National Repository of Grey Literature 65 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Invasive water invertebrates in Czech Republic
Kolářová, Lucie ; Tátosová, Jolana (advisor) ; Dočkalová, Kateřina (referee)
An introduction of invasive species is considered to be one of the most actual problems of these days and is also related with water environment and water invertebrates. Occurences of many non-native species has been recorded in waters of the Czech Republic and these species can be divided into two groups. Species of the first group are invasive alien species - their ecological patterns (e.g. high growing rates, high reproductive capacity or ability to transfer exotic diseases) make their spreading more successful. North-American crayfish species (Orconectes limosus and Pacifastacus leniusculus), Dreissena polymorpha or Dikerogammarus villosus are the typical representatives of this group. The spreading of these species is very remarkable, since their introduction causes many harmful effects and has negative impacts on native fauna. However, the appearance of other group of water invertebrates has been found in our waters. These are also non-indigenous species, but their spreading is very inconspicuous - they do not reach high population densities and their invasion does not cause negative impacts on native fauna and ecosystems. The evidence of these harmless invasive species has been recorded thanks to the monitoring programs and we possibly wouldn't know about them without this monitoring. The...
Impact of Economic Crisis on Regional Development of the Czech Republic
Dvořák, Vojtěch ; Blažek, Jiří (advisor) ; Kůs, Jan (referee)
This bachelor's thesis deals with the impacts of global economic crisis on regions in Czech Republic during the years 2008-2009. This work explores dispartities caused by economic crisis on the level of regions NUTS III, selected regions NUTS IV and size categories of municipalities and tries to find the causations of this dispartities. Analytic base of this work is formed by database contains moreover than 6 000 municipalities with indicators of unemeployment, incomes from tax from incomes of physical subjects and created and demise economical subjekt. Each municipality is characterized by basic statistical quantities of indicatiors like a median, avarage, standard deviation, variation coefficient, coefficient of correlation and other. It seems that the biggest impacts of economic crisis were in the regions which before the crisis emobodied good economic growth. On the contrary the least impacts are shown in the structuraly affected and metropolitan regions. Klíčová slova: economic crisis, impacts, change, unemployment, tax from incomes of physical subjects, economical subjects
Men versus pornography. A strategy proposal for online community Nofap
Mičke, Vítek ; Báča, Ladislav (advisor) ; Rosenfeldová, Jana (referee)
This thesis deals with the negative impact of problematic pornography use among men. Scientific results from this research area described in the theoretical part, are used for creation of strategy proposal for NoFap, an online community helping men to end their problematic pornography use. The selected product for communication is a 90-day abstinence from pornography called NoFap Reboot. The main goal of this thesis is to find a specific product benefit which would make as many members of the target group as possible to try NoFap Reboot. Quantitative research among target group strictly follows a method called Profitbooster. Excluding the gained insight into the strategic planning faze of a marketing campaign, this thesis may serve as an elementary summary of scientific results from the academic area researching the negative impact of problematic pornography use.
Brexit and its implications for European integration
Hecht, Petr ; Kučerová, Irah (advisor) ; Plechanovová, Běla (referee)
The diploma thesis Brexit and its implications for European integration uses the method of explanatory case study in an effort to analyze the causes and impacts of the Great Britain's withdrawal from the European Union. The thesis therefore examines the historical context of the complicated relations between Great Britain and the European Communities from their formation in the 1950s to the present, which ultimately led to the historic step of United Kingdom's withdrawal from the EU on 31 January 2020. The thesis then maps the negotiations regarding the Withdrawal Agreement and the future arrangement of mutual relations, which took place between 2016 - 2020. The effects of the UK's withdrawal from the EU on the composition and functioning of the European institutions and the impact of the changes on the remaining member states are also analyzed. In addition, the work presents possible arrangements of economic relations between the two parties, which are currently the subject of negotiations between the UK and the EU during the transitional period from 1 February 2020 to 31 December 2020. Lastly, the thesis works with the White Paper presented by the European Commission in 2017 in order to analyze five possible scenarios for the future development of European integration. For this, the thesis...
Dopady Zákona o spotřebitelském úvěru č.257/2016 Sb. na poskytovatele a zprostředkovatele spotřebitelských úvěrů v ČR
Malovaná, Petra
Malovaná, P. The impacts of law on consumer credit Act No 257/2016 Coll. on providers and intermediaries of consumer credit in the Czech Republic. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2017. The subject of this bachelor thesis is to analyse the main changes in the legislative concerning the providers and intermediaries acting on the consumer credit market in the Czech Republic, and then to identify possible impacts on providers and intermediaries based on this analysis. The thesis specifies the main reasons leading to the creation of a new law on consumer credit. The thesis also describes the characteristics of the consumer credit market prior to the effective date of the Act, as well as the supposed impacts of this Act on providers and intermediaries. Based on the most significant legislative changes which the law has brought for providers and intermediaries, a questionnaire was made and a questionnaire survey was conducted to evaluate the impact of the law.
Střety rekreace a ochrany přírody v Národním parku Podyjí
Horáková, Martina
Thesis on topic Conflicts between recreation and nature protection in Podyjí National Park is focused on impacts of recreation and tourism on nature and landscape in Podyjí National Park and description of the major conflicts in this area. The first part contains literature overview of given issue and characteristic of the area of interest in terms of recreation and nature conservation. Next part deals with problems that are associated with visitor flow in Podyjí National Park. In final part are suggestions for reducing negative impacts of tourism and recreation.
Účinnost kvantitativního uvolňování v eurozoně
Škrášek, Filip
The thesis examines an impact of quantitative easing in Euro area. European central bank conducted unconventional monetary policy in reaction to global financial crisis’ aftermath. Quantitative easing, arguably the most controversial measure, is aimed to provide commercial banks with excessive liquidity and subsequently persuade an increase in provided loans and thus stimulate GDP. The thesis links to previous literature on quantitative easing effect with up-to-date dataset and examines the impact of quantitative easing through bank lending channel. The thesis identifies and describes heterogeneity of quantitative easing’s effect among Euro area countries.
Problematika zavedení Eura v ČR a jeho dopad na podnikový sektor
Boháč, Petra
BOHAC, P., The issue of the introduction of the euro in the Czech Republic and its impact on the business sector. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2018. The aim of this final bachelor thesis is to quantify the benefits and costs caused by the introduction of the euro in the Czech Republic and how large this implementation affects individual business sectors. Entry into the euroarea gives businesses several benefits but also costs that affect their management. The identification of possible benefits and costs resulting from the introduction of the euro has been developed in similar studies on the effects of the introduction of the euro. The work divides the potential direct benefits that occur immediately after the introduction of the euro and the indirect ones that are here after a certain time, but they may never occur here. Quantification of costs and revenues is created for 2017. This work can be used as a benchmark or recommendation for business decision-making, which of these options would be appropriate for the coming years and would bring to the business sector.
Vliv regulačních požadavků na bilanční strukturu vybraných skupin bank v zemích V4
Malovaná, Petra
The subject of this diploma thesis is to carry out the analysis of banking regula-tion on minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) and based on this analysis to identify possible impacts on the balance structure of se-lected groups of banks in V4 countries. The main reasons for creating the MREL regulation are defined in the thesis. Furthermore, the thesis describes the devel-opment of banking regulations in connection with the events on the world mar-kets and the expected impacts on the banking sectors of the V4 countries. Based on the data from the annual reports of the selected banks, it is assessed whether the selected banks and their groups have the required amount of regulatory capi-tal.
Industry 4.0 in logistics
FARION, Vojtěch
The aim of this dissertation is to describe the possibilities of use of chosen methods and approaches of Industry 4.0 in logistics with a focus on material and information flows, which include the analysis of key factors for successful implementation of new chosen methods and approaches within the fourth industrial revolution. In the literature review, the industrial revolutions are mentioned and the notions Industry 4.0 and logistics are defined. The practical part deals with the analysis of the results from the primary data collected via questionnaire survey and the analysis of deep semi-structured interviews from which the conclusions and recommendations were drawn. The dissertation may serve as a guide to the issues of the fourth industrial revolution in logistics and for companies that are considering the implementation of new technologies in logistics.

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