National Repository of Grey Literature 18,843 records found  beginprevious18834 - 18843  jump to record: Search took 0.84 seconds. 

Specifics of nursing care for elderly pacients after orthopedic surgery at the ICU in the faculty hospital Na Bulovce
ŠVECOVÁ, Markéta
Seniors are the group of patients most frequently occurring at the workplace of the author of this thesis, the ICU department of the Orthopaedic Clinic of Bulovka Faculty Hospital. Nursing care of seniors has its specifics mostly resulting from higher demands of aging organism. Despite the intensive efforts to provide the largest group of patients with quality care made at the workplace there is always something to improve. The main goal of the thesis thus was to find an answer to the question what could be improved on the quality of nursing care of patients after an orthopaedic intervention. Qualitative research in the form of a non-standardized interview was applied to collection of the necessary information on the present state of the issue. The research was conducted at the Orthopaedic Clinic of Bulovka Faculty Hospital. The research sample consisted of nurses working at the department and senior patients hospitalized there after orthopaedic interventions. There are several conclusions resulting definitely from the research. The nurses are sufficiently informed on the issues of nursing care of seniors after orthopaedic interventions and have sufficient possibilities of providing quality care. The factors negatively affecting the care being provided particularly involve obsolete technical background of the ICU and unsatisfactory constructional arrangement of the theatre. The solution of the problems is however closely linked to the lack of funds. As for staffing there is a problem of a large number of insufficiently qualified nurses compared to those meeting the qualification requirements. The conclusion of the research has provided an answer to the question what the spheres of improvement of the quality of nursing care of patients after an orthopaedic intervention were. According to the conclusions of the interviews with nurses and patients these are particularly better information of patients and investment in gradual improvement of material and technical base of the ICU, which would provide the patients with sufficient privacy, and make their exacting stay at the ICU easier. The problems of patient information might be solved by distribution of informational brochures defining patient?s rights and obligations, including the basic data of the department regime and instructions where to find answers to frequent questions. Prohlášení

The Language of Contemporary Advertising and the Codification of the Czech Language (The Regional Press of the Town Beroun Its Surroundings)
Očenášková, Gabriela ; Kvítková, Naděžda (referee) ; Chejnová, Pavla (advisor)
The thesis deals with the language of contemporary advertising published 1 in a selection of regional newspapers of the town Beroun and its surroundings, i.e. Berounsky denik, Podbrdské noviny and The Independent Newspaper of the Beroun Region - ECHO. The main part of the paper evaluates the language of advertising from the point of view of codification and examines the flaws in orthography which appear in these texts. The deviations from the orthography rules found in the texts are classified in compliance to The Czech Language Orthography Rules published in 2004. Following the discovered facts I tried to find out which mistakes prevail, to identify the causes of their origin and to review to what extent the adult population has mastered the rules. Besides the orthographic flaws I also focused on other aberrations from the language standards and special features in the fields of stylistics, lexicology and morphology. As I worked with a specific type of newspapers - the regional press - 1 also tried to draw a more general picture of the form and the language of their advertising and to compare the present-day situation with the condition twelve years ago when these newspapers started to be published. Powered by TCPDF (

Investment processes in hotel industry
Lejtnar, Lukáš ; Indrová, Jarmila (advisor) ; Straková, Ivana (referee)
Thesis on topic Investment processes in hotel industry summarizes decision procedures and gauging possible investments in this given branch. Its fundamental is to determine the hotel market as such with its crucial elements, indicators and regularities, which are indispensable direct evaluative elements in pre-investment phase of process. Its content is composed in such a way that connection with feasibility study on specific project in region will be possible. For potential investor, who is operating out of this business and is ready to penetrate fast into the business' backstage, the content is outlined in a way, which is enabling fast orientation and choosing key chapters. In the end there are evaluated market data from the hotel industry in general, which indicates the ways and the cases in which the investments are ideal.

The Use of Pictorial Material in German Lessons for the Lower Grades of Primary School
Kotyzová, Pavla ; Švermová, Dagmar (advisor) ; Nečasová, Pavla (referee)
ln der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit beschäftigte ich mich mit dem Einsatz des Bildmaterials im Deutschunterricht an Grundschulen. Das Bild als ein visuelles Medium hat schon seit jeher einen festen Platz im Unterricht allgemein und insbesondere im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Dies lässt sich bis zu Comenius zurück verfolgen. Je nach Unterrichtsmethode änderte sich die Verwendung des Bildes und damit seine Bedeutung. Ich untersuchte die verschiedenen Funktionen von Bildmaterial im Deutschunterricht und arbeitete Besonderheiten heraus. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die Motivationsfunktion eines der wichtigsten Elemente im Unterricht ist. Darüber hinaus gab ich einen Überblick über die Bildtypologie, definierte Begriffe wie analoge, logische Bilder und Abbildungen, und gliederte sie weiter in verschiedene Bildsorten auf. Ich erarbeitete Vorschläge und Arbeitsschritte zum Umgang mit Bildmaterial im Unterricht, die weithin anwendbar sein können. Dabei bezog ich auch Text-Bild- Kombinationen in meine Überlegungen mit ein. Wie erwartet zeigte sich, dass sich Bildmaterial auf vielfältige Art und Weise dazu eignet, den Deutschunterricht mit anderen Unterrichtsfächern zu verbinden. Hauptsächlich die Fächer Kunst, Landes- und Naturkunde, aber auch Musik oder Literatur bieten hier viele Möglichkeiten. Powered by TCPDF (

The effects of the investment incentives in the Ústí nad Labem region
Kimmer, Petr ; Šíma, Josef (advisor) ; Štěpánková, Kateřina (referee)
This paper focuses on the effects of the investment incentives in the Ustí nad Labem region and its conclusions should contribute to an objectively evaluation of the use of this economic-policy instrument in the Czech Republic. The greatest attention is paid to the calculation of the fiscal effects of the investment incentives and to the estimation of the actual number of the newly created jobs in the region. As well this, the paper attempt to analyze the effects of the investment incentives on employment and unemployment in this region. The introduction of this paper deals with the investment incentives in general and summarises their accomplishments and their weaknesses from the theoretical point of view.

Strukturální fondy EU se zaměřením na Královehradecký kraj
Rozumová, Michaela ; Jeníček, Vladimír (advisor) ; Jelínek, Jiří (referee)
The European Union strives to balance disparities between member states and their districts and reduce backwardness of the least favoured regions through Structural and regional policy. The first chapter describes general characteristics of the Structural and regional policy, history of the policy, defines basic principles of the policy and territorial statistic units NUTS. The second chapter is concerned with common description of particular program periods of support from structural funds. The third chapter puts brain to development of Czech republic and is divided according to particular program periods. In the fourth chapter I consider to working of structural funds in district of Hradec Králové. Last, the fifth chapter is oriented only to case studies of obtaining of financial resources of EU, which were realized at the district of Hradec Králové.

Foreign Direct Investments and Investment Incentives within the Central European region
Chrištof, Tomáš ; Doláková, Helena (advisor) ; Tyll, Ladislav (referee)
The thesis deals with tpopics which refer to the term Foreign Direct Investment within the bounds of the Central European region or the "Visegrád group" (Czech republic, Slovak republic, Poland and Hungary) respectively. First, a detailed examination is conducted from a theoretical point of view in relation with the term Foreign Direct Investment. This part is then followed up by an analysis of the Foreign Direct Investments inflow into the mentioned region and a profound analysis of the Investment Incentives provided by the Visegrád group countries.

The Localization of Foreign Direct Investment in the region of Middle Europe
Hánečka, Martin ; Jašek, Jan (referee) ; Bayerová, Vladimíra (advisor)
This master´s thesis “The Localization of Foreign Direct Investment in the region of Middle Europe“ is focused on localization of foreign direct investment in the region of Middle Europe and possiblities of making easier localization decision. The first part of the thesis summarizes teoretical knowledge of foreign direct investment, their difinitions, typology and effects on economy. The second part is focused on the analysis of localization factors of strategic services sector. On the analysis basis, in the final part is created the model, which can be used for easier localization decision making between economies of Middle Europe. Afterwards the localization of a foreign direct investment is projected and analysed.

Regionální operační programy
Doležalová, Klára ; Abrhám, Josef (advisor) ; Svobodová, Z. (referee)
Cílem této práce je zmapování systému implementace strukturálních fondů Evropské unie v České republice v dosavadním a nadcházejícím programovacím období, s důrazem na dosavadní zkušenosti v rámci Společného regionálního operačního programu a analýzu připravovaných Regionálních operačních programů. Zhodnocení regionálních operačních programů na příkladu jednoho konkrétního regionu.

Význam nadnárodních společností ve světové ekonomice se zaměřením na země střední a východní Evropy
Mutka, Olena ; Vošta, Milan (advisor) ; Kašpar, Václav (referee)
V této diplomové práci se analyzuje problematika nadnárodních společností, prozkoumává se jejich vývoj, příčiny úspěšností, vliv na hostitelské země a postavení ve světě. Práce rozebírá největší společnosti světa a jednotlivých regionů se zaměřením na region střední a východní Evropy, analyzuje vývoj toků investic do uvedeného regionu a jeho další perspektivy. Kromě jiného se v této práci hledá odpověď na otázku, jaké jsou hlavní motivační faktory vstupu nadnárodních společností do zkoumaného regionu.