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Vliv přídavku oxidu uhličitého ke zplyňovacímu médiu při atmosférickém zplyňování vodní parou ve fluidním loži křemenného písku a vápence
Jeremiáš, Michal ; Pohořelý, Michael ; Vosecký, Martin ; Skoblia, Sergej ; Kameníková, Petra ; Svoboda, Karel ; Punčochář, Miroslav
The aim of this project was to evaluate the effect of addition of CO2 to the gasification agent during allothermal steam fluidized bed gasification of biomass at constant temperature about 800 °C. Moreover, the effect of different fluidized bed materials such as silica sand and limestone together with the effect of temperature on producer gas composition was also examined. Experiments led to conclusions that CO2 added to the gasification agent was converted to CO to only very limited extent while CO2 dilution effect was relatively strong. The CO2 to CO conversion was exhanced by the use of limestone as the bed material. Limestone showed also strong catalytic activity towards reduction in tar content in the producer gas and higher production of H2, CO2 and CO in comparison with silica sand. Optimal temperature for in the bed-use of limestone in the gasification process was proposed to be around 850 °c under the given experimental conditions.
Vliv velikosti krystalitů TiO2 na jeho fotokatalytickou reaktivitu
Kočí, K. ; Obalová, L. ; Matějová, Lenka ; Šolcová, Olga ; Plachá, D. ; Lacný, Z.
The aim of this work is to assess the effect of particle size on photocatalytic reactivity of TiO2 exemplified by the photoreduction of CO2 by water. As the particle size decreased higher methane yields over the TiO2 nanoparticles under the illumination of the light were obtained. Results were compared with yields of mathane over Degussa P25, which in non-porous. We demonstrated that photoreactivity of Degussa P25 was lower than all tested TiO2 nanoparticles.
Experimentální stanovení a korelace fázových rovnovah pro systémy oxidu uhličitého s alkanoly v kritické oblasti
Babič, Alexandr ; Aim, Karel
This article deals with experimental determination and correlation of VLE for CO2 + Alkanol systems at superambient conditions.
Model růstu kapky ve směsi metanu, nonanu a přesyceného oxidu uhličitého
Krejčí, A. Petr
In order to use existing setup, based on shock tube, for nucleation rate measurement in mixture of methane, nonane and supersaturated carbon dioxide, the problem of fast growing droplets has been solved. Series of experiments with parameters suggested on the basis of developed model has been performed recently. The experiments were successful. Scattering and transmitted intensity signals allow extracting information about CO2 droplet growth and droplet number density.
Emissions of greenhouse gases (N2O and CO2) from pasture soil as a result of activity of soil microbial community - preliminary results
Šimek, Miloslav ; Hynšt, Jaroslav ; Brůček, Petr ; Čuhel, Jiří
Cattle overwintering area was shown an important point source of N2O and CO2. The emissions of N2O were mostly directly related to the rate of animal impact as the greatest fluxes of N2O and the highest total cumulative N2O emissions as well were found at the most impacted site. The fluxes of N2O were however very variable in time and most of N2O was emitted during several short events in spring or in winter. Laboratory experiments suggested that total amount of nitrogen escaping from soil from impacted sites is much greater than indicated by field measurements of N2O fluxes and molecular nitrogen (N2) was shown as the main nitrogen gas. It is hypothesized that soil pH is a crucial soil factor controlling the mole fraction of N2O: under slightly alkaline conditions in severely impacted soils, denitrification is completed and most of nitrogen escapes from the soil as N2; under more acidic conditions, however, the activity of nitrous oxide reductase is partly reduced.
Current state and perspectives on taxation of motor vehicles in the EU
John, Jiří ; Láchová, Lenka (advisor) ; Teklý, Lukáš (referee)
Bachelor thesis focuses on the issue of taxation of motor vehicles in the EU. Taxation of motor vehicles is harmonized these days on the grounds of elimination of market failures and motivation of customers to buy environmentally friendly cars. Work consists of 3 main parts. The first part describes the concepts of tax competition, coordination and harmonization. Furthermore, this section deals with the steps the EU, leading to a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and their impact on the taxation of motor vehicles. The second part focuses on the taxation of motor vehicles used in selected member countries of the European Union. These countries tax cars based on emissions of carbon dioxide. In the third part of the paper is described the current state of taxation of motor vehicles in the Czech Republic. This section also deals with the future taxation of motor vehicles.
Environmental and economic impacts of include aviation to EU ETS
Tauferová, Michaela ; Jílková, Jiřina (advisor) ; Vojáček, Ondřej (referee)
The main topic of this thesis is analysis of supposed impacts of include aviation to EU ETS. Analysis is built on estimation real situation in topic and data analysis. In the first part of work is explicate aviation from environmental view and legislativ. The second part handle about emissions trading. In the third and fourth part of work are described the new direction of implementing the aviation into EU ETS and position of particular involved sides and economics and environmental impacts. The final part is handled comparison of considered environmental policy to reduce aviation effects to climate change.
Perspective on Taxation of Motor Vehicles in the EU and Impact of Crisis on Automotive Industry
Maryško, Michal ; Láchová, Lenka (advisor) ; Láchová, Lenka (referee)
This work is devoted to the issue of taxation of motor vehicles, which is nowadays particularly crucial problem mainly due to the increasing impact of transport on the environment. Transport belongs among the five main issuers of CO2 into the atmosphere. Transport contributes almost 16% to the total emissions and road transport contributes 7% to this part. Because of this reason, the European Commission created and proposed a new form of taxation on the use of motor vehicles. This proposal is based on CO2 emissions and vehicle weight. Every single car producer will be forced to reach its specific goals until the year 2012. Emissions should be reduced to the threshold of 120g/km. Another way to battle emission of pollutants into the air are EURO emission standards, which establish binding limits for certain types of pollutants for brand-new vehicles. Afterwards, there is paid the attention to the current situation in the Czech Republic. Road tax (supplemented with time and power charging) has the main role in motor vehicle taxation. Nevertheless, people are presently facing the world economic crisis. Therefore, car producers have to spend a great force in order to remain on the market and it is not an easy task. In conclusion, I deal with financial aid, which had to be given into the automotive industry to let it survive. Just in Europe, car industry employs over 12 million people and fills public budgets with 360 trillion euros on average. It means that it is absolutely necessary to support this kind of industry at present.
The comparison of the European Union Emission Trading Scheme and the Acid Rain Program in USA
Zelená, Vladimíra ; Petrášek, František (advisor) ; Škop, Vladislav (referee)
The thesis focuses on comparison of emission trading of the European Union (European Union Emission Trading Scheme) which trades with carbon dioxide allowances and emission trading of the United States of America (Acid Rain Program) which trade with sulphur dioxide allowances. Despite of using same mechanisms and principles, these systems brought diverse results -- mostly because of different implementation of key parameters. The thesis which concerns with both of these systems is trying to find the major reasons of unsuccessful implementation of the European Union trading and the most important reasons leading to successful performance of the U.S. program.

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