National Repository of Grey Literature 137 records found  beginprevious125 - 134next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Role of aerosol in climate change
Švátora, Milan ; Hůnová, Iva (advisor) ; Hovorka, Jan (referee)
Atmospheric aerosol is a suspension of liquid or solid particles or their mixture in the atmosphere. Tropospheric aerosols can get into the air from its natural sources or from anthropogenic sources. Release of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels and organic and elemental carbon from biomass burning are the major anthropogenic sources of aerosols. Primary aerosols have a direct source of emissions (dust from quarries or from land, sea salt particles in the waves, volcanic ash during volcanic eruptions). Secondary aerosols are formed by chemical reactions of substances in the atmosphere, which converts the gas particles - so- called conversion of gases to particles (formation of nitrates by oxidation of nitrogen oxides and sulfates from sulfur dioxide). Atmospheric aerosol is an important component of the atmosphere and contributes to significant atmospheric events, such as precipitation formation and precipation fall, radiation balance of Earth. Aerosols can affect the radiation balance of the Earth in two ways. First, through absorption and scattering of shortwave and long wave radiation - so-called direct effect. Or serve as condensation nuclei on which water is condenses. Aerosols can affect formation, quantity, length of existence and radiation properties of clouds - so-called indirect effect. In...
Transformation of geopolitical importance of Arctic Ocean due to climate change.
Doboš, Bohumil ; Romancov, Michael (advisor) ; Plechanovová, Běla (referee)
Work describes and predicts future development in geopolitical situation in the region of the Arctic Ocean. Problematic is covered with regard to melting of the Arctic iceberg leading to access of mineral resources under the sea floor, as well as to opening of so-called Northern Route as the shortest sea route between Far East and European markets. Thesis is a case study, which creates the most probable development in the region and its conflict potential based on study of available sources. Specific points covered in the text are, after geographically limiting the area and summing up the historical process, problematic of peak oil and sketching probability of melting of the Arctic iceberg. Second part covers the question of recovering of the mineral resources in the area - oil and natural gas as the most important. It also deals with dependence of the countries in the area on the drilling and with impacts of the possible drilling in the Arctic Ocean on the situation inside these countries. Last topic covered in this part are tools a conventions of the sea law dealing with setting of so-called Exclusive economic zones and technical difficulties of the mining process. Third part covers topic of availability of Northern Route and North-west Passage and their fallout on the trade between Far East and Europe...
Climate Change
CENIA, česká informační agentura životního prostředí
Environmental issues of the Czech Republic are presented in set of 18 monothematic leaflets (in Czech and English).
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Sustainable production capabilities of territory, depending on climatic drought.
Skůpová, Jana ; Uhrová,, Jana (referee) ; Dumbrovský, Miroslav (advisor)
In this work, I dealt with the repercussion of drought on agriculture and land in the cadastral Jinošov. For this area, I analyzed the erosion and ratio of outflow. I also conducted a proposal of adaptation measures against erosion and water retention in the area. In conclusion, I analyzed withholding data and assessed the retention before and after the proposal of adaptation measures. The result of my work is finding that rainfall is inadequate and largely come out of the growing season, that despite all the measures fail to create on the necessary retention for the correct functioning of the landscape. Therefore it is necessary to solve water supply from other areas where is sufficient supply of water.
Protection of the built-up area of the village Dobrouc against the adverse effects of concentrated runoff
Kulihová, Martina ; Sobotková, Veronika (referee) ; Dumbrovský, Miroslav (advisor)
The aim of the thesis was to evaluate the erosion and drainage conditions in the cadastral Lužkovice under the Complex land consolidation and then the design of protective measures. The impact of climate change was considered and for that reason evaluation and design was made in two versions. The climate change is one of the most important issues of our time.
The assessment of change in the water balance of Hačka catchment due to the climate change
Moravec, Vojtěch ; Hanel, Martin (advisor) ; Ladislav, Ladislav (referee)
In the presented paper the changes in mean runoff, temperature and precipitation totals in an observed period 1962-2015 in the catchment river Hačka are assessed. The paper further presents the analysis of climate change impact on mean runoff between the periods 1984-2014 (control period) and 2035-2065 and 2068-2098 (scenario periods) using the projections of three regional climate model simulations. Thin Plate Spline interpolation was used to estimate basin precipitation and temperature. Modified hydrological analogy was used for precise quantification of naturalized runoff (i.e. not affected by water use). Climate change scenarios were derived using simple delta change approach, i.e. observed series of precipitation and temperature were adjusted in order to give the same changes between the control and scenario period as regional climate model simulations. Hydrological balance was modelled with a conceptual hydrological model Bilan. The parameters of the hydrological model were estimated using observed data. These parameters were subsequently used to derive discharge series under climate change conditions for each regional climate model simulation. Results showed a 1.7 °C average increase in mean annual temperature in the scenario period 2035-2065 and a 2.8 °C average increase in the scenario period 2068-2098. The seasonal cycle of precipitation in the scenario conditions is shifted, although mean annual precipitation totals remain practically unchanged (max changes -8.1 %; +9.3 %). The mean annual discharge decreases by 5.7% in average (most 20.3 %) in period 2035-2065 and a significant decrease of 25.5% in average (most 45.9 %) in annual mean discharge is expected in the period 2068-2098. Frequency of minimal runoff is expected to increase up to two times. Precipitation increase is expected from the beginning of the fall to the beginning of the summer, with a slight decrease in spring. Increase in precipitation is followed by evapotranspiration increase, caused by increase in temperature. Summer precipitation is expected to decrease as well as summer runoff. Due to the temperature increase, time shift of the snowmelt is expected from the periods between March-April to January-February. This will also affect the increase of the discharge in this period. This knowledge can be applied in water management planning in the future.
Climate change as a global security threat
Maňásková, Martina ; Nechvátal, Martin (advisor) ; Dubský, Zbyněk (referee)
The thesis deals with the current phenomenon of environmental security. More frequent and intense storms indicate that climate change has unexpected impacts. Climate security is becoming an integral part of the international agenda. In the first part I define environmental security from a theoretical point of view and I show approaches to environmental security. The fundamental is approach of Copenhagen school. The second part deals with the environmental security in the last century and new circumstances of 21st century. The third part deals with the activities of actors who securitize the topic of climate change. Mostly with activities of United Nations as the world's most important organization in providing protection and human security.
Carbon footprint of the town České Budějovice
FIŠEROVÁ, Michaela
Diploma thesis deals with the carbon footprint´s enumeration of the town České Budějovice. Based on the evaluation of the its particular segments there are the measures for reduction proposed. Furthermore the amount of the carbon footprint is compared with the value of the carbon footprint of the Czech Republic and five other towns. The compared towns are Chrudim, Jilemnice, Krnov, Svitavy a Semily.
Analysis of water demand depending on the level of temperature and precipitation
Malý, Vítězslav ; Slavíková, Lenka (advisor) ; Petŕužela, Lubomír (referee)
The demand for water is a very specific variable determined by many factors. The thesis aims to explain how does weather condition influenced the overall character of water demand. Predictions of climate change shows that in terms of CR it can expect changes in total precipitation during the seasons, the increase in average temperatures and a change in the variability and intensity of extreme events. The analysis therefore focuses on clarifying the impact of the level of temperature and precipitation on water withdrawals from public water supply. Analysis used daily data on the collection of water from public water supply for each interested location and daily hydrological data on the level of average daily air temperature and daily rainfall.
Efficiency in international funds for climate change
Husová, Kateřina ; Jílková, Jiřina (advisor) ; Vojáček, Ondřej (referee)
In years long negotiations on the new global climate change regime, financial support provided for adaptation and mitigation in developing countries have been one of the most contentious issues. Billions dollars are in questions annually, disbursed both by private investments, as well as substantially via public funds. The fundamental question resonating in the negotiations and elsewhere though is the issue of efficient delivery. Given the scale of resources, which should be mobilized and disbursed, given the current experience with inefficiencies in ODA, given the fact that existing climate change funds are now disbursing millions but not billions, the efficiency is really the key for success of future climate regime. Moreover, efficient delivery is a pre-condition for "preventing dangerous interference with climate change", which is the ultimate goal of climate change policy enshrined in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change envisages. It is a widespread belief that inefficiency in disbursing public funds remains at the recipient's side. This paper tries to approach the efficiency question at the case of the Global Environment Facility, the Kyoto Protocol Adaptation Fund and the World Bank Climate Investment Funds. It asks the question whether the existing funding mechanisms in climate change are set up optimally in order to disburse funds efficiently. When looking at their internal policies and guidelines, it focuses on the four leading questions -- how can funds be accessed, who decides, who and how implements and how are funds held accountable. It finds that there are major differences between the tree funds in how and by whom are priorities and objectives decided, what are the fund's requirements on recipients, and how does the fund control the efficiency of its spending. This paper brings an in-depth analysis of weak and strong policies in existing climate change funds with regard to efficient delivery.

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