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Financial Derivatives Valuation
Bažant, Petr ; Málek, Jiří (advisor) ; Witzany, Jiří (referee)
Financial derivatives have been constituting one of the most dynamic fields in the mathematical finance. The main task is represented by the valuation or pricing of these instruments. This theses deals with standard models and their limits, tries to explore advanced methods of continuous martingale measures and on their bases proposes numerical methods applicable to derivatives valuation. Some procedures leading to elimination of certain simplifying assumptions are presented as well.

Torture prohibition in international law
Kollárová, Tereza ; Honusková, Věra (advisor) ; Faix, Martin (referee)
This thesis deals with the prohibition of torture in international law. The prohibition of torture is considered one of the fundamental values of democratic states, it is an absolute right and a part of customary international law and such a rule of conduct from which we can under no circumstances deviate. Although it might seem that this topic is not too current, the opposite is true. The violation of the prohibition of torture is almost worldwide. The inspiration and impetus to select this topic for me was the situation about the U.S. war against terror and torture of prisoners at U.S. military bases. The work is divided into two blocks. The first part is a theoretical question, which aims to define the very concept of torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment and their relationship and to map the universal and particular international mechanisms in which the prohibition of torture is established. In this respect, the important document is the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which is the only universal document that provides a precise definition of torture. The aim of the first part was also to describe how the control mechanisms checked in compliance with the prohibition of torture in the world. The second...

The effectiveness of aids for incontinence patients in aftercare
This thesis deals with the effectiveness of use of aids intended for incontinent ill people in subsequent care. The thesis is divided into a theoretical part and experience part. The experience part of the thesis has been implemented by means of qualitative research. The data have been obtained on the basis of two different half pen and paper interviews with patients/clients who are using incontinence aids prescribed by a doctor on a coupon or by a matron or a ward sister from the subsequent care department in hospitals with the state-funded organization and in hospitals with the joint-stock company organization. The result of the qualitative research showed, that both groups of respondents use mostly only plastic pants or nappies out of the whole assortment of aids. For patients/clients living at home the reason is that on the basis of anamnesis the general doctors prescribe the incontinence aids only in the most serious incontinence cases. At the subsequent care department the situation is caused by a big number of immobile fully incontinent patients/clients. The results show, that the quantity of absorb aids prescribed by general doctors is insufficient. It does not reach the quantity limits given in the documents by VZP (Public Health Insurance Company). Taking into consideration the low income of seniors, the respondents have to pay considerable amounts of money for incontinence aids which are necessary for them. There is an absolute lack of absorption aids in the hospital with the state funded organization. The incontinence aids are financed by three different ways. Patients/clients themselves have to get and pay the absorption aids at the Geriatrics department I and subsequent care department 2. The hospital provides them only with one-off mats and hygienic aids free of charge. The reason for this is a low limit of material. The respondents regard this system of financing negatively. It burdens patients/clients and nurses too. If patients/clients do not have the aids, the hospital has to lend the aids, make a list of debts and collects them back. On this account conflict situations often arise in families. At these departments there are reserved five social beds which enable patients/clients the prescription of aids by a doctor on a coupon likewise the patients who are ill and cure at home. At the stopgap department patients/clients pay a monthly fee; this includes the costs on incontinence aids too. At the subsequent care department 2A, B of the hospital with the join-stock company organization the aids are fully paid by the hospital. There is available a sufficient assortment and quantity of absorb and hygienic aids, which enable an individual attitude.

K vývoji amerických financí za velké hospodářské krize
Obonyová, Zuzana ; Stellner, František (advisor) ; Tajovský, Ladislav (referee)
Diplomová práce se věnuje popisu a analýze chování institucí finančního sektoru, tj. komerčního a centrálního bankovnictví USA v období Velké hospodářské krize. Zkoumá faktory, které mohly společně zapříčinit bezprecedentní bankovní kolaps na začátku třicátých let. Cílem práce je nabídnout přehledný a srozumitelný obraz o tom, jak americký finanční systém a její instituce, zejména komerční banky, Federální rezervní systém a zlatý standard, fungovaly v době Velké hospodářské krize. Velký prostor je věnován roli, kterou během události sehrál Federální rezervní systém prostřednictvím své strategie během dvacátých let a v době krize. V souvislosti s Velkou hospodářskou krizí zůstává jednou z nejvíce diskutovaných témat role Federálního rezervního systému. Dále práce obsahuje analýzu jednotlivých vln bankovních krizí, a to jak z mikroekonomického, tak i z makroekonomického pohledu. Věnuje se též problematikám omezení ?branch bankingu?, bankovním panikám a ?uvěrové expanze?. Z časového hlediska je téma diskutovaná do vyhlášení ?bankovních prázdnin? a přijetí zákona The Banking Act z roku 1933.

Methods of Management of Multinational Non-Government Non-Profit Organizations
Slámová, Daniela ; Kadeřábková, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Jetmar, Marek (referee)
Ve své diplomové práci se zabývám problematikou financování neziskových organizací. Konkrétně jednou z jeho způsobů, tzv. sociálním podnikáním. Neziskové organizace jsou většinou odkázány na granty, u kterých si nikdy nemohou být jisté, zda se jim je podaří získat a je tím tak ohrožena jejich dlouhodobá udržitelnost a stabilita. Cílem mé práce je přiblížit sociální podnikání, neboť toto zatím není v České republice (hlavně mezi neziskovými organizacemi) moc známé. A především ukázat jeho užitečnost a využitelnost při zajišťování dlouhodobé finanční stability neziskových organizací. Hlavním přínosem této diplomové práce by mělo být rozšíření povědomí o sociálním podnikání a o důležitosti používání marketingu v neziskových organizacích. Vedle teoretických poznatků se výše zmíněné cíle pokusím přiblížit i sestavením konkrétního marketingového plánu pro konkrétní mezinárodní neziskovou organizaci. Touto neziskovou organizací je International Young Naturefriends (IYNF). Jelikož téma sociálního podnikání není zatím moc rozšířené, čerpám v této práci hlavně z materiálů poskytnutých mezinárodní neziskovou organizací Nonprofit Enterprise and Self-sustainability Team (NESsT).

Risk factors for osteoporosis - knowledge and behavior of adolescent girls
The thesis deals with the theme of risk factors for osteoporosis, knowledge and behavior of adolescent girls. The theoretical part of the thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter deals with the anatomy and physiology of bone. The second chapter discusses general information about osteoporosis. The third chapter summarizesthe prevention of osteoporosis and in the fourth chapter describes the treatment of osteoporosis. In the practical part of thesis was used method quantitative research. The target group consisted of 100 adolescent girls in the age range of 15-17 years of grammar school and vocational school in the České Budějovice. The girls were interviewed using a questionnaire, which consisted of questions related to osteoporosis. In thesis were determined two main objectives. The first of them was to map the knowledge of adolescent girls in the prevention of osteoporosis. The second objective is concerned with mapping the behavior of adolescent girls in the prevention of osteoporosis. The first research question dealt with by what kind of knowledge adolescent girls in the prevention of osteoporosis. The second research question was focused on the behavior of adolescent girls in the prevention of osteoporosis. According to the questionnaires can be concluded that the majority of respondents are not sufficiently informed about osteoporosis, but I find girls that basic information about the disease they have. Questionnaires filled in by teenage girls from the first and second years of grammer school and vocational school, therefore, the results are compared with one another. The survey shows that respondents from vocational school awareness of osteoporosis do not. Girls from grammer school have heard about this disease, but they can´t define it. The reason for this ignorance is that girls (from grammer school and from vocational school) have never been informed about osteoporosis. This fact mention the majority of the respondent girls. In most cases in the families of the respondents there is not osteoporosis or the girls do not know. On the following questions in the questioannarire girl (from both schools) have marked mostly option "not know". It were a questions whether sex hormones protects to some extent against osteoporosis. Furthermore, for which persons osteoporosis frequently occurs, whether the osteoporosis relate with calcium and vitamin D, or not. Schoolgirl from grammer school and vocational school mostly said that they consume milk and milk products several times a day or once a day. Of the 100 respondents sonly 18 girls said that do not drink alcohol. A total of 55 female students do not smoke and 23 female students smoke. The number of girl who smoke from vocational school is more than number of girls from grammer school. Schoolgirls of grammer school correctly think that physical activity can affect osteoporosis, the respondents of vocational school hold a different opinion. All of the girls regularly do sports, except for the two girls who do not purposefully movement. Based on the information from the questionnaire it would be appropriate that the teenager girls should be more informed about osteoporosis. There are several variations, such as educational material prepared for teenage girls or classes in school or self studying. Very important is the prevention of osteoporosis. The important role have a adequate nutrition and physical activity. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the knowledge of adolescent girls about the disease, so they can avoid.

Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart by J.A.Komensky as a peculiar social utopy
PINTA, Daniel
Jan Amos Komenský is a great figure of the Czech nation. However, despite his fame, he is a much more significant thinker than he is generally regarded to be. Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart has no equivalent in its time or in older Czech literature. Even if Komenský wrote nothing else, this book would guarantee him a prominent place in Czech literature. In Labyrinth, Komenský shows himself as a great believer who exactly uncovers human pride, uncovers imaginary and untrue independence of man and shows exactly and aptly the futility and true face of many human endeavours. Labyrinth is a merciless criticism of man. It is never nihilistic, though {--} it is always based on a deep and realistic sense of purpose, a deep feeling for the ethical. That is why Komenský{\crq}s irony {--} which is the essential accord of Labyrinth {--} is irony of sadness. Some of Komenský{\crq}s ideas are close and understandable to us; however, some are much more distant. It remains a question if what seems to us to be old, outdated or naive in Komenský, is a basis without which it is not possible to understand well and realize what we are no longer willing to identify with. Is the ``critic of rationalism{\crqq} and great believer in Komenský, so distant to us, his most important basis that gives viability and future to his own ideas as well as to all human endeavours? This work briefly describes the ideas and storyline of Komenský{\crq}s Labyrinth. Each chapter of this thesis attempts to find what is most important in the mass of text of Labyrinth and thus to briefly point out the significance of each part of the book. Sometimes exact quotations are used which should show the real sense of Komenský{\crq}s ideas in a better way. Quotations from the Bible which could be a base of Komenský{\crq}s ideas are matched to individual chapters. The attempt is to find those ideas of Komenský which could be used and could be useful in our society. On the basis of an elaboration on the book, this work attempts to point out the importance of real belief and keeping to its rules for the life of a man and a society as a whole.

Inovace řešení oblasti HR
Beran, Jiří ; Žid, Norbert (advisor) ; Horová, Kateřina (referee)
Ve své práci se snažím shrnout vývoj personálních informačních systémů, porovnat poskytovaná řešení od známých společností vyvíjejících software a dále čtenáře detailně seznámit s jedním řešením, s jeho inovovaným řešením a s jednou ojedinělou funkčností, kterou toto řešení poskytuje. Touto funkčností je sledování znalostí zaměstnanců za účelem rychlejšího vytváření pracovních týmů, které se v jistých typech společností často mění.

Problems of administration and economy of listed building - national castle Konopiště
Hovadová, Kateřina ; Lojdová, Alena (advisor) ; Netková, Jarmila (referee)
Kulturní památky se vyznačují specifickými znaky a hodnotami, díky nimž obohacují veřejnost a uspokojují její kulturně-výchovné potřeby. Tyto hodnoty jsou prospěchem, na základě kterého lze argumentovat ve prospěch podpory památek z veřejných zdrojů. Památky je třeba nejen finančně podporovat, ale také starat se o jejich ochranu, uchování a prezentaci, což je úkolem státní památkové péče. V poslední době se často hovoří o potřebě reformy této oblasti, což dokládají i vydané dokumenty zabývající se touto problematikou. Práce se zabývá rozborem těchto materiálů a hodnocením nejpodstatnějších aktuálních problémů. Praktická část diplomové práce je pak věnována státnímu zámku Konopiště, přibližuje jeho provoz, financování a především hospodaření objetku, zároveň poukazuje na problémy s nimiž se správa zámku potýká.

Význam využití informací v případech globálního terorismu
Lupač, Jaroslav ; Toman, Prokop (advisor) ; Brechlerová, Dagmar (referee)
Práce seznamuje s problematikou globálního terorismu, jeho formami, příčinami a důvody vzniku, včetně trendů a forem jeho realizace. Dále se zabývá jednou z klíčových forem boje proti tomuto fenoménu a to zpravodajskými službami. Práce poukazuje především na obecné principy fungování zpravodajských služeb, strukturu jejich činnosti a na problematiku práce analytických pracovníků, na nichž leží hlavní tíha činnosti zpravodajských služeb. V poslední části teoretického úvodu se zabývám problematikou dezinformací jako formy manipulace, kterou využívají mocenské či teroristické struktury k prosazení svých cílů. V praktické části je záměrem vytyčit hlavní příčiny a provést analýzu vzniku událostí 11. září 2001. V další části ukazuje práce praktickou aplikaci dezinformační kampaně a její důsledky včetně výkladu modelů komunikace v klasických sítích a v sítích typu ?malý svět?.