National Repository of Grey Literature 21,487 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 1.39 seconds. 

Antidecubital Care as a Nursing Problem
This thesis deals with the issue of providing antidecubital care and observes the fulfilment of nursing interventions in the care about non-self sufficient patients. During performing her duties, every nurse encounters the issue of decubitus ulcers formation and with this related antidecubital care. Thus, it can be stated that the occurrence of decubitous ulcers serves also as the indicator of the quality of provided nursing care. A lot of people think that the problem develops particularly in elders, but young people who are bedridden after injuries and accidents are also affected and this complication degrades the quality of their life. The thesis is divided into theoretical and empirical parts. The theoretical part describes the anatomy of skin and its function, decubitus and classification of decubitus ulcers are defined, their localization with characteristics of predilection sites are specified, outlining complications in decubitus ulcers. The theoretical part pursues antidecubital care with the division into subheads on positioning, antidecubital aids, nursing interventions, and the mission of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel is described. The separate chapter includes the risk assessment of decubitus ulcers formations, as is e.g. Norton scale, etc. The last chapter embraces the specification of conservative and surgical treatment of pressure sores. The aim of the research examination was to determine whether the nurses perceived antidecubital care as a nursing problem and to map the opinions of the nurses relating to antidecubital care. Three research questions were set to achieve the objectives: first, what the pitfalls of nursing care were on the part of the nurses, secondly, what areas within antidecubital care were neglected and finally, how antidecubital care at selected inpatient wards was provided. The research was implemented at the chosen inpatient wards in České Budějovice Hospital, PLC, from the period of February to April 2014. The research file consisted of the general nurses and the medical assistants. A hidden participant observation was conducted and then questionnaires with 15 questions that were closed or semi-closed were distributed to the nurses. 45 questionnaires were handed out, 31 handed back and all 31 questionnaires could be processed. Thus, the total return of the questionnaires was 69%. Questions in the questionnaire were based on the observation criteria. The hidden participant observation was processed and plotted on the observation sheet and then classified according to the given criteria. After delivery, the returned questionnaires were checked and evaluated graphically. All results were processed using Misrocoft Office Excel program, were plotted in graphs with keys and descriptions. By processing and comparing the results, we ascertained that in some fields the opinion of the nurses was different from the practice that was really performed. It could be also caused by the fact that antidecubital care is very time-consuming, demanding and comprises a lot of nursing interventions. Sufficient number of aids with which the ward is equipped is relevant as well, be it preventive aids or medical ones. And last but not least the organization of the care. At present, the time spent on completing documentation is increasing and the time that can be used by nurses for contacting a patient and satisfy his/her needs is decreasing. Nevertheless, the patient´s state and his/her contentment reflect and demonstrate our care. After previous arrangement, the results of our research examination will be communicated to the ward sisters at the selected inpatient wards where the research examination was performed.

Family housing decision-making
Kačírková, Petra ; Brožová, Helena (advisor) ; Adam, Adam (referee)
This thesis is concerned with choosing the best and most real estate mortgage loans for family with children. The family should be chosen property near his residence momentary, then it should be recommended for this property the best mortgage loan. Selecting the property was affected by the demands of all family members and subsequent mortgage loans was selected from the products offered on the Czech market in November 2016. The thesis can be thematically divided into three main parts. The first part includes a literature search, which is divided into two areas. First described methods of multi-criteria decision making, which will be used in the decision making process. Along with these methods includes a literature review and theoretical part of the program area Super Decisions, which will be used in the practical part. Furthermore, theoretically they recognized concepts related to mortgage loans, according to which are then laid down criteria for assessing mortgage loans. The second part contains already a practical perspective on family issues, which therefore includes the selection of the best and most real estate mortgage loan program with the help of Super Decisions. The third part includes a summary of the work and the interpretation of results obtained through the program Super Decisions.

Non-invasive methods for sex and steroid homones determination in gibbons of the genus Nomascus
Bolechová, Petra ; Bartoš, Luděk (advisor) ; Pavel, Pavel (referee)
The gibbon primates of the family Nomascus are classified as critically endangered species, and, to date, basic understanding and information about their biology is missing. With regard to the status of these animals in the wild and captive populations in zoos, being familiar with their reproduction, may improve captive breeding programs. Data collection in this study was to be carried out by the practical use of non-invasive methods (polymerase chain reaction for DNA extraction and enzyme immunoassays), using faecal samples for analysis. The first method, polymerase chain reaction, was used for sex determination in juveniles, because of their coat colour and visual similarity of secondary sex characteristic in both sexes; it is not possible to determinate sex without handling the animal. Another main purpose of this study is to try and answer the hypothesis regarding the ovarian cycle of females, factors influencing their hormone concentration and also the onset of sexual maturity in females and the timing of their fur colour change. Hypotheses were checked by monitoring the concentration of progesterone and oestrogen faecal metabolites and by evaluation of the composition of breeding groups of gibbons with the ZOO influence. During a four year period (from 2010 till 2014), there were a total of 51 animals analysed from 16 different zoos with a faecal sample count totalling 1618 samples. The results confirmed the use of noninvasive methods for sex determination, and thus ensuring the maximum welfare standards. Endocrinological analysis confirmed the hypothesis of the influence of the environment (ZOO) to the hormone concentrations and female´s pregnancy effect in conjunction with her age on the final results of the male - father hormone concentrations. The initial information in this study is the confirmation of the onset of ovarian cycle in young females without connection to their fur colour change and a significant factor of a mother´s impact and her territoriality. This study is the first to present a long term monitoring of ovarian cycles in females and hormone concentrations of other individuals, both male and female, and from various age groups. The results allow us to understand the possible impact of zoo environments on the reproductive status of these gibbons and contribute to the general improvement of breeding management.

Porting of Prawn Library from Ruby to Python 3
Molhanec, Michal ; Pícka, Marek (advisor) ; Mikoláš, Mikoláš (referee)
This work focuses on automatic translation of code written in Ruby programming language into Python 3. First part investigates principles of computer programming languages translation as is described in the literature. Second part compares elements of these two programming languages and suggests ways how these elements can be translated. Based on this theory I developed Ruby-to-Python translator. Its working is demonstrated on the translation of the Prawn library for generating PDF files.

Cooperation of high schools with external contractors in preparing school educational programs
Tulach, David ; Lačev, Alek (advisor) ; Hochel, Matej (referee)
This thesis, Cooperation of high schools with external contractors in preparing school educational programs, deals with the question whether it would be possible and beneficial for high schools to cooperate with companies on the preparation or modification of their educational programs, with the goal of improving the quality of education. After initial contributions from experts who provided negative replies to this question, the view was focused on the root of the issue - what are the historical pillars of public schools and pedagogy, what does science say about learning and teaching, how pedagogy reacts to the crisis of science. After comparing literal sources and results from interview with the experts, in combination with a trace and activity analysis, a theory was established that public education is reaching a point of crisis, has not changed in its essence since its beginning and that the best solution might be the establishment of alternative educational institutions.

Automata in Infinite-state Formal Verification
Lengál, Ondřej ; Jančar, Petr (referee) ; Veith, Helmut (referee) ; Esparza, Javier (referee) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (advisor)
Tato práce se zaměřuje na konečné automaty nad konečnými slovy a konečnými stromy, a použití těchto automatů při formální verifikaci nekonečně stavových systémů. Práce se nejdříve věnuje rozšíření existujícího přístupu pro verifikaci programů které manipulují s haldou (konkrétně programů s dynamickými datovými strukturami), jenž je založen na stromových automatech. V práci je navrženo několik rozšíření tohoto přístupu, jako například jeho plná automatizace či jeho rozšíření o podporu uspořádaných dat. V práci jsou popsány nové rozhodovací procedury pro dvě logiky, které jsou často používány ve formální verifikaci: pro separační logiku a pro slabou monadickou druhořádovou logiku s následníkem. Obě tyto rozhodovací procedury jsou založeny na převodu jejich problému do automatové domény a následné manipulaci v této cílové doméně. Posledním přínosem této práce je vývoj nových algoritmů k efektivní manipulaci se stromovými automaty, s důrazem na testování inkluze jazyků těchto automatů a manipulaci s automaty s velkými abecedami, a implementace těchto algoritmů v knihovně pro obecné použití. Tyto vyvinuté algoritmy jsou použity jako klíčová technologie, která umožňuje použití výše uvedených technik v praxi.

Retargetable Analysis of Machine Code
Křoustek, Jakub ; Janoušek, Jan (referee) ; Návrat,, Pavol (referee) ; Kolář, Dušan (advisor)
Analýza softwaru je metodologie, jejímž účelem je analyzovat chování daného programu. Jednotlivé metody této analýzy je možné využít i v dalších oborech, jako je zpětné inženýrství, migrace kódu apod. V této práci se zaměříme na analýzu strojového kódu, na zjištění nedostatků existujících metod a na návrh metod nových, které umožní rychlou a přesnou rekonfigurovatelnou analýzu kódu (tj. budou nezávislé na konkrétní cílové platformě). Zkoumány budou dva typy analýz - dynamická (tj. analýza za běhu aplikace) a statická (tj. analýza aplikace bez jejího spuštění). Přínos této práce v rámci dynamické analýzy je realizován jako rekonfigurovatelný ladicí nástroj a dále jako dva typy tzv. rekonfigurovatelného translátovaného simulátoru. Přínos v rámci statické analýzy spočívá v navržení a implementování rekonfigurovatelného zpětného překladače, který slouží pro transformaci strojového kódu zpět do vysokoúrovňové reprezentace. Všechny tyto nástroje jsou založeny na nových metodách navržených autorem této práce. Na základě experimentálních výsledků a ohlasů od uživatelů je možné usuzovat, že tyto nástroje jsou plně srovnatelné s existujícími (komerčními) nástroji a nezřídka dosahují i lepších výsledků.

Harnessing Forest Automata for Verification of Heap Manipulating Programs
Šimáček, Jiří ; Abdulla, Parosh (referee) ; Křetínský, Mojmír (referee) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá verifikací nekonečně stavových systémů, konkrétně, verifikací programů využívajích složité dynamicky propojované datové struktury. V minulosti se k řešení tohoto problému objevilo mnoho různých přístupů, avšak žádný z nich doposud nebyl natolik robustní, aby fungoval ve všech případech, se kterými se lze v praxi setkat. Ve snaze poskytnout vyšší úroveň automatizace a současně umožnit verifikaci programů se složitějšími datovými strukturami v této práci navrhujeme nový přístup, který je založen zejména na použití stromových automatů, ale je také částečně inspirován některými myšlenkami, které jsou převzaty z metod založených na separační logice. Mimo to také představujeme několik vylepšení v oblasti implementace operací nad stromovými automaty, které jsou klíčové pro praktickou využitelnost navrhované verifikační metody. Konkrétně uvádíme optimalizovaný algoritmus pro výpočet simulací pro přechodový systém s návěštími, pomocí kterého lze efektivněji počítat simulace pro stromové automaty. Dále uvádíme nový algoritmus pro testování inkluze stromových automatů společně s experimenty, které ukazují, že tento algoritmus překonává jiné existující přístupy.

The Pump with a Diffuser with Stochastic Blades (Runner and Diffuser)
Dobšáková, Lenka ; Melichar, Jan (referee) ; Veselý, Jindřich (referee) ; Haluza, Miloslav (advisor)
This doctoral thesis studies the non-uniform blade cascade for centrifugal pumps. Influence of non-uniform blade cascade is investigated on the impeller and diffuser. A non-uniform blading impeller of pumps in this doctoral thesis was examined in terms of influence on efficiency characteristic. The idea of using non-uniform blading is to obtain a flat efficiency characteristic. Then the centrifugal pump could be used on larger scale of power with achieving a sufficiently high efficiency. The work is based on experimental measurements and numerical simulations of non-uniform hydraulic pump components. Non-uniform impeller and the diffuser were newly designed for this research. A new measuring track of small submersible pumps was needed to design and build for measurements. Different pump combinations with conventional hydraulics on one working point and hydraulics with non-uniform were measured. All measurements were evaluated and characteristics of efficiency, head and power were obtained for each measured combination. Some of pump combinations (which were measured in experiment) were numerically simulated by program Ansys Fluent. Data needed to evaluate the characteristic of efficiency and specific energy were collected from each numerical simulation. A theoretical consideration concerns the influence of non-uniform blade cascade applied on diffuser. The suggestion how to decrease hydraulic losses in canals was done. The theoretical consideration how to make a flat efficiency characteristic was made.

Marketing audit of the festival Divadelná Nitra
Surovková, Simona ; JEŽEK, Vlastimil (advisor) ; SYROVÝ, Daniel (referee)
Divadelná Nitra is an international theatre festival with over 20 years of tradition, which annually brings a selection of the best European productions of the season to Nitra. Visitors are offered a presentation of the top contemporary theatre productions, exceeding to dance, physical, visual and music theatre, new and inspirational art forms, rich accompanying and work programme, and many other art and cultural activities. The festival is an internationally recognized event and is of vital importance in the context of the current Slovak theatre. Yet, as many other non-profit organizations, it has been struggling each year to maintain a stable financial situation, and despite an enormous effort and an experienced management team, the festival cannot avoid some organizational problems. Several of them are related to marketing of the organization. The aim of this marketing audit is to analyze the current situation of the festival Divadelná Nitra, to evaluate the state of its own marketing activities, and, along with discovered results, to propose solutions that could help to improve marketing of the festival Divadelná Nitra.