National Repository of Grey Literature 319 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.06 seconds. 

The possibilities of justifying ethical principles for dealing with a conceived human life
Coufal, Jiří ; Ovečka, Libor (advisor) ; Matějek, Jaromír (referee)
English Abstract Possibilities of Justifying Ethical Principles for Dealing with Conceived Human Life This thesis proposes the spectrum of ethical questions connected with interventions into the conceived human life and suggests ways, how to answer these questions. Following up the limited expressions of the Scripture about life of man before nativity, it reminds the history of a conceived human life in the church tradition and its teaching. It refers to the dignity of man as a person from the philosophical and theological point of view and proposes reasons making the meaning, that the human embryo is a person already from the conception, well-founded. It considers the opinion opposition of its meaning, which comes out from empirical positions, from the reasons of its unity and its inability to propose proofs, as a mere doubt, which cannot cut out an existence of a human person from the moment of conception. Further this work deals with the real and ethical aspect of the individual interventions into the human life. Namely deals for example with the interruption, contraceptive methods, assisted reproductive technology, problems of embryonic stem cells, cloning and gene therapies. It mentions public end professional discussion, international conventions and the Czech national legislation in that field. The...

Arterial hypertension - patients point of view in the public pharmacy
Jonášová, Iveta ; Rudolf, Kamil (advisor) ; Malý, Josef (referee)
Arterial hypertension - patients point of view in the public pharmacy Author: Iveta Jonášová ¹ Tutor: MUDr. PharmDr. Kamil Rudolf, Ph.D. ¹ š ¹ Department of Clinical and Social Pharmacy, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové š University Hospital Hradec Králové Background: The thesis deals with pharmacotherapy of arterial hypertension. Arterial hypertension is one from the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system. Current therapy and control over arterial hypertension are not sufficient, despite of progress in pharmacotherapy and introduction of new antihypertensive drugs into medication. Aim of study: Aim of this study was to find a deeper knowledge of hypertonic patients about their disease, their compliance with therapy and doctor's instructions and pacient's knowledge about their actual blood pressure. Effect of antihypertensive therapy was assessed including conformity local prescribing with current guidelines. Methods: Data of the prospective study were collected by a questionnaire. The exploratory sample was consisted of randomly 320 surveyed hypertensive patients living in the Štětí and its surroundings. The research was performed from July 2010 to November 2011. The questionnaire consisted of two respondent characteristics (sex, age) and 7 targeted...

Complexes of Cationic Porphyrins with Nucleic Acids Studied by Surface Enhanced Resonance Raman Spectroscopy
Lásková, Barbora ; Mojzeš, Peter (advisor) ; Michl, Martin (referee)
Complexes of cationic porphyrins with nucleic acids are interesting from the point of view of delivery of therapeutic oligonucleotides into cells as well as for photodynamic therapy of cancer. Diploma thesis deals with study of the complexes of cationic metalloporphyrin CuTMPyP4 with poly(dG-dC)2, where intercalation of porphyrin within polynucleotide's base pairs is supposed and with poly(dA-dT)2, poly(dA)·poly(dT), in which external groove-binding of CuTMPyP4 on the helix is assumed. The measurements were made by SERRS, RRS and absorption spectroscopies. From the time evolution of the SERRS spectra for each complex it was found, that intensity of SERRS spectra and rate of SERRS kinetics for complexes fall short of intuitive supposition about low SERRS signal and its slow increasing in the case of intercalation of porphyrin, because for complex of CuTMPyP4 with poly(dG-dC)2, the SERRS kinetic are very fast and final SERRS signal is more intense than for poly(dA-dT)2, poly(dA)·poly(dT). Comparing the SERRS and RRS spectra of the complexes it was found that SERRS spectra correspond to the porphyrin molecules released from the complexes rather that to the entire complexes. Study of various colloidal systems used for SERRS measurements revealed that SERRS signal evolves with time of exposition, namely for...

The impact of non - functional sole of foot on the posture of people with non - sedentary kind of employment
This thesis focuses on the non-functional sole of the foot and its influence on people with sedentary job's body posture. As a non-functional sole of the foot is considered, in the research part of this thesis, the deviation of the standard that can be determined by means of podoscope which displays the sole of foot, or by functional tests. The first aim of this work is to describe the posture disorder of people working in an environment where they burden the sole of the foot in the long term. The second aim consists in the suggesting and applying a physiotherapeutic plan for particular people with a dysfunctional foot sole and not having sedentary job. The target of the research question was to define a particular pattern of the posture disorder as a consequence of the dysfunction of the foot sole. In the theoretical part of the thesis the reader is informed about the development and anatomy of the foot, its function that can be focused on from the point of view of a foot as such as well as the function of the foot as an impact on the posture when sitting, standing and walking. Another part deals with the posture and its modifications in both, the statistics and dynamics. In relation to the research part of this thesis, there are incorporated chapters about the possibilities for the examination of the foot from the point of inspection, palpation, active and passive movements and, last but not least, the functional examination including tests of the sole of the foot and instrumental examination of the posture - posturography. Because of the target of the description of the consequences of the non-functional foot sole, there is a description of the function muscle chains that connect the sole of the foot, and the posture, included. A short part of the theory is dedicated to sanitary footwear. For the research part of the work, three women aged 21 22 with non-sedentary jobs, working eight hours per day as a minimum, with subjective difficulties with the pain of lower limbs and back in the lumbar area, were chosen. The collection of data took place in the form of processing three case interpretations with the use of the method of an interview, comparison and a kinesiological analysis, including the use of objective methods of the examination with podoscope and posturograph. The content of the kinesiological analysis was focused on a chosen test that were after the end of the therapy registered in a chart depicting the pattern of the posture disorder. The examination by posturograph includes projection of the focal point of probands to the supportive base and the measure of their motoric abilities. There was a physiotherapeutical plan conducted and applied in the form of exercise during the therapy of probands. The therapy took place for nine weeks, the brobands exercised every two weeks under the supervision of a therapist with the purpose of eliminating potential mistakes. The exercise was extended or corrected according to the actual condition of probands. From the results of the theoretical part it is obvious that it is possible to create the pattern of the posture disorder in case of the people with non-sedentary working place.

Possibilities of Physiotherapy for chronical overload of the lumbar spine of female floorball players
SLADKÁ, Zuzana
The Bachelor's work deals with the topic of women's floorball from the physiotherapeutic point of view. Due to the basic playing posture in a continuous forward bend and the one-sided holding of the floorball stick, the lower back is being overloaded in long term. Stabilization of this region is secured by the deep stabilization system that works based on the interaction of the spine extensors and flexors. Is the activity not balanced, muscle disbalance and micro trauma occur, which have a negative impact on the player performance. Including of compensation and relaxation exercises into the training programme may work as prevention of development of such musculoskeletal overload. The aim of this work is to present the problems of women's floorball from the physiotherapeutic point of view and to offer possibilities of particular kinesiological and physiotherapeutic methods for prevention of injuries and spinal overload. The theoretical part describes the functional anatomy, the biomechanics of the lower back and the deep stabilization system assuring the stability of this spine region. Furthermore, the issues of floorball, the basic playing activities of individuals with the description of the floorball player posture are described. The theory quotes examination methods and therapy as well. This fulfils the first aim of the bachelor's work regarding closer description of the women's floorball issues. The research part of the work is processed by the quality research method. For analysis, the case interpretation of three floorball players of the FBC Liberec extra league team has been used. These three players had problems in the lower back region, mostly accompanied by pain. Every case interpretation involves input and output medical inspection with anamnesis definition, static inspection of aspection and palpation in the pelvis region, goniometric and somatometric inspection with function muscle test, dynamic inspection (Trendelenburg-Duchenne test), inspection of movement stereotypes, postural stabilization, hypermobility and shortening of muscle groups. Within this therapy, soft tissue techniques, stretching, method of the dynamic neuromuscular stabilization, parts of the Ludmila Mojžíšová method, sensomotoric stimulation and examination on a big gymnastic ball, have been used. Based on an assessment, both, the short-term and long-term individual kinesiotherapeutical plan has been developed and the second aim of the bachelor's work fulfilled show the possibility of particular kinesiology and physiotherapy methods for prevention of injuries and spinal overload. The therapy results are positive and the selected physiotherapeutical methods have proved to be effective. The posture in the lower back region has improved with all players and also symetrization of the trunk as well as reduction of pains as a result of the deep stabilization system could be observed. Both of the parties have evaluated the effect of the therapy as positive. The bachelor's work can be used in the physiotherapeutical clinic practice and as a resource for increasing the awereness of the sportspeople and trainers.

Physiotherapy for patients with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
JINDROVÁ, Kateřina
ADEM is the inflammatory demyelinating disease of central nervous system which affects mainly white matter cerebrospinal. This bachelor thesis deal with problems of the acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and appropriate approaches of the physiotherapy approaches. For the purpose of this diagnosis is to give a comprehensive view about the disease. Question of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis is nowadays increasingly topical because the incidence of this disease increases every year not only in the world, but also in the Czech Republic. The issue of children is described in detail and subsequently divided. The main stated aim of my thesis is to explore the issue of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, physiotherapy and process approaches at selected patients with this diagnosis realize defined physiotherapy processes. The theoretical part focuses on the incidence of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis in the Czech Republic and in the world, disease characteristics, causes of its formation, progression, diagnosis and prognosis, and not least the many options in the treatment of diseases such as neurorehabilitation, pharmacological, spa treatment etc. Methodological part is processed using qualitative research. Data collection is carried out observation, interview, analysis of medical records, kinesiology and as neurological examinations is used video and photographic documentation of individual respondents. The research sample includes 2 respondents from Arpida Centers in Ceske Budejovice. Examination and treatment was carried out for 5 months in Arpida areas. To evaluate changes in the patient after treatment is performed input and output kinesiology and neurological examination. One kinesiology examination is completed by testing for posturograf from Copany Neurocom that the patient has received at the beginning of therapy and after its completion. The main research question was determinated in accordance with the objective and qualitative research. The research question was: What are the changes in kinesiological examination occurs after physical therapy in patients with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis? Physiotherapy primarily affected the stereotype of breathing, better stability of scapulas, improved walking stereotypes and generally improved postural stability in stance. Physiotherapy as itself may well affect some degrees of clinical symptoms of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. It helps improve the quality of life, physical or mental state of a person, helping to improve self-care and improve its team-integration.

The options of patients with hind limb amputation for physiotherapy treatments
This work elaborates on the problematic of amputation of lower/hind limb and pitfalls associated with it. The theoretical part deals with the amputation from the historical and etiological point of view. I list all types of amputation interventions and their risk factors. A substantial part of the theoretical section is dedicated to physiotherapeutic procedures and possible prosthetic treatments, which are an important part of rehabilitation care for patients with amputations. The practical part of my bachelor work is processed by means of qualitative research. The research was conducted using case studies which, on the basis of anamnesis and examination contain kinesiology input analysis, procedures in physiotherapy and kinesi-ology analysis output. Using case studies I describe the application of theoretical knowledge in practice. The research was conducted at the Center of Technical Orthopedics in Ceske Budejovice. The research sample consisted of three patients with varying height of amputation intervention of the lower limb. All patients were men aged 50-65 years, with the first equipment of the prosthetic device, the first patient after exarticulation in the hip, the other after amputation in his thigh, and the third patient after amputation in his shin. Physiotherapy ran for 10 weeks, 1x a week for 60 minutes. I established an exercise set of five exercises for each patient that they were also supposed to practice at home by themselves. In addition to that, each patient received extra exercises for home practicing to suit their individual needs. I assessed the effectiveness of the therapy based on the results of input and output tests. The aim of this study was to map the practice of physiotherapy with patients after lower limb amputations. Among the most important tasks of a physiotherapist with patients with amputations I consider the care of the stump, the status of which is closely linked with the use of prostheses. During my practice I reassured myself that complications of the amputation stump significantly limit the use of prosthesis. A limited use of prosthesis consequently prolongs the patient's return to the society as its as equivalent as possible member, in accordance with the abilities and possibilities of each individual patient. The effect of locomotion with a prosthesis on the mental aspect of an individual after a leg amputation was in my practice also obvious. The results of the research part of my thesis show that the health state of all probands mentioned in my work improved after 10 weeks of treatment. During my internship, I reaffirmed the importance of early initiation of rehabilitation and awareness of patients about the possibilities of the prosthetic equipment, interdisciplinary cooperation of the nursing staff, age, cooperation and motivation of the patient. This work can serve as an educational material not only for health care workers, but also for the sick or for their family members.

Body-Mind Centering as a journey towards self-consciousness
Šešerová, Dominika ; Junková, Vendula (advisor) ; Hrachovinová, Tamara (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to introduce BMC approach in relation to other body-oriented psychotherapies, to characterise its principles and techniques, the format of therapy and to analyze and assess it from a point of view of the basic questions of scientific validity of a psychotherapeutic modality. Further in this thesis we summarize the bodily anchored experiencing theory. The empirical part of this thesis is a quantitative study of relation of body awareness, depressive experiencing and the satisfaction with life. We also studied a relationship among body awareness and socio-demographical characteristics of respondents. We ascertained some statistically significant correlations pointing towards a link between the ability of body awareness and depressive experiencing and also with satisfaction with life. The findings of this empirical study point towards the usefulness of further systematical developing of the body awareness construct.

Application of motivational mechanisms within the educational process for pupils with severe mental retardation
The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of motivation mechanisms in the scope of educational process of pupils with heavy mental disabilities. The target of the thesis is to find out which what motivation mechanisms are used by teachers of pupils with heavy mental disabilities most frequently. A partial target is the comparison of answers of teachers depending on their practice and the ascertainment if the length of practice had influence on the motivation mechanisms. The theoretical part of the thesis is devoted to the definition of mental disability, its etiology, diagnostics and classification. The following chapters focus on the education and subsequently teaching of persons with mental disabilities; the teaching is, for the purposes of my bachelors thesis specified closer in the following chapter, "Education of persons with heavy mental disabilities". This chapter is, besides the teaching, devoted also to the developing Snoezelen method and Basal stimulation concept being a part of education of persons with a mental disabilities inseparably. The last chapter of the theoretical part is the motivation in the school environment. I acquired the base for the conclusion of the practical part of thesis by means of the half-structured talks with the pre-prepared ten questions which could be changed during questioning thanks to the elected flexible method. Ten respondents answered my questions. I have found out through the questioning carried out that the pupils are motivated frequently by means of demonstration, narration or use of pictures accompanying the curriculum. The pupils are usually motivated by remuneration, the most frequent ones are a smile and subsequently small sweets. The non-verbal remuneration and punishments are present in the whole teaching process and the pupils understand them easily. The influence of practice was visible in individual answers especially in view of new methods. The teachers with a shorter practice use new and alternative methods more often and they are open to new methods, on the other hand, teachers with a longer practice use more verified methods well-tried in practice. The thesis may represent contribution as survey of used motivation mechanisms in relation to the various term of practice in the branch and as material for students desiring to work with pupils with a heavy mental disability.

Rehabilitation of cognitive functions in patients after brain injury
Umlaufová, Veronika ; Uhlář, Pavel (referee) ; Kulišťák, Petr (advisor)
The mm of the master thesi s "Rehabilitation of cognitive functions in patients afteľ bľain injury" was to claľify these problems fľom pľactical point of view. In the first chapter readers get acquainted with kinds of brain injury. The second chapter deals with cognitive tlmctions and the third, most extensive, lS dedicated to rehabilitation of patients after brain injury. The ľehabilitation lS conceived as a complex process involving care of patients in the biological, psychicaL social and physical sphere. The empirical part concentrates on training oť attention. Patients after brain injury. who were invol\"ed in the study. vvere divided into two groups. Within three weeks one group practiced on computer (programme RehaCom) and the other attended occupational therapy. We investigated whether there are any diťferences in the influence of training of attention by means oť computer programme or occupational therapy. In regard of a smalI sample (five patients in each group) and other conditions we came to the conclusion that the effect of training oť attention appeared in neither group after three weeks. The empirical part is completed with a questionnaire. We addressed the specialist who work with patients after brain injury and asked them what they thought about the training oť attention by means oť computer...