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Management of the regional brand - Českosaské Švýcarsko region
Mádlová, Ivana ; Vokáčová, Lucie (advisor)
The Diploma Thesis is focused on the brand issue from the perspective of strategic management. The work is divided into two consecutive parts, a theoretical one and a practical one.

Evaluation of the European Cohesion Policy in Selected Region
Podzimková, Ivana ; Tomšík, Karel (advisor) ; Pavel, Pavel (referee)
The diploma's thesis is aiming to evaluate European policy of social cohesion and its growth options in the selected region. The evaluation is connected to the Elbe cycle route and it is based on analyses. The theoretical part of the thesis introduces the subject of European policy of social cohesion while defining its legislation and framework of the legislation. It also defines the embodiment of regional politics within legislation of the local government i.e. the Czech Republic. Analyses of the development of the selected project i.e. the Elbe cycle route and its impact on Hradec Kralove district will be dealt with in the practical part of the thesis. Business results of entities participating on the Elbe cycle route project will be gathered and used in order to evaluate selected indicators. Final assessment will be based on benchmarking. Method of comparison, analyses and syntheses will be used to evaluate gathered data. Applicable data will be gathered by research of related literature. Information will be also provided by the executive entities connected to the project, regional websites focussed on cycle tourism and by the town of Smiřice. Data gathered by the entities that cooperate on supervision of the Elbe cycle route project will be used for the statistic assessment.

Impact of the European Cohesion Policy in Central Bohemia Region
Lálová, Gabriela ; Tomšík, Karel (advisor) ; Miroslava, Miroslava (referee)
This thesis evaluates the impact of European Cohesion Policy in Central Bohemia Region with focus on Podlipansko region. The thesis is focused on activities of the Local Action Group Podlipansko in the programming period 2007 - 2013. The theoretical part deals with the regional policy of the European Union, including the financial instruments of regional policy and the principles of regional policy. Following section is dedicated to the development of cohesion policy in the Czech Republic and cohesion regions. At the beginning of the practical part of the thesis, Central Bohemia Region and the activities of the local action groups are described. Next section is dedicated to the activities of the Local Action Group Podlipansko in Podlipansko region. Activities of the Local Action Group Podipansko are evaluated through the monitoring indicator analysis. The results of public inquiry among residents of the region are addressed as well. The closing part assesses if the activities of the Local Action Groups are beneficial for the development of rural areas.

Subsidy Support of the Sustainable Waste Management
The subject of the dissertation is the issue of the waste management with special emphasis on the recycling of the construction and demolition waste. The recourse is an analysis of the key instruments regulating the activities and behaviour of market operators in this field toward fulfilling all-society priorities and principles of the sustainable development, where special accent is put on the area of subsidy policies and programmes. The aim of the dissertation is to analyse and evaluate the setting of the selected subsidy programme in terms of economic and ecological efficiency with the emphasis on the assessment of the impact on the recipient. The subject of the research will be a priority axis 4 "Improvement of Waste Management and Removal of Old Environmental Burdens" within the Operational Programme Environment 2007 - 2013. In the literature review basic concepts and important definitions are defined, followed by the comprehensive and complex searches of the problematics from different angles of view. First of all, the global aspect of environmental protection is discussed, broader historical, legal, economic and political contexts, that are essential fundament for understanding the current and future challenges both globally regionally, are summarized. Hereafter, a more detailed description of the situation of the European Union is followed, then the overview is completed by a detailed view at the state of the problematics in the Czech Republic. Subsequent chapters are devoted to a detailed analysis of the waste management sector, again in terms of global, European and national standpoint, in the end the view is focused on the key issue of the dissertation problematics of construction and demolition waste. In the application part the fulfilling of the stated objective of the dissertation through four defined hypothesis is solved. Hypotheses verify the efficiency and appropriateness of the setting of the system of subsidies in the frame of the monitored programme. The emphasis is imposed on the assessment of the impact of the allocated subsidies to the private entities on their economic and environmental efficiency.

Immigration to the U.S. through the Mexican perspective: Exmaining the push factors Before and After Nafta
Novotná, Tereza ; Kozák, Kryštof (advisor) ; Raška, Francis (referee)
Mexico had been overshadowed by the U.S. within the North American area even though it is an important actor in the region. It has close historical, political and economic bonds with the United States. Given the geographic proximity, one of the critical issues in the bilateral relationship is the question of immigration. I will look at immigration through the Mexican perspective and examine the push factors that drive generations of Mexicans across the northern border. My main goal is to introduce Mexico through a thorough investigation of the factors that push Mexican citizens to emigrate to the United States. The main problem I will discuss throughout this paper is the reasons why immigration hasn't decreased since 1994, when NAFTA had come into effect and why has there been an increase of the Mexican-born population in the U.S. The premise is not to analyze the economical successes or failures of NAFTA itself, but to introduce its impact on immigration. I will look into the political, demographic, security related and economical reasons for immigration as well as analyze immigration from the regional perspective, in order to demonstrate there has been a change in the migrant profile. Overall this paper should provide a more balanced perspective on the immigration issue to the U.S.

Rights and responsibilities of nurse in the performance of health professions
This thesis deals with rights and responsibilities of nurses at performance of medical profession. The theoretical part summarizes basic terms regarding the given issue.The first aim of this thesis was to map fields of rights and responsibilities of nurses at performance of their medical profession. The second aim was to evaluate an area of respecting the rights and responsibilities of nurses at performance of medical profession. The next step was to determine five research questions processed in detail in the practical part of the thesis.For answering these research questions four hypotheses were determined. These were also processed in the practical part of the work.The research was done by qualitative quantitative method. Research for the qualitative part was done according to the structured interview by open questions. Research for the quantitative part was done by a method of enquiry using an anonymous questionnaire. Research set for the qualitative part consisted of head nurses of medical institutes of Southern and Western region of the Czech Republic. The results of the research of qualitative and quantitative part are processed in detail in a practical part of the thesis. The interviews carried out with respondents in the qualitative part were rewritten and every answer was subsequently processed into schemes for clear arrangement. The results of quantitative part were statistically elaborated in SPSS program into tables.Each hypothesis was statistically proved. The results of the research could help to reveal the gaps in the field of rights and responsibilities of nurses at performance of medical profession. They can be used not only by lead management of medical organization for motivation and support of nurses but also for quality improvement in the fields of rights and responsibilities of nurses and other medics.

Obesity in children of school age from the perspective of nurses working in GP
BURSÍKOVÁ, Drahoslava
Abstract Obesity in School Children from the Point of View of a Nurse Working in a GP's Surgery The thesis focuses on the problems of nursing care of children with overweight and obesity. This issue is very urgent nowadays, not only in the Czech Republic, but it is a global problem. Our country holds one of the leading positions in children obesity. Children suffering from overweight and obesity have not only health problems resulting from obesity complications, but also problems in the field of psyche and social relations, particularly among their peers. This is why the right insight into the issue and finding an acceptable solution for the future is so important. The theoretical part deals with the problems of children obesity, the specifics of nursing care of these children within a surgery of a general paediatrician. It also focuses on the needs of children with normal weight and on the needs of overweight children. Four aims were set within the research. The first aim was to map the situation in obesity among school and pre-school children in Benešov District. The second aim was to map services (possibilities of further assistance, treatment) that parents and practitioners may use in treatment of children with overweight and obesity in Benešov District. The third aim was to compare success rate of obesity treatment in children that have already undergone obesity treatment under specialist supervision and success rate of weight reduction in children trying themselves. The fourth aim was to map the problems of cooperation of a nurse with parents and school in treatment of a child with obesity. We used a qualitative research method in the research part of the thesis. The questioning method by means of semi structured interview was applied. Three research samples were prepared for the research purposes. The first research sample consisted of 10 nurses working in paediatrician practitioner surgeries in Benešov District. The second research sample consisted of 10 persons intentionally chosen from among parents of children with obesity that are trying to reduce the weight of their children themselves or under assistance of an obesity specialist. The children were of school and pre-school age. The third research sample consisted of 10 paediatrician practitioners practicing in Benešov District. Open-coding technique paper and pencil method was applied on interview processing. A document analysis was used for the mapping of the services in Benešov District and the whole Central Bohemia Region. Six research questions were set: 1. What are the possibilities of specialist help to obese children? 2. Are parents willing to help their obese children with overweight reduction? 3. Do parents of obese children also have problems with overweight? 4. What experience do nurses from paediatrician practitioner surgeries have with care about obese children? 5. What does cooperation between parents and a nurse from a paediatrician practitioner surgery looks like? 6. How does a nurse working in a paediatrician practitioner's surgery cooperates with the school? The thesis conclusion shows that the problem of children obesity is not just the matter of Benešov District, but it is a global problem, it is urgent and has an increasing trend.

The Changes of agricultural Landscape of Microregion Sedlčany in the years 1850-1943
Mašková Janotová, Šárka ; Jakubec, Ivan (advisor) ; Štemberk, Jan (referee)
The thesis is focused on the economic situation development in the Sedlčany region from the first half of the 19th century till second half of the 20th century. The period observes changes from the agrarian landscape. At the end of period of the Second Czechoslovak Republic the landscape could be described as agrarian-industrial landscape. Traditionally, the Sedlčany region is considered industrially influenced. The presented thesis deals with confirmation or disproof of this idea. The research tries to find the potential focuses of dynamic economic development. If the focuses existed in the past, the research deals with comparison economic development of the Sedlčany region with other parts of Bohemia and finds the circumstances of the development. The economic situation of this area is located into wider context of the industrialization in the Czech countries during given period. Of course, the phenomenon of industrialization process relates to many factors, such as demographic development, transportation, trade, banking, agriculture and administrative activities. The federation actions are followed up in the region. The main aim of the associations is economic development of this region. They emphasize mainly upward movement of the peasant status. Keywords Sedlčany, economic history,...

Healthy aging in the context of nursing care
RADOVÁ, Ludmila
Healthy Ageing Programme is a concept which should have a significant influence on every resident in the countries where population median age has been quickly increasing. This topic of healthy ageing is the key issue of the given Master´s Diploma Thesis. At the present, our country is involved not only in several smaller-scale regional programmes focused on lives of seniors but also in the events of European importance. If we want to provide our seniors with a quality life in all aspects, it is necessary to encourage promoting Healthy Ageing Programme. The wide scope of activity is thus open, especially for nurses. The first objective develops the approach of seniors in the selected health-care facilities to healthy ageing. The second objective introduces the approach of a client before retirement age to the healthy ageing principles. Finally, the third objective specifies the role of general practice nurses in their support of clients before retirement age in their healthy ageing. Research questions included the following issues: the approach of a client at the age before retirement to the healthy ageing principles and the role of a general practice nurse and her support of the abovementioned clients. The given research also develops one hypothesis regarding the fact that personal objectives will change depending on barriers.Both qualitative and quantitative research was used in the given Diploma Thesis. An in-depth interview was conducted during the survey. Additional information was obtained on the basis of an opinion poll. Two research groups were used for the interview: the first one consisted of 11 respondents from the general practitioner´s outpation departments, the second research group consisted of 6 nurses working for the aforementioned departments. The total number of 150 respondents from the designated health-care facilities was selected for the survey during which they were answering the research questions. As a result, a large number of useful information was obtained. The clients' approach can be divided into several groups: leisure activities, education, workload, prevention and medical examinations, regimen, community nursing care, healthy ageing. The key roles of a nurse should take into consideration the following aspects: healthy ageing from the nurse´s point of view, prevention and geriatric nurse at the outpatient department, community nursing care, health support of the patients provided by a nurse. Information obtained from the interviews were interconnected and often corresponded with each other. Research questions are also followed by the given results. A nurse has a significant role in the area of education, provision of necessary information to the clients, promotion of prevention programmes informing the clients about the solution to their problems. The motivation of clients before retirement age is also crucial because it is at this age when people can influence their life, its length and quality. The survey also observes the general perception of people of an old age and changes in their point of view with age. The information collected from this survey may be also used in different studies in order to improve both quality of nursing care and motivation of the clients before their retirement.

Regional population projections
This thesis deals with the regional population projections. The theoretical part is divided into several chapters, which describe and explain the basic concepts, such as demographics, birth rate, death rate and more. There are also analyzed the actual projection methods and specifying formulas. Last but not least consulted on the population projection of the Czech Republic in 2050 and the most recent projections up to the year 2100th. Own part is about the screening for districts in South Bohemian region. Projections were prepared for districts: Ceske Budejovice, Cesky Krumlov, Jindrichuv Hradec, Prachatice, Pisek, Strakonice and Tabor. As evaluation indicators were elected, population, life expectancy, total fertility rate and the secondary sex ratio or even sex ratio. Projections for population and life expectancy has been created specially for men and women.