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Legal position of Liechtenstein in European Economic Area
Havlová, Berenika ; Grmelová, Nicole (advisor) ; Spirit, Michal (referee)
The thesis defines legal status of Liechtenstein in the European Economic Area. It is divided into three consecutive chapters. The first chapter consists of two parts - general and economic characteristics of Liechtenstein. The general characteristic is based on the author's experience supported by scientific literature, while economic subchapter is based largely on statistical data. The second chapter focuses on the legal status of Liechtenstein and its position on international scene. The position is viewed from two perspectives, which affects it the most. First, from the perspective of participation in selected international organizations and second, the influence of close relationship with Switzerland. The last chapter analyses international litigation to which Liechtenstein is a party. The aim of this thesis is to define the legal relations of Liechtenstein, which forms its position, using the methods of analysis.

Possibilities of Big Data use for Competitive Intelligence
Verníček, Marek ; Molnár, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Šperková, Lucie (referee)
The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the use of Big Data for the methods and procedures of Competitive Intelligence. Among the goals of the work is a toolkit for small and large businesses which is supposed to support their work with the whole process of Big Data work. Another goal is to design an effective solution of processing Big Data to gain a competitive advantage in business. The theoretical part of the work processes available scientific literature in the Czech Republic and abroad as well as describes the current state of Competitive Intelligence, and Big Data as one of its possible sources. Subsequently, the work deals with the characteristics of Big Data, the differences from working with common data, the need for a thorough preparation and Big Data applicability for the methods of Competitive Intelligence. The practical part is focused on analysis of Big Data tools available in the market with regard to the whole process from data collection to the analysis report preparation and integration of the entire solution into an automated state. The outcome of this part is the Big Data software toolkit for small and large businesses based on their budget. The final part of the work is devoted to the classification of the most promising business areas, which can benefit from the use of Big Data the most in order to gain competitive advantages and proposes the most effective solution of working with Big Data. Among other benefits of this work are expansion of the range of resources for Competitive Intelligence and in-depth analysis of possibilities of Big Data usage, designed to help professionals make use of this hitherto untapped potential to improve market position, gain new customers and strengthen the existing user base.

Matějíček, Jiří ; Veverka, J. ; Čížek, J. ; Kouřil, J.
Plasma sprayed alumina coatings find numerous applications in various fields, where they enhance the properties of the base material. Examples include thermal barriers, wear resistance, electrical insulation, and diffusion and corrosion barriers. A typical structure of plasma sprayed coatings, containing a multitude of voids and imperfectly bonded interfaces, gives them unique properties - particularly low thermal conductivity, high strain tolerance, etc. However, for certain applications such as permeation barriers or wear resistance, these voids may be detrimental.\nThis paper reports on the first experiments with remelting of plasma sprayed alumina coatings by electron beam technology, with the purpose of densifying the coatings and thereby eliminating the voids. Throughout the study, several parameters of the e-beam device were varied - beam current, traverse velocity and number of passes. The treated coatings were observed by light and electron microscopy and the thickness, structure and surface morphology of the remelted layer were determined and correlated with the process parameters. Based on the first series of experiments, the e-beam settings leading to dense and smooth remelted layer of sufficient thickness were obtained. In this layer, a change of phase composition and a marked increase in hardness were observed.\n

39M-IMMEDIATE Research Report: Remarks on Repeatability Experiments and Perspective Exploitation of MAE Pt/C\nElectrocatalysts.
Kaluža, Luděk ; Gulková, Daniela ; Soukup, Karel
The 36-39 months of the projekt solution were devoted to summarize aspects of the most perspective results on Pt/C electrocatalysts preparation to focus on industrial expoitation. Chellenges of Pt dispersion in the Pt/C were compared with preliminary outcomes from volumetric determination of hydrogen adsorption.

Comprehensive research report to experimental work on fatigue crack initiation in the sandstone and research of influences of the consolidation for fracture behavior in cases of cracks
Šperl, Martin ; Drdácký, Miloš ; Jandejsek, Ivan
Fatigue crack initiation in the sandstone specimens (location – Božanov) was made using a resonant testing machine in three point bending mode. It produced the geometrically similar damage. Subsequent fracture tests made it possible to assess the effect of the consolidation solutions on fracture properties of the material investigated.

Optimization of Gaussian Mixture Subspace Models and Related Scoring Algorithms in Speaker Verification
Glembek, Ondřej ; Brummer, Niko (referee) ; Campbell,, William (referee) ; Burget, Lukáš (advisor)
Tato práce pojednává o modelování v podprostoru parametrů směsí gaussovských rozložení pro rozpoznávání mluvčího. Práce se skládá ze tří částí. První část je věnována skórovacím metodám při použití sdružené faktorové analýzy k modelování mluvčího. Studované metody se liší převážně v tom, jak se vypořádávají s variabilitou kanálu testovacích nahrávek. Metody jsou prezentovány v souvislosti s obecnou formou funkce pravděpodobnosti pro sdruženou faktorovou analýzu a porovnány jak z hlediska přesnosti, tak i z hlediska rychlosti.  Je zde prokázáno, že použití lineární aproximace pravděpodobnostní funkce dává výsledky srovnatelné se standardním vyhodnocením pravděpodobnosti při dramatickém zjednodušení matematického zápisu a tím i zvýšení rychlosti vyhodnocování. Druhá část pojednává o extrakci tzv. i-vektorů, tedy nízkodimenzionálních reprezentací nahrávek. Práce prezentuje dva přístupy ke zjednodušení extrakce. Motivací pro tuto část bylo jednak urychlení extrakce i-vektorů, jednak nasazení této úspěšné techniky na jednoduchá zařízení typu mobilní telefon, a také matematické zjednodušení umožněňující využití numerických optimalizačních metod pro diskriminativní trénování.  Výsledky ukazují, že na dlouhých nahrávkách je zrychlení vykoupeno poklesem úspěšnosti rozpoznávání, avšak na krátkých nahrávkách, kde je úspěšnost rozpoznávání nízká, se rozdíly úspěšnosti stírají. Třetí část se zabývá diskriminativním trénováním v oblasti rozpoznávání mluvčího. Jsou zde shrnuty poznatky z předchozích prací zabývajících se touto problematikou. Kapitola navazuje na poznatky z předchozích dvou částí a pojednává o diskriminativním trénování parametrů extraktoru i-vektorů.  Výsledky ukazují, že při klasickém trénování extraktoru a následném diskriminatviním přetrénování tyto metody zvyšují úspěšnost.

Multimedia Data Processing in Heterogeneous Distributed Environment
Kajan, Rudolf ; Ferko,, Andrej (referee) ; Míkovec, Zdeněk (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
Pervasive computing sa zameriava odstránenie zložitostí pri interakcii s výpočtovou technikou a zvýšenie efektivity pri jej každodennom používaní. Ale i po viac ako 15 rokoch od sformulovania hlavných cieľov Pervasive computingu existujú aspekty interakcie ktoré stále nie sú súčasťou užívateľskej skúsenosti s dnešnou technológiou. Bezproblémová integrácia s prostredím vedúca k technologickej neviditeľnosti, alebo interakcia naprieč rôznymi zariadeniami predstavujú stále veľkú výzvu. Hlavným cieľom tejto práce je prispieť k tomu, aby sa ciele Pervasive computingu priblížili k realizovaniu tým, že predstavíme spôsob intuitívneho zdieľania informácií medzi osobným a verejne umiestneným zariadením. Predstavili sme tri interakčné techniky, ktoré podporujú intuitívnu výmenu obsahu medzi osobným zariadením a zdieľaným displejom. Tieto techniky sú založené na prenose videa, rozšírenej realite a analýze pohľadových dát. Okrem interakčných techník sme tiež predstavili mechanizmus pre získavanie, prenos a rekonštrukciu aplikačného stavu na cieľovom zariadení.

Právní a zdravotně sociální aspekty činnosti OSPOD jako ustanovených opatrovníků v zámu nezletilých dětí
The Czech Republic as a signatory of the Convention on the Rights of the Child has vested the practice of state administration in the field of care for minor children to municipalities with extended powers, where the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minor children is safeguarded by state authorities of social and legal protection of children (ASLPC hereinafter). These authorities are incorporated to the extent laid down by the Act on Social and Legal Protection of Children (Act No 359/1999 Coll., as amended). The position and roles of ASLPC and their competence and jurisdiction are also regulated by the same act. The position of workers of these authorities and its legal embodiment is equally important. Regarding professionality, there are high demands on these workers. In the Czech Republic, significant changes in legislature have been made over the past three years. These amendments have led to the strengthening of the rights of minor children and to the establishing of new tools for their protection. In connection with the adoption of new substantive regulation of family law, which is now exhaustively dealt with by the Act No 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, new procedural rules have been established regarding protection of rights of minor children. Such procedural legislation includes (apart from the long-existent Act No. 99/1963, the Code of Civil Procedure) the Act No 292/2013 Coll., on Special Civil Proceedings. The decision-making regarding minor children has been vested mainly by the state into the competence of courts. The courts appoint the locally relevant ASLPC as a guardian who then represents the interests of minor children. The purpose, interwoven with and derived from the first one, was to explore the opinions of selected social workers of ASLPC and of district court judges regarding the defined problems occurring during the work of ASLPCs and courts while protecting the interests of minor children. These particularly include: the use of the tool of precautionary measure; problems of different territorial jurisdiction of courts and ASLPCs; processing of complaints regarding bias in various phases of the proceedings; professional training of workers of ASLPC It is evident from the proposals of both judges and ASLPC workers that it is necessary to unify territorial jurisdiction. The courts are suggesting the priority criterion of the address where the child mainly resides. ASLPC workers suggest the official permanent residence as the prime criterion. Bias causes problems in all phases of proceedings. It is obvious that courts take differing approaches towards the solution of this problem (some courts solve the problem of bias complaints filed by the parties while other courts do not) and for ASLPC workers it is difficult to assess how to act when such complaint is raised against them. The training of ASLPC workers - workers are obliged to educate themselves and their employer is obliged to finance such training. Not all ASLPCs are able to provide training in the required extent - due to financial reasons (the average costs of education of one employee pose from 9,169 to 13,400 CZK annually and they cover approximately 6 days of training). The heavy work-load caused by insufficient numbers of ASLPC employees prevents them from completing such compulsory training. As part of the examination of the "participation of a collision guardian in court proceedings" it has been found out that irregular participation of the worker in the proceedings (absence from participation in appeals proceedings); incomplete reports (directed to courts) from surveys in families. Based on comprehensive examination of the problems of territorial jurisdiction, it was recommended that requests are independently recorded and financial compensation is provided for ASLPCs who are requested to represent minors in front of courts, to draft proposals for precautionary measures.

BUT Digital Library – Introduction of Institutional Repository
Skůpa, Jan
The Brno University of Technology (BUT) Digital Library is an institutional repository running of DSpace (version 5.3) initially created in 2007 as a repository for theses. The Digital Library‘s range of services is gradually growing and this paper deals specifi cally with repository services, the process for publishing theses, and support for open access. The repository enables authors to store the research results in open access mode. Full text is integrated into the national Czech systems for reporting publications (RIV).
Fulltext: idr-1038_1 - Download fulltextPDF; idr-1038_2 - Download fulltextPDF
Slides: idr-1038_3 - Download fulltextPDF; idr-1038_4 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: idr-1038_5 - Download fulltextMP4

Determination of the company value
This diploma thesis was focused on determination of the company value in the chosen company. For this purpose was chosen two mostly used methods on the Czech market. First one was method of discounted cash flow and the second one was method of the economic added value. Main sources for all the calculation were annual reports and financial statements for the period of five last years from 2011 to 2015. These basis were used for developing a prediction for the following five year period till 2020.