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Chosen natural resources: focuses of conflicts nad its economic consequences
Sytný, Patrik ; Vošta, Milan (advisor) ; Sankot, Ondřej (referee)
The bachelor´s thesis aims to three chosen natural resources, which are petroleum, natural gas and water, and conflicts based on disputes over them. The aim of the thesis was to valorize nature of the conflicts, define their main focus and draw prospective economic consequences. Professional literature that deals with this kind of issue, was used in order to find out the true nature of the conflicts. The result is an evaluation, which has proven, that the most influental conflicts are rising over disputes over petroleum. Their economic and political impacts are very perceptible and economically measurable in the way of GDP, the total product and other economic indicators. In the thesis has been also proven that the conflicts on the basis of natural gas have similiar nature and extent as it is in the case of petroleum, even thought in a smaller amount. The least important conflicts in a meaning of economic impacts are those over water, by those has been proven, that they do not poses such an impact on economic and political situation as petroleum or natural gas nowdays.

Employee motivation and satisfaction in production company
Olszowá, Zuzana ; Matysová, Kamila (advisor) ; Chylíková, Hana (referee)
The main subject of the thesis is employee motivation and satisfaction. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the employee motivation and work satisfaction of a production company, identify areas of dissatisfaction and provide recommendations for future improvements. The study also aims to emphasize the relationship between employee motivation and work satisfaction and the level of their performance, loyalty, absenteeism, fluctuation as well as the correllation between employee motivation and satisfaction and the overall organizational performance. A brief introduction is followed by the theoretical framework of the thesis which includes such concepts as motivation, stimulation, work motivation, job satisfaction or motivation profile, explains and focuses on basic theories of motivation and factors of employee satisfaction. The empirical part of the thesis introduces the human resources management in the production company and the questionnaire investigation conducted among the employees of the production company. The questionnaire icludes parts where the questions about satisfaction of the employee with the selected factors influencing employee motivation and satisfaction were asked. This section also includes conclusions and recommendations for future employee motivation and satisfaction improvements.

Design of marketing strategy in the company Imperium Finance
Petrovič, Marko ; Čermák, Radim (advisor) ; Sova, Martin (referee)
Internet marketing is currently one of the most important components of marketing. However, Internet marketing as a whole is much more important than mere webdesign, mere search engine optimization (SEO) or a simple PPC advertising. Most companies have recently made it throught with a website and that was all their presentation on the Internet. However, the internet is one of the fastest growing technology today and the number of its users is growing every year. Constantly there are new technologies that allow us to have a better user experience and also bring us new ways of presentation and promotion. Most of the companies make a mistake early on and underestimate the preparation, don't know their goals, customers or competitors. Internet marketing is the process and the contents of this process is the recognition, analysis, design, implementation, and ultimately verify that you achieve the goals of the organization. In the theoretical part it is defined internet marketing and its advantages over offline marketing. Briefly sum up the history and major milestones of Internet marketing that shaped its present form. Further, it's described current trends in Internet marketing and detail expands upon the selected Internet marketing tools and tools for evaluating the success of campaigns. The practical part deals with the proposal of marketing strategy in the company Imperium Finance. The main objective is to analyze the requirements of the company Imperium Finance, from analysis to draw specific conclusions and devise a marketing strategy that will support the vision and strategy of the company in the following period. All steps were carried out within the company Imperium Finance on real data from active clients and tested in action. The result is a proposal of a marketing strategy that will drive Imperium Finance, and a marketing plan for the company. The biggest benefit of this work is so real use theoretical knowledge in practice.

Methods of Competitive Intelligence for chemical industrial companies
Lisová, Martina ; Molnár, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Kocánek, Marek (referee)
The content of this thesis is the introduction of Competitive Intelligence and its methods to companies in the chemical industry. The main objective of this work is to create particular solution of Competitive Intelligence for Lovochemie, a.s., i.e. to propose competent employee who will be periodically monitor the selected information resources using Competitive Intelligence software tools. The analyses were used to achieve this objective. At first analysis of the chemical industry was conducted in the Czech Republic and also in the world and analysis of the selected company has been created. Information resources that the company should follow through Competitive Intelligence tools were selected on the basis of this information. The first part deals with the introduction of Competitive Intelligence, intelligence cycle CI, strategic analysis methods and Competitive Intelligence tools for searching and monitoring of information on the Internet. The second part is devoted to the aforementioned analysis. At first the chemical industry is analysed and the world's biggest fertilizers producers are described. This section also introduces the company called Lovochemie, a.s., its competitors, suppliers and customers. In the last part of this thesis, the information resources available to the company and selected Competitive Intelligence tools are described. Finally, the particular solution for Lovochemie is created.

Comparison of Business Intelligence implementation using open source solutions for middle size companies
Schmidt, Róbert ; Maryška, Miloš (advisor) ; Sládek, Pavel (referee)
The main goal of master thesis is to analyze and propose possible low cost Business Intelligence solution with open source technologies and comparison of available tools for implementation in middle size company. We compare Pentaho and Jaspersoft tools implemented on local hardware and cloud environment with Microsoft Azure services. The theoretical part focuses mainly on understanding the business intelligence and its architecture, because architecture is an important part of the work. Actual tools are designed as stand alone modules for specific activities in the business intelligence lifecycle. Low cost tools are often connected with open source technologies and cloud computing. This part of the work contains explanation of these terms and their advantages and disadvantages for our chosen target group of companies. The analytical part includes defined parameters by which it is conducted analysis of tools and their comparison. Business Intelligence solutions are divided according to arcitectural layers. The evaluation criteria are divided into financial, technical and user category. In conclusion, chosen tools are compared and evaluated. The main contribution of this thesis is comparison of open source business intelligence tools for implementation in middle size company. According to the EU directive, middle size company does not exceed 250 employees or profit is less than 50 million euros. The reader can compare the different solutions and their pitfalls or shortcomings that could be critical for the implementation.

Optimal production strategy of the chosen company in the area of mechanical engineering
Brachtlová, Veronika ; Průša, Přemysl (advisor) ; Všetečková, Dana (referee)
The topic of this diploma thesis is "Optimal production strategy of the chosen company in the area of mechanical engineering" - namely the EUTECH join stock company, or more precisely its toolshop division, which deals with the manufacture of injection moulds, parts and production of special devices for aircraft industry. The aim of the paper is to evaluate, according to the defined factors, what is for the EUTECH join stock company more favourable - invest in purchase of the 5-Axis CNC machining center technology and deal with this process inside of the company or ensure this technology in cooperation with another companies. The thesis is divided into two main parts - theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, the subjects of operation management theory and production are dealt with. The practical part deals with the production strategy of the EUTECH join stock company, or more precisely of its toolshop division in detail. The company is briefly introduced, the situational analysis of division toolshop is conducted and the production process of the company is examined. The final chapter deals with the use of cooperation in the toolshop division. The main and other factors affecting the choice of "product or sell" strategy are evaluated and consequently is decided which strategy is in case of the 5-Axis CNC machining center technology more favourable.

Deformometrická a výšková měření v katastrálním území obce Dětmarovice v roce 2016
Kajzar, Vlastimil ; Staš, Lubomír
Ústav geoniky AV ČR, v.v.i. v Ostravě byl v souvislosti s uvažovaným hlubinným dobýváním uhelných zásob a jeho možného vlivu na katastrální území Dětmarovice požádán v roce 2001 Dolem ČSA o posouzení případných vlivů poddolování na stabilitu svahů na vybrané části katastrálního území Dětmarovice. Důsledkem dobývání jsou, mimo jiné, i poklesy povrchu, což vzhledem ke stávající morfologii terénu v předmětném katastrálním území vyvolalo obavu, zda tyto poklesy nebudou dále indukovat svahové pohyby. V listopadu 2001 tedy byla v dané lokalitě vybudována kontrolní monitorovací síť o čtyřech individuálních profilech. Na těchto přímkách bylo doporučeno provádět ve stejných intervalech deformometrická (délková) a nivelační (výšková) měření. Z následného periodického deformometrického a nivelačního monitoringu těchto svahů ještě před začátkem rozvoje poklesové kotliny do sledované oblasti a dále v období projevů účinků dobývání je pak možné stanovit, zda vůbec k vývoji svahových deformací dochází, a následně na možné příčiny případných pohybů poukázat (morfologicko-geotechnické a klimatické přírodní podmínky, hornická a antropogenní činnost aj.).

Height measurement in the northern area of mining areas Doubrava and Karviná Mines In 2016
Kajzar, Vlastimil ; Waclawik, Petr ; Staš, Lubomír
In the northern area of ​​mining areas Doubrava and Karvina mines on the border RA Detmarovice and Doubrava are implemented, the mining activities. For this reason, in order to detect possible effects of the mine to the surface and surface objects twice a year height focuses, points in this area stable. From 2014 he was a contractor for these works chosen by the Institute of Geonics, v.v.i., Ostrava. In August and November 2016 survey conducted campaigns planned this year, during which it conducted a total of 4 highrise focus of inter-related leveling routes, which are formed by these points. Highrise points are stabilized in the area of ​​interest in several ways - usually in steel design height marks on buildings, then as an iron bolt concreted in the ground or using nails driven into the concrete foundation or other alternative means. Distribution points in the area of ​​interest is indicative captured in the map appendix. Existing trace and focus points are highlighted in green, yellow trace inaccessible points, refocused points in red and violet points that have occurred to their long term disablement or destruction. Each zaměřovaných points in order to trace the terrain carefully documented (GPS coordinates, photos, text description) and registered. These documents are available from the contractor.

Association of Idependent Theatres of the Czech Republic – Analysis and Description of the Current State
Bodoríková, Markéta ; KAŠPAR, David (advisor) ; PROKOP, Petr (referee)
The thesis is focused on newly established Association of Independent Theaters of the Czech Republic, officially using the abbreviation AND ČR. The aim of the thesis is to describe formation of the association, its current state, future plans and its functioning. The first part examines the term “independent professional theater” and briefly characterizes selected organizations from the Czech Republic and Europe with the potential to meet with the AND ČR in the cultural area in future. In the following parts were researched needs of independent professional scene in Prague and was described the needs analysis for the field of “independent” theater from the year 2013. The thesis describes the development of AND ČR, its activities up to current stage, organizational structure and future short-term plans. In the final part of the thesis, there is defined the management system of the association and established its possible improvements so the AND ČR would become the leading organization representing independent professional theaters in the Czech Republic.

Technical Analysis in Foreign Exchange
Hurdálek, Michal ; Procházka, Petr (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with trading in the forex market. The theoretical part describes the Forex market, its history, when it traded, what is traded, which entities are involved in the market and selected basic concepts, that you must know in this market. There are also basic procedures and rules as the speculative individual should behave on the market in different situations and how to distribute the funds, to avoid a large percentage losses of the capital, as the foundation of financial literacy should think about knowledge. At the conclusion of the practical part, there is the technical analysis, that justifies and predicts the future development of exchange rates. Technical analysis is followed by a practical part, which describes the transactions, that were carried out under real conditions on the currency pair EUR / USD. These transactions were carried out using two technical indicators, Moving averages and Bollinger bands. At the conclusion of the work, there is the evaluation of these two indicators, which one was more profitable for us.