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The Liberation of Pilsen 1945 in Photography
Křenová, Tereza ; SILVERIO, Robert (advisor) ; JANOŠČÍK, Václav (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with liberation of Pilsen in May 1945 by american army in photography. The aim of this thesis is finding and collecting archival materials and placing them in a historical-political context. Communist regime changed the portrayal of historical events and directly influenced the amount of exisiting photographs, documents and lives of those who created them. Important part of this bachelor thesis is working with those archival materials – particularly with photographs capturing arrival of Americans and their stay in Czechoslovakia at the end of WW2. Both professional and amateur photographers created valuable photographs as they witnessed the liberation of Pilsen. These photographs became in spite of communist propaganda a clear evidence that Pilsen was liberated by american army.

Food supplements and iodine supplementation breastfeeding women
IVANOVÁ, Markéta
Iodine is a trace element that is essential for the production of thyroid hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxine. Iodine deficiency had in the past result in many serious diseases and disorders. At present is in the Czech Republic considered mastered. However, Iodine deficiency are vulnerable to specific groups of the population, including pregnant and nursing women, because of their need and the recommended daily dose of iodine is increased. Breastfeeding women should receive adequate amounts of dietary iodine for optimal saturation for themselves and their child. Otherwise, exposing themselves and their child risk of diseases and disorders of iodine deficiency. Increased supply of iodine can be replaced by eating foods rich in iodine. In the event that you cannot increase intake of iodine - rich food preferences in iodine, there are various supplements that contain iodine. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the intake of iodine supplements and supplements in nursing women and breast-feeding women to assess the awareness for greater needs of iodine and food iodine sources. There were set up the three research questions: How many nursing women used to supply iodine supplements and supplements?, What is the awareness of breastfeeding women need more iodine? and What is the awareness of breastfeeding women about dietary sources of iodine? A quantitative research strategy was used for the implementation of the research. The method used for data collection was made by an anonymous questionnaire. A questionnaire was handed in a printed copy to pediatricians and gynecologists in the southern Bohemia. With the doctors help were invited nursing women to fulfill the questionnaire. Part of the women was invited to complete the questionnaire directly. The research sample consisted of 117 female respondents. The research shows that 62 % of breastfeeding women know why it is important to increased need for iodine during lactation. But only 9 % of women know all the risks of iodine deficiency on the mother mentioned in the questionnaire and only one new mother knows all risk of iodine deficiency for infants listed in the questionnaire. The recommended daily intake of iodine properly reported or estimated 40.2 % of women. It turned out that 46 % of respondents from the research group used food supplements and supplements containing iodine. Each of these respondents used only one preparation with iodine. The most commonly used products were: GS mamavit, a Smart baby and Femibion 400 and Gravital. 43 % of respondents had used a dietary supplement containing iodine from the beginning of pregnancy and in 57 % of the respondents were informed about food supplements through a doctor (gynecologist, pediatrician). The results showed that awareness of breastfeeding women about food sources of iodine is not good. 67 % of women know that settlement higher needs iodine during lactation is possible by eating foods rich in iodine, but all food sources of iodine in the questionnaires (sea fish, seafood and seaweed, iodized salt, and milk and dairy products) registered only one respondent. 39 % of women known as a rich source of iodine, seafood, seafood and seaweed, iodized salt , but none of them knew that the rich and a good source of iodine is also milk and dairy products. Based on the results of the work would be desirable to issue educational print disabled educational material that could be used to increase awareness of not only women who are breastfeeding, pregnant women as well as the higher of the recommended daily dose of iodine and what foods to include in your diet in order to pay the increased intake of iodine. Provide information on supplements containing iodine, which can add missing quantities of iodine, what products are available and what are the currently preferred by nursing women.

San Minn (or) An Artist who prefer creating and paintings than his life
Zeya, Pyin Nyar ; JANEČEK, Vít (advisor) ; VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ, Miloš (referee)
No one can control a painter artist’s freely thoughts and ideas and although his paintings were under the high pressure and banned by force, the artistic value of his materials never go down. So that I am writing this paper. He, San Minn has broken out the mainstream of Burmese painting field, he never made business paintings as well. He keeps his belief on the art of paints and he is always finding for the new way to make his paintings. His materials are very different from other Burmese painter artists’ materials. His style is unique in Burmese paintings. So I can get a chance to study of his style, ideas, ways of thinking and his determination on the art works. My paper can show a painter artist’s life who grew up under the military rule for 50 years and the situation and history of Burmese painting field. Then not only people who are studying the painting subject, but also other people can know about the subject of Burmese painting and field of artists. I dare say that my paper must be colorful and fruitful. As a painter artist, it seems that he wants his audience to feel his materials but he rare to show his real life behind the pictures. For me, I can get a chance to know about his real life for my thesis paper. xxxxxxxxxx Thesis Statement My thesis can be useful for everybody who is interested in Burmese contemporary art field. This is the biggest chance to read about one of the most famous, important and significant artists and art movements of Burma. His paintings are reflecting his journey through over 40 years of censorship, but he was not afraid to tackle political and social issues. Many of San Minn's art works are based on autobiographical, making sharp social commentary on the popular culture, social values and scenario circumstances where he has lived in. xxxxxxxxxx

Sorption and Stabilization of Metals/Mettalloids by Innovative Synthesized Sorbent Amochar.
Ouředníček, P. ; Trakal, L. ; Komárek, M. ; Pohořelý, Michael
Remediation of contaminated soil which is based on stabilization and immobilization of potential\nhazardous substance by sorption materials has been studied intensively nowadays. Biochar – activated organic carbon belongs to this group of stabilizing agents which can adsorb wide range of contaminants, including metals/metalloids. Surface area of the biochars is quite large in general and functional groups (e.g. COO–) can form chelates or alkaline elements on the surface, which is represented by cation exchange capacity. Altogether with the high pH values (7.00 – 10.00), biochars are quite effective sorbents and can adsorb metals/metalloids from the solution (ground water), especially in acidic soils (in the environments affected by intensive mining activities). Sorption\neffectiveness can be increased (especially for As (V) or Cr (VI) sorption) by modification of biochar by various types of secondary oxides. Innovative sorbent AMOchar (AMO + biochar) has been synthesized currently. The product was prepared by adding of biochar to the reaction solution during amorphous manganese oxide (AMO) synthesis. The AMOchar was formed mainly by Mn-oxalates which had coated surface of the pristine biochar. AMOchar composite was able to remove significantly higher amounts of various metal(loid)s from the solution despite the rather high pH of the material. Sorption effectiveness was high not only in case of Pb (II) sorption (almost 99%), and Cd(II) (51.2%), but also a very high amount of As(V), 91.4%. Additionally, both AMOchar composite was able to reduce Mn leaching. This can avoid potential post-contamination caused by the dissolution of less stable Mn-oxalates as observed in the pure AMO.
Fulltext: content.csg - Download fulltextPDF
Plný tet: SKMBT_22316111113040 - Download fulltextPDF

Methodology for determining the relevant material characteristics of historical building materials for the restoration intervention
Slížková, Zuzana ; Frankeová, Dita ; Tišlová, R.
The aim of this metolodogy is to present a recommended list of material properties which have to be identified and evaluated within material survey of historical momuments.\n\n
Fulltext: content.csg - Download fulltextPDF
Plný tet: 0457225_2015_Slizkova_et_al_Metodika_urceni_rozhodnych_materialovych_charakteristik_historickych_stavebnich_materialu_pro_planovany_restauratorsky_zasah - Download fulltextPDF

Basic documents for revitalisation of the historical garden of the chateau in Benátky nad Jizerou, Czech Republic
Veselá, Anna ; Vaněk, Jan (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is to collect materials and documents about historical garden of chateau Benátky nad Jizerou and analyse the current overall condititon of the garden and trees in it. The second goal is documentation of past revitalisations of the French formal garden and collection of materials for future revitalization of the French formal garden and the English landscape garden as well. The thesis can be used for future revitalization of the English landscape garden.

Time lapse tomography of fracture progress in silicate-based composite subjected to the loading a combination with acoustic emission scanning
Kumpová, Ivana ; Kytýř, Daniel ; Fíla, Tomáš ; Veselý, V. ; Trčka, T. ; Vopálenský, Michal ; Vavřík, Daniel
The initiation and propagation of a fracture in quasi-brittle materials (such as silicatebased composite) is an increasingly discussed topic for which various methods of research have been developed/applied. As the quasi-brittle silicate-based composite compounds are very non-homogenous, the mechanism of the crack initiation and propagation can be very different even for samples with the\nidentical geometry. One possible approach to study the fracture mechanism in quasi-brittle materials is to use several different experimental techniques in a single experiment and perform detail analysis to identify generally valid fracture process phenomena. In this work, a simultaneous monitoring of fracture\nprocess zone formation and propagation by three different methods is presented and discussed. A three point bending test was performed on a notched silicate composite specimen. During the loading process, a highly accurate force displacement dependence was recorded accompanied with X-ray radiography,\nX-ray computed tomogra-phy and acoustic emission scanning.

Book of Abstracts of the 26th Joint Seminar Development of Materials Science in Research and Education
Kožíšek, Zdeněk ; Král, Robert ; Zemenová, Petra
Topics:\n- Trends in development of materials research\n- Education of materials science at the universities\n- Information about the research programmes of individual institutions\n- Information on equipment for preparation and characterisation of materials\n- Results of materials science research

Design of leg for crash test dummy
Maršálek, Petr ; Semela, Marek (referee) ; Bilík, Martin (advisor)
This thesis is devoted to the design model of the lower limbs crash test dummies. It describes how the dummy developed historically, what are currently available for crash tests, what they are made and what their future will be. The main motive of the work is to design a model of lower limb for crash tests, with emphasis on the human anatomy. The work is characterized by how the figurine is produced using the form from material Thermolyne Clear, wood as a substitute human bones and the agar substitutes such as human muscle.

One-Sided Random Context Grammars
Zemek, Petr ; Černá, Ivana (referee) ; Doc. In.g Petr Sosík, Dr. (referee) ; Meduna, Alexandr (advisor)
Tato disertační práce zavádí jednostranné gramatiky s nahodilým kontextem jako řízené gramatiky založené na bezkontextových gramatikách. V těchto gramatikách je ke každému pravidlu přiřazena množina povolujících symbolů a množina zakazujících symbolů a množina pravidel je rozdělena na množinu levých pravidel s nahodilým kontextem a množinu pravých pravidel s nahodilým kontextem . Levým pravidlem s nahodilým kontextem lze přepsat neterminál pokud se všechny povolující symboly vyskytují vlevo od přepisovaného neterminálu a žádný zakazující symbol tam přítomen není. Pravé pravidlo s nahodilým kontextem lze aplikovat analogicky, ale ona kontrola na přítomnost a nepřítomnost symbolů je provedena doprava od přepisovaného neterminálu. Práce je rozdělena na tři části. První část uvádí motivaci za zavedením jednostranných gramatik s nahodilým kontextem a umisťuje materiál pokrytý v této práci do vědeckého kontextu. Poté dává přehled základů teorie formálních jazyků a některých méně známých oblastí, jejichž znalost je nutná pro pochopení studovaného tématu. Druhá část tvoří jádro práce. Formálně definuje jednostranné gramatiky s nahodilým kontextem a studuje je z mnoha pohledů. Mezi studovaná témata patří generativní síla, vztah k jiným typům gramatik, redukce, normální formy, nejlevější derivace, zobecněné a LL verze těchto gramatiky. Třetí část této práce zakončuje diskusi několika poznámkami. Mezi ně patří poznámky týkající se aplikovatelnosti zavedených gramatik v praxi, bibliografie a otevřených problémů.