National Repository of Grey Literature 23 records found  previous11 - 20next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Object Detection in the Laser Scans Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Zelenák, Michal ; Kodym, Oldřich (referee) ; Veľas, Martin (advisor)
This work is focused on road segmentation in laser scans, using a convolutional neural network. To achieve this goal, which will find application in the field of road maintenance, convolutional neural networks have been used for their flexibility and speed. The work brings implementation and modifications of the existing method, which solves the problem by using a fully connected convolutional neural network. Used modifications include, for example using of various parameters for the loss function, the use of a different number of classes in the network model and dataset. The effect of the modification was experimentally verified and the accuracy of 96.12%, and the value for F-measure 95.02% were achieved.
Detection of Weapons in 2D Image
Demčák, Ján ; Spurný, Martin (referee) ; Drahanský, Martin (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with detection of weapons in 2D image. In the theoretical part of the thesis the term weapon was defined and the possibilities of detection of weapons in image with using classic methods and deep neural networks were mentioned there. The key steps of image processing, objects classification and detection were described. The overview of frameworks, libraries was presented. To implement the pratical part of the thesis, 3 models were chosen. The first classic model with using HOG transformation. The second CNN model with priority target detection accuracy and with two different neural network architectures as classifiers. The third model with YOLO network architecture had as priority target real-time detection. The essential part of each model was choice, or more precisely creating suitable dataset. What followed was the construction and implementation of models and the evaluation of obtained data.
RAW image debayerization using deep neural network
Balušík, Peter ; Myška, Vojtěch (referee) ; Rajmic, Pavel (advisor)
Táto práca sa zaoberá problémom debayerizácie a to konkrétne debayerizáciou pomocou deep image prior. Deep image prior (DIP) je koncept riešenia bežných rekonštrukčných problémov použitím netrénovaných konvolučných neurónových sietí. Jedinou vstupnou informáciou je obrázok, ktorý bol nejakým spôsobom poškodený. Cieľom tejto práce je zistiť, či je DIP použitelná metóda na problémy debayerizácie. Taktiež bola navrhnutá nová debayerizačná metóda založená na DIP a porovnaná s bežnými debayerizačnými metódami. Rôzne mozaikové farebné filtre (CFAs) boli otestované na zistenie plného potenciálu navrhnutej metódy. Číselné porovnanie bolo spravené použitím rôznych metód hodnotenia. Na základne tohto porovnania, zvolená metóda preukázala podobné, v niektorých prípadoch aj lepšie, výsledky ako Malvarova debayerizačná metóda. Vizuálne, navrhovaná metóda ukázala podobné výsledky k najkvalitnejšej metóde v experimentoch – Menonovej debayerizačnej metóde. Dodatočne, spriemerovanie posledných pár obrázkov optimizačného procesu prinieslo pozitívne výsledky vzhľadom na číselné porovnanie. Aj keď navrhovaná metóda priniesla zaujímavé výsledky, ukázalo sa, že je mimoriadne výpočetne náročná v porovnaní s ďaľšími bežnými debayerizačnými metódami.
Face Recognition with Acceleration on the Neural Compute Stick
Horník, Matej ; Orság, Filip (referee) ; Goldmann, Tomáš (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with current techniques for recognizing people by face. Convolutional neural networks are currently used for face recognition. In this work, convolutional neural networks will be described and also the architectures of convolutional networks used for face recognition will be compared. The goal will be to create a built-in system that will consist of a camera, a computing unit and a Neural Compute Stick accelerator. The system will recognize people by face with a freely available algorithm.
Named Entity Recognition Exploiting Sub Word Information
Dobrovodský, Patrik ; Egorova, Ekaterina (referee) ; Kesiraju, Santosh (advisor)
Cieľom tejto bakalárskej práce je zhotovenie systému rozpoznania názvoslovnej entity zhotovenej na základe modelu, ktorý bol nedávno považovaný za jeden z najmodernejších a popri tom skúma aký vplyv majú podslovné informácie na nahradenie slov mimo slovnej zásoby. Vytvorený systém vedľa anglického jazyka podporuje aj dva Indo-Európske jazyky konkrétne nemčinu a maďarčinu. Bakalárska práca predstavuje systém využívajúci hlboké učenie pre rozpoznávanie názvoslovných entít, ktorý používa predtrénované a samotrénované slovné vnorenia, zriedkavé vnorenia a charakterové vnorenia vyzdvihnuté konvolučnou neurónovou sieťou. Tieto vnorenia najprv spracujeme sekvenčnou (dlhodobá-krátkodobá pamäť) a potom charakteristickou (podmienené náhodné pole) metódou. Cieľom je dosiahnuť podobnú F1-mieru akú má inšpiračný model s možnosťou porovnania s ostatnými modernými systémami. Výsledkom našej práce je systém, ktorý na anglickej testovacej sade CoNLL 2003 dosiahol 90.98%-né F1-mieru používajúci predtrénované vnorenia a približuje sa k inšpiračnej práci s hodnotou 91.26%. V prípade ďalších jazykov používajúcich samotrénované slovné vnorenia dosiahol systém na testovacej sade WikiAnn pre nemčinu 89.34%-nú a pre maďarčinu 93.04%-nú F1-mieru.
Object Detection in the Laser Scans Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Zelenák, Michal ; Kodym, Oldřich (referee) ; Veľas, Martin (advisor)
This work is focused on road segmentation in laser scans, using a convolutional neural network. To achieve this goal, which will find application in the field of road maintenance, convolutional neural networks have been used for their flexibility and speed. The work brings implementation and modifications of the existing method, which solves the problem by using a fully connected convolutional neural network. Used modifications include, for example using of various parameters for the loss function, the use of a different number of classes in the network model and dataset. The effect of the modification was experimentally verified and the accuracy of 96.12%, and the value for F-measure 95.02% were achieved.
Convolutional Networks for Historic Text Recognition
Vešelíny, Peter ; Kolář, Martin (referee) ; Kišš, Martin (advisor)
This thesis deals with text line recognition of historical documents. Historical texts dating back to the 17th - 19th centuries are written in fraktur typeface. The character recognition problem is solved using neural network architecture called sequence-to-sequence . This architecture is based on encoder-decoder model and contains attention mechanism. In this thesis a dataset, from texts originated from German archiv called Deutsches Textarchiv , was created. This archive contains 3 897 different German books that have available transcripts and corresponding images of pages. The created dataset was used to train and experiment with the proposed neural network. During the experiments, several convolutional models, hyperparameters and the effects of positional embedding were investigated. The final tool can recognize characters with accuracy 99,63 %. The contribution of this work is the~mentioned dataset and neural network, which can be used to recognize historical documents.
Basics of Pedestrians Detection in Image by Machine Learning
Lučanský, Peter ; Klečka, Jan (referee) ; Horák, Karel (advisor)
Táto Bakalárska práce sa zaoberá významnou problematikou v oblasti počítačového videnia, ktorou je detekcia osôb/chodcov v obraze, za pomoci metod strojového učenia, spolu s jej možným využitím, vývojom a vysvetlením princípov. Taktiež sa zaoberá testovaním dnes najlepšieho dostupného algoritmu, pričom sa porovnávajú faktory ktoré vplívajú na kvalitu jeho činnosti. Na začiatku je problematika stručne popísaná, potom sa prejde k podrobným popisom dosiahnutých pokrokov. V nasledujúcej časti sú popísané dostupné datasety, ktoré by sa dali použiť pri tréningu detekčného algoritmu. V poslednom rade sú vykonané trénovacie procesy za rozličných podmienok, pričom sú jednotlivé výsledky porovnávané.
Using machine learning for quality control in industrial applications
Gaško, Viktor ; Dobrovský, Ladislav (referee) ; Parák, Roman (advisor)
Goal of this bachelor´s thesis is to get acquainted with issue of quality control in industrial applications with focus on deep learning. For this and similar issues was created several libraries which have a purpose of simplifying these issues. Main task is to create program for quality control with help of programming language Python and framework Tensorflow. This program will be comprised of three neural network, from which one will identify the approximate position of the part, second its color, and third will check the correctness of its production.
Detection of Weapons in 2D Image
Demčák, Ján ; Spurný, Martin (referee) ; Drahanský, Martin (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with detection of weapons in 2D image. In the theoretical part of the thesis the term weapon was defined and the possibilities of detection of weapons in image with using classic methods and deep neural networks were mentioned there. The key steps of image processing, objects classification and detection were described. The overview of frameworks, libraries was presented. To implement the pratical part of the thesis, 3 models were chosen. The first classic model with using HOG transformation. The second CNN model with priority target detection accuracy and with two different neural network architectures as classifiers. The third model with YOLO network architecture had as priority target real-time detection. The essential part of each model was choice, or more precisely creating suitable dataset. What followed was the construction and implementation of models and the evaluation of obtained data.

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