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Postpartum blues
Chrástecká, Natálie ; Slabá, Šárka (advisor) ; Poncová, Renata (referee)
The topic of this bachelor thesis is postpartum baby blues, and it is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is focused on three main topics. First topic describes normal puerperium and its physiological changes, second deals with abnormal puerperium and complications that might occur during this period and the third topic of theoretical part is about postpartum psychology, specifically about postpartum baby blues, postpartum depression, postpartum psychosis and the support, which is needed during postpartum period. The basic goal of this bachelor thesis is to find out, if there are any factors, which could lead to higher possibility of facing postpartum blues, how much information about baby blues women have and suggest suitable educational brochure so that women could be more aware of this phenomenon. The practical part analyses outcomes of questionnaire research which took place in Obstetrics-gynaecology clinic from 12.1.2021 to 4.3.2021. The questionnaire has two parts, the first part is mine construction, and the second part is Czech adaptation of the Maternity Blues Questionnaire. It was distributed to mothers at the postpartum units. The respondents got acquainted with the topic and goals of this bachelor thesis and were assured of remaining anonymous. The results...
Midwifery of Period Called Pobelohorska Infanticide
Surá, Alexandra ; Říhová, Milada (advisor) ; Čechura, Jaroslav (referee) ; Pařízek, Antonín (referee)
I initially explored historic figures of European accoucheur of the 17. and 18. century. Beyond this I focused on a period called "Pobělohorská" in Czech countries. I summarized the health conditions of the population during this period, and described medical professions, midwifery and emergency Christening ceremonies. One chapter discusses partnerships and considers women who hid their pregnancy to avoid the prospect of caring for their children in the future. For this reason I present questions relating to how women hid their pregnancy during the Early Modern period. In the next chapter I discuss aspects of the process of giving birth, the locations where women gave birth and the moments thereafter. I present the circumstances of the death of the baby and the possible causes of death. The process of investigation of the scene, an assessment of the body and the search for the mother of the baby (as a potential murderer) are all considered. The assessment of the body was in the hands of the regional physiciusurgeon and a midwife. In my work I describe how the body was assessed, how they judged the maturity of the newborn baby and if the baby was born dead or alive. Further chapters explain the treatment of the umbilical cord, the inquisition of the witnesses and the suspect, and the next steps of...
Education of Pregnant Women about Birth Process
Hanáková, Anežka ; Kulhavá, Miluše (advisor) ; Jurigová, Gabriela (referee)
This bachelor's thesis focuses on what pregnant women should be taught about a birth process by their midwives in antenatal classes and what important facts and skills make them mentally and physically sufficiently prepared for the birth process. It studies how well educated about the birth process after attending childbirth education classes selected group of pregnant women actually is. The primary aim of this bachelor's thesis was to describe and analyse efficiency of Czech antenatal classes in the field of preparedness for birth of selected group of pregnant women and to find out if these pregnant women were subsequently able to use their new skills during their birth process and if the given education was in their opinion sufficient and comprehensible. Thanks to this bachelor's thesis we have found out that the efficiency of education in the antenatal classes in the Czech Republic is not sufficient. The rate of well educated women is 75 %, the given education was in their opinion very well comprehensible and sufficient. However the ability to use the skills during their birth process wasn't satisfactory. Therefore we have arrived at a conclusion that antenatal classes lecturers should turn their attention to improvement of efficiency of the antenatal classes and educate pregnant women in a...
The impact of smoking on women's health from a midwife student's point of view.
MEDKOVÁ, Kateřina
The thesis describes the influence of smoking on the health of women from the viewpoint of students of midwifery. Because of the topic is in the theoretical part described health, educational activity of a midwife, nicotine addiction and negative effects of smoking on health of women. In the research two objectives were specified. The first was to find out if the students of midwifery educate women about healthy lifestyle during their studies. The second objective focused on the stance taken by students of midwifery on women addicted to nicotine. With these objectives were asked two research questions. The first research question was finding out how students of midwifery educate women about healthy lifestyle. The second research question found out how students of midwifery look at women addicted to nicotine. The thesis research was conducted in the home environment of the students of midwifery during the month April in the year 2019. To conduct this research a qualitative method was chosen. The gathering of data was conducted using semi-structured interviews. The selection criteria were students of midwifery. The interviews were recorded and literally rewritten based on previous agreement with the consent of all the students which were previously introduced to the topic and research objectives of the thesis and informed about the usage of data only for the thesis with keeping their anonymity. Further the students who participated in the research given their approval to the data gathering while recording the interviews for which 17 research questions were defined. If needed, complementary questions were asked. For keeping anonymity, the students were marked S1-S8. The gathered data were processed using the method "pen and paper" and then coded with colors. Based on the analysis two main categories and their subcategories were created. The first main category is the Problematics of Smoking which has 6 subcategories: The Stance Taken by Students to Women Addicted to Nicotine, The Effects of Smoking on the Pregnancy and the Fetus, The Source of Information about the Negative Effects of Smoking during Studies, Passive Smoking, Realizing the Dangers of Smoking. As the second main category was fixed the category Education again with 6 subcategories: Healthy Lifestyle, The Source of Information about the Negative Effects of Smoking, Education of Women, Education of Women by Students of Midwifery, Realizing the Addiction to Smoking. The research shown that some students have knowledge about healthy lifestyle and know how to educate women about it. Some students would educate them in the way that would lead them to regular physical activity, keeping drinking regime, eating enough fruit and vegetables. Furthermore, the students would recommend women to get enough rest, consuming alcohol only is small amount and keeping in mind to care about their mental health and relaxation. Every one of the students named at least one of the listed recommendations, but not all students educate women. In the research was also found out that two students do not educate women at all. They said that they do not have competences, or that the education is not that important. The second research question found out the stance taken by students of midwifery on women addicted to nicotine. Students had negative opinions about women - smokers, but some of the students said that this problematic is not connected with them at all and that they do not care about those women.
Effect of epidural analgesia on duration of the first and second stages of labour.
Kuklová, Dagmar ; Pařízek, Antonín (advisor) ; Šimják, Patrik (referee)
Effect of Epidural Analgesia on Duration of the First and Second Stages of Labour Abstract: This bachelor's thesis deals with the topic of epidural analgesia. Nowadays, epidural analgesia is considered to be the most effective method of relieving labour pain. The thesis is both theoretical and practical. The aim of the theoretical part is to summarize knowledge about labour pain and the methods of relieving it. The thesis offers a comprehensive review of both non-pharmacological and pharmacological techniques. The method of epidural analgesia is described in more detail. The thesis describes the indications and contraindications of administering epidural analgesia. It also studies it's impact on the course of labour. The practical part of this thesis consists of results of a prospective study concerning epidural analgesia. A group of women with administered epidural analgesia during labour were compared to a group of women without administration of epidural analgesia. Then it was looked at whether this method of analgesia has any effect on the length of the first and second stages of labour. It was ascertained by statistical methods that epidural analgesia has no effect on the duration of the first and second stages of labour. Keywords: Epidural Analgesia, Labour, Childbirth, Delivery, Parturition, First...
Komunitní péče o ženu po porodu
Introduction: Motherhood is a great life change for every woman, touching the physical, the psychical and spiritual planes of being. All these changes transform the perceived quality of life of a woman after childbirth. A qualified community midwife is a medical professional who is able to provide eruded and holistic health care to women after childbirth in their own community. Aim of work: the main objective of the empirical part of the work was to describe the importance of community care of women in postpartum period. Methodology: The empirical part of the dissertation thesis is built on Mixed-Method Design. We use the sequential combined research design of the QUAN + qual type. In the quantitative research survey, we set the main goal of describing the impact of community care of woman in postpartum period on their overall health and quality of life. The research file (N = 123) consisted of two groups of respondents. The group studied (with the community care of woman in postpartum period, N = 56) and the control group (without community care of woman in postpartum period, N = 67). We used 3 tools to gain research data: The MGI questionnaire, the MIFR Scale evaluation range and the own design questionnaire. The results of the research survey were statistically processed, the 0,05 significance level was used (5 %). The aim of the qualitative research survey was to describe in detail the experience of women with community care of woman in postpartum period. The qualitative research included 5 women having obtained community care of woman in postpartum period. These women were interviewed face to face by means of semi-structured interviews. Results and discussions: there was no statistically significant difference (p = 0,873) in the results of the state of health between women with community care of women in postpartum period and women without this care. There was no statistically significant difference (p = 0,539) in the results of breast-feeding at the end of the sixedage between women with community care of women in postpartum period and women without this care. The statistically significant link has been recognized between the recommendation of community care of woman in postpartum periodand the group of women who have benefited from repeatedly taken community care of woman in postpartum period (p <0.001). Most women who have benefited from community care of woman in postpartum period (58,9 %) were completely satisfied with this care, nothing else would need in care. Women in 45,7 % of replies reported that community care of woman in postpartum period helped them as psychological support. The results also brought alarming findings that 49.2 % of women who had not used this care did not know about this service! The resulting quality of life Index of women after childbirth reached an average value of 7,5 ? 1,38. Living area the relationship with its own mother has proved to be original compared to the other research studies and we propose to conduct further research investigations. A qualitative inquiry revealed that the community care provided by the midwife in the postpartum period was the most beneficial for women in terms of providing the so-called mother arms. Which means promoting, sharing, hearing and the respectful guiding through postpartum period. Conclusion: Dissertation provides a comprehensive view of the issue of community care of woman in postpartum period. The results of the work have shown that community care of woman in postpartum period is important to women. The used MGI and MIRF Scale questionnaires were considered to be helpful to midwives working in community.
Porodní a poporodní bolest
FILAUSOVÁ, Drahomíra
The objective of the work I am hereby presenting was to map pain by women during and after delivery with regards to age, number of births, attendance in prenatal courses and satisfaction of women in labour. The secondary objective was to find out the influence of interpersonal relationships during the hospitalization of the woman in labour and her perception of pain. Methodology: The set-up goals were accomplished through a quantitative research carried out in hospitals across the South Bohemian region with the use of a questionnaire consisting of two parts. The first part included a questionnaire of my own construction and the second part involved a standardized PCS questionnaire dealing with catastrophization of pain. The questionnaire was filled in by women after vaginal delivery with an interval of 48 - 72 hours after birth. Results: The testing sample involved 635 women giving birth in maternity hospitals in South Bohemian region. The average age of the respondents was 29,7. 49,1 % were primiparas and 50,9 % were women giving birth for the second or several times. The results of the research showed that the age of the woman in labour does not affect the perception of pain during the delivery, on the contrary the post-labour pain decreases with the increasing age of women in labour. Primiparas stated bigger pain than women who were giving births for several times. Undergoing the prenatal course did not prove any relationship with regards to pain during the labour. On the contrary the information they had gained in the prenatal course were proved to be beneficial for the evaluation of post-labour pain as respondents who participated in these courses stated lower level of pain in post-labour period. Statistically significant factors that respondents stated as the most helping in relieving pain, was the support of the midwife, communication with the midwife, staying in the shower, support of the doctor and communication with him/her, interpersonal relationships of the medical staff and the environment of the delivery room. The least satisfied with their delivery were women that used pharmacological treatment for reduction of pain. Women with lower stated labour pain described greater satisfaction with birth. The perception of pain during the delivery is influenced also with the interpersonal relationship at that given maternity hospital, on the contrary these relationships do not affect the evaluation of pain in the post-labour period. Conclusion: This thesis provides a view at the problematics of pain during and after delivery. The results of the research showed the important role of the midwife as well as the doctor's role in the process of care of woman in this uneasy period. The midwife not only evaluates the pain, but also offers the possibility of pain relieve and her behaviour can influence this pain.
The need of community care for a women during childbirth
This thesis focuses on support of community care during pregnancy, birth and the puerperium for low risk women. It points out the effectivness of care, where midwives are the primary care providers. It takes into consideration health and well-being of mothers, children and whole families. It deals with different systems of care in various european and non-european countries. It gathers knowledge about possibilities of community care and possibilities for its inclusion in the array of maternity health services. It searches for options of succesful development of community care in the Czech Republic in order to satisfy the needs of pregnant women.

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