National Repository of Grey Literature 27 records found  previous11 - 20next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Experiments supporting the teaching of thermodynamics at high school level
Kácovský, Petr ; Drozd, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Bochníček, Zdeněk (referee) ; Kříž, Jan (referee)
Title: Experiments supporting the teaching of thermodynamics at high school level Author: Petr Kácovský Department: Department of Physics Education Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Zdeněk Drozd, Ph.D., Department of Physics Education Abstract: This doctoral thesis is aimed at chosen aspects of teaching of thermodynamics on high school. The thesis can be divided into two main parts: The research part deals with investigation of typical students' conceptual difficulties in the field of thermal phenomena and its primary goal is to identify the most distinctive misconceptions of observed population. More than 500 students were questioned using a conceptual test both as pretest and posttest; approximately half of them also participated in the retention test which took part two years after pretest. The results of the conceptual test are connected with data obtained on the basis of the simultaneously conducted research of students' attitudes. The developmental part of the thesis - partly inspired by previous misconception research - deals with arranging, documentation and testing of experiments relevant to teaching of thermodynamics. In total, 46 experiments were arranged, students-tested and published in the electronic Collection of Physics Experiments. These experiments are primarily intended for teachers as inspiration...
Experiments supporting the teaching of thermodynamics at high school level
Kácovský, Petr ; Drozd, Zdeněk (advisor)
Title: Experiments supporting the teaching of thermodynamics at high school level Author: Petr Kácovský Department: Department of Physics Education Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Zdeněk Drozd, Ph.D., Department of Physics Education Abstract: This doctoral thesis is aimed at chosen aspects of teaching of thermodynamics on high school. The thesis can be divided into two main parts: The research part deals with investigation of typical students' conceptual difficulties in the field of thermal phenomena and its primary goal is to identify the most distinctive misconceptions of observed population. More than 500 students were questioned using a conceptual test both as pretest and posttest; approximately half of them also participated in the retention test which took part two years after pretest. The results of the conceptual test are connected with data obtained on the basis of the simultaneously conducted research of students' attitudes. The developmental part of the thesis - partly inspired by previous misconception research - deals with arranging, documentation and testing of experiments relevant to teaching of thermodynamics. In total, 46 experiments were arranged, students-tested and published in the electronic Collection of Physics Experiments. These experiments are primarily intended for teachers as inspiration...
Vliv zemědělské mechanizace na zvěř a možnosti předcházení negativním dopadům
Nováková, Anna
The thesis is focused on agricultural mechanization and its negative influence on game. At the beginning of the work, it is discussed the importance of biodiversity in agroecosystems, about game and the differences between conventional and organic farming. Furthermore I analyzed the legislation on farmers' requirements for agricultural machinery. In the practical part of the thesis, there were evaluated the most used methods of game protection. The methodology for application thermal imaging camera was created. Based on the methodology was done field research of using modern technologies for the search and subsequent protection of young game from agricultural machinery. The research was done on selected sites of soil blocks. Subsequently, the effectiveness of this method, browsing areas with a thermal imaging camera to protect game from agricultural machinery, was evaluated. It has been proven that we can identify game by a thermal imaging camera and take measures to prior injury and killing of the game based on methodology.
Diagnostics of current path of high-current apparatuses
Váša, Lukáš ; Bušov, Bohuslav (referee) ; Šimek, David (advisor)
Bachelor’s thesis is focused on the theoretical analysis of methods of technical diagnostics with focus on high-current devices. An overview of the methods used in technical practice is elaborated. In addition, the thesis deals with the strain of current carrying path, subsequently the work focuses on the thermal stress of parts of the current carrying path and its temperature rise. Methods of diagnostics by measuring transient resistance and methods of measurement of temperatures are described and each of the methods’ advantages and disadvantages are stated. The practical part is focused on the diagnotics of the switch disconnector and the disconnector by measurement of the transient resistances of all contacts of the current carrying paths and the following measurement and evaluation of temperature rise of the components by thermal imaging camera. Adjustments to the disconnector leading to financial savings are suggested on basis of these measurements.
Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Industrial Purposes and its Comparison with Standard Methods
Červenka, Ondřej ; Neuwirth, Bernard (referee) ; Dydowicz, Petr (advisor)
The main aim of this dissertation is to suggest an application of unmanned aircrafts and to compare them with the currently used methods. In the introductory part the dissertation deals with the history and development of unmanned aircrafts. Further, it presents a theory essential to understand a principle of operation of the proposed methods and its analysis of the currently used methods and procedures. In the final part the dissertation explains a proposal of use of unmanned aircrafts in the industry and compares them with the methods currently used.
Sensor Calibration for Multispectral Data Fusion in Mobile Robotics
Kalvodová, Petra ; Hanzl, Vlastimil (referee) ; Mazal,, Jan (referee) ; Pospíšil,, Jiří (referee) ; Weigel, Josef (advisor)
Thesis deals with data fusion and calibration of sensory system of Orpheus-X3 robot and EnvMap mapping robot. These robots are parts of Cassandra robotic system that is used for exploration of hazardous or inaccessible areas. Corrections of measured distances are determined for used laser scanners Velodyne HDL-64, Velodyne HDL-32 and range camera SwissRanger SR4000. Software MultiSensCalib has been created and is described. This software is used for determination of intrinsic parameters of heterogeneous cameras of the sensory head and for determination of mutual position and orientation of these sensors. Algorithm for data fusion of CCD camera stereo pair, thermal imager stereo pair and range camera is proposed. Achieved calibration and data-fusion parameters are evaluated by several experiments.
Usability of measurement of animal surface temper
The aim of the dissertation was to present technical possibilities of scanning and measuring the body temperature and provide a method for a non-contact measurement of body surface temperatureof animals including data transfer to higher-level software. Partial results can be part of an automated herd management system to ensure better animal welfare monitoring. One method of contactless measuring the surface temperature was taking the surface temperature by using an infrared camera. This tool was used to scan surface temperatures in the area of the body core, the udder region and the eye area. Thermograms, sometimes referred to as thermal imaging, were obtained from the individual regions. In total, there were 34 measurements in 2013 and 17 measurements in 2014.Cows from Petrovice centre were included in the experiment. Three different groups of dairy cows were evaluated in two different stables. In the first group there were cows which gave birth 2 days to 2 months before. The second group consisted of dairy cows which calved 4 to 5 months before. The third group included dairy cows which gave birth 7 to 8 months before. Based on the results of measurements of selected surface temperatures, it was found that the surface core temperature and the udder surface temperature correlated most. However, when measuring surface temperatures, the degree of pollution, coating, and oscillation of the animal play an important role. Moreover, technological parameters of the device are also important, specially its setting and the emissivity of the surface. This experiment ran from August to September 2016 in a purpose-built schoolhouse facility in an experimental stable accredited for experimental purposes. The experiment included two clinically healthy cows of the Holstein breed, which had been implanted with the identification chip and tested for its functionality. This chip was implanted to both animals in the tail root region and was fitted with a biological function sensor that followed the body temperature of the animal. The device was adapted to send animal identification information and animal body temperature information by means of a wireless connection to the chip reader. Based on the findings, one or more systems, preferably non-contact body temperature scanning, could be designed and tested. Regarding the use of other surface temperature scanning possibilities, this is still in the process of development and implementation. The disadvantage of the above described device is that it fails to recognize the cause of the elevated temperature and requires intervention by the attendant without the intervention being necessary. The attending keeper may not recognize acute cases and may cause permanent damage to the health or even death of the animal. The task of the device is to find a method of unattended animal temperature measurement connected with its electronic identification that would recognize sick or infected animals from overheated ones. This device would categorize the animals and take precautions to preserve their health. The invention should be applicable to a wide variety of animals.
Experiments supporting the teaching of thermodynamics at high school level
Kácovský, Petr ; Drozd, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Bochníček, Zdeněk (referee) ; Kříž, Jan (referee)
Title: Experiments supporting the teaching of thermodynamics at high school level Author: Petr Kácovský Department: Department of Physics Education Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Zdeněk Drozd, Ph.D., Department of Physics Education Abstract: This doctoral thesis is aimed at chosen aspects of teaching of thermodynamics on high school. The thesis can be divided into two main parts: The research part deals with investigation of typical students' conceptual difficulties in the field of thermal phenomena and its primary goal is to identify the most distinctive misconceptions of observed population. More than 500 students were questioned using a conceptual test both as pretest and posttest; approximately half of them also participated in the retention test which took part two years after pretest. The results of the conceptual test are connected with data obtained on the basis of the simultaneously conducted research of students' attitudes. The developmental part of the thesis - partly inspired by previous misconception research - deals with arranging, documentation and testing of experiments relevant to teaching of thermodynamics. In total, 46 experiments were arranged, students-tested and published in the electronic Collection of Physics Experiments. These experiments are primarily intended for teachers as inspiration...
Experiments supporting the teaching of thermodynamics at high school level
Kácovský, Petr ; Drozd, Zdeněk (advisor)
Title: Experiments supporting the teaching of thermodynamics at high school level Author: Petr Kácovský Department: Department of Physics Education Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Zdeněk Drozd, Ph.D., Department of Physics Education Abstract: This doctoral thesis is aimed at chosen aspects of teaching of thermodynamics on high school. The thesis can be divided into two main parts: The research part deals with investigation of typical students' conceptual difficulties in the field of thermal phenomena and its primary goal is to identify the most distinctive misconceptions of observed population. More than 500 students were questioned using a conceptual test both as pretest and posttest; approximately half of them also participated in the retention test which took part two years after pretest. The results of the conceptual test are connected with data obtained on the basis of the simultaneously conducted research of students' attitudes. The developmental part of the thesis - partly inspired by previous misconception research - deals with arranging, documentation and testing of experiments relevant to teaching of thermodynamics. In total, 46 experiments were arranged, students-tested and published in the electronic Collection of Physics Experiments. These experiments are primarily intended for teachers as inspiration...
Experimental thermocamera measurements
Jakl, Oldřich ; Číp, Pavel (referee) ; Petyovský, Petr (advisor)
This work is focused on the features and the principles of the measuring of the thermovision cameras. There is the identification of the basic notions and physical laws on which is based the operation of the thermovision cameras in the first part of my work. In the second part there is describtion of the function of the detectors of infrared radiation and the character of the output data of the thermovision camera. Further there are presented the experiments and the observations which bring us closer to the features of the thermovision cameras and help us interpret the data gained by camera.

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