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Cooperation with clients´ families in the Retirement Home Třebíč during the period of adaptation process
In the Bachelor´s Thesis I devote my attention to the issues concerning adaptation process of a senior starting in a long - stay social service - the Retirement Home Třebíč - in connection with cooperation with family members. The issues regarding old age, the elderly in need of help from others, are becoming more and more important in today´s society. This fact is closely linked with the increase in human life span. In the theoretical part I defined the terms: old age, age division, and the changes that take place in this inherent developmental stage of life. In addition, I dealt with the active process of adaptation to novel living conditions, and the symptoms of maladaptation. In the following chapter I described a family, its functions in today?s society, and the family relationships. I defined social protection and social services set in the legislative frame, as well as problems regarding registration of social services. I described the Retirement Home Třebíč, where the research took place, and the process of individual planning, whose component user´s adaptation is. The way in which adaptation takes place, how often and the manner in which family members cooperate with a senior and the staff of the organization is very important during this period. I devoted the research part of my Bachelor´s thesis to this particular area. In order to describe the cooperation I used qualitative research with the method of questioning, the technique of a semi-structured interview. There were eight respondents; family members, instructors of social services, and key workers, participating in the research. The results confirmed that a family´s cooperation proves to be a key area when looking into adaptation in a retirement home. If a family does not cooperate or in case of a lonely senior, this role is to be supplemented by staff of the retirement home. It is up to them whether they can eliminate the potential impact of social maladaptation on the senior. The results of the research confirmed that it is important to support cooperation between families and the users of social service, so that a life in a retirement home resembles the one in a natural environment before their arrival as much as possible.

Kategorizace a zhodnocení vlivu rekreačního a turistického ruchu na ekosystémy národního parku České Švýcarsko
KOLPRON CZ, s.r.o., Praha ; Král, Jan ; Vajdlová, Lucie ; Vanžurová, Petra ; Čalfová, Jiřina ; Habr, Ondřej ; Suchý, Jan
Základním cílem řešení je zpracovat strukturovaný přehled zatížení jednotlivých částí NP České Švýcarsko cestovním ruchem. Důležitou složkou šetření je i vnímání (percepce) pozitivních a negativních faktorů turistického využívání území návštěvníky. Úkol by měl vyústit v doporučení pro management území, která povedou k optimalizaci cestovního ruchu v území. První rok sledování vývoje antropogenní eroze poskytl zatím pouze dílčí výsledky, které umožňují srovnání s letos dokončeným sledováním tohoto jevu na území CHKO Český ráj. V obou případech se jedná o území, kde dlouhodobou erozí mocných pískovcových souvrství druhohorního stáří vznikla tzv. skalní města s bizarními skalními útvary, které jsou mimo ostatní krajinné fenomény předmětem ochrany. Většina cest v národním parku má písčitý nebo hlinitopísčitý povrch. V rovinatějších úsecích na nich v kratším období nedochází k výrazným erozním změnám. Po silnějších srážkách se na cestách tvoří erozní stružky, které se většinou při dalších deštích opět zarovnávají splaveným materiálem. Ve strmějších úsecích cest při větším zatížení sešlapem v kombinaci s účinky dešťové eroze dochází i v kratším časovém období k zaznamenatelnému úbytku zeminy. Na měřicích místech byl tento jev evidován na pěšině z Mezné do Divoké soutěsky, měřicí místo 10, a na cestě pod hradem Šaunštejn, měřicí místo č. 2.

Detection of cryptosporidia by means of molecular methods in clinical samples:infection or the transit of oocyst through the host gastrointestinal tract?
Representatives of the Cryptosporidium family are, from a medical and veterinary aspect, designated as important unicellular parasitic protozoa infecting all classes of vertebrates including humans. Their development cycle is monoxene, which means that its life cycle is completed uniquely in one host. Their exogenous stages of infection development ? oocysts ? are mostly secreted in faeces causing a parasitic disease called Cryptosporidiosis. Generally, it is assumed that isolated cryptosporidia from one class of vertebrates are not contagious for other hosts from different classes, and also, that the majority of cryptosporidia types and genotypes have low host specifity. However, there are many cases where the presence of oocysts was proved, or the presence of specific cryptosporidium DNA in faeces of atypical hosts. With regard to the fact that the majority of genotypes and their potential hosts were described only on the basis of the presence of the specific cryptosporidium DNA in faeces, the question arises as to whether the aforementioned hosts are in all cases perceptive to the given infection, or it was only contamination in a sample or the transit of oocysts through the host gastrointestinal tract. This issue is also characterised as being the main objective of this thesis. The study gives an appropriate answer to this question by a series of experiments. Different isolations of cryptosporidia were used for experimental infection of rodents which were per orally infected and put down after reaching the specified patent period. By means of the combination of standard parasitological and molecular methods, the presence of oocysts and specific DNA of cryptosporidia in faeces and in mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract of infected hosts was observed. The results of this study prove that the transit of oocysts through the gastrointestinal tract can be detected in the interval between 6 and 24 hours after infection, yet not in every case. On the basis of this finding, the first hypothesis which stated that it is not possible to qualify explicitly by detection of a specific cryptosporidium DNA in faeces whether the infection has begun in the host or it is the transit of oocysts through the host gastrointestinal tract, was thus partially proved. On the other hand the second hypothesis stating that the specific cryptosporidium DNA in clinical samples of faeces can be detected only in cases of the host´s successful infection, was rejected.

Selected Aspects of Czech Word Order - Three theoretical approaches
NOVÁKOVÁ, Veronika
Czech word order is considered rather flexible. Clitics are one case of restrictiv word order in Czech. The aim of this thesis is to come to know the concept of clitics in three approaches - classic czech approach, aproach of functional generative description and approach of generative grammar. Clitics are usually understood as one-syllable words, that can?t bear stress and for reasons of prosodic they form an accentual unit with the word that proceeds them or that follows them. If clitics form a unit with a proceeding word, they are referred to as enclitics, if they form a unit with following word, they?re referred to as proclitics. This thesis will deal mainly with pronominal enclitics. Enclitics have quite restrictive placement in the sentence structure. This thesis is divided in chapters. In the first chapter each theoretical approach is discussed. Then I discuss partial topic in works of three authors ? Václav Ertl, František Trávníček and Ludmila Uhlířová. In chapter 4 I define the topic of my research, which is manners of enclitics in complex sentences with infitives. In this chapter I also describe the way the three theoretical approaches discuss this topic. Last chapter is dedicated to the research. At first the methodology is established. Research was processed on the basis of data from the Czech National Corpus (CNC). The description of results comes after, by processing the data from CNC the lists of verbs were built, which verbs ehibit the similar manners of clitics.

Francophony in Tunisia
MÁŠA, Josef
The thesis deals with the issue of French speech in Tunisia. It focuses on the French language since its introduction in the country until the present day, on the status of this language among other languages used in this Arab country and on the relationship of the locals to the language of the former colonizers. It is a sociolinguistic study, with the theoretical part showing the situation of the geography, history, culture and politics. As for the linguistic-theoretical part, it studies the French language in various areas of the social life and finally there is an assessment of specific examples of the use of French in the practical part. Within the theoretical part, we are evaluating the involvement of the International Francophone Organization in Tunisia.

Využití počítačových sítí k informování veřejnosti o ŽP: Informační zdroje v oblasti životního prostředí
Pražské ekologické centrum, Praha ; Činčera, Jan
Přehled informačních zdrojů v oblasti životního prostředí, které jsou dostupné v ČR. Jedná se o IS vytvářené mezinárodními organizacemi, IS státní správy a o informace, které poskytují školské a nestátní organizace. Jsou uvedeny kontakty na instituce, u kterých je možno informace o životním prostředí získat, a typy služeb, které uvedené instituce poskytují.

Before/after shool clubs educational programmes key competences
This work treats about before/after shool clubs educational programmes key competences classification and work out. In its theoretical part, the work aims at before/after school club´s characterization, role, function and its objectives´ definition. There is marginally before/after school club documentation mentioned as well. In more details, it pays attention to school eductaional programme that is worked out by before/after shool club. The work points out connection of before/after school club´s educational programme with elemntary school´s educational programme. There are highlited several attitudes to incorporation of key competences into the document ? is it obligation, or not? Different ways of key competences development in before/after school club are introduced here as well. The field part is aimed at particular processing of key competences in before/after school clubs´ school educational programmes in the whole Czech Republic. The documents were clasified into several groups according to their classification profundity and according to their key competences´elaboration. Further, the work is aimed only at the third group, exploring the key competences´ content, style and porcessing extent. The shortcomings in connection between particular activities and developed competences are in this work pointed out as well.

Application of a participation principle in children and youth centres
The next part of this thesis deals with the development of children and youth participation, it explains the term 'participation', brings up the specification and importance of youth participation and it deals with the range of participative pedagogy as well. The second part enquires into leisure time centres. The term 'leisure time' is explained in conection with children and youth and conditions and activities of these centres are discussed especially aming at children and youth centres. A function of after-school education is mentioned and the issue of using free time is dealt with in such a way that its utilization can support their active participation. The final part discusses functioning of participation in assorted children and youth centres in South Bohemia. The survey is focused on the examination of grades and forms of participation in a hobby group.

Medieval Disputes between soul and body and their form in the Baroque period
The present bachelor thesis presents the poetic ?Disputes between soul and body?, written in the Czech language in the 14th and the 17th century. These are: the First, the Second and the Third dispute between soul and body, two baroque translations of a Latin poem Visio Philiberti (called respectively Dialogus, that is a lamentable and tearful dispute of a damned soul with its body and Dispute of a damned soul with its body in front of a pilgrim) and finally the Internal War between Soul and Body, a song by Adam Michna of Otradovice. The main object of the thesis is an analysis of these literary works with respect to the literary context of their period, and their comparison. The thesis contains also a short discussion on eschatology and how the death was perceived in these two periods. A complete copy of all six discussed (medieval and baroque) literary works is attached.

Rate of return of grants for care into social service system in the area of administrative district of municipality with extended sphere of action České Budějovice.
During our life, there comes a lot of situations which we have to deal with and which need to solve. Such situations as decease, invalidism, health disability, poorness, job loose or loneliness. Some of these situations we are able to handle ourselves, some of them with help of family members or friends, but we are not able to handle all of the events and we are not able to secure basic life needs. In such situations, help of the state in context of its social politics, is needed. Social politics in Czech republic is divided in three branches ? next to social insurance we have state and social support and social help which is mentioned as the third branch of social protection. System of social help constructs certain standard where its basic part is about individuals rights to live his life. Social help is realized by services and social benefits. Between social benefits is also included contribution for social care that is served to individuals dependent on help of another physical being and that is topic of this dissertation. Person is considered as dependent on help from another person in four grades ? from light to full dependence. In order of dependence level and the dependent person age the amount of benefit is derived. Between the receivers of social benefits are included seniors and disabled people. By providing the benefits, the state participates in social service realization that are administered at home or in social service institutions.