National Repository of Grey Literature 130 records found  beginprevious100 - 109nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Comparing the depiction of Marshall's Plan by the press in contemporary Czechoslovakia
Pospíšilová, Michaela ; Cebe, Jan (advisor) ; Sekera, Martin (referee)
The bachelor's thesis focuses on how the Czechoslovakian press informed of preparations for Marshall Plan at the dawn of deciding whether or not to support this program. It compares the coverage of this topic by the Communist Party's Rudé Právo newspaper and the People's Party's Lidové Demokracie newspaper, the mainstream daily newspapers of the two parties in power, often having very different political views. The first two sections of the thesis elaborate on the topic from a historical point of view, tracking the post-war development in Czechoslovakia and throughout Europe, the growing rivalry between the United States and Soviet Union and events leading to Marshall Plan. The third section concentrates on the nature of the Czech media environment during the Third Republic and briefly depicts both examined periodicals. The fourth and fifth sections are devoted to the research and analysis of collected data.
The first people in space according to Czechoslovak media
Panák, Břetislav ; Štaif, Jiří (advisor) ; Lomíček, Jan (referee)
This thesis focused on how propaganda was used in the Czechoslovak media and how that directly relatedd to the first people in space. The aim is an analysis of celebrities of Soviet state system including Yuri Gagarin, Valentina Tereshkova and also John Glenn for comparison. The thesis discusses how these people were promoted and constructed into cult heroes in Eastern, Western and Third World countries. The secondary literature of this subject was not yet analysed and the author wants to use it for further study. The contemporary sources are used in the press - Rude pravo, Mlady svet, Dikobraz, ABC mladych prirodovedcu a techniku and the Ceskoslovensky vojak.
Case of Krčmaň and its image in the press
Burešová, Lucie ; Cebe, Jan (advisor) ; Aplt, Daniel (referee)
Bachelor thesis The case of Krčmaň and its image in the press discusses the so-called packed assassination, which was unsuccessfully committed to the three non-communist ministers (Jan Masaryk, Prokop Drtina and Petr Zenkl) in 1947. The analytical part of this bachelor thesisis is dedicated to analysis of the authentic press, namely the central newspaper of the Communist party - Rudé právo and the central newspaper of the Czechoslovak national socialist psarty - Svobodné slovo. The analytical part is focused on the differences in the presentation of the attack, course its investigation and findings which investigators reached with regard to political orientation of the journal. The theoretical part includes the historical context of Czechoslovakia after the Second World War to the communist putsch in 1948 based on the literature. The emphasis is placed on the political situation in the country and the functioning of the media. The focus is on the functioning of the press in the media sector. The theoretical part also includes biography of aforementioned ministers and description of the case of Krčmaň on the basis of literature.
Publicism of the last period of the totalitarism (Rudé právo in 1989)
Serova, Ekaterina ; Pešička, Jiří (advisor) ; Bischofová, Jana (referee)
Publicism of the last period of the totalitarism (Rudé právo in 1989) The theme of the thesis is based on political journalism of the last period of the totalitarism in Czechoslovakia in 1989. The leading communist daily, Rudé právo 1989 is used as the main source of the analysis. The work is divided into two parts. The first part is related to the short historical review of the communism era in Czechoslovakia since the so called Victorious February in 1948 till 1988, when the first anti-government demonstrations occurred. The second part is focused on the critical historical moments in 1989 ("Palach Week" in January 1989, petition "A Few Sentences" in July 1989, anti-government protests in August and October 1989, the collapse of the communism regime in November caused by the Velvet Revolution, the unanimous vote by the Federal Assembly). Meanwhile there is a following practical part. Its main purpose is interpretation and analysis of the articles in order to show examples of the ideological influence of the language.
Strike media at Charles University during the Velvet Revolution 1989
Stuchlík, Jakub ; Cebe, Jan (advisor) ; Bednařík, Petr (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to find all available media published by strike committees at the Charles University and at other universities, to describe them and to compare them with the official daily and each other. Moreover, the publishers of those media should have been contacted with the request for interview. However, after discussion with my supervisor, interviews with publishers and editors were not done, because of complexity and scope of the thesis. The thesis summarizes activities of students during the Velvet Revolution of 1989 and focuses on student newsletters and magazines that were published by student strike committees and other independent student associations during the time of the revolution. Eleven media published in Prague, Pilsen and Olomouc are described. The described magazines are the following ones: Čaje o páté, EM89, Informační bulletin, Nezávislí, Plzeňský student, Proto, Přetlak, Reflex, Růžové právo, Situace 89 and Skoba. In addition, individual journals are compared with each other. Firstly the journals from the Charles University and secondly the other magazines. One subchapter deals with comparison of students' media with the official daily Rudé právo, which was the most read newspaper in Czechoslovakia by that time.
The Case of Rudolf Barák in the Media in the Period of Prague Spring
Němec, Adam ; Cebe, Jan (advisor) ; Krejcar, Robert (referee)
Bachelor thesis "The Case of Rudolf Barak in the Media of the Prague Spring" deals with the liberalization of the media in 1968 in Czechoslovakia and demonstrates this on a media affair of former Interior Minister Rudolf Barak. It describes reform trends and their consequences in the political and media spheres during the sixties, political and social changes, major adjustments in media legislation and changes in the media organization, rehabilitation processes with political prisoners. It summarizes the major events that shaped the career of Rudolf Barak, his work in the Communist Party and the Ministry of the Interior, his struggle for power, his arrest, investigation and imprisonment, and finally his release and efforts for rehabilitation. This thesis analyses media contents of three representative printed periodicals from this period and evaluates media coverage of the process with Rudolf Barak in 1962 and of his release from prison in 1968, it also compares the media image of Rudolf Barak in selected periodicals.
Nixon-BreznevSummits in 1973 and 1974 in Czechoslovakian Press
Kvapilík, Ondřej ; Bednařík, Petr (advisor) ; Sekera, Martin (referee)
The diploma thesis named "Nixon-Brezhnev Summits in 1973 and 1974 in Czechoslovakian Press" deals with the presentation of summits between Leonid Brezhnev and Richard Nixon in contemporary Czechoslovakian dailies. It analyzes texts published by the media concerning the meetings in 1973 and 1974 in Washington and Moscow in the set period of more than one month around the meetings. Not only does the thesis research the degree of bias of the media content due to the ideological inclination towards the Soviet Union. It also analyzes the way in which the media in Czechoslovakia dealt with the presentation of both the enemy superpowers as partners. The theory part provides in introduction of the topic and basic historical context of the events. Furthermore it characterizes the respective meetings and the analyzed dailies. The practical part covers detailed qualitative content analysis of the selected representatives of the contemporary Czechoslovakian press, namely Rudé právo, Svobodné slovo, Mladá fronta and Lidová demokracie. Then the thesis compares the presentation of the respective summits and attempts to find the causes of the differences and trends in the in the presentation. As an addition the thesis also provides a comparison with similar meetings between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev,...
Reflection of Gorbachev's reforms in the Rudé právo in the period 1985-1990
Fara, Pavel ; Křeček, Jan (advisor) ; Bednařík, Petr (referee)
The thesis examines, how the journal Rudé právo reflected reforms of Michail Gorbachev in the Soviet Union in period 1985 - 1990. Gorbachev tried to transform Soviet economy into a model that would include elements of the free market. Gorbachev also enforced democratic system of government and freedom of speech. To the Western part of the world Gorbachev offered negotiations on disarmament and destruction of nuclear weapons. By this initiative Gorbachev contributed to the end of the cold war. Gorbachev never thought about transition of the Soviet Union into capitalism and leaving the communist ideology. In Gorbachev's meaning communism was the only right ideology and reforms should modernize the Soviet system and enable next building of socialism. In the thesis quantitative content analysis has been used. This method allowed to obtain the necessary information. Thesis also informs about the role of Gorbachev's reforms and their process. Thesis than presents impact of these reforms to collapse of the USSR. By the content analysis range of editions of the journal Rudé právo in period 1985 - 1990 was explored. Relevant texts were evaluated according to the variables of analysis. 584 texts were analysed and therefore enough information to answer the hypotheses was obtained. Thesis also evaluates the objectivity...
Development of The Rudé právo during 1966-1971
Petrů, Jan ; Cebe, Jan (advisor) ; Suk, Pavel (referee)
Thesis "Development of The Rudé právo during 1966 - 1971" deals with the activities of the Rudé právo editors and the development of this periodical at the time in Czechoslovakia, when there were great upheavals in the functioning of the state and especially in the current and cultural life. Society and political power in the period has rapidly changed and the Rudé právo had to respond to this occurring changes. As the central press organ of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia was bound by the Communist Party directives, content had always to be adapted to the political situation, will of the state representatives and communist ideology. However, even in the way of the editors work occurred in this period of the changes, that were affected of not only their opinion conflicts within, but also of changing legislative regulations in the media. The exceptional period in the development of the Rudé právo is represented by the August days immediately following the intervention of the Warsaw Pact armies, when the sheet has ranked beside the other periodicals that supported political reforms leading to democratization of Czechoslovakia. The thesis analyzes the selected content of the sheet and characterizes it in the context of contemporary political, cultural and social events. It also describes the...
"Normalization" view on the cinema: Jan Kliment and "Rudé právo" 1971-1973
Škopková, Andrea ; Klimeš, Ivan (advisor) ; Bednařík, Petr (referee)
This study is based on reviewing Jan Kliment's journalism in the context of wide social, cultural and political conditions of the so-called Normalization in Czechoslovakia. Jan Kliment was an exponent of the communist regime journalism, specialized on cultural events. The sample of his articles published in the Rude Pravo newspapers between years 1971 and 1973 illustrates the time-influenced (or biased) approach to reviewing both Czechoslovakian and foreign motion pictures. The study is trying to summarize and to describe the film criticism lineament under the ideological power of the Communist Party in the times of Normalization, actually in the beginning seventies. The text includes (apart from the presentation of Kliment's movie pictures reviews) a brief introduction to the history of the Czechoslovakian leftist film criticism, general facts about the Czechoslovakian media landscape in the era of the so-called Prague Spring and the subsequent Normalization and information about Kliment's career.

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