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Role of physical activity in the prevention of childhood obesity
The thesis deals with physical activity in the prevention of childhood obesity. It is focused on children, namely pupils of the eighth and ninith grades of elementary school. Obesity is responsible for more human lives than both of the world wars and if we want this epidemic of obesity and problems associated with inactivity minimized, we have to start where it is most efficient and that is with children. The main objective is to explore physical activity in a selected group of pupils. Partial aim is to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the investigated group of students using somatometric measurements in the selected location. Another objective is to determine how many of childrens parents did sports in the past or actualy do sports. The final goal is to prepare educational material for students about the importance of physical activity. The work is divided into two parts theoretical and practical. The theoretical part was compiled as a secondary data analysis. Sources of data and information originated from the Czech Republic and abroad in the form of scholarly books, journals and electronic resources. The contents of the theoretical part is focused on explenation of terms such as obesity, its consequences, complications, ways to prevent obesity, physical activity, appropriate kinds of physical activity and its effects on the human body. Distinctive part is the chapter dealing with the myths of obesity some of them are really surprising. The second part is practical part and includes its own research. The investigation was conducted in a primary school Komenského alej in Žatec for pupils of the eighth and ninth grades. File featured 107 pupils. The research was conducted as a quantitative survey complemented by measurements of somatometric indicators. The data were collected using a custom non-standardized questionnaire. The questionnaire contained 14 questions and two columns separated by line for recording the exact weight and height. We checked these data at pre-agreed periods.

Iniciace pohybu byčíku, signalizace a regulace pohyblivosti spermií ryb: fyzikální a biochemické řízení
The current study attempted to shed light on the regulatory processes and response arrangements of fish spermatozoa during the course of maturation and motility initiation. The first intent of this study was to improve the understanding of the mechanism underlying the acquisition of potential for sperm motility in sturgeon. Up to present work, the physiological process underlying sperm maturation in this species has not been described at all. Our results showed that sperm maturation in sturgeon occurs outside the testes because of dilution of sperm by urine and involves the participation of high molecular weight substances as well as calcium ions present in seminal fluid and/or urine. The second aim of the present study was to investigate the coping mechanisms in fish spermatozoa with osmotic and ionic activating mode, as well as in spermatozoa of euryhaline fishes, to various environmental conditions. We showed that alteration of environmental osmolality might affect the fish sperm in different ways, depending on fish species and modes of spermatozoa motility activation either osmotic or ionic mode. In response to osmotic stress caused by hypotonicity, carp spermatozoa regulated the flow of water across their cell membrane and increased their cytoplasmic volume during their short motility period. In contrast, no indications of sperm volume changes were observed neither in sterlet nor in brook trout spermatozoa, both of which having an ionic mode of motility activation. We also examined the mechanism by which sperm motility triggering in euryhaline fishes can adapt to a broad range of environmental salinity. Our results demonstrated that spermatozoa of euryhaline tilapia, Sarotherodon melanotheron heudelotii, reared in fresh-, sea- or hypersaline water can be activated in hypotonic, isotonic or hypertonic conditions of swimming milieu, provided Ca2+ ions are present at various levels. It was established that the higher the fish rearing salinity or the more hypertonic ambient media at spermatozoa activation, the higher extracellular concentration of Ca2+ ions is required. The results obtained in the present study allow suggesting that osmolality is not the main factor inhibiting sperm motility inside the testis in the S. melanotheron heudelotii. A third aim of this study was investigation of the regulation of motility initiation process and description of flagellar beating initiation in chondrostean spermatozoa. We detected that K+ inhibition of sperm motility in sturgeon can be by-passed due to the pre-exposure of sperm cells to a high osmolality shock prior to its transfer to K+-rich swimming media. Thus, we hypothesized that sturgeon spermatozoa may be activated by use of an unexpected signaling pathway, independent from regular ionic stimulation. The successive activation steps in sturgeon spermatozoa were investigated by high-speed video microscopy, using specific experimental situation, where sperm motility initiation was delayed in time up to several seconds. At motility initiation, the first couple of bends formed at the basal region begins to propagate towards the flagellar tip, but gradually fades when reaching the mid-flagellum. This behavior repeats several times until a stage where the amplitudes of bends gradually reach similar value, what eventually leads to sperm progressive displacement. The total period needed for the flagellum to switch from immobility with rigid shape to full activity with regular propagating bends ranges from 0.4 to 1.2 seconds. In conclusion, the results of the current study bring valuable pieces of information into the general understanding of the processes of maturation of fish spermatozoa, their adaptability to different physical and biochemical circumstances, the extra- and intra-cellular signaling as well as the regulatory mechanisms of motility activation in fish spermatozoa.

Comparison of HPLC a GC-MS method for pesticide determination in soil
Chalbia Václavíková, Alena ; Kočárek, Martin (advisor) ; Havlík, Jaroslav (referee)
Physical and chemical properties of pesticides may vary significantly. Pesticides can be acidic, neutral or alkaline. Some compounds containing phosphorus, other sulfur, nitrogen or halogens. These atoms can be important for the detection of pesticides. Some of the compounds are volatile, others on the contrary not evaporate, which is also one of the important properties for chromatography. The diversity of pesticides actually makes it impossible to create a universal method, which is very impractical in terms of quality and time determination. Because that pesticides are one of the most chemicals in most countries. In the food and drinking water are limits on pesticides in order to avoid negative impact on public health. For residues in soil or surface water limits are set. (Lutz et al., 2006) The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the possibility of using two types of chromatographs with different detectors for the analysis of pesticide. Pendimethalin which was chosen for this work, will be analyzed usinga liquid chromatograph with UV detektor and gas chromatography with mass detector. Both this method will be compared as well two extraction methods (Soxhlet extraction and shaking), and two extraction agents (methanol and acetonitrile). Another point of the work is to provethe hypothesis that, for the determination of pendimethalin in soil is by gas chromatography using a mass spectrometer in comparison with the high performance liquid chromatography time and more expensive, but will achieve a higher yield and a lower detection limit of the pesticide.

Environmental variables acquisition and evaluation
Ulrych, Vladislav ; Vasilenko, Alexandr (advisor)
The first part of thesis is devoted to the environment of the room in which is monitoring device intended - server room. There are description of calculating algorithms for proper sizing of cooling due to the heat. Further in this part is description of suitable senzors for monitoring device - physical principle, their proper use and meaning. Theoretical part also contains a list of several available ready commercial solutions of monitoring stations and their characteristics. The second part is devoted to the assembly of monitoring device - physical build of hardware components, preparation s and connecting sensors, operating system installation, configuration and network preparation. The second part contains also instaling web server and configuration parts, that allows amek a web interface with presentation of measured physical quantities. Integration device with Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) for use with Zabbix monitoring system. Output from this work can be used for monitoring fundamental physical quantities in a small server room or in switch room.

Business project based on franchising
Zavázalová, Kateřina ; Pilař, Ladislav (advisor) ; Zdeněk, Zdeněk (referee)
The thesis describes business project based on franchising. For this type of business had been choosen the company The Little Gym which is deals with providing services mainly exercise classes in specialized gyms for children aged from 3 months to 12 years. The aim of this thesis is create a business and economic evalution of the project in the field of fitness with the use of franchising. The thesis is devided into theoretical and practical parts. In practical part the authoress used data from the Czech statistics authority and created a comparison of development birth of childrens, income of families, proportion of minor against the population and others namely between regional cities as Hradec Králové where a new branch will come and Ostrava where the branch was recently opened. Marketing research of potential customers was focused on their opinions and attituteds to physical activitites. Further was done a market segmentation and analysis of competition, especially Porter model. The financial plan was developed based on calculation from the available data. In conclusion the bussines plan was evaluated including evaluation of the economic aspects of the project.

Healthy lifestyle of young population
Havlíček, Tomáš ; Polišenský, Miroslav (advisor) ; Jiří , Jiří (referee)
The thesis focuses on the topic of healthy lifestyle of young population from a generic point of view as well as from the closer point of view of a diet. The theoretical part talks about main factors of healthy lifestyle on physical, mental and social levels, and focuses on the lifestyle of the young population nowadays, their eating practice and the issue of school canteens associated with it. The practical part examines and evaluates the selected institution, i.e. a specific canteen in a secondary school. Attention is given to other eating options at school. The research addresses observing principles of healthy lifestyle by the given organisation and at the same time it maps the students approach. Subsequently, it proposes recommendations for changes to improve the existing situation.

Healthy lifestyle of young population
Rožánková, Vladimíra ; Polišenský, Miroslav (advisor) ; Dana, Dana (referee)
This thesis deals with Healthy lifestyle of young population at Střední škola zemědělská a potravinářská (Secondary Agriculture and Foodprocessing School) in Klatovy, the Czech Republic. The work is divided in two parts. In the first theoretical part, the basic terms connected to healthy lifestyle are explained. There is a group of young population briefly characterized from physical, social and psychological aspects. The most extended part is dedicated to projects supporting the healthy lifestyle and potentialities of schools to support the healthy lifestyle in an active way. The other part of this thesis is a research. The institutional analysis of Střední škola zemědělská a potravinářská, Klatovy according to Malinowsky will be carried out. This analysis will be realised on studying the school documents, observing students, interviews with pedagogues and management of the school. In P.E. lessons measuring of chosen students´ body weight and hight will be provided to elicit wheather the institution subserves the function in the area of supporting the healthy lifestyle, which was the aim of this work. In the last part of the work there will be suggested a reccomendation to the institution to support the healthy lifestyle in an active way.

Proposal Recommended Procedure for Selecting a Credit Products for Physical Clientele
Sadílková, Květa ; Hricová, Daniela (advisor) ; Olga, Olga (referee)
The subject of the thesis Proposal recommended procedure for selecting a loan product of clients is analyzing forms of consumer credit provided to the client, evaluation and suggest optimization using a specific choice of bank and non-bank credit or loan in deciding client. The theoretical part defines the concepts of credit products, natural clientele, creditworthiness and credit registers. The issue of financing of natural persons pursues the factors that influence decisions, evaluations and indebtedness of clients. In my thesis, I also mentioned about the various types of credit registries, including information links on the subsequent granting of a loan to the client. The practical part is the description and comparison of various types of consumer contracts, provided banking and non-banking institutions. Based on the analysis of consumer contracts are found common factors and differences and then advantages and disadvantages of these contracts. This comparison is also the basis for the proposed solutions to the financing needs of individuals, particulary to optimize the selection of consumer credit products provided either banking or non-banking institutions for clients - loan applicants in the form of recommendations for applicants. In the practical part there are used personal experiences both in terms of several years of work in sociological research company, and in several activities of a credit counselor in financial institutions.

Healthy lifestyle of young population
Emingerová, Zuzana ; Polišenský, Miroslav (advisor) ; Světluše, Světluše (referee)
The thesis deals with the issue of healthy lifestyle in young population and is focused on the possibilities of healthy eating habits and sporting activities at particular elementary school. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part defines basic concepts related to healthy lifestyles: health, healthy lifestyle, physical activity, dietary habits and school meals. Following chapters are devoted to prevention programs of the World Health Organization, which support health in the school environment. The last chapter focuses on profit and non-profit organizations, and institutional analysis of Bronislaw Malinowski, which is then applied to the elementary school canteen. The research part of the thesis deals with observation and personal questioning at a primary school in Litvinov Hamr. The possibilities of eating and condition of the canteen in relevance with principles of healthy lifestyle were observed together with sporting activities in the school environment. In chapter Evaluation the drawbacks identified during the research are described and several recommendations and suggestions are presented.

Orangutans breeding and factors affecting their reproduction in captivity and in the wild
Kalkušová, Olga ; Kubík, Štěpán (advisor) ; Burešová, Eva (referee)
Information concerning orangutans living in the wild and the issue of their breeding has been summarized within the framework of this thesis. Orangutans in their natural habitats in tropical rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo are not subjected to the same influences as those bred in captivity. Their reproduction thus differs in certain aspects. Reproduction of orangutans in the wild is strongly influenced by their solitary way of life. Females are accompanied only by their young or eventually by other females and according to the studies they seek contact with males only in their period of rut. The contact is then limited to a period of time needed for copulation. One exception to this behaviour may be couples with juvenile males. After birth, the female looks after the young male for up to 8 years, having no rut during this period. The cycle of females living in the wild also shows dependency on the availability of food supply. Negative energy balance during which the cycle stops has been observed during periods of food scarcity. In the following period with abundance of food, the cycle is renewed again. The cycle renewal also occurs in cases when the female loses her young. As a consequence of these reproductive limitations females may give birth to 4 young at maximum in their life. Guidelines have been drawn up for breeding in zoos which regulate the conditions and suitability of the exhibits so that they meet the orangutans needs. Their natural mental and physical activity is related to their health and natural behaviour. However, despite all efforts the zoos cannot provide the same conditions to the orangutans as those they would have in the wild. The forced increased socialization and contact with other individuals held in captivity may bring stress, stereotype behaviour and associated health problems which are rather frequent with orangutans bred in captivity. According to the records in the pedigree books, the age of first reproduction and the interval between births were shorter in case of females kept in captivity. Even the keeping of males and females in one exhibit increases the probability of copulation and becoming pregnant. These changes also entail certain risks according to the studies. Breeding in captivity embodies higher mortality rate of young and adult animals. This is probably caused by young age of females at the birth and short intervals between births which are often shorter than 4 years. Females born in captivity also lack experience which they gain in the wild by learning and observing and are not able to take care of their young or refuse it later. Even females that got pregnant between the age of 11 and 14 have been described. However, such pregnancy poses a great risk for females and they die soon after birth or live much shorter. Young orangutans born in captivity were often taken away from their mothers. It is not very suitable on the one side, but on the other side, after having their young taken away from them, the females started a new, full-fledged cycle in a few weeks and could become pregnant again. However, as direct care of the young by humans has a negative effect, the young are often given back to their mothers which is successful in many cases. Orangutans have been studied for more than 40 years and a lot of things concerning their breeding in captivity have changed during this time. Zoological gardens are trying to provide the orangutans as natural conditions as possible. It is necessary for the exhibits and the enrichment to provide enough physical and mental activities to the orangutans. Despite these efforts, the limited space and the related contacts between individuals may bring stressful situations. These are then manifested in the behaviour and health of the orangutans.