National Repository of Grey Literature 1,618 records found  beginprevious1609 - 1618  jump to record: Search took 0.13 seconds. 

Fractals and Their Applications in Computer Graphics
Tesař, Martin ; Čermák, Martin (referee) ; Koutný, Jiří (advisor)
First part of this bachelors thesis consists of fractal theory, Hausdorff dimension and their applications in computer graphics. In second part is choosen idea for application. It is interactive creation of flame fractals. In this section, there is defined mathematical system of iterated functions, that is the heart of flame fractals. After mathematical examination follows analysis of original algorithm for creation of flame fractals. Thesis continues with methods for image improvement and suggests new enhancements.

Evaluation of effectiveness of the EU's regional policy
Luhan, Jiří ; Schneider, Ondřej (advisor) ; Dědek, Oldřich (referee)
Regional Policy of the European Union should lead to decrease deepening of regional disparities, which is present due to ongoing integration and enlargement of the EU. A lot of regional disparities is caused by so called agglomeration forces, which lead to concentration of economic activity in strong centers (agglomeration poles), and which are described by New Economic Geography. This thesis deals with the question if today's Regional Policy of the EU leads to reduce regional disparities. By analyzing regional data and existing empirical studies I point out some failures of this policy and recommend practical steps for the future. Powered by TCPDF (

Youth tourism as a new form of tourism in the globalized world
Trsková, Lucie ; Dianová, Markéta (advisor) ; Tyslová, Irena (referee)
The topic of this diploma thesis is constantly expanding segment of tourism, known as youth tourism. This diploma thesis describes and examines possibilities of a new form of tourism, a type of tourism aimed at young travellers and which developed along with globalization. The aim of the thesis is to explore this new emerging segment, including its specifications that relate to the development of current society. In the second part there is the evaluation of the questionnaire survey as supportive instrument for validation of described segment and comparison to young travellers from the Czech Republic. The conclusion offers suggestions for service providers focused on target segment.

Aerosol in the steam turbine?
Kolovratník, Michal ; Hrubý, Jan ; Ždímal, Vladimír
The small amount of admixtures in steam circuits of power stations influences their life-expectancy and energetic efficiency. It is likely that non-volatile admixtures are in the environment of the dry (superheated) steam transported in the form lf dry particles or concentrated nanometric droplets, aerosols. For the detection of these particles a new sampling line is proposed, using the aerosol technology. It will be possible to connect the sampling line to sampling ports of a steam turbine.

Demarcation line construction
HLAVINKA, Stanislav
The goal of my bachelor thesis was to demarcate line construction in the chosen locality. The demarcating took place in the village Včelná, cadastral area of České Budějovice. The goal of the thesis was to demarcate detailed points as a basis for future construction work. Before demarcating of the area of interest was conducted ceronnaissance of the current point field. A stabilization of new auxiliary points for demarcating was conducted. For the demarcating was used a method GNSS and a method rajon. The heights of the points were determined by technical leveling, tacheometry or by the method GNSS. A total station Topcon R 340 5616 and a GPS were used to demarcate. The locality was measured and demarcated with a coordinate system S-JTSK and a height system Bpv.

Public policy of sects and new religious movements in the Czech Republic - Stakeholders analysis.
Hradilová, Berenika ; Cejp, Martin (advisor) ; Kalvas, František (referee)
This work addresses the issue of sects and new religious movements from the perspective of public policy of Czech Republic, namely its relevant people involved in the field of policy making. In the first part we learn more about the definitions of the term sect, new religious movements and public policy from the terminological development to the definition within the scope of work. It also includes legal definitions, how does the Czech Republic operate with them. The second part is focused on the characteristics of pulic policy - places, people involved, tools and process - as and indispensable part of creation. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of people involved who are involved in this work and arrange for its subsequent implementation. Each person involved is described in terms of the characteristics of the issue, of its function in public policy, of the evaluation of the existing work and of the interest, influence and position they have in this issue.

Pupil with handicap as seen by his classmates
Holúbková, Kristína ; Kucharská, Anna (referee)
The new form of inclusive education underlines the importance of the social contact and communication between the students. We presumme the existance of the barriers that hinder the natural friendship building in the schools. We identify those barriers throught the perspective of the students. The objectif of-ihe research is to detect different possible ways of perceiving the student with special needs by his classmates in the secondary mainstream schools. The main topic is the perception of the differences. Powered by TCPDF (

Identification and conservation of landscape with significant cultural -historical values and nature values: nature park Melechov
This bachelor thesis is focused on the identification of cultural-historical and nature values in the chosen area of nature park Melechov. The aim of this work is to specify the values of the area and to compare, using old maps, found values in the past and in the present. The aim is also to evaluate the current state of the present phenomena, temporary protection, risks, and threats concerning the phenomena. Regional planning documents of villages in the area of nature park Melechov will be included as well, with respect to the protection of the individual phenomena. In case of an insufficient protection a new, better protection of cultural-historical values of the landscape will be proposed. In the first part, the attention is put on theoretical terms based on the literature regarding this topic and the second part contains results which were obtained mostly from the field research. The results should be general and applicable to areas with similar problems.

Marginalization of moravian-slovakian borderland.
Vaishar, Antonín ; Zapletalová, Jana
After the split-up of Czechoslovakia, a new state border came into existence between Czech and Slovak republics. Regions, initially interior, became border ones. Creation of new state border and transition to the to the market economy multiplied by physico-geographical characteristic of the territory leads up to the rapid marginalization of this „new“ borderland. The paper deals with marginalization of the Bílé Karpaty region, namely with case studies of Bojkovice, Horní Lideč, Slavičín, Brumov and Valašské Klobouky micro-regions.

Design of The Data Communication Between Digital Protection Relays and Monitoring System of Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant
Šula, Vladimír ; Topolánek, David (referee) ; Toman, Petr (advisor)
This thesis describes the provision of the data communication of the new protection relays via 6 kV switch gears to the electro monitoring system at the Dukovany Nuclear Power Station. These protection relays will replace the current analog protection. The replacement process will start in 2015 and will finish in 2018. Given the overall complexity of the project, this thesis deals only with the following 6 kV switch gears 9BB and 9BD. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part concerns the actual consumption and output of the Dukovany Nuclear Power Station. The following chapters describe the electro monitoring system and GRAF and LOGA software programs that are closely connected with it and that were used in the practical part. The last chapter of the theoretical part deals with the actual replacement of the protection relays of the 6 kV switch gears. Also, it describes a new optical network, which will be set up at the Dukovany Nuclear Power Station as a part of the process of replacement. The segment of the practical part concerns laboratory verification of the data communication of the new protection relays. Next, it describes actions that had to be taken in order to ensure and verify correct functionality of the data communication. This part is followed up by a closely related practical activity, which describes examination and verification of the protection functions of each of the 9BB and 9BD switch gears protection relays.