National Repository of Grey Literature 13,394 records found  beginprevious13385 - 13394  jump to record: Search took 1.02 seconds. 

IntelliSense Implementation of a Dynamic Language
Míšek, Jakub ; Parízek, Pavel (referee) ; Zavoral, Filip (advisor)
In the context of computer programming, the importance of computer assistance is being understood by many developer communities. Developers are e.g. using the same well known expressions or searching method signatures in library documentations. Code sense or IntelliSense methods make most of these actions unnecessary because they serve the available useful information directly to the programmer in a completely automated way. Recently, with the increased focus of the industry on dynamic languages a problem emerges - the complete knowledge on the source code is postponed until the runtime, since there may be ambiguous semantics in the code fragment. As a part of the Phalanger project the methods for syntax and semantic analysis of the dynamic code were designed, especially targeted for the PHP programming language. These methods produce a list of valid possibilities which can be then used on a specified position in the source code; such as declarations, variables and function parameters. This collected information can be also used to a fine-grained syntax highlighting.

Nursing care of the patient with adenocarcinoma sigmoidea
Kašparová, Simona ; Vytejčková, Renata (advisor)
Cílem mé bakalářské práce je zpracování případové studie ošetřovatelské péče u pacienta K. Z., který byl v dubnu 2008 operován pro ileosní stav při stenosujícím adenokarcinomu sigmoidea. Nyní byl hospitalizován ve FN Hradci Králové na oddělení chirurgické JIP k zanoření stomie po Hartmannově operaci. Pacient souhlasil s tím, že informace o jeho nemoci budou použity při zpracování této práce. V klinické části věnuji pozornost charakteristice onemocnění. Studie zahrnuje anatomii a fyziologii tlustého střeva, patofyziologii nádorů, klinický obraz nemoci, základní vyšetřovací metody, terapii a popis průběhu hospitalizace pacienta K. Z. V ošetřovatelské části se zabývám metodikou ošetřovatelského procesu, zhodnocení pacienta podle "Modelu fungujícího zdraví" Marjory Gordonové, stanovením aktuálních a potenciálních ošetřovatelských diagnóz, realizací a hodnocením ošetřovatelské péče. Ošetřovatelské diagnózy jsem stanovila z analýzy informací získaných rozhovorem s panem K. Z., vlastním pozorováním, ze zdravotnické dokumentace a od členů ošetřovatelského týmu. Aktuální a potenciální diagnózy jsou modelově stanoveny k dvacetičtyřhodinovému pozorování na JIPu, k druhému a třetímu dni hospitalizace.

The Citizens with Officially Cancelled Permanent Residency on Territory the Ceske Budejovice
Permanent address is very important information for each citizen of the Czech Republic as it is closely linked to some rights and obligations exercised. A citizen of the Czech Republic may only be registered for permanent address at one place, usually where he/she has his/her family, flat or job. The permanent address location however does not have to be connected with the real place of residence and the bachelor thesis focuses on this reality, which often complicates citizens? lives. The origins and purpose of permanent address is examined from the historical point of view with links to the present situation. The bachelor thesis deals with the exact definition of the institute of permanent address of citizens of the Czech Republic and with a relatively new phenomenon of citizen registration, the possibility of so called official permanent address cancellation if the address does not correspond with the place where a citizen really lives. A house owner or a new lessor then exercises his/her right and files an application for cancellation of permanent address of a former lessee that is still registered at the address. During the administration procedure the lessee is asked to re-register voluntarily to another address upon valid right of use, if he/she fails to do that within a set deadline the address is officially cancelled, he/she is formally registered to a registration address, and the registration office of the municipality in whose territory the permanent address was cancelled then becomes the permanent address. The issue of permanent address cancellation brings numerous aspects not only in the context of the phenomenon of homelessness. The purpose is to point out the fact that not all the people with officially cancelled permanent address are homeless and still they are people who solve urgent living conditions and other existential anxieties. The bachelor thesis focuses on the territory of České Budějovice, its goal is to map the structure of the citizens with officially cancelled permanent address in the territory from the gender point of view. Another aim of the thesis is to find out in which parts of České Budějovice applications for permanent address cancellation are the most frequent and except others to propose a prognosis of the number of citizens with officially cancelled permanent address in České Budějovice. The fact showing certain relation between officially cancelled permanent address and escalated crime in selected area of České Budějovice seems to be a very interesting indicator. Demographic data processing is based on quantitative research performed upon own work experience by means of analysis of secondary data and trends from documents of opened administration procedures, their course and from already issued administration decisions on permanent address cancellation at the territory of České Budějovice.

Supporting documents for the award and the elaboration of territorial planning documentation for the area of České Budějovice and the surrounding area. Territorial studies with the intentions of the use of the territory.
ADLER, František
The primary goal of my diploma work is to point out the topic of creating the territorial study and aplicating my knowledge of territorial studies as working and analysing the territorial study in České Budejovice. In the first chapter there is the literary summary of territorial studies and urbanism in general connected with other related branches and disciplines. In the sekond charter we can find the brief description of Česke Budejovice as the city and also the detailed description of the area, we are interested in, because of working out the territorial study and using the territorial analytic materials in order to create it. The reader will learn about the general terms of town planning and urbanism and he or she will also learn about the detailed information of the project architekt's work. In the practic part of this work there is the topic of creating the territorial study in-depht and also other topics such as the limits of use for specific area, the restrictions of some branch, for example agriculture, housing developement, traffic and so on. The reader will also learn about the mening of territorial study within all its groundworks, basis, instruments, supplements and anexes. I agree that the main contribution of my work is to summarize of the general topics and parts, that the territorial study should contain and then its aplication to the territorial study of České Budejovice.

Family house with a design agency
Slechan, Ondřej ; Bečica, Radek (referee) ; Drobeček, David (advisor)
The subject of the Bachelor's thesis is the design and the preparation of project documentation of the family house with a design offices in the town of Boskovice. The object is placed in a quiet location at the end of the area in a slightly sloping terrain, in accordance with the regulatory plan of the city. The proposed layout is created for the housing of four families and the design office for the owner of the object, as the place of performance of his profession. It is a building with a partial bricked Foundation and two floors above the ground. The establishment of the object is solved on monolithic base passports. The basement part of the structural system consists of elements from the lost formwork BEST and the superstructure is of brick system POROTHERM contact thermal insulation. Ceiling structure reinforced concrete plate. The greater part of the building is roofed by a gable roof of wooden trusses and the smaller part is covered with a flat roof, which is designed as a terrace. Part of the object is a double garage with workshop.

BÍLÁ, Monika
The idea of town twinning was born shortly after the World War II and today brings together governments of many European countries. Town twinning becomes an important instrument of cooperation not only within the European Union, but a way of bringing people around the world. Characteristic twinning is to develop existing contacts of inhabitants of member countries , their knowledge, cultures and practices . This work is the first theory focuses on partnerships between cities , as well as specific partnership with the cities of Sand City Deggendorf and Wetzlar. In this particular example of cooperation of cities is shown to Czech -German cooperation. The thesis project proposal prepared by the Czech-German football tournament in Písek.

Effects of Intensity and Volume on Developing General Endurance in Triathlon
Kovalovský, Jan ; Horčic, Josef (advisor) ; Šeflová, Iva (referee)
Name: KOVALOVSKÝ Jan Title: Effects of Intensity and Volume on Developing General Endurance in Triathlon Keywords: aerobic threshold anaerobic threshold respiratory quotient power equivalent aerobic capacity aerobic max. performance triathlon At present time, high-quality training documentation is a necessary part of the training process. Computed records referring to training load allow to broaden accounting of parameters influencing the training process, and improve the training analysis, which will consequently allow for improving the training load analysis. In this dissertation I tried to point out that power demands ofphysical activities can be used as a specifying indicator ofthe training load in developing long-term endurance in triathlon. In triathlon events I focused on cycling and running. When determining power demands of an activity, physiological values referring to running laboratory tests were used. The power demands were calculated according to Di Prampero. As based on the power demand assessment ofthe given person's activity, training plans with current testing were elaborated. At the end of the two-year training cycle, accounting the effects of power demands on the triathlon training process was evaluated. Supposed contributions: - more accurate training load accounting - better...

The Home as a Place
Fišerová, Doubravka ; Roeselová, Věra (advisor) ; Slavík, Jan (referee)
Co je to vlastně domov? Je to prostor, který obýváme? Je to vztahová síť opředená okolo každého z nás? Jsou to dějiny, jichž jsme součástí? Jak existuje domov? Je skutečný a stejný pro každého, nebo existuje a vzniká pouze v nás? Je domov všedností nebo jedinečností? To jsou otázky, které mne napadaly, když jsem zvažovala zadání mé diplomové práce, snad trochu rozkolísána vlastním vkročením do dospělosti. Trochu z nerozvážnosti dostal můj výzkumný úkol pracovní název Domov - dokument o místě. Ovšem toto spojení se posléze pro mne ukázalo být dosti problematickým. Domov? Dokument? Asi nejširším a pro tuto práci nejvhodnějším významem slova dokument je svědectví, doklad o něčem. Dokumentace je tedy potvrzování, dokládání průkazným materiálem, sledování, zaznamenávání a třídění odborné literatury nebo souhrn podkladů a informací o jisté věci nebo jevu. Dokumentovat tedy objektivně vymezitelný skutečný prostor je možné, aleje tímto prostorem právě domov? Vyvstala otázka: Lze označit domov místem? Hledáním odpovědi se zabývá hned první kapitola této práce, která se mimo jiné dotýká i definice domova samotného. Při vymezování významu slova domov jsem si tak vytvořila vlastní strukturu, která sestává z různých pohledů na fenomén domova a stává se tak jednou ze tří rovin dokumentu mého domova, neboť hledá odpověď...

The Multipurpose Building in Opava
Gross, Petr ; Struhala, Karel (referee) ; Manychová, Monika (advisor)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the processing of design documentation for realization of the new-build multipurpose building in Opava. The building is designed on the grounds of a former dairy in the Krnovská street where the demolition of obsolete buildings passed off recently. Now are these areas designed to build up again. Designed object will function as a multipurpose building with the operation of a restaurant on the 1st floor, office spaces on the 2nd floor and dwelling units on the 3rd floor. Part of the first floor is a mass garage primarily intended for residents of dwelling units with a total of 9 parking places. It is designed eight dwelling units in total of which six are one-room flats and two are four-room flats. Plan shape of the building is rectangular. The londbearing structure of the building is a reinforced concrete prefabricated precast concrete frame founded on cast-in-place concreted pads. Infill walls are clay brick. The building is roofed with warm flat roof. Dominant features of the building are large glass areas in all floors, metal ventilated facade and loggias of dwelling units. The drawings are processed in AutoCAD programme.

Library of Nymburk
Hrbáček, Adam ; Utíkal, Aleš (referee) ; Utíkalová, Ivana (advisor)
Topic of my diploma thesis is creating design documentation on level of detailed design, Library of Nymburk. Project contains engineering reports, realization drawings, thermal assessment, fire safety assessment, static ceiling evaluation, simplified foundation design and design of staircases. Projected building has three above ground floors and one partial basement. Structural system vertical is made of mansory walls, based in basement on drilled piles and in first upper floor on strip foundations. Staircases are made of cast-in-place reinforce concrete same for ceiling slabs and joist slabs. Roof structure is warm flat roof. Project was designed in computer programs: ArchiCAD 19, IdeaSTATICA7, WDLS 5, Svoboda software and vizualization done in Lumion 3D.