National Repository of Grey Literature 14,302 records found  beginprevious14293 - 14302  jump to record: Search took 0.48 seconds. 

The Carotid Stump Syndrome
Hrbáč, Tomáš ; Beneš, Vladimír (advisor) ; Přibáň, Vladimír (referee) ; Haninec, Pavel (referee)
Introduction: Internal Carotid Stump Syndrome may be one of the possible causes of ischemic stroke (iCMP), as well as retinal infarction (RI). Syndrome of the occluded internal carotid (ACI) (stump syndrome) is a nosological unit, which is characterized by an onset of ipsilateral iCMP or RI of thromboembolic ethiology in patients with occlusion of ACI via the externa carotid or arteria ophthalmica. In my thesis, I have concentrated upon the specification of the stump syndrome, its diagnostics and treatment; furthermore I have assessed the appropriateness of surgical approach in comparison with conservative approach. Material and methods: A total of 621 patients with occlusion were treated in two centres in the course of five years. In a group of 40 patients, the ACI occlusion was detected sonographically, the length of the occluded ACI being >5 mm, with normal vasoreactivity based upon SPECT CO2 and excluded cardiogenic cause of iCMP. The patients were divided in two groups - surgical and conservative. Patients were monitored in 6-month intervals for the total period of four years. Results: No RI or iCMP were detected in the surgical group; one patient died six months after surgery. We observed one case of amaurosis fugax in the conservative group. Conclusion: Ultrasound examination is a fully sufficient...

Subjective opinion of people suffering from coeliac on availability of products for people with coeliac on the Czech market
This bachelor thesis deals with subjective opinion of the people suffering from celiac disease on the availability of products for celiacs on Czech market. At the beginning, there were two main objectives. The first main objective was to explore whether the products available on the market in the Czech Republic cover the needs of celiac patients. The second objective was to explore whether the patients are satisfied with these products. The research questions were set as follows: "In which stores patients prefer to do their shopping?", "Are patients satisfied with the price of products compared to their quality?" and "How patients evaluate the sensory aspects of food?" The theoretical part of my thesis describes celiac disease with all its difficulties. It briefly describes the process of its recognition and its current occurrence in the Czech Republic and some foreign countries. It also describes the clinical picture and the types of forms of celiac disease at a patient, complex diagnostic procedures when there is a suspicion of this fatal disease, malnutrition risk, associated diseases and possible complications. Last but not least, it is concerned with the gluten-free diet, which is the only current treatment for celiac disease. Along with that, the thesis is dedicated to raw materials and food for celiacs: accessibility, large financial cost coverage of gluten-free diet, product labelling and legislation. In order to develop the research part, the method of qualitative research was chosen, specifically, a semi-structured interview. The interview contained thirteen questions, so as to achieve the objective of the thesis and so that the research questions given in advance were answered. The research sample included five celiac patients, both men and women in the age range of 18 to 49 years. Data were being collected from January 2013 to April 2013. The results of this work show that patients prefer to combine shopping in the so-called "healthy food stores" where the shop assistants have more knowledge on the issue and are able to help them to choose the most suitable products, and shopping in large stores and the "gluten-free" departments there. Respondents also claim that in supermarkets, the shop assistants are not able to help and often do not even know what the celiac disease is. All respondents also shop in their area of living, which proves the increasing availability of gluten-free products, which is sufficient to cover the common needs of celiac patients. The market situation in the Czech Republic in the last ten years has changed dramatically to the better and there is no specific food that respondents would completely miss in the stores. When shopping, the respondents look for specific, pre-tested products. On the contrary, patients are less inclined to on-line shopping. Another significant criterion for selecting gluten-free food is also its price. The financial demands of a gluten-free diet are a big problem, because gluten-free raw materials and food are from 4 to 10 times more expensive than the same commodity containing gluten. Patients are therefore often forced to break the rules of their diet, because they simply do not have the finances for the gluten-free products. Sensory aspect of gluten-free products is also not evaluated very positively by the patients. The problem is seen mainly in bakery products such as bread, rolls and buns. The structure of these products is not suitable, as it often crumbles and breaks, or, on the other hand, is sticky. They would also like to extend the range of pastries to avoid stereotypes in their diet. Another sensory aspect of bakery products-taste was not evaluated positively as well. However, they do not see the difference in warm food and mostly in home-made sweet pastries such as cakes or pies.

Potential and significance of extended embryo culture
Uher, Petr ; Rokyta, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Slípka, Jaroslav (referee) ; Pilka, Ladislav (referee)
The aim of this dissertation thesis is to emphasize the sense of extended cultivation of embryos to the stadium of blastocyst and its influence on success of assisted reproduction and facilitation of pre implantation diagnosis, analysis of cultivation media and derivation of human embryonic stem cells. Author summarizes current literary findings in assisted reproduction and examines the currently used methods. Author also submits his own published experimental works, in which he compares his own results of infertility treatment with usage of extended cultivation to blastocyst with results of other techniques. Furthermore author submits his own published experimental works which are using extended cultivation for pre implantation diagnosis and its improvement. Another experimental works includes possibility of stem cells derivation. Usage of extended cultivation to blastocyst convincingly leads, according to author's own experiments and simultaneously to available literary findings, to higher success of infertility treatment. This is especially significant by middle-aged mothers. Sufficient term of cultivation enables not just selection, but also biopsy and its generic treatment. Long-term cultivation also enables analysis of cultivation media - but these didn't met the expectations for increase of...

Painful vertebral syndrome in nurse of ICU
Hendrychová, Lucie ; Eislerová, Iva (advisor) ; Mečíř, Petr (referee)
Aj: The main goal of my thesis was to confirm high prevalence of back pain among nursing staff, to find the most frequent location of the pain, to determine if nurses have sufficient quantity of tools for manipulation with immobile patients and if they are trained to use these tools. In addition I revealed their relaxation techniques and other preventive measures and their own suggestions for optimal back pain prevention. In my diploma paper I described basic knowledge about human kinetic system as well as main causes, clinical presentations and therapy of back pain. I mentioned characteristics of different pain syndromes. The paper also contains information about the "school of back", ergonomy, kinesthetics and about impact of heavy manual labor of nursing job. Source data for my thesis were obtained from textbooks, papers and other scientific material and from questionnaires. Proper research was conducted by quantitative analysis using anonymous questionnaires. In evaluated group of nurses the back pain was present in 79%. The most frequent was low-back pain occurring after day shift. Sufficient quantity of tools for manipulation with immobile patients was available and nurses were adequately trained for its use during their professional training. The education was usually provided by head nurse....

WTO and developing countries
Bartoňová, Eva ; Štěrbová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Machková, Hana (referee)
The thesis deals with a role of developing countries within the WTO and examines whether the developing countries are sufficiently involved in WTO negotiations in order not to play only a marginal role in the multilateral trade system. Thesis contains a historical overview of special and differential treatments for developing countries and the least developed countries. Thesis deals in addition with an issue of the implementation of special and differential treatments and describes the main WTO bodies concerned with implementation. Trade-related technical assistance programs are described in the last part of the thesis. These programs are JITAP, IF and the initiative Aid for Trade.

Consent in hospital - theory and practice
The diploma thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The first part describes the current state of the issue of informed consent in a general context and related topics. To obtain the data, I used the qualitative research, the method of questioning, and the data collection technique of a semi-structures interview. The research sample group consisted of 11 patients and two doctors. The objective of the thesis was to identify and describe the differences between the theory and the practice of informed consent in the hospital, and to find out whether there has been any shift in the mistakes and errors associated with informed consent as stated by Haškovcová (2007). The research results have shown that the interviewed patients are not familiar with the concept of informed consent. The knowledge of the informed consent concept was more accurate by doctors as presumed. On the issue of viewed benefits of informed consent, it is clear from respondents? answers that informed consent is viewed primarily as doctors? legal protection against any complaints or lawsuits made by the patients in the performance of their profession by making the patient familiar with any complications that may occur during the performance. This benefit is perceived by both patients and doctors. Doctors see its benefit also as the protection of patients. Another benefit viewed by doctors is the written informed consent form. Six of the interviewed patients stated that informed consent was submitted to them to sign by the nurse/male nurse without proper instructions. Furthermore, doctors? answers show that the timing of instructions depends on the nature of the surgery, whether it is planned or acute. However, some patients said that they were not even instructed with the sufficient time after giving informed consent even when related to a planned procedure. The most stated form was the combination of written and oral instructions, so the patient was first instructed orally and then he was also handed a detailed description of the particular procedure in the written form. There was no uniformity about the question of the amount of submitted information among the interviewed patients as well as doctors ? some of them prefer just basic information, some of them want to know all the information. One of the interviewed doctors favored just the adequate informed consent and saw the detailed informed consent as problematic, another doctor preferred introduction of all the details, although in the written form, mainly because of legal protection. In terms of quality of the provided information, it is clear from the statements of the patients that two most important facts for them are that the performance is in their benefit and the duration of hospitalization. All patients have agreed on the fact that it is very good that they are informed about the procedure which will be performed on them. However, they were not united regarding the issue of participation in the decision ? two patients stated that not even the properly informed patient should participate in the decision about their treatment. Only one doctor expressed his stance to the patient?s participation in the decision stating that he tries to persuade his patients that his proposed solution is the optimal. The standard for the patients is to ask questions when they are concerned about something or interested in it. However, the statements showed that they do not always get the answer they are satisfied with. When the patients stated that they do not ask their doctors about anything, their reasons were enough information, lack of staff and a feeling of unwillingness on the part of doctors. If the patients did not receive enough information from the medical staff, they looked for it in other sources of information. This thesis points to the broader psychosocial context of informed consent, so its results may help during the training of staff in the assisting professions.

Assessment of Effectiveness of Czech Official Development Assistance in Period 1996-2010
Peštová, Michaela ; Novotný, Josef (advisor) ; Halaxa, Petr (referee)
This thesis deals with the assessment of the effectiveness of selected bilateral projects of Czech official development assistance. Main purpose is to assess how well were the projects prepared and what were their results and eventual impacts. On the basis of aid effectiveness literature and manuals and handbooks for project management some main recommended principles and components of the ideal project design were specified. These principles and components were confronted with the reality of selected Czech development projects, the way these projects were design and with results they brought. These information were gathered by undertaking an own survey among projects leaders and through analysis of existing evaluation reports. In general, the design of considered projects has not been found sufficiently coherent with the recommended principles. Projects' results have not been as good as was expected. Although many of the considered principles had already been well known a long time before the evaluated projects were implemented, it has to be noted that there were no common standards formally declared in the Czechia in the time when these projects were formulated and implemented. Key words: development cooperation, aid effectiveness, project cycle management, Czechia

The observed changes in selected climatic characteristics
Chládová, Zuzana
Global climate changes are often connected with increasing amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. Analyses of 22 temperature and precipitation characteristics from the period 1961-2000 showed, that some climate characteristics of the Czech Republic have been changing (mean diurnal temperature range and the number of days in heat waves have increased, length of frost season has decreased). Some characteristics have remained unchanged (maximum seasonal temperature range, length of wet and dry season). Trends of values in autumn proved to be different from other seasons. Comparison of outputs of regional climate model RegCM3 with data from stations in the Czech Republic showed, that model described temporal changes of characteristics, sufficiently, but the mean model values were lower. The coincidence of RegCM3 precipitation characteristics with real data was worse, than the correspondence of temperature characteristics. The mean values of some precipitation characteristics were very different from real ones and they also didn't describe temporal development of characteristics.

Závislost na ropných výnosech, ceny ropy a měnové kurzy: analýza denních dat
Budkov, Roman ; Zouhar, Jan (advisor) ; Formánek, Tomáš (referee)
This paper studies the relationship between the oil prices and exchange rates of oil exporting countries, in terms of their dependence on oil rents. The study is based on data at the daily frequency over the period 2005-2015. In the first chapter, the data set and basic characteristics of the countries are described. The second chapter represents the econometric framework for the practical section. Applying a vector error correction model mainly produced controversial results. Analysis based on a GARCH approach found a positive relationship between the value of the currencies and the oil prices, although the link with the oil rents dependence is not sufficiently evident. The paper also supports stylized facts, such as a negative relationship between the U.S. dollar value and the oil prices.

Landscape management - lessons from the landscape development
Petřík, Petr ; Fanta, J.
The landscape of the Czech Republic is unable to sufficiently compensate for extreme weather events such as droughts and floods within the current climate change. Damage is done to human health, property and key resources (water, soil and biodiversity), and costs are rising in agriculture and forestry. Sustainable soil management is in the public interest, and the fundamental question is how to encourage land users to farm the landscape while respecting its fine-grained mosaic and in accordance with the European Landscape Convention. For this purpose, we have set up the so-called Platform for Sustainable Landscape Management, in which research institutes even outside the Academy of Sciences are increasingly involved. The main objectives of the platform are the sharing of information, assistance in developing strategic advice and education on sustainable landscape.