National Repository of Grey Literature 21 records found  beginprevious12 - 21  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Collective administration of copyright, focusing on the unjust enrichment from the collective rights manager's point of view
Palička, Jan ; Wünschová Pujmanová, Alexandra (advisor) ; Dobřichovský, Tomáš (referee)
Collective administration of copyright, focusing on the unjust enrichment from the collective rights manager's point of view Key words: Collective administration, copyright, unjust enrichment This master's thesis is focused on the collective management of copyright in the Czech Republic and it especially focuses on the issue of claiming an unjust enrichment from the colletive administrator's perspective. The main aim of the theses is to introduce the aforementioned and systematically discuss the legal adjustments and the functioning of the institutions on both theoretical and practical levels. The theses is divided into two imaginary halves, the first half focuses on the collective administration of copyright in general terms, the second half deals with the enforcement of unjust enrichment by the collective administrator itself. The thesis is divided into ten chapters. The first chapter deals with the basic definitions of the concept of collective administration and it's inclusion into the Czech legal system as well as the definitions of the basic concepts and issues used in this area of law. The second chapter briefly discusses the history of collective administration in the world as well as in the Czech Republic. The third chapter describes the rights which are the subject of collective...
Unjust Enrichment under English and Czech Law
Škvareková, Gabriela ; Elischer, David (advisor) ; Dvořák, Jan (referee)
1 ABSTRACT UNJUST ENRICHMENT UNDER ENGLISH AND CZECH LAW The topic of presented thesis is "Unjust Enrichment under English and Czech Law". It aims to provide a comprehensive analysis and comparison of legal rules governing unjust enrichment in English and Czech law. The thesis is systematically divided into four principal chapters which are further subdivided. The first chapter presents an introduction to unjust enrichment. It provides a brief historical overview and a description of legal nature of unjust enrichment. It also aims to bring a basic comparison of the common law system and the civil law system to which English law and Czech law belong. Unjust enrichment on the European level is analysed in the second chapter. Two chosen soft law instruments of the European private law are presented here, namely Draft Common Frame of Reference and Principles of European Law of Unjust Enrichment, which set forth non-binding rules for the functioning of unjust enrichment. The third chapter is focused on the English law of unjust enrichment. It primarily brings the analysis of the requirements of unjust enrichment under English law. These requirements, which are based on the case law of the English courts, are as follows: (1) benefit, (2) at the claimant's expense, (3) unjust factor, and (4) lack of defence....
Unjust enrichment under business law
Gejdoš, Jakub ; Horáček, Vít (advisor) ; Eichlerová, Kateřina (referee)
The thesis is focused on the legal concept of unjust enrichment specifically in relation to the area of business law. Although the basic legal regulation relevant also for the area of business law was, and even after the adoption of the new private law codes, still remains in the civil code, the thesis endeavors to focus on certain specifics related particularly to the business relations. For these purposes it deals, in less or more detailed manner, also with other legal concepts, which are significant for the topic and closely related (such as limitation of claims resulting from the unjust enrichment, good faith of legal entities, invalidity of legal acts etc.). The thesis analyses legal acts regulating the institution of unjust enrichment for the area of private law, eventually specifically for the business relations. Especially in the areas where the legal text itself is not exhaustive, it supplies also analysis of relatively extensive case law (available so far only in respect of the previous legislation), eventually also the analysis of expert opinions. It draws attention to certain conflicts in interpretation of individual legal provisions. Considering the recent essential change of the private law basis (new private law codes) the thesis provides to a considerable extent comparison of the...
Unjust enrichment
Míková, Petra ; Dvořák, Jan (advisor) ; Pohl, Tomáš (referee)
In this thesis I broadly deal with an important institution of law - unjust enrichment. Despite its subsidiary application nature, it has an irreplaceable role in the legal order of the Czech Republic, especially in the Private Law. The thesis focuses on the interpretation of the legislation in the Civil Code as this is the source for the legislation that is further applied on legal relationships regulated in special legal regulations. The most extensive part of the text is devoted to the interpretation of the legislation according to the positive law. I try to concentrate on the current legislation mainly from the point of view of the application and interpretational practice of the Supreme Court. For the purpose of easier orientation in the issue, I divided the interpretation of special merits of a fact into particular interpretational areas according to the example of the general part. In these interpretational areas I emphasize the peculiarities that need to be taken into account before asserting a claim resulting from the merits of a particular case. The thesis analyses the legislation in the new Civil Code. A part of the text deals with the proposed legislation of unjust enrichment in the Book VII. of the Common Framework of Reference which could be the source for the European Civil Code...
Unjust enrichment under business law
Jančařík, Ondřej ; Horáček, Vít (advisor) ; Čech, Petr (referee)
1 Abstract This thesis deals with the institute of unjust enrichment extending to commercial law. It is focused on specific aspects of existence of this institute in commercial law. Particularly it means an issue of the limitation of unjust enrichment claims in business relationships as well as other special elements of unjust enrichment in commercial law regulations such as the question of repayment of the performance caused by the withdrawal, the protection of the company name claims and protection against unfair competition, rights of industrial property and bill of exchange and cheques enrichment. Although the work is primarily based on existing legislation, it is not limited to the examination of the issue from the perspective of re-codification of private law. The thesis analyzes the various provisions of the relevant commercial law regulations whose interpretation is in theory and practice greatly divided, and with their detailed analysis using initially established theoretical basis, trying to make their own suggestions.
Unjust enrichment
Kozlerová, Martina ; Dvořák, Jan (advisor) ; Pohl, Tomáš (referee)
The thesis deals with unjust enrichment as one of the institutes of civil law or private law, which is regulated by the Act No. 40/1964 Coll., Civil Code. The core of the thesis consists in the analysis of the legal regulation of this institute, namely within the context of the current case law (especially the case law of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic), scholarly treatises and juristic articles.
Unjust enrichment under business law
Keltner, Miloslav ; Horáček, Vít (advisor) ; Rozehnal, Aleš (referee)
Unjust enrichment under business law The aim of this work is to analyze the unjust enrichment with its overlap to commercial law. The introduction of the text summarizes the historical development of unjust enrichment from ancient Roman law provisions, including the Austrian General Civil Code and the Civil Code from 1950 up to the history of the currently effective codex published under no. 40/1964 Coll. This historical analysis points out certain analogies with the current regulation and the development of elements that are the foundation of today's unjust enrichment legislation. The following part of the work contains analysis of the current de lege lata legislation of unjust enrichment in the commercial law, the subsequent part constitutes the crucial part of this work that is concerned directly with unjust enrichment in the commercial law. First, it analyses the term of business contractual obligations, then it analyses the relationship between the Civil Code and the Commercial Code and finally it sums up the expert discussion relating to the unjust enrichment in the commercial law and subsequently the author presents his personal view of the problem and the effects of the unjust enrichment, especially on the question of limitation period, are considered briefly. The final chapter consists...
Monetary claims in intellectual property infringement cases
Sedláček, Václav ; Boháček, Martin (advisor) ; Macek, Jiří (referee) ; Pauknerová, Monika (referee)
The dissertation examines the enforcement of monetary claims in cases of intellectual property rights infringement. It focuses on the Act n. 221/2006 Sb. on the enforcement of intellectual property and on the directive 2004/48/EC of the European parliament and of the Council. The main aim is to evaluate the extent of monetary claims especially with regard on possible overlap or mutual consumption of the claims.The second aim is the analysis of English terminology in relation to the nearest Czech equivalents. The dissertation uses methods of logic induction and abstraction and the international multilateral comparative method, where the use of language plays a crucial role. The exact method of modelling combined with mathematical game theory is used. The dissertation progressively explains terms and relevant enactments. It introduces existing ambiguities. It tries to clarify them by analysing the EU legislation, the implementations in different member states, the statutory and common law in the USA. Consecutively it focuses on unjust enrichment in English law, then in the USA and in the continental system, where this institute is set negatively -- as the unjustified enrichment. Within the whole thesis the analysis takes place in relation to intellectual property rights infringement. In the penultimate chapter, TRIPS and ACTA are compared with the directive 2004/48/EC to provide further explanations. The dissertation concludes that a parallel award of damages and infringer's profits theoretically is possible, when it is not a single flow of value which is concerned by the infringement. The dissertation negatively replies to the question if damages and infringer's profits may be awarded concurrently in two separate lump-sum amounts according to § 5 (2) or (3) of the Act n. 221/2006 Sb. The reason is that the rate of the royalty is applied to sales of the infringer. These sales relate to the unjust enrichment of the infringer. If damages were again calculated by applying the same rate to the same sales, that would be double recovery. But theoretically this possibility cannot be excluded. A real-world example is very hard to find, even in the non-lump-sum form. Collateral sales awarded with lost profit in US law may serve as one. From the EU documents it seems, that infringer's profits is equalled to unjust enrichment and that is translated as unjustified enrichment. But English theory distinguishes restitution of unjust enrichment and gain-based recovery for wrong, the latter encompassing the award of infringer's profits in the form of damages. The broader Czech notion of unjustified enrichment is not to be equalled to unjust enrichment in the pure English notion, because the former encompasses also intentional wrongs. With regard to the restitution of infringer's profits based on unjust enrichment, the intent plays a role. The broader notion of unjust enrichment relevant to intellectual property rights infringement is called interceptive unjust enrichment, where enrichment "from the property of the plaintiff" is at stake and it is also possible to claim profits gained by the infringement. Focus is on the enrichment "from the property", not on the wrong. The dissertation examines the terms "account of profits", apportionment of profits", "disgorgement" and impure negotiorum gestio with regard to intellectual property infringement. In several countries reasonable royalty is regarded as good measure of net gain from the infringement of intellectual property. When the infringement was not innocent or wilful, it's possible to claim not only the objective enrichment but also the subjective enrichment -- profits of the infringer. In Czech law, that is represented by the emoluments from the enrichment. The aim of the last chapter is to evaluate, in the context of the operation of other relevant elements of legal environment, the preventive function of the double royalty claim introduced by the Act n. 221/2006 Sb. By construing a game theory model and using simulation, the thesis concludes that in lower royalty intervals, where attorney's costs are a high burden, the effect of the double royalty is insignificant. Where "more significant infringements" are at stake, and the royalty passes a given frontier, the application of the double royalty heightens the preventive function of the Act. Those "more significant infringements" have two intervals -- with the highest effect of the double royalty and with the "stabilized effect of the double royalty". But overall, in cases of "more significant infringements", the application of the double represents a heightening of the preventive power by a third and fifth respectively, and this is true only in the case, where the prospective infringers would try to calculate the effect of their infringement before infringing.
The comparison of legal provisions setting down monetary remedies in intellectual property infringement cases
Sedláček, Václav ; Boháček, Martin (advisor) ; Macek, Jiří (referee)
The thesis deals with monetary remedies in intellectual property infringement suits, focusing on industrial property rights. On the background of enacting of the czech Act number 221/2006 Sb. which implements the directive 2004/48/EC of the European parliament and of the Council, the thesis compares these two texts with each other and also with the proposal for the directive KOM(2003) 46 final in their relevant parts. By doing this, it evaluates the directive and the czech act as the directive's implementation. This evaluation represents the secondary aims of the thesis. Comparison, analysis of factual articles and interviews with relevant experts practicising in the area show that by setting the damages as double the "customary" royalties, the czech Act in his § 5 ods. 2 represents a sanction, which confirms the hypothesis of the prevailance of an analogy between the czech provison and the punitive damages in american law. This fact creates scope for the hypothesis of existance of further analogies, the verification of which is the central aim of the thesis. Therefore, the second part of the thesis analyzes american provisions of the United States Code concerning copyright, trademark and patent law, and related caselaw. This is compared both to the directive and the proposal for it, moreover to the czech copyright Act number 121/2000 Sb. and in particular to the czech Act number 221/2006 Sb. The third part supplements the analysis of relevant czech court decisions. The second and third part identify similar and distinct elements of the provisions and reveal analogies in seemingly different institutes. Differences are spotted in the construct used to achieve the punitive function, furthermore between the terms "customary royalty" and "reasonable royalty" and also between the terms "bezdôvodné obohatenie", "infringer's profits" and "unjust enrichment". Conversely, an analogy is identified between the discretionary power of american courts to increase proven damages or determine statutory damages and the czech institute of "primerané zadosťučinenie" (appropriate satisfaction). The prevailance of prohibition of double recovery is another existing analogy between the american and czech law.
Odpovědnost v pracovněprávních vztazích
Sedmihradský, Martin ; Soušková, Milena (advisor) ; Spirit, Michal (referee)
Diplomová práce pojednává o problematice odpovědnosti v pracovněprávních vztazích. V obecném úvodu jsou vysvětleny základní pojmy jako je odpovědnost a pracovněprávní vztah. Další části rozebírají jednotlivé druhy odpovědnosti ve vztahu k zaměstnanci a zaměstnavateli. Samostatná kapitola je věnován bezdůvodnému obohacení s aplikací na pracovní právo. Pro objasnění některých pojmů jsou použita rozhodnutí ze soudní praxe. Součástí práce je případová studie, která ukazuje, jak jsou některé druhy odpovědnosti zajišťovány a prosazovány v podnikatelské sféře.

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