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Možnosti intenzivního chovu hlavatky podunajské (\kur{Hucho hucho}) v RAS
MAREŠ, Michal
This bachelor's thesis deals with the possibilities of breeding Danube salmon in the RAS, and also deals with the combination of breeding Danube salmon with rainbow trout. The fish were divided into three groups, with each group reared in three tanks. The first group was a monoculture of Danube salmon, where 160 Danube salmon with an average weight of 432.37 ? 116.01 g were put into each tank. The second group was a monoculture of rainbow trout, where 160 rainbow trout with an average weight of 253 were put into each tank. 27 ? 61.77 g. The third group was a biculture of Danube salmon with rainbow trout, where 80 trout with an average weight of 250.74 ? 61.91 g and 80 Danube salmon with an average weight of 435.04 were placed in each tank ? 119.29 g. The experiment lasted 84 days at an average temperature of 17.43 ? 0.51°C (7:00) and 17.16 ? 0.56 °C (15:00), control refishing and re-weighing was done every 28 days. At the beginning and at the end of the experiment, several pieces of fish from each group were dissected to calculate organosomatic indices, and biometric measurements were made, where the total body length of the fish (TL), the standard body length of the fish (SL) and the weight of the fish (BW) were determined. After the end of the experiment, the production markers (TL, SL, BW, FC, CVBW, SGR, FCR, WG, FE and SR) and organosomatic indices (SSI, HSI, IPF and GSI) were evaluated. In all production markers rainbow trout achieved significantly better values than Danube salmon in both farming methods. Rainbow trout dominated the biculture, using the presented feed more efficiently at the expense of the Danube salmon, as it was more aggressive and active during feeding. According to the results of the organosomatic indices, once again rainbow trout prospered best in both methods of farming. There was a marked difference in the index of intraperitoneal fat (IPF) between Danube salmon and rainbow trout in biculture. The Danube salmon in biculture achieved a better result than the rainbow trout only for the gonadosomatic index. There was a difference in the spleenosomatic index (SSI) for both species. The SSI value was highest in the Danube salmon in the monoculture, which indicates that the Danube salmon in the biculture was more limited in its food source.
Analýza užitkových vlastností chovu prasat zařazeného do kontroly užitkovosti
The aim of the diploma thesis was to analyse reproductive and productive parameters at a particular pig farm participating in the performance testing. The monitoring took place between years 2019 to 2021. The sow reproductive traits included sows of the Czech Large White - CLW (977 litters), CLW x CL (CL = Czech Landrace) (616 litters), Duroc (169 litters), Pietrain (156 litters), 125 litters by boars D x LWSL (Large White - sire line) and 146 litters by boars Pn x LWSL. Higher number of total born (15.6 vs. 15.4 pcs), live-born (14.5 vs. 14.3 pcs) and weaned piglets (13.5 vs. 13.2 pcs) was confirmed within maternal breeds in CLW x CL sows, compared to CLW sows. The highest number of total born, live-born and weaned piglets was confirmed within the paternal breeds after boars D x LWSL (11.2 pcs, 10.3 pcs and 9.6 pcs). The lowest fertility level was found out at the Pietrain breed (10.0 total born, 9.2 live-born and 7.7 weaned piglets). Boars of the CLW (1,448 pcs), Duroc (434 pcs), Pietrain (339 pcs), D x LWOL (368 pcs) and BO x Pn (363 pcs) and gilts of the CLW (3,479 pcs), Duroc (487 pcs) and Pietrain (343 pcs) were analysed in field test. The highest average daily gain from the birth was achieved by boars LWSL x Pn (730 g), the lowest average backfat thickness was achieved by boars D x LWSL (5.2 mm) and the highest lean meat content was achieved by boars Pietrain (62.2%). The best performance traits in the field test were recorded in boars in 2020. The highest value of the average daily gain from the birth was in CLW gilts(659 g) and the lowest average backfat thickness (5.2 mm) and the highest lean meat content (62.5%) were in Pn gilts. The best results of the field test of gilts were reached in 2021.
Influence of feeding management on intensive breeding of pikeperch (Sander lucoperca)
KUČERA, Václav
This thesis is aimed on problematics of intensive pikeperch aquaculture and the influence of the feeding by different types of pellets and also different frequencies of feeding during the day. Whole thesis consists of two separate experiments. In the first experiment I tried to evaluate the influence of sinking and floating type of pellets on the growth abilities and production markers of juvenile pikeperch. First experiment was stocked with 8000 pcs of juvenile pikeperch (average weight 21,38g). These fish were kept in controlled conditions for 16 weeks (average temperature of 21,37 ? 0,66 °C (7:00) and 20,77 ? 0,55 °C (15:00), average dissolved oxygen levels of 127,43 ? 2,37 % (7:00) and 117,03 ? 1,14% (15:00) °C, 120 % and initial biomass of 13,42 kg/m?). These fish were fed by belt feeders two types of pellets (floating Skretting Europa and sinking Biomar Effico Sigma) with the same nutrient composition. After 16 weeks all the production markers (SGR, FCR, WG, TL, CF and survival) were examined. Almost all the parameters showed the statistically significant difference in favor of the sinking pellets. Although growth heterogenity turned out to be lower in the group fed by floating pellets. In the second experiment 600 individuals of juvenile pikeperch with average weight of 37,49 g were stocked in tanks. These fish were kept in controlled conditions for 6 weeks (average temperature of 21,37 ? 0,66 °C (7:00) and 20,96 ? 0,66 °C (15:00), average dissolved oxygen levels of 127,43 ? 2,37 % (7:00) and 117,03 ? 1,14 % (15:00) with initial biomass of 13,35 kg/m?). These fish were fed by automatic feeder Imetronic Self Feeder in 3 different frequencies a day (3,6 or 12 batches). Pellets Skretting Europa- 15F were used in this experiment. After 6 weeks of rearing production markers were examined. Growth heterogenity, somatic indexes, and fin erosion were also examined. Also, blood samples were taken. After data analysis no statistically significant difference was found among the production markers in all three groups. Growth heterogenity was proven to be the lowest in the group fed 3x a day and highest in the group fed 12x a day. Organosomatic indexes showed statistically significant difference of HSI (hepatosomatic index). Highest index was observed in group fed 3x a day. During the analysis of the data from biochemical analysis increased levels of albumins and tryglicerids were observed especially in the group fed 12x a day. Simultaneously, statistically significant differences among the amonia levels (lowest concentration in the group fed 3x a day and highest in group fed 12x a day) and glucose (lowest concentration in the group fed 3x a day, two other groups had almost the same level of glucose) levels in plasma were found. As a group with the best results was determined a group fed 6x a day. This group reached satisfying results in production markers (better than group fed 3x a day but slightly worse than group fed 12x a day). Also, lower growth heterogenity than in group fed 12x a day was observed. Group fed 6x a day also displayed the best working lipid metabolism in contrary to the group fed 12x a day which displayed the disorder of the lipid metabolism. Also, the fin erosion was slightly lower than in a group fed 12x a day.
Vliv teplotních a hyperoxických podmínek na růst, příjem krmiva a fyziologii hybrida sivena arktického (Salvelinus alpinus Linnaeus, 1758) a sivena amerického (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill, 1815)
ČEJKA, Jakub
This diploma thesis should have tested growth abilities during different temperature and oxygen regime in hybrid between brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) culture. There were survival, growth, feed conversion, weight heterogeneity of fish and somatic indexes as followed indicators. The hypothesis was discovery of differences in growth and mentioned indicators during rearing in water with different temperature and oxygen regime. This thesis consists of two done experiments. There were tested five temperature regimes (7, 10, 13, 16 and 19 °C) in the first experiment. Each of tested groups was repeated four times. The experiment took place 84 days and biometric data were measured always after 21 days period. Results showed that the highest weight growth was achieved in fish reared at 13 °C as specific growth rate achieved 4,12 ? 0,21 % × day-1. Higher temperature regimes (16, 19 °C) are not suitable for rearing of Salvelinus hybrid. Survival of tested group reared at 19 °C were only 41,4 ? 27,3 % after the end of the first experiment. At lower temperatures efficient feed conversion were not managed and specific growth rate were lower than at mentioned temperature 13 °C. There were four tested groups permanent hyperoxia (120 130 %), hyperoxia only during a light part of a day, oscillating hyperoxia/normoxia and permanent normoxia (85 95 %) in the second experiment. Each of tested groups was repeated three times. The experiment took place 63 days and biometric data were measured always after 21 days. There were no difference in survival among tested groups and after the end of the second experiment survival was 86,0 ? 1,4 %. The highest specific growth rate were achieved at the normoxia group 1,48 ? 0,05 % × day-1 and at the group where fish were reared under hyperoxia only during a light part of a day - 1,38 ? 0,10 % × day-1. The most efficient feed conversion was mentioned at the fish reared in permanent normoxia and permanent hyperoxia.
Chov prasat v podmínkách subtropické Afriky
MUKOSHA, Chisenga Emmanuel
The aim of this bachelor thesis was to analyse the different types of pig breeding used in the subtropical regions of Africa. Pigs have been described as one of the most prolific and fast growing livestock that can convert food waste to valuable products. Pigs are commonly kept for meat and fat, but also different sectors such as cosmetics industry, pharmaceutical industry, medical sector and so many other purposes. The thesis further on analyses the reproductive and productive traits of pigs. Finally the thesis takes a look at some factors that affect breeding and productivity of pigs. Diseases pose significant challenge to efficient management and profitability of pig production.
Vliv plemenné příslušnosti skotu na reprodukční a produkční ukazatele
Jurka, Miroslav
The diploma thesis Influence of the breed of cattle on reproduction and production indicators presents a comparison of these two indicators in two breeds, the Czech Spotted cattle and Holstein cattle. Comparison of indicators is processed in order to confirm the accuracy of intent of the farm in Jevíčko, which is called. Holštýnizace of herd. In the field of production indicators Holstein cattle show six days prolonged lactation, which positively affects milk production, the annual production of milk is increased by 1827 kg (farm in Jevíčko), in republic this difference is even higher (2,389 kg). The content of milk components, ie. fat and protein, a farm in Jevíčko has values above average across the republic. In the field of of reproductive performance the percentage of successful pregnancy of both Leeds is comparable, about 5% below referring to the boundaries of good pregnancy. Service period is shorter in Czech Pied cattle. Period is long 103,5 days. With respect to milk production two breeds are within normal limits. Insemination index is at the Holstein breed for the whole period of watching 0.04 higher than in the Czech Pied, however, with respect on last year of watching, the evolution turns and Holstein cattle show the value of this index for 2015 at the level of 1.85, while the Czech Spotted cattle in the same period a value of 1.96. Age at first calving of Holsteins is lower about 31 days, interval between births (meantime) at the Holsteins is higher about 18 days than in Czech Pied of cattle. Meanwhile it takes 381.39 days, due to the length of the service period. Especially individual productivity indicators clearly demonstrate the correctness of intent, reproductive performance seems to be comparable in both breeds. Orientation of the farm in Jevíčko on milk production confirms the correctness of the choice of breed.
Issues of Heat sheep breeding
Křečková, Kateřina ; Fantová, Milena (advisor) ; Ptáček, Martin (referee)
The aim of my thesis was to find and evaluate available information on breeding the German Grey Heath Sheep in the Czech Republic and other countries of its current expansion. The thesis according to available literature describes and evaluates all the characteristics of the German Grey Heath Sheep, its exterior, productive or reproductive performance, expansion in the Czech Republic, Germany and Switzerland.
Zhodnocení vlivu použitého krmiva na produkční ukazatele v systému intenzivního chovu lososovitých ryb
Ošanec, Miroslav
The objective of this diploma thesis was to evaluate the production efficiency of selected production feeding mixtures in the system of intensive salmonid farming. The testing was made in the recirculation system of the Danish type in Pravíkov (BioFish s.r.o.). There were the feeding mixtures EFIC Enviro 920 produced by Biomar and Aller gold produced by Aqua Aller used in trials. Production efficiency of the feeding was tested on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in two separate time periods (18. 4. -- 3. 7. 2013; 3. 7. -- 28. 8. 2013) and in one comprehensive period (18. 4 -- 28. 8. 2013). Longitudinal and weight parameters, fitness, exterieur and production parameters (FCR, SGR, etc.) were monitored at the beginning and end of the tests, the biochemical compound of tissues and the fatty acids spectrum in muscle were determined and in the end an economic evaluation was made. In the first test period Aller gold feeding achieved better production results in both SiSav (FCR = 1,3; SGR = 0,86 %.d-1) and in Pd (FCR = 1,26; SGR = 0,72 %.d-1). In the second test period EFICO Enviro 920 feeding achieved better production results in both SiSav (FCR = 1,3; SGR = 0,86 %.d-1) and in Pd. In the overall test EFICO Enviro 920 feeding achieved better production results in SiSav (FCR = 1,73; SGR = 0,75 %.d-1) and Aller gold feeding achieved better results in Pd (FCR = 2,77; SGR = 0,45 %.d-1). During the tests there were large fish losses in the tanks that significantly affected the results. According to the production results Aller gold feeding suited the SiSav better and EFICO Enviro 920 suited the Pd better.
Analysis of the commercial properties of an ostrich
KULÍK, Pavel
This thesis deals with the problem of commercial properties of an African ostrich collected on farms in the Czech Republic. Literature review focuses on the history, origin, economic benefits and also the breeding conditions. This work evaluates the utility of selected properties of ostrich farms in the Czech Republic. The values obtained were well described and evaluated by appropriate methods. Egg-laying farms was observed in the range from 15 to 50 pieces (mean 29.07 pieces), the weight of eggs ranged from 1.22 to 1.89 kg (mean 1.51 kg), fertilization of eggs were in the range from 54.55?86.00% (mean 76.36%) and a hatching rate was in the range of 31.82?52.77% (mean 44.61%). Weight of meat obtained from slaughter ostrich ranged from 30 to 50 kg (mean 39.74 kg), the skin area was in the range from 1.10 to 1.50 m2 (mean 1,34 m2) and the production of feathers was from 1.36 to 1.50 kg.
The efficiency testing of production commercial feeds for african catfish (Clarias gariepinus)
PETR, Miloš
In my diploma thesis I was tested six types of feed. I tested in 3 repetitions in the recirculating system with biological treatment of water. Tested fishes african catfish (Clarias gariepinus) weighted between 200 ? 800 g per piece, were deployed into 18 aquariums with volume of 190 litres per aquarium. The whole experiment took place in five partial 3-week periods in the intensive breeding of the laboratory - controlled reproduction of fishes FROV JCU. The average water temperature during the experiment was 27 °C. The main objective of the thesis was to observe production efficiency of tested types of feed, speed of the growth of fishes, feed rates and financial costs. Afterwards, determinativ of yield and organoleptic evaluation was determined, followed by laboratory examination of composition of meat. The results of production indicators (Specific Growth Rate, Relative Growth Rate, Food Conversation Ratio) were most favorable for 3 types of feed ? Haltáp (SGR=0,81 %; RGR=126 %; FCR=1,45), Coppens TROCO SUPREME-22 (SGR=0,73 %; RGR=105 %; FCR=1,19), Coppens TROCO PRIME-18 (SGR=0,68 %; RGR=97 %; FCR=1,26). The lowest costs for 1 kg of fish increment were achieved for these specific types of feed Haltáp and Aller Aqua Focus (45 Kč a 46 Kč). In the organoleptic analysis was found positive evaluation of meat of all tested fishes. Chemical composition of meat was (in term of proteins and fats content) most favorably documented for the hungarian feed called Haltáp (proteins=19,22 % and fats=4,85 %).

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