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Simulation of Negotiation and Argumentation Protocols
Říha, Michal ; Samek, Jan (referee) ; Zbořil, František (advisor)
This work deals with communication in multiagent systems. The protocols for negotiation and argumentation are shown, and model example of their usage is described. We describe hierarchical model of trust in contexts, that is used for representation of agent's believes. The argumentation protocol for those agents is designed, and is used for solving conflicts.
Indoor Air Quality Assessment
Doležal, Libor ; Fišer, Jan (referee) ; Krejčí, Vladimír (advisor)
The thesis inform the reader about the agents that affect the indoor air quality, especially those related to thermal comfort. It also draws attention to discomfort caused by some of the agents. There are introduced basic methods and measurement procedures of quantities necessary to evaluate the thermal comfort. The thesis is not a direct manual to the measurement of the mentioned quantities but it guides the reader to the most suitable measuring instrument according to the measurement objective and range. Further it provides a review of standards and public notices related to this theme.
External environment of the company
This thesis was focused on the theme: External environment of the company. The business was chosen during the preparation and give me necessary information. Researched business called Aerosol ? Service Ltd., place of business is in central Bohemian (Pletený Újezd). The main products of the company are polyurethane foams. This dissertation was divided into three pillars. The first pillar was oriented of the external surroundings of company. These surroundings were adequately described. The next step was survey, because was needed to profile customer satisfaction. Another important step was to analyze the strongest and closest competitors on the market. The second pillar was focused on farther surroundings professionally called macro surroundings. This part has been described by STEP analysis. From this analysis was evaluated several most fundamental and long-term factors. The last pillar was focused on foreign trade, which is for company the most important. 85 % of the all production goes abroad. Here was analyzed market of European Union and final effect was chosen two best companies according to set criteria to begin new business possibilities. The main object of the thesis was to analyze the external environment of the company. In my opinion, the main object fulfilled. New findings were found in the external environment, and they are designed to changes and recommendations.
Legal Status of Police Agents: Study 5.293
Veselá, Hana
Práce se zabývá použitím institutu agenta ve vybraných zemích a jeho zakotvením v právním řádu. Srovnávány jsou evropské úpravy (agent kontrolor) s odlišnou úpravou ve Spojených státech (agent provokatér). Zvláštní část práce se zabývá relevantními rozsudky Evropského soudu pro lidská práva. Použití skrytého (tajného) vyšetřovatele - agenta se změněnou identitou patří mezi zvláštní vyšetřovací postupy, které podléhají zpřísněné kontrole. Jejich použití totiž zasahuje do soukromí osob, které jsou pomocí této metody vyšetřovány. Mezi zvláštní vyšetřovací prostředky patří nejenom použití agenta se změněnou identitou, ale také odposlechy, odposlechy telefonních hovorů, sledování dat v elektronickém styku (včetně jejich rozšifrování), a pod.
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Using Multi-Agent Systems in Business Process Modeling
Doskočilová, Veronika ; Řepa, Václav (advisor) ; Svatoš, Oleg (referee)
This work deals with the possibilities of using agents and multiagent systems in the areas of business process management and business process modeling. The aim of the theoretical part is to describe the theory of artificial agents, to assess the benefits of this approach and to describe current applications of MAS in BPM. In the theoretical part I also describe the issue of management and business process modeling and methodology MMABP. The aim of the analytical part is to summarize the possibilities of using MAS in BPM in the situations where business processes are already described and modeled and in the situations where there are no such descripctions nor models yet . In this part I also want to introduce my theory of agent-process, which is the possibility of looking at processes as autonomous agents. This theory is presented in practical demonstrations and examples by using the TROPOS methodology, and this theory is supported by references from the areas of agent and business process modeling.
Incorporation of Agent Oriented Approaches to the Complex Process Description Methodology
Smolík, Jan ; Řepa, Václav (advisor) ; Vojtáš, Peter (referee) ; Bukovský, Ivo (referee)
The main objective of this thesis is to integrate agent oriented concepts into a complex methodology for description of business processes MMABP that is being developed on University of Economics, Prague. The first part describes and explains agent oriented approaches to business process modeling (i*/TROPOS, AOR, OOEM and UFO ontology) and demonstrates them on a case study. MMABP methodology is then compared with these approaches and evaluated. The evaluation concludes that MMABP is incomplete in relation to agent oriented concepts of plan, plan execution, desire, intention, commitment and claim and also to concepts of stable and unstable state. Concepts of goal, agent and business process are evaluated as inaccurate. Second part of the theses arguments and defines MMABP extension that eliminates identified inadequacies. Metamodel is amended with the concept of plan execution which is intentionally executed action that leads to a goal fulfillment. Plan is a description of this special kind of action. Agent is an entity that has goals and is capable of executing plans. Business process received a new definition and is defined as something that defines plans (as a prescription of actions), has goals and uses agents to execute actions. Business process is not defined as a specialization of a complex event anymore. The thesis also specifies procedure where concepts are step-by-step transformed from one diagram to another.
Formal Reasoning in the Bang3 Multi-Agent System
Beuster, Gerd
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Simulace burzy cenných papírů multiagentním systémem
Smutný, Karel ; Brada, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Pígl, Jan (referee)
Práce pojednává o využití systémů distribuované umělé inteligence (konkrétně multiagentního systému) k ekonomickým simulacím trhů cenných papírů z pohledu jednotlivých účastníků trhu. Součástí diplomové práce bylo navrhnout a implementovat multiagentní systém simulující obchodování na burze cenných papírů, kde jednotliví agenti zastupují jednotlivé obchodníky na burze, a to jak korporace poptávající kapitál, tak fondy nabízející kapitál. Cílem pak bylo najít a formulovat co nejmenší množinu předpokladů nutných k tomu, aby na trhu cenných papírů docházelo k obhodování jinému než nákupu primární emise, a experimentem ověřit. V první části textu je implementovaný systém popsán jak z technického hlediska, tak v ekonomických souvislostech, v druhé jsou popsány experimenty a jejich výsledky. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována hypotéze efektivních trhů a demonstraci nedostatečnosti jejích předpokladů.
Server driven negotiation
Mikulka, Pavel ; Kastl, Jan (advisor) ; Pinkas, Otakar (referee)
Práce přibližuje základy protokolu HTTP a možnosti využití dynamického zasílání www stránek. První kapitola popisuje protokol HTTP na obecné úrovni, druhá se věnuje dynamicky zasílaným stránkám. Přínosem je ukázka implementace na dvou prakticky využitelných aplikacích. První z nich je automatický rozcestník pro webové sídlo, jehož úkolem je přesměrovat uživatele na nejvhodnější jazykovou verzi v závislosti na hodnotě hlavičky Accept-Language nebo IP adrese a druhou je download platforma pro společnost nabízející zábavní obsah pro mobilní telefony, jež poskytuje uživateli optimální verzi obsahu v závislosti na user-agent hlavičce jeho přístroje.

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