National Repository of Grey Literature 609 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Methods used by pedagogues in the kindergarten for facilitating children's adaptation process.
Ježková, Jitka ; Hanyš Holemá, Irena (advisor) ; Koťátková, Soňa (referee)
The paper examines the topic of the adaptation process of children starting at kindergarten. It generally focuses on methods and procedures used in adaptation processes that aim to facilitate children's adaptation. Theoretical findings relate to the adaptation process of preschool children. Qualitative research is then carried out. The theoretical part describes the developmental specifics of the preschool period. These are essential for understanding the behavior, experiences, and needs of preschool children. The role of the kindergarten institution and its influence on the child is mentioned, as well as the principle of adaptation itself. Adaptation is a significant change and stress, and for its successful progression (and the child's further life), the correct setting of the individual adaptation process is crucial. In this perspective, a large part is devoted not only to the role and experiences of a child but also to the influence of parents or lecturers in kindergarten. Qualitative research in the form of semi-structured interviews with respondents (kindergarten lecturers) has been carried out in this paper. The main goal of the research is primarily to reveal the methods and procedures that kindergarten lecturers use to improve the course of the children's adaptation process. The emphasis...
Anglicism in the Discourse of Lifestyle Influencers
Pospíšilová, Alžběta ; Sojka, Pavel (advisor) ; Vlčková, Jana (referee)
This bachelor thesis focuses on anglicisms in the discourse of Czech lifestyle influencers. It is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part describes how English language and culture has affected Czech language. It also unveils the phonological, grammatical and word-forming adaptation principles. Finally, it defines the community of online content creators and the lifestyle category. The practical part analyses the collected anglicisms. The main focus is on the used adaptation principles. All of the lexical material has been extracted from recent (i.e. 2023, 2024) YouTube and TikTok posts. A dictionary with every collected anglicism is also included in this thesis.
The teacher's care for the classroom climate in a small school.
Slívová, Lucie ; Hejlová, Helena (advisor) ; Nekardová, Barbora (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to verify how the choice of methods, procedures and organizational forms of teaching can improve the classroom climate in a small classroom setting, using the example of a combined 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classroom. The first chapter of this thesis deals with small class schools. The history of small class schools, their specifics and the reasons why they are still maintained as an important alternative to larger schools are examined. The next section looks at individualization and differentiation in teaching and their implementation in the small class school setting. The second section focuses on classroom climate. It examines what factors influence classroom climate and how it can be measured and evaluated. Next, the chapter examines the adaptation of the new student in the classroom, a key process for successful integration into the new environment. The third chapter analyses the role of the teacher in a small classroom school. It describes what competences a teacher of a small class school should have and how he/she should approach teaching. Furthermore, teaching methods and organisational forms of teaching suitable for a small classroom environment are defined. The conclusion of the theoretical part focuses on assessment in teaching, which also has an impact on the...
Adaptation of seniors when entering the residential service of a retirement home
FRANK, Jakub
The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of aging and adaptation of elderly people during the transition to a residential facility for the elderly. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on the definition of terms, characteristics and problematic aspects related to ageing. In the following chapters, the thesis deals with the social environment, social care, highlights the goals and priorities of geriatric care, deals with the quality of life of the elderly and identifies factors affecting this quality, including preparation for old age. Emphasis is placed on the factors supporting the adaptation of seniors in residential services for the elderly and the possibilities of adaptation through activation activities. The aim of the study was to find out what factors help seniors in the adaptation process when entering a residential service home for the elderly and to what extent the adaptation process during the transition from the home environment to a home for the elderly affects the successful adaptation to the satisfaction of the elderly. In the research part, a quantitative research strategy conducted by interviewing technique is used. The main factors of adaptation are investigated when entering a residential service for the elderly home and their influence on the change in the elderly's behaviour as a result of the change in social environment and established habits is also examined. A 29 questionnaire is used to obtain information on the aforementioned factors, which was administered to 120 elderly home users. Based on the research, it was found that the factors influencing the adaptation process of seniors when entering a home for the elderly can be very diverse and depend on many aspects, including the individual personality traits of the elderly, the conditions and environment of the home for the elderly itself, as well as support from the family and social environment. This paper contributes to a better understanding of the adaptation process and provides suggestions on how to facilitate the adaptation process.
Nexus in Opočno - Transformation of the school campus into a modern inclusive district in accordance with the development directions of the city and the region
Rusiňáková, Katarína ; Františák, Luboš (referee) ; Palacký, Jiří (advisor)
The current appearance of the former high school in Opočno has been unsatisfactory for a long time and has a lot of functional and aesthetic problems. The proposal comprehensively solves the use of the whole area, namely after consultation with the town management and also according to its requirements. The historical and architecturally valuable buildings are supplemented by new habitable buildings, which cultivate the space between them. It also separately deals with the new use of a block of flats. Thanks to that, the abandoned and enclosed area becomes accessible and a living part of the neighborhood. The renovation of the historic building is proposed in more detail, gaining a new function as a small health facility and also major building modifications to the gym. The entire design was developed according to the teachings of the Austrian architect Dietmar Eberle and his book 9x9.
Restoration of the Renaissance Town Hall in Hostěradice
Vican, Martin ; Mikeš, Stanislav (referee) ; Guzdek, Adam (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis was to develop project documentation for a building permit in part B and construction execution documentation in part C. The developed project documentation follows on from the subject AG034 – Monument restoration studio. The topic of the studio work was to propose a solution for the restoration of the Renaissance town hall in Hostěradice, which now serves only as a grocery store and a gym. All the spaces of the town hall are falling into disrepair, but the village of Hostěradice is starting to invest in gradual repairs and improvements not only to the building itself, but also to the surrounding area. After completing a workshop in the building, which resulted in a preliminary structural and technical survey of the building and the basic considerations of the residents of the village and the council, I arrived at the basic concept of the restoration of the town hall. I will rid the building of all redundant constructions that divide vaulted spaces and redundant extensions. By demolishing the attached stage, I isolate the historic building, to which I then design a modern extension with hygienic and technical facilities. It is connected to the historic town hall by a glazed space with a communication core, from which you can reach all the used spaces. The purpose of the restored building will be to represent the village at social events. All spaces will be converted into halls, galleries or facilities for refreshments in the form of catering and a bar. With this approach, I plan to preserve the valuable layers of the Renaissance building and at the same time add a new layer to the town hall that adapts the building to modern needs.
Vliv typu ustájení na reakci koní na nový předmět
ČERNÁ, Michaela
Horses are highly sensitive animals that react intensely to new objects or environments that are unfamiliar to them. This rapid response stems from their natural role as prey in the wild, which is why they have instinctive fright reactions. The aim of this thesis was to develop a methodology for testing horses' reactions to new objects based on available literature and to evaluate the influence of factors such as type of housing and the age of the horses. The testing included 18 horses aged between 1 and 22 years from three types of housing (active stable, box housing, and pasture housing). Fear tests lasting 5 minutes monitored reactions to objects such as colored ribbons and a blue tarp. The mattress crossing test lasted a maximum of 10 minutes. In both fear tests with colored ribbons and the tarp, horses from box housing showed greater signs of nervousness. Statistically, they spent more time moving compared to horses from the active stable (an average of 10,5 seconds more for colored ribbons and 4,8 seconds more for the tarp). Conversely, individuals from active stables consistently spent more time exploring (an average of 17 seconds more for colored ribbons and 25 seconds more for the tarp). In the fear test of mattress crossing, no difference was demonstrated between the horses from the observed types of housing (p-value = 0,679 > 0,05). A correlation analysis assessed the influence of age on the duration of various behavioral displays when encountering a new object. In the case of the tarp and colored ribbons test, older horses spent less time standing, exploring, galloping, and inside the designated circle compared to younger individuals. Conversely, older horses walked more and spent more time on the tarp and eating compared to younger ones. Older horses needed more time to overcome the mattress compared to younger ones (r = 0,12). The significance of the enriched environment, presented in this work by the active stable, is in the milder reaction of horses to new objects and the reduced risk during human contact.
The process s of adaptation of preschool children with ASD in kindergartens
The aim of the bachelor thesis is to analyse how children with autism spectrum disorder adapt in different situations, how they manage the adaptation process as such and at the same time to find possibilities that can help teachers and parents during further adaptation. In order to achieve the given goal, I have chosen two methods, which are the method of observation and an interview with parents/educators. The theoretical part of the bachelor's thesis is divided into 7 chapters in which I have presented the information I have obtained from books and online sources. The practical part describes the progress of both methods and also the answers to the chosen areas that were created to process the interviews. It then contains a conclusion and summary of the results. The results show that the most important thing for adaptation is the individual approach, patience, and most importantly communication between the parent and the teacher, because that makes it much easier to get closer to the child, understand him/her and then figure out what approach to choose in order to get the best result and progress for the child. At the same time, it is important not to put much pressure on the child during the adaptation process and to let the child get used to it and be happy, because if we put demands on the child from the beginning, it can be stressful for the child and then he or she.
Community centre for refugees from Ukraine
The thesis presents the Community centre "Spolu", which was established in response to the arrival of refugees from Ukraine as a result of the Russian aggression of February 2022. The thesis includes the historical context of the situation, the possibilities of assistance available in the Czech Republic, the definition of solidarity, ethics in social work and the ethical dilemma. The next section describes the creation of the community centre, highlighting three situations that were ethically ambiguous. They are therefore subsequently confronted with some of the ethical theories. The adaptation of the staff to the new situation is also examined in more detail, as the centre was established in an existing service with a different target group. Hence, the competencies of the staff in working with refugees are also addressed. The empirical findings come from qualitative research using methods of continuous observation and semi-structured interviews.
Proposal for an Effective Improvement of the Training System for New Employees in an International IT Company
Grigoryeva, Ekaterina ; Treu, Eva (referee) ; Konečná, Zdeňka (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce si klade za cíl navrhnout změny, které jsou žádoucí pro trvalý úspěšný rozvoj organizace v oblastech adaptace a školení. Primární cíl bude dosažen aplikací relevantních návrhů ke zlepšení zjištěných nedostatků adaptačních a školicích aktivit pro nové zaměstnance ve vybrané organizaci. Tato práce je rozdělena do šesti hlavních kapitol: první se zaměřuje na cíl práce, druhá na teoretické základy, třetí na pozadí společnosti, čtvrtá na analýzu a pátá na navrhované úpravy a modifikace. V poslední kapitole budou prezentovány závěry této práce.

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