National Repository of Grey Literature 135 records found  beginprevious122 - 131next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Future of the housing policy instruments in the Czech republic
Jirouchová, Michaela ; Kubelková, Karina (advisor) ; Chalupníček, Pavel (referee)
Housing availibility is a actual problem. That is not only because of the current economic crisis, which has an impact on housing availibility on the market, but also because of different proclamations and proposals of political parties. The main goal of this thesis is to evalute instruments of housing policy in the Czech republic, predict how the instruments should look like in the future and outline effective solution for housing accessability in the Czech republic. This paper characterizes basic approaches and models of housing policy in the Czech republic, adding prognose of next possible progress. Thesis focuses on individual types of instruments, evaluates its future consequences and impacts, as well as a meaning for whole housing situation in the Czech republic. In the last part, thesis analyses housing policy of czech political parties as a part of their electoral programs with consideration about its application in practice.
The concept of housing policy at a municipal level
Divišová, Lucie ; Toth, Petr (advisor) ; Mizerová, Ivana (referee)
This paper analyzes the concept of housing policy at a municipal level. It looks at current status of areas in the Czech Republic in relation to their housing provision and individual stakeholders' roles in this process. The key role is played by the government and its influence of housing policy through legislation. Various general as well as individual areas' issues are explored and solutions discussed. One example outlines detailed analysis of a situation in a specific area of the country.The analysis was conducted based on current data provided by the Ministry of Local Development and the local council and a research conducted by the author. The aim is to define and analyze current housing policy in the Czech Republic and discuss potential solutions.
The Housing Policy of the City of Písek
Trpáková, Eva ; Poláková, Olga (advisor) ; Sunega, Petr (referee)
The main objective of diploma thesis is an analysis of the housing policy in the city of Písek, in which I endeavour to evaluate the existing method of its implementation and efficiency. The first part of thesis deals with the development of the housing policy in the territory of the Czech Republic with emphasis on the period since 1989. It includes descriptions of the most significant changes in the field of housing during the transformation period and defines the basic instruments of the state housing support. The second part of the thesis focuses on the role of municipalities in the field of housing and their possibilities in the disposal of the originally state housing stock. It concentrates on the actual situation on the housing market in the city of Písek where there has been a fundamental turn in the approach to the municipal rentable housing this year. It thoroughly examines the executed privatization of the housing stock with aspect to the prices of the sold units and it evaluates the significance of the newly adopted measures.
Beginnings and history of state interventions into housing market using Czech market as example
Knap, Adam ; Poláková, Olga (advisor) ; Sunega, Petr (referee)
The goal of my thesis "Beginnings and history of state interventions into housing market using Czech market as example" is to illustrate circumstances (conditions) in which housing policy started to evolve. Next goal is to explain the reasons why state interventions on Czech housing market grew stronger. Historical circumstances, which were important in housing market shaping, are accompanied by analysis of historical sources. First part of thesis is focused on explaining basic terms regarding forming housing market and highlighting specialties of housing as (tady ten statek nevím). Second part demonstrates first state interventions in Czech Republic territory using historical legislative sources, statistical data and historical context. It starts in Austria-Hungary and then chronologically moves over two World Wars era and socialism to the present.
Processes of segregation in urban areas and its impact on town administration
Burešová, Lenka ; Kadeřábková, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Jetmar, Marek (referee)
Bachelor thesis introduces the phenomenon of segregation which essentially falls into the category of worldwide social processes. For better understanding of the covered subject, particular terms which are directly or indirectly connected with segregation are explained. Thesis is divided into four chapters, covering both theoretical and practical part. Theoretical part describes segregation as an all-society phenomenon, including the reasons of its occurrence, classification and its impact as well. Another chapter of the theoretical part discusses segregation in the Czech Republic and more closely describes the occurrence and development of racial, residential and social segregation in the country. This chapter covers particular instruments used in the Czech Republic and evaluates its efficiency. Last but not least, thesis offers possible solutions applied in other European or Non -- European countries. Final chapter is dedicated to the practical part and observes the actual stage of segregation in the particular region in the Czech Republic, in the town of Svitavy. The aim of the thesis is to review the awareness of the Czech Republic in terms of the impact of segregation in future and analyse the existing politics in an effort to avoid segregation, reduce its impact or eliminate it.
Social aspects of housing in the Czech republic
Průšová, Michaela ; Toth, Petr (advisor) ; Císař, Jaromír (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with housing policy and rent housing in Czech republic. First basic terms of housing and consequences of rent housing are described. The second chapter concentrates on the rent housing, in detail particular kinds of this sort of housing are described. The third chapter introduces historical development and reasons of rent restriction in Czech republic. The next part concentrates on the development of law and conception documents in the field of housing policy and current legal form of rent housing. The last part analyses financial availability of housing, it presents the development of restricted rent prices and introduces the prediction model of impacts of rent liberalization applied on the law of unilateral increase of rents. It suggests also possible compensations of these effects.
Komplexní analýza bytové politiky města Tábora
Křehlík, Vladimír ; Poláková, Olga (advisor) ; Sunega, Petr (referee)
The aim of the diploma thesis is the analysis of housing policy the town of Tábor. It seeks to provide an overview of the current situation in the housing, the analysis of local housing policy and its future devolopment. In the beginning of the work deals with the definition of basic concepts in the field of housing policy and housing market characteristics. Furthermore, focusing on the role of the state in areas of housing policy, examines the essential characteristics of the housing stock and the tools to promote housing, these types of instruments, their significance and use. The second part of the work focuses on analysis of housing policy solutions in the city of Tabor. Evaluate the implementation of housing policy in terms of management of housing stock, the analysis of demand and supply in the housing market, used tools and support for city participation in city housing. The privatization process of the city housing stock and its alternatives are current problems of the city core.
Haousing finance in Czech and Slovak republic
Kerďová, Ivana ; Toth, Petr (advisor) ; Kováčová, Andrea (referee)
This thesis deals with housing policy and housing finance in Czech and Slovak republics. Selected topics are matched with some states of the European Union. The first chapter deals with a general analysis of housing and housing policy, the theoretical possibilities of the division of housing and housing policy instruments. At the end of the chapter speaks about the importance of resources and funding to the housing sector. The second chapter is already more engaged in the development of housing policy and housing in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In both countries are described the development of housing policy after 1989, the current housing policy and housing situation. The end of the chapter compares determined facts. The third chapter explains the various support tools and funding opportunities for housing through the Housing Development Fund, building savings and mortgages. The fourth chapter crowns the earliers, in which are compared some of the problems in the housing area of Czech Republic and Slovakia in selected states of the European Union.
Vliv politiky ČSSD a ODS na trh s bydlením
Procházková, Veronika ; Kollár, Miroslav (advisor) ; Chytilová, Helena (referee)
Tato práce si klade za cíl analyzovat vliv politiky předních českých politických stran na trh s bydlením v České republice. Teoretická část této práce se věnuje základní charakteristice a specifikům bydlení. Součástí teoretické části této práce je charakteristika bytové politiky, role státu v této politice, popis činností státu v této oblasti a základní popis nástrojů bytové politiky, které se využívají k ovlivňování vývoje na trhu s bydlením. Analytická část této práce se zabývá konkrétní bytovou politikou Občanské demokratické strany (ODS) a bytovou politikou České strany sociálně demokratické (ČSSD). Analýza vlivu politických stran na vývoj trhu s bydlením vychází z dlouhodobých koncepcí bytové politiky, které byly přijaty během vlád obou politických stran. Popisuje ambice, které si strany definovaly ve volebních programem a analyzuje, zda se programová prohlášení jednotlivých vlád dočkala svého naplnění. Komparací obou politik se práce snaží odpovědět na tyto otázky: Jaké tendence v oblasti bytové politiky se snaží jednotlivé strany prosadit? Jsou tyto tendence slučitelné nebo protichůdné? Jakým způsobem ovlivnila bytová politika ČSSD a ODS vývoj na trhu s bydlením?
Rental housing in the Czech republic
Dobešová, Eva ; Stočková, Olga (advisor) ; Sunega, Petr (referee)
Práce je zaměřena na problematiku nájemního bydlení v České republice. V úvodu vymezuje pojem bytové politiky a jejích nástrojů. Dále rozebírá jednotlivé sektory nájemního bydlení. V kapitole věnované soukromému nájemnímu bydlení se zaobírá problémem regulace nájemného a občanskoprávní úpravou vztahů nájemníků a pronajímatelů. Pod kapitolu ?obecní bytový fond? je začleněn problém privatizace, příspěvku na bydlení a sociálního bydlení. Do oddílu věnovanému družstevnímu bydlení jsou zahrnuty formy státní podpory a formy financování družstevních bytů. Na závěr se práce pokouší o určitý přehled o tom, jakých forem může nájemní bydlení nabývat v jiných evropských zemích.

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