National Repository of Grey Literature 69 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Application of an anemometric hot-wire probe to the measurement of a velocity field downstream of an automotive ventilation outlet
Šíp, Jan ; Tuhovčák, Ján (referee) ; Lízal, František (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the research of the flow in front of the benchmark automotive vent. Using thermoanemometry, the velocity field in the area in front of the vent was measured in detail and the intensity of the turbulence was calculated. Computational fluid dynamics of the air flow from the vent was also performed using the STAR-CCM + program. In addition, the influence of the surrounding surfaces simulating the real environment of the automobile on the air flow from the vent was investigated. The diploma thesis contains the calculation of measurement uncertainty. The purpose of this thesis is to obtain complex data on the velocity field and to use them for validation of Computational fluid dynamics.
Analysis of the turbine housing design in terms of heat leakage
Diakov, Jakub ; Lošák, Petr (referee) ; Vlach, Radek (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the judgment of usability of the topology optimisation of the Ansys Workbench program combined with thermo-mechanical fatigue and the non-linear material model of a turbine housing. The first part of the thesis includes research which serves for the purpose of understanding and for theoretical support of the practical part. The research part of the thesis at first gives reasons for the choice of the main aim of the thesis. The main aim of the thesis is the decrease of heat leak from the exhaust fumes due to the reason of the sooner combustion products processing and lower emissions production. The second chapter of the research analyses the construction and function of a turbocharger from the perspective of the geometry of the components and also from the perspective of the production and use of the components. The following chapter deals with the analysis of the energetic and thermal balance of the turbocharger. This chapter mentions the fundamental simplifications of the calculation problem and these simplifications are applied in the practical example. Next, the chapter analyses the thermo-mechanical fatigue, classification of the areas of fatigue and it also analyses the approaches used for the life expectancy predictions. The chapter of the research part deals with the selected areas of calculation and their theoretical basis. The last chapter analyses the fluid mechanics and the selected methods of the topology optimisation which are available in the selected calculation program. After the research part of the thesis, there follows the practical part which discusses a multiphysical example of the turbine housing optimisation from the perspective of heat leak and of the turbine housing being exposed to the thermo-mechanical fatigue. The practical part which is composed of several steps is based on the CFD analysis and this analysis is used for the purpose of gaining thermal conditions in order to calculate the transient thermal analysis. Out of the outcomes of the coupled transient thermal analysis, there is used the spatial temperature field which as a result of the expansivity of the material causes non-homogenous stress on the turbine housing. The practical part has an individual chapter dedicated to the usability of the topological optimisation in different types of tasks. One of the parts of this chapter includes is a suggestion of the methodology for determination of voltage limitation for the selected type of topological optimisation. The penultimate chapter in the practical part is dedicated to the topological optimisation of the turbine housing on the basis of the preceding voltage analysis and determined limitation. The last chapter includes performed validation of the optimised shape of the housing after the geometry is adjusted. The validation is performed from the perspective of steady state temperature of the output combustion products, of speed of heating of the optimised geometry and from the perspective of the comparison of the life expectancy determined in the thermo-mechanical fatigue. At the end of thesis, there are included conclusions discussed and suggested, scope for improvement and possibilities for continuation of further research.
Solution of the unsteady motion of the body in the liquid flow
Zbavitel, Jan ; Kozák, Jiří (referee) ; Fialová, Simona (advisor)
The thesis deals with CFD solution of flow through mechanical heart valves. The opening part includes a research on the negative impacts of implantation of artificial heart valves and the common approaches used in their modeling. This is followed by a detailed analysis of the dynamic mesh functionality and CFD solution is performed using the open-source library FOAM-extend. Part of the thesis focuses on evaluation of the geometry modifications from the perspective of forming the instabilities of the current and the course of force effects on the valve.
2-D external aerodynamics of an unusual shaped body
Mohyla, Daniel ; Gal, Pavel (referee) ; Dohnal, Miloslav (advisor)
This bachelor thesis is focused on analysis of flow over a cylindrical rod in 2-D space by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with turbulence models k- SST and k- SSTSAS. First part of this thesis is meant to be an introduction to the topic of extrernal flow and CFD. In this part the topics of flow separation, turblence modeling and various related models are discussed. Second part deals with the description of simulation case inside of open source CFD software called OpenFOAM and the obtained results. In last part the disccusion about results is carried out and results are compared.
Air flow load on a roof structure induced by a helicopter during erection works
Fidler, Tomáš ; Križan, Jiří (referee) ; Nevařil, Aleš (advisor)
Diploma thesis is focused on modeling rotor downwash generated by the main rotor of helicopter and analyzing its effects on the roof structure. Theoretical definition of rotor downwash flow is described in the first part of the text. Governing equations of computational fluid dynamics are briefly explained as well as boundary layer and finite volume method. Next part inquires into numerical simulation of rotor downwash based on height of rotor above the roof, shape of roof plane and climatic conditions. Results are compared with climatic load values provided by actual Czech construction standard in the end of the text.
Effervescent Breakup and Combustion of Liquid Fuels: Experiment and Modelling
Broukal, Jakub ; Jedelský, Jan (referee) ; Klemeš,, Jiří (referee) ; Hájek, Jiří (advisor)
Tato práce se zaměřuje na oblast effervescentních sprejů a jejich aplikace na kapalné spalování s důrazem na průmyslové spalovací komory. Oba aspekty – modelování a experiment – jsou řešeny. Práce obsahuje obecný úvod, ve kterém jsou vysvětleny základní jevy rozpadu kapaliny a vířivého spalování a dále je představena effervescentní atomizace. Poté jsou popsány použité experimentální postupy jak pro měření spreje, tak pro měření tepelných toků do stěn při spalování. V následující kapitole jsou popsány numerické modely a jejich podstata je vysvětlena. Jsou zde uvedeny modely pro rozpad spreje, turbulenci a spalování použité během výzkumu. Vlastní výsledky práce jsou uvedeny formou samostatných článků (vydaných nebo přijatých) s dodatečnou částí věnovanou nepublikovaným relevantním výsledkům. Bylo zjištěno, že standardní modely sprejů jsou do jisté míry schopny popsat effervescentní spreje. Nicméně aby bylo možné predikovat plamen kapalného spreje, jsou zapotřebí detailnější modely sprejů, které dokáží přesně zachytit změnu průměrů kapek v radiálním a axiálním směru. Experimentální měření effervescentních sprejů bylo provedeno pomocí navrhnuté metodiky. Výsledky měření byly analyzovány s důrazem na radiální a axiální vývoj průměrů kapek a některé nové jevy byly popsány. Nepřímá úměrnost mezi gas-liquid-ratio a středním průměrem kapek byla potvrzena. Dále by popsán jev, kdy pro různé axiální vzdálenosti které dojde k úplnému převrácení závislosti středního průměru na axiální vzdálenosti. V závěru je uvedeno shrnutí, které rekapituluje hlavní výsledků a závěry. V závěrečných poznámkách je nastíněn možný budoucí postup. Experimentální data pro ověřování budoucích effervescentních modelů jsou poskytnuta.
Stress-strength analysis of an impeller shaft using fluid-structure interaction modelling
Zifčáková, Barbora ; Vondál, Jiří (referee) ; Juřena, Tomáš (advisor)
This master’s thesis deals with numerical simulations of type FSI (Fluid Structure Interaction). Software used is ANSYS Fluent and ANSYS Mechanical. The aim of this thesis is to study the interaction between fluid flow in the mixing tank used in pharmaceutical industry to process eggshells and the agitator whose shaft has deformed during operation. CFD part consists of both one-phase and multi-phase transient simulations. The impact of solid body deformation on fluid flow is neglected hence only one-way Fluid Structure Interaction is considered for the simulations. Fluid flow in the tank and stress-strain behavior of the shaft is evaluated both in quasi-steady state and during start-up of the device. Computations showed that the impact of eggshells on agitator is negligible during operation (in quasi-steady state) unlike the behavior during start-up of the device when stresses and strains of the shaft are significantly higher. Possible reasons why the shaft deformed are presented and further numerical simulations are discussed and suggested.
Study of Inertial Particle Separator in a typical turboprop engine
Skála, Adam ; Doupník, Petr (referee) ; Popela, Robert (advisor)
This thesis focuses on ingestion of foreign objects into standard turboprop engine GE H80 situated in aircraft Let L-410 Turbolet. Aim of this study is to create methodology of numerical simulation of particle movement inside the engine, which could be used during design process of Inertial Particle Separator device. Thesis consists of backward-facing step benchmark study which validates used methodology. Second part describes flow field calculation and numerical setup. The last part is dedicated to particle tracking analysis. Simulated trajectories are visually investigated, and coordinates of particle impacts at 1st rotor of a compressor are correlated to position of real observed damage.
Simplified flow distribution modelling
Rebej, Miroslav ; Vondál, Jiří (referee) ; Turek, Vojtěch (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na modelování proudění tekutiny v paralelních distribučních systémech, kde hraje důležitou roli rovnoměrnost distribuce tekutin. Pro tento účel je vytvořen vlastní CFD kód. Kód je napsán v programovacím jazyce Java a používá ke zlepšení výkonu knihovny třetích stran, které se vyznačují přímým přístupem ke hardwarovým a systémovým prostředkům. Kód se také vyznačuje určitými zjednodušeními, u nichž se očekává, že sníží výpočetní časy. Vliv použitých zjednodušujících opatření je vyhodnocen porovnáním výsledků simulací proudění na několika geometriích s údaji získanými z podrobných modelů CFD. Geometrie použitých svazků trubek se odlišují různými uspořádáními toku a trubek a také různým počtem trubek.
Optimization of nozzles for firefighter sport
Páral, Filip ; Klas, Roman (referee) ; Fialová, Simona (advisor)
This thesis deals with flow inside of the firesport nozzles. Those are used for a fire attack, one of the firesport disciplines. The research part of this thesis introduces a fire attack, commonly used equipment and hydraulic losses that occur during the flow. This part also consists of an overview of current firefighting and firesport nozzles. It includes requirements for nozzles that are used in the fire attack discipline. Second part of the thesis presents the flow analysis inside firesport nozzles using commercial software for computational fluid dynamics (CFD), ANSYS Fluent. Several nozzle designs are proposed at the end of this thesis, based on conclusions from previous part. These designs satisfy firesport nozzle requirements, previously stated in this thesis.

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