National Repository of Grey Literature 25 records found  beginprevious16 - 25  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Quotas in politics as a way to obtain equality between the sexes?
Mottlová, Markéta ; Bíba, Jan (advisor) ; Vargovčíková, Jana (referee)
The main purpose of this text is to answer a question whether quotas in politics create conditions for obtaining equality between the sexes. Women's consistent underrepresentation in legislatures constitutes a democratic deficit and quotas are suggested as a possible means of attaining women's equal participation in political decision-making. Arguments for and against quotas will be showed. Quotas are aligned with several concepts - a politics of presence, descriptive representation and differentiated citizenship. It will be also explained why the unequal distribution of the unpaid labor of the family is a major obstacle for women to gain equality in politics. It will be described what types of quotas are actually applied, what are the effects of gender quotas in terms of numbers as well as the empowerment of women and under what conditions are women politicians able to make use of their positions as elected politicians. Attention will be paid to some years of experience with the implementation of quotas in Africa, whether the inclusion of women in politics furthers democratization and interests of women. South Africa will be showed as a country in which gender quotas are applied with success. In contrast negative effects of quotas in certain political system and context will be pointed out.
Workplace diversity in the company CSOB
Hekšová, Tereza ; Palíšková, Marcela (advisor) ; Němec, Otakar (referee)
This thesis deals with diversity and its level in the company CSOB. The main objective is to describe the current situation, make an analysis, identify strengths and weaknesses and come up with suggestions for the company and government, which would have positive effect on diversity. The methods used in this work include an analysis of internal documents, comparison of theory and practise and personal interview with responsible manager. The thesis is divided into two main parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is based on study of literature, legislation and actual studies and focuses on definitions and theoretical bases. The practical part contains an introduction of CSOB and evaluation of the state support effectiveness. Next part is focused on description of current activities in the company that support diversity and analysis of its current level. The final part contains recommendations for the company and government that should lead to an improvement of the current situation.
Discrimination against women of fertile age on the labour market and its impact on the contemporary Czech economy
Zelinková, Renáta ; Štípek, Vladimír (advisor) ; Krebs, Vojtěch (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the status of women in fertile age (25--35 years) when looking for a job on the Czech labor market. The main aim is to primarily verify whether there exists a discrimination against women of observed age group and further explore the economic context of this issue. The theoretical basis consists mainly of relevant legislation, theory of economic discrimination and selected experiments dealing with the statistical discrimination. This thesis also presents an analysis of costs associated with the issue and possible ways of its solution. The investigation itself and the data collection have mainly form of experiment which consists of sending fictitious CV's to the real job offers. Its overall results statistically didn't show any presence of discrimination against women. Nevertheless, it was more frequently discovered, in regions with high unemployment rate, where it reached up to 15 %. All of these facts are researched by means of the questionnaires and interviews. The majority of respondents agree that women are significantly disadventaged on the labour market mainly due to their maternity and paternthood. Effective solution of this issue probably lies in the facilitating the harmonization of work and family life.
Analysis of the potential impact of the EU directive about 40% representation of women on supervisory boards on the labour market of the Czech republic.
Kvasnička, Jan ; Pavlíček, Tomáš (advisor) ; Štípek, Vladimír (referee)
This thesis estimates the impact of the adoption of the EU's directive on 40% female representation in the supervisory boards of large listed companies on the labor market of the Czech republic. The main outcome is identificaion of the companies, which would be affected by the regulation. The theoretical part covers basic arguments of proponents and opponents of the measure. The practical part accurately examines the direcitve, compares it with the regulations adopted in other European countries and on the basis of this comparison outlines the effects that can be expected on the Czech labour market. Based on the analysis of the criteria matched with reality of Czech Republic it compiles a list of companies affected by the adoption of the directive. Processed data about the boards of these companies also provide current statistics on their current composition (from a gender and nationality perspective). The results suggest that, at least in the short term, the measures would not yield a significant improvement in gender equality in the Czech Republic.
Women in Czech politics and opinions of female students of Social sciences on women political involvement in politics
The main objective of my thesis is to outline basic concepts helping to understand the gender issue. Following these finds I want to focus on the concepts of the modern political scene and on the mapping of the theoretical finds and facts regarding the numbers of politically engaged women in Czech politics. A bigger part of this thesis will focus on the research which will consist of two parts. The original assumption consisted of only one research but while writing my thesis I encountered new facts which I wanted to include and that is why I conducted two researches. The topic of the thesis is the question of gender division of roles in the political sphere in the Czech Republic. Based on the introductory theoretical description of development of the emancipation movement striving for active participation of women in modern democratic politics and characterization of the situation in the Czech society, a research into the division of roles between men and women will be conducted. An attempt to state the reasons why there are less women in politics nowadays will be based on active cooperation with PF JCU students through information gained from questionnaire survey. The anticipated conclusion will be a summary of all finds and an attempt to suggest a solution to reach an optimal state in Czech politics.
Ethical Aspects of the Antidiscrimination Law
The thesis is focused on the anti-discrimination law and its social reason. It is itself divided into seven parts and devoted to definition of the essential political and philosophical terms as the equality, fairness, freedom, also human rights, the discrimination mechanism, the relation between the morality and the law. The chapters describe component terms which were evolving in a different historical context. The attention turns to the European and Czech anti-discrimination judicature and to the analysis of the discrimination as a term as well. The mechanism of discrimination comes after to more comprehensive view why people make differents and for lawmaker´s right attitude to discrimination. The final part of the thesis is a chapter about the fairness to answer questions about how much the law norm can interfere in individual freedom and about the relation between the law and the morality.
The position of the International Monetary Fund in the international monetary system
Lahodná, Veronika ; Marková, Jana (advisor)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the position of the International Monetary Fund in the international monetary system. The first part concentrates on the basic characteristics. It gradually deals with the question of foundation, membership and organizational structure. The second part analyses the financial resources of the IMF. The attention is paid to the means the Fund gets and provides the financial resources. The final part is devoted to the actual reform of the IMF which is divided into 3 areas: financing, governance and surveillance.
Milk market in the Czech Republic and its regulation
The work describes the situation in the Czech Republic milk market after introduction of milk quotas. My aim is to assess the purpose of the system of milk quotas. This system was supposed to regulate supply and demand in the milk market. It was necessary to eliminate structural surpluses. The first part of the work shows the theoretical description of Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union and its future too. The theme of the second part of this work is to evaluate the information received from milk producers by questionnaires and their use for SWOT analysis.
Cenová a těžební politika OPEC a její globální kontext
Voleníková, Štěpánka ; Hitzgerová, Gabriela (advisor) ; Vondrušková, Barbora (referee)
Předkládaná bakalářská práce se zabývá aktuální probematikou cenové a těžební politiky OPEC. V první části je přiblíženo fungování ropného trhu, jaké faktory ovlivňují poptávku a nabídku a základní charakteristika OPEC. Druhá část je věnována těžební politice, těžebním kvótám, zásobám a hlavním vývozním destinacím. Poslední část se zabývá cenami ropy a faktory, které ji ovlivňují.
Vývoj postavenia daní z príjmov v daňovom mixe v nových členských štátoch EÚ
Mesárošová, Štefánia ; Lojdová, Alena (advisor)
Práca hodnotí vývoj postavenia daní z príjmov v nových členských krajinách EÚ, ktoré pristúpili do EÚ 1. mája 2004. Je zameraná na daňové kvóty a daňové mixy týchto krajín, konkrétne na dielčie daňové kvóty daní z príjmu právnických a fyzických osôb. Podstatou práce je komparatívna analýza daňových výnosov v čase (1995- 2004) a ich komparácia z medzinárodného hľadiska. Hlavným cieľom práce je zistiť pozíciu daní z príjmov v daňovom mixe jednotlivých nových členských štátov EÚ a stanoviť rozdiely v daňových systémoch medzi novými a pôvodnými krajinami, ale aj v rámci nových členských štátov.

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