National Repository of Grey Literature 16,702 records found  beginprevious16693 - 16702  jump to record: Search took 0.46 seconds. 

Care for employees
Příhodová, Daniela ; Vysokajová, Margerita (advisor) ; Štangová, Věra (referee)
Resume - Care for the employees The purpose of this diploma thesis was to summarize the legal regulation of employees' care in the Czech Republic. The current competitive environment forces businesses to innovate with the aim of reaching sustainable competitive advantage. Within the invisible assets, the human factor is getting more and more to the centre and becomes the leading factor which influences company's efficiency. That is why the importance of questions concerning personal tasks is growing. In this context, issues concerning employees' care are also discussed to be an indivisible part of company's social policy. Even though the employees' care is in the Czech environment limited only to fulfilling the legal requirements, many businessmen start to realize the importance of quality employees' care for the company - mostly thanks to international standards in foreign companies. All of these matters reflex not only in the real company's behavior (employers), but also in the current development of legal regulations, that they regulate in terms of employees' care. The legal regulation is currently being gradually liberalized; it solves only the basic issues and suggests which areas should be in the centre of attention of employers. Room for contracts among participant of labor-law relationships...

Legal regulation of the liquidation of a business company
Tvrdíková, Jana ; Zahradníčková, Marie (advisor) ; Oehm, Jaroslav (referee)
Resumé Liquidation of a company is the process whereby the life of a company is brought to an end and by which its property should be administered for the benefit of its members and creditors. Most of the liquidations occur because a company has cash flow problems and can't pay its debts. The liquidation of a company occurs in the Czech Republic between the winding-up and dissolution of a company. The legal regulations of liquidation can be found in the Commercial Code (Act No. 513/1991 Coll., as amended). A company becomes dissolved on the day it is deleted from the Commercial Register. The dissolution of a company is preceded by it's winding-up. A company should be wound-up with the liquidation, unless the law provides for otherwise. A company comes into liquidation at the day it is wound up. During the period when the company is in liguidation, it's commercial name shall be followed by the words "in liquidation". The main person who takes control of the company is the liquidator. The powers of the statutory organ to act in the name and on behalf of the company shall pass to the liquidator on his appointment. The liquidator shall execute only legal transactions which relate to the company's liquidation. Liquidation shall be completed by distribution of the liquidation remainder. After completing...

Issues of international legal personality of the EC and EU in external relations
Kunc, Bohumil ; Tomášek, Michal (advisor) ; Svoboda, Pavel (referee)
V současné době poznáváme nový fenomén, kdy se původní mezinárodní charakter ES postupně, po krůčcích, s většími či menšími úspěchy přeměňuje v nadstátně pojatou EU. Přinejmenším v posledním desetiletí zesiluje úsilí, aby vznikla EU nové kvality, s jednotnou strukturou a jedinou právní subjektivitou. Je snad dobojováno? Vznikla již za současného právního stavu taková EU, nebo se její zrod odkládá do (blízké) budoucnosti? Diskuse nad mezinárodněprávní subjektivitou Evropských společenství a Evropské unie je u druhé jmenované akcelerována skutečností, že právní subjektivita EU není výslovně zakotvena. Debata probíhá nejen mezi právníky, ale i mezi politology či politiky, protože v jejím pozadí doutnají představy o míře integrace v EU již dosažené nebo žádoucí. Je otázkou, zda-li budou vzbuzené vášně v dohledné době zklidněny, neboť osud Lisabonské smlouvy, která měla situaci právně rozřešit, je po zamítavém referendu v Irsku nejistý. Odpovědi budiž hledány i v další textu. Tato práce si klade za cíl analyzovat mezinárodní aspekty právní subjektivity ES a EU, které se objevují ve vnějších vztazích ES a EU. Práce začíná popisem povahy ES a EU, pojmovými rozdíly mezi nimi a vymezením právní subjektivity. Dále pokračuje analýzou příslušného mezinárodního práva, které se vztahuje k problému subjektivity...

Legal protection of domain names
Seibert, Michal ; Malý, Josef (advisor)
Internet domains and legal protection of domain names are enjoying a rapid growth in awareness among businesses and individuals not only world-wide, but also in the Czech Republic. Undoubtedly it is the internet, what has been the biggest change in our lives in past 15 years. Originally a military project, which turned to be "something" more than anticipated. Internet alone is a brand new world and therefore there must be certain rules to run and to control it. Thanks to rapid improvement of connectivity, above all after broadband connections had been implemented with vast majority of citizens, this medium has become a mass medium and the law enforcement of rules has become more important and common. The goal of this diploma thesis is to create a view of field of internet domains and related law issues, above all concerning the protection of the names of domains. The essential part of the thesis is so called ADR part. It handles the way of resolution of disputes. Information in this thesis is based both on professional sources and on own experience which I gained with my internet projects or even with domain disputes. This document is not intended to be solely an academic text but also a practical guide that will help "everyday users" of internet. This diploma thesis is divided into theoretical beginning and then it focuses on practical law part. Chapters are made of sections which build together a complex overview of the field of law issues. In the end of the thesis there is described so called "ADR" with ".eu" domains. The whole law framework in the thesis is supplemented by real examples from real life and therefore the thesis has the ambition to improve the readers' (law) knowledge in this field.

Real extate tax in England
Horáková, Daniela ; Sedmihradská, Lucie (advisor) ; Sedmihradská, Lucie (referee)
Firstly, my bachelors' paper deals with the importance of tax revenue for local budgets in the Czech Republic and in England. It composes and contrasts in tax laws in both countries. In the Czech Republic all land and building are under only one law, while in England everything is under two laws. All depends on the purpose of usage of the land. If the building and adjacent land is used for living, it must be regulate by the Council tax, if it's used for business purposes, it must be regulate by Business Rates. Consequently my paper investigates, how English land laws relate to the real estate, from the perspective of fulfillment of taxes' principles. It also discusses the possibility of these legal regulations being implemented in the Czech Republic

Tax support for research and development
Zábrodský, Jan ; Slintáková, Barbora (advisor) ; Slintáková, Barbora (referee)
The bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of public support, and in particular with the fiscal aid towards research and development. It describes the current framework of the tax support with a focus on the deduction from the income tax to the expenditure on research and development projects. In order to make the best knowledge about the deduction, the paper examines in more detail and explains the legislation related to the deduction. The goal of this paper is to evaluate the total of private funds to finance research and development with regard to the introduction of deduction. The result of the paper is the interpretation of primary data from which to reveal the impact of incentive deduction to support the implementation of research and development, but only as a supplement to direct aid.

The status of indigenous peoples in international law
Havrlandová, Tereza ; Kalová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Režná, Jana (referee)
Studie se zabývá problémem postavení domorodého obyvatelstva v mezinárodním právu a vnitrostátními aspekty tohoto problému. Mapuje historický vývoj postavení mezinárodního společenství k domorodým skupinám a mezinárodních norem vztahujících se k ochraně práv domorodců. Dále se zabývá globálními nástroji mezinárodněprávní ochrany domorodého obyvatelstva a jejich aplikací. Případová studie v druhé části práce porovnává řešení vztahu k domorodé populaci a jejich práv k půdě ve vnitrostátním právu Kanady, Austrálie a Nového Zélandu

Přechod průmyslového vlastnictví při prodeji podniku
Malá, Kateřina ; Jakl, Ladislav (advisor) ; Boháček, Martin (referee) ; Vojčík, Peter (referee) ; Čada, Karel (referee)
Práce se zabývá právní úpravou přechodu průmyslového vlastnictví při prodeji podniku, zkoumáním problematických míst v samotné právní úpravě institutu smlouvy o prodeji podniku a návrh jejich řešení. Práce obsahuje i hospodářskosoutěžní aspekty přechodu průmyslového vlastnictví při prodeji podniku a problematiku oceňování průmyslového vlastnictví. V práci je obsažena rovněž komparace zkoumané problematiky s právem USA.

International protection of persons with health disabilities
Strnad, Jan ; Hýbnerová, Stanislava (advisor) ; Faix, Martin (referee)
International protection of persons with disabilities Summary The theme of this thesis is the protection of persons with disabilities under international law. In last decades there have been a dramatic shift in the perception of disability. It has changed from medical approach to the social model of disability, which is closely connected with the human rights perspective on the "disability rights". This paradigm shift has culminated in adoption of the United Nations Convention on the rights of people with disabilities. Violating of their human have several forms and is spreaded all over the world. Nevertheless, the number of them is still growing. According to the WHO estimations about 15 % of world population live with some form of disability and most of them in developing countries in the condictions of the lack of elementary resources and support. Relation between disability, discrimination, poverty nad social exclusion is thus more than clear. On the other hand, people with disabilities definitely do not present any kind of homogeneous group. Diversity of people with disabilities brings a serious challenge in the various forms of obstacles and barriers preventing them from full and equal enjoyment of their human rights and thus a wide range of measures necessary to eliminate them. The aim of this work...

Analysis of Cross-border Mergers on the Czech Market in the Period 2018-2015
Plucarová, Iveta ; Žárová, Marcela (advisor) ; Skálová, Jana (referee)
This Master's thesis concerns cross-border mergers on the Czech market. The aim of the thesis is to identify their main trends. Though the theory of both cross-border and domestic mergers is mentioned, the emphasis is placed on the analytical part. The analysis is based on real life data of mergers which were realized from 2008 till 2015 and in which a Czech company took part. The research focuses on the development of quantity and type of cross-border mergers whose project was filed in the public register, quantity of finished mergers, number of participating companies and the country under whose legal system the participating companies operate, the position of Czech companies, ownership structure of participating companies, their legal form, reasons for realization of mergers, exchange ratio, decisive day assessment in relation with the balance sheet date and processing time of a cross-border merger.