. This is a typical task for Bayesian approach, therefore the model components are estimated using the tools of Bayesian statistics.

Adapting the methodology MMSP for development web applications in ASP.NET MVC and its usage on a real project
Velemínský, Filip ; Buchalcevová, Alena (advisor) ; Vít, Jan (referee)
The subject of this thesis was agile development on ASP.NET web development platform. The main goal was to create new methodology MMSP - ASP.NET MVC by adjusting methodology MMSP for development in ASP.NET MVC framework, which was mainly achieved through the definition of new objects in the methodology. Text describes four newly created roles (eg. Database specialist) which are responsible for application development. Text also defines or modifies several tasks (eg. Database design) and work products (eg. Data model). All added objects were integrated into the methodology by adjusting its life cycle. At first, thesis was generally focused on the development of web applications, defined their characteristics and analyzed the possibilities of using agile development. Then the MMSP methodology was presented and verified its suitability for the planned extension. Furthermore, there was described the ASP.NET MVC framework, its architecture and basic characteristics. In the last chapter of this thesis methodology MMSP-ASP.NET MVC was verified on the example of development database management web application for the Anthropological Department of the National Museum in Prague.