Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 346 záznamů.  začátekpředchozí178 - 187dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Hardware-Accelerated Cryptography For Software-Defined Networks
Cíbik, Peter
This paper presents a Software-Defined Network (SDN) cryptographic solution targetedon high-speed smart Network Interface Cards (NICs) with an FPGA chip. This solution providesa fast alternative method to develop network-oriented data processing cryptography applications foran accelerator. A high-level programming language – Programming Protocol-independent PacketProcessor (P4) – is used to avoid a complex and time-consuming hardware development. The solutionconsists of two main parts: a library of mainly used cryptographic primitives written in VHSICHardware Description Language (VHDL) i.e. a symmetric cipher (AES-GCM-256), a hash function(SHA-3), a SHA-3-based Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC), a digital signaturescheme (EdDSA) and a post-quantum digital signature scheme (Dilithium), and a compiler P4/VHDLwith the support for these cryptographic components as external objects of P416.
Elliptic Curve Cryptography For Constrained Devices In Internet Of Things And Industry 40
Cvrček, Tadeáš
The article summarizes the usability of devices (which are usually equipped with AVR and ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers) with low-power consumption in security solutions for IoT and Industrial 4.0 ecosystems. These devices have limited processing and storage capabilities and they often run on batteries. On the other hand, cryptographic algorithms are usually computationally demanding and, therefore, it is hard to implement them on constrained devices. This work studies the capabilities of current IoT devices to perform elliptic curve cryptographic protocols and the possibilities to design and implement own cryptographic protocols on constrained devices.
Cryptographic Externs Support In P416/Vhdl Compiler For Fpga Board Target Platform
Cíbik, Peter
This paper deals with the problem of data security and secure communication at high speed, which leads to the usage of hardware accelerators, in this case high-speed FPGA NICs. It proposes an effective way how to develop applications for an FPGA-based acceleration platform. The compiler is produced by Netcope Technologies a. s. and is called Netcope P4. It allows development in high-level language P4. The key value of this product is compiler P4_16/VHDL, which compiles a P4 application source code and maps it on a target FPGA platform. The main goal of this paper is the extension of the compiler to support cryptographic external objects, which can be used in the design of applications using cryptographic features like a hash function over payload, encryption, etc. It describes design of pipeline with control block for external objects, interface of these control blocks and implementation steps.
Matematické metody v ekonomii
Hrkeĺ, Jan ; Šustrová, Tereza (oponent) ; Novotná, Veronika (vedoucí práce)
Ve své bakalářské práci se věnuji tématu matematických metod v ekonomii. Zaměřuji se na investování volného kapitálu společnosti do kryptoměn, které je vyobrazeno za pomoci vybraných strategií. V první části práce objasňuji technické a fundamentální náležitosti kryptoměn, její nejvýznamnější představitele a technickou analýzu vycházející z matematických a statistických metod. V praktické části analyzuji čtyři vybrané kryptoměny na dvou rozdílných investičních strategiích, které jsou následně vyhodnoceny.
Shor's algorithm in Quantum Cryptography
Nwaokocha, Martyns ; Vašík, Petr (oponent) ; Hrdina, Jaroslav (vedoucí práce)
Cryptography is a very important aspect of our daily lives as it gives the theoretical foun-dation of information security. Quantum computation and information is also becoming avery important field of science because of its many application areas including cryptologyand more specifically in public key cryptography.The difficulty of numbers into its prime factors is the basis of some important publickey cryptosystems key of which is the RSA cryptosystem. Shor’s Quantum factoring al-gorithm leverages most especially the quantum interference effect of quantum computingto factor semi-prime numbers in polynomial time on a quantum computer. Though thecapacity of current quantum computers to execute the Shor’s Algorithm is very limited,there are many extensive foundational scientific research on various techniques of opti-mizing the algorithm in terms of factors such as number of qubits, depth of the circuitand number of gates.In this thesis, various variants of the Shor’s factoring algorithm and quantum circuits arediscussed, analysed and compared. Also, some variants of the Shor’s algorithm are simu-lated and actually executed on simulators and quantum computers in the IBM QuantumExperience platform. The simulation results are compared in terms of their complexityand success rate.The organization of the thesis is as follow: Chapter 1 discusses some key historical resultin quantum cryptography, states the problem discussed in this thesis and presents the ob-jectives to be achieved. Chapter 2 summarizes the mathematical background in quantumcomputing and public key cryptography as well as describing the notation used through-out the thesis. This also explains how a realizable order-finding or factoring algorithmcan be used to break the RSA cryptosystem. Chapter 3 presents the building blocks ofShor’s algorithm including the Quantum Fourier Transform, Quantum Phase Estimation,Modular Exponentiation and Shor’s algorithm in detail. Different optimization variantsof the quantum circuits are also presented and compared here. Chapter 4 presents theresults of the simulations of the various versions of the Shor’s algorithm. In Chapter 5, wediscuss the achievement of thesis goals, summarize the results of the research and outlinepossible future research directions.
Kryptografie na výkonově omezených zařízeních
Šťovíček, Petr ; Jedlička, Petr (oponent) ; Dzurenda, Petr (vedoucí práce)
Bakalářská práce analyzuje možnosti aplikace kryptografických primitiv a protokolů na různá výpočetně a paměťově omezená zařízení. Následně implementuje systém bezpečného sběru dat ze senzorů. Práce ve své teoretické části rozebírá jednotlivé kryptografické algoritmy, operační systém RIOT a dostupné metody bezdrátového přenosu dat. Následně prezentuje výsledky výkonnostních testů různých kryptografických operací. Na tomto základě navrhne a realizuje systém, který zajišťuje důvěrnost, autentičnost a integritu přenášených dat.
Bezdrátové ovládání robota pomocí mobilní platformy
Matuška, Jakub ; Kiac, Martin (oponent) ; Přinosil, Jiří (vedoucí práce)
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem a implementací aplikace pro všesměrové ovládání pohybu robota pomocí mobilního zařízení s operačním systémem Android. Aplikace umožňuje i zobrazení obrazového signálu z webkamery robota. V rámci realizace byla vytvořena Android aplikace sloužící jako uživatelské rozhraní. Robota lze ovládat pomocí dvou virtuálních joystiků. Realizován byl i modul řízení na straně robota. Jako řídící jednotka byl použit mikropočítač Raspberry Pi. Služba streamování videa byla realizována pomocí multimediálního frameworku GStreamer v podobě RTP streamu. Byl realizován modul zabezpečení. V práci je předložen potřebný teoretický základ a následně je popsána samotná realizace aplikace.
Web application on pairing-based cryptography
Mogrovics, Alexander ; Dzurenda, Petr (oponent) ; Ricci, Sara (vedoucí práce)
The aim of this thesis is to shed some light on elliptic curve cryptography via web application. It follows mathematical and algebraic principles of establishing elliptic curves over finite fields, performing computations over them and establishing bilinear pairings. It also describes the architecture and implementation of the web application, which uses website template with embedded SageMathCell in order to minimize required space. This application allows the user to preform computation of points on elliptic curve over finite field and their plot, plot of an elliptic curve over real numbers, operations over points of elliptic curves, to establish bilinear pairing, to establish 3-way Diffie--Hellman key exchange and to conduct a MOV attack.
Cryptographic Escape Room Game
Nosek, Ondřej ; Jedlička, Petr (oponent) ; Ricci, Sara (vedoucí práce)
The thesis deals with the implementation of the escape room game in the form of a~web application. The topic of each room is cryptography in many forms. Concretely it is modular arithmetic, a system for data encryption, including its particular algorithms, as~Advanced Encryption Standard is, or network security basics. The main goals of the thesis are to get acquainted with the topic of escape games, web applications, and the realization of web applications. The escape game contains a total of~four rooms. The thesis describes the choice of technologies on which the application will be built and the implementation of individual rooms, including the possibility of~solving tasks. In the end, it summarizes the achieved results and goals.
GPG Encrypted Web Pages
Matějka, Jiří ; Pluskal, Jan (oponent) ; Polčák, Libor (vedoucí práce)
The aim of the thesis is to design and implement a solution to secure sensitive data on public servers or third-party servers. The thesis deals with an implementation of a web browser extension for Mozilla Firefox browser, that will be able to detect and decrypt encrypted objects on a web page. The extension must be able to process dynamic changes on the web page caused by the usage of XHR API, Fetch API or Push API. The last but not least, the thesis deals with the testing of the implemented solution and measuring its influence on the performance of the browser.

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 346 záznamů.   začátekpředchozí178 - 187dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam:
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