National Repository of Grey Literature 216 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Analysis and Design of Information System MEDIMED
Lebeda, Martin ; Malinka,, Kamil (referee) ; Neuwirth, Bernard (advisor)
This work deals with the modifications of project MeDiMed, which ceased to meet the requirements it imposed. In the first part the main objectives, targets and methods to achieve them are defined. The second part deals with the theory that is needed to understand the issue. In the practical part, which is based on the theory is prepared SWOT analysis and the modified HOS-8 analysis of the current state, whose results are then analyzed. The next section presents design of new solution. The conclusion summarizes all the proposed solutions and knowledge that have been achieved in this work.
Virtual environment by Xen software
Kulíř, Tomáš ; Kouřil, Jiří (referee) ; Jelínek, Mojmír (advisor)
This bachelor thesis, which is called the virtual environment by Xen software, deals with the operating system GNU / Linux and its distributions. It also deals with the virtualization on the server or desktop computer, in particular, describes in detail the Xen environment, including all of its options and the most forgotten server services. In the first chapter is analyzed the concept of GNU / Linux. First, there is documented history. Another section deals with a brief overview of the most commonly occurring distributions. The main part of this chapter is primarily devoted to a specific distribution Debian. There is described not only the history and development of this distribution, but also more packaging system is analyzed there. The last part of this chapter is devoted to the installation options with a detailed description of the whole process step by step. Second and the most important chapter is devoted to virtual environments. Once again, there is first described their history, the possibility of practical use and the types of virtualization are also indicated there. Reader will find there a brief analysis of the most commonly used virtualization systems. The third chapter detailed deals with the Xen technology. There is not only explained the principle on which the virtualization is built, but the main part of this chapter focuses on the practical use and a summary of basic functions. The next section describes the installation and administration of hypervisor including previous preparation. A very important point is also creation of the virtual machines and their control, their migration to another physical hardware or a description of the installation of other operating systems than Linux. Fourth, shorter chapter deals with a listing and a brief description of server services. The final chapter consists of a summary of problems or complications, which in the course of this work occurred.
Automated Testing of Smart Cards
Yadlouski, Pavel ; Očenášek, Pavel (referee) ; Homoliak, Ivan (advisor)
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá automatizovaným testováním podpory Smart Karet v RHEL. Problém manuálního testování je vyřešen vytvořením nové testovací knihovny. Tato knihovna je zodpovědná za konfiguraci testovacího prostředí a poskytuje testerovi rozhraní pro automatizovanou manipulaci s tímto prostředím. Jako výsledek jsme vytvořili univerzální knihovnu pro testování podpory smart karet. Primárním cílem je implementace samotné knihovny, pak následující převod existujících manuálních testů do kódu za pomoci teto knihovny a zprovozněni těchto testů ve vnitřní pipelině Red Hat.
Automatic verification of software packages with help of DNS
Sehnoutka, Martin ; Dvořák, Jan (referee) ; Jeřábek, Jan (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problémem bezpečné distribuce software. Je navrženo zlepšení s pomocí doménového systému, který je použit pro uložení verifikačních klíčů, potřebných pro ověření integrity balíků stáhnutých pomocí správce balíků. Navíc je navržena rozšířená verze, které se zabývá zabezpečením metadat repositářů. Obě verze jsou implementovány v jazyce Python a integrovány do správce balíků dnf. Tato implementace je otestována ve virtuálním prostředí, diskutována a zhodnocena z hlediska způsobené zátěže.
Data-efficient security of cloud storages
Elis, Martin ; Fujdiak, Radek (referee) ; Člupek, Vlastimil (advisor)
This work is focused on problematics of a cloud solution, especially on its security side. It describes the current security trends and approaches used by security engineers when creating sophisticated designs of secure cloud systems. As part of it there is a risk analysis and an overview of the most common types of attacks led against the cloud solutions. Also, this document deals with the possibilities, principles, advantages and negatives of different types of cloud distributions. Another text deals with the usual methods used for accessing the cloud. This thesis contains author’s own design of possible realization. In the next part of the document, process of building a safe cloud data storage is described together with principles of ensuring its security. In the conclusion, the author focuses on comparison of cryptographic algorithms and their behavior depending on the length of a used keys.
Testing Applications Using Linux Containers
Marhefka, Matúš ; Rogalewicz, Adam (referee) ; Smrčka, Aleš (advisor)
This thesis discusses software containers (Docker containers in particular) as a variant of server virtualization. Instead of virtualizing hardware, software containers rest on top of a single operating system instance and are much more efficient than hypervisors in system resource terms. Docker containers make it easy to package and ship applications, and guarantee that applications will always run the same, regardless of the environment they are running in. There is a whole range of use cases of containers, this work examines their usage in the field of software testing. The thesis proposes three main use case categories for running software systems in Docker containers. It introduces aspects for applications running in containers, which should give a better overview about an application setting within containers infrastructure. Subsequently, possible issues with testing software systems running inside Docker containers are discussed and the testing methods which address the presented issues are proposed. One proposed testing method was also used in the implementation of the framework for testing software running in Docker containers which was developed within this work.
Communication infrastructure virtualization platform
Stodůlka, Tomáš ; Martinásek, Zdeněk (referee) ; Uher, Václav (advisor)
The thesis deals with selection of infrastructure virtualization platform focusing on containerization with sandboxing support and with following examination of its difculty. The work begins with an explanation of the basic technologies such as: virtualization, cloud computing and containerization, along with their representatives, that mediate the technology. A special scope is defned for cloud computing platforms: Kubernetes, OpenStack and OpenShift. Futhermore, the most suitable platform is selected and deployed using own technique so that it fullflls all the conditions specifed by thesis supervisor. Within the difculty testing of the selected platform, there are created scripts (mainly in the Bash language) for scanning system load, creating scenarios, stress testing and automation.
Cyber exercises on the OpenStack platform
Fišarová, Veronika ; Hajný, Jan (referee) ; Lieskovan, Tomáš (advisor)
The goal of this bachelor thesis is to get acquainted with the platforms that are used to create the cyber ranges. The main part of thesis is focused on the cloud platform named OpenStack and its possibilites in creation of cyber ranges. The OpenStack installation options are compared and the selection of the instalation that is suitable for the KYPO project is made. The last part is devoted to the analysis of the KYPO project and the actual installation of OpenStack to the virtual station followed by the deployment of the KYPO platform on the modified OpenStack cloud and the commissioning of a training scenario.
The Analysis Condition Information System in the Company and the Proposal of Possible Improvement
Fikr, Radovan ; Mihola, Petr (referee) ; Dydowicz, Petr (advisor)
The Bachelor's Work analyses a part of IT infrastructure in the company and suggests new system solutions for the particular selected area by which it is possible to guarantee both technical and economical improvement. This work describes the proposal for the optimalization and consolidation of the servers with the utilization of the virtual environment. The part is also the description of individual technologies of virtual environment and their advantages. It focuses detailed on the area of consolidation of the servers which is decisive for IT infrastructire in the organization. At the end is suggested one particular solution with the evaluation of the advantages for the company.
Enterprise network management
Vaclík, Michal ; Zeman, Václav (referee) ; Novotný, Vít (advisor)
Master’s thesis discusses the design and implementation of network infrastructure for computer laboratory in Department of Communications. Thesis focuses on VLAN definitions and deployment of server virtualization, including network monitoring station.

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