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Secure Coding Guidelines for Java
Jalakšová, Michaela ; Malinka, Kamil (referee) ; Tamaškovič, Marek (advisor)
Java je populárny programovací jazyk, ktorý je široko používaný v rôznych aplikáciách. Java však nie je výnimkou, pokiaľ ide o zraniteľnosť voči útokom, ktoré hľadajú bezpečnostné chyby v kóde. Cieľom tejto práce je zvýšiť povedomie o zraniteľnostiach programovania v Jave a vyvinúť vzdelávací nástroj, ktorý pomôže programátorom naučiť sa písať bezpečnejší kód. Cieľom tohto nástroja je poskytnúť programátorom Javy informácie o postupoch bezpečného kódovania a prostredie, kde sa môžu naučiť základy bezpečného programovania. Táto práca tiež poskytuje riešenie niektorých bežnejších zraniteľností v Jave.
Management of pre-hospital care in patients with refractory ventricular fibrillation.
ZEMAN, Denis
Ventricular fibrillation is a life-threatening arrhythmia that manifests as rapid and irregular contraction of the heart chambers. If not treated immediately, it can lead to circulatory arrest and death of the patient. Treatment of ventricular fibrillation consists of immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation and defibrillation, which restores normal heart rhythm with an electrical shock. However, some patients may be refractory, that is, resistant to repeated defibrillation bursts. The first aim of my bachelor's thesis was to find out what awareness paramedics have of the options for managing refractory ventricular fibrillation. The second aim was to find out what methods paramedics use for refractory ventricular fibrillation in practice. The research investigation was carried out by means of semi-structured interviews with paramedics working at the South Bohemia Region ambulance service. The results show that paramedics are sufficiently familiar with the treatment options for refractory ventricular fibrillation. A negative finding was that not every rescuer was able to mention all the options for changing electrode positions and the correct pharmacological management. Another negative finding was that rescuers could not agree on the number of times that ventricular fibrillation is refractory. On the contrary, the investigated method of double sequential external defibrillation was found to be very successful and thus more beneficial than conventional methods in the treatment of refractory ventricular fibrillation. The results of the bachelor thesis may offer a way for paramedics to approach refractory ventricular fibrillation. This bachelor thesis may improve the management of refractory ventricular fibrillation, which should be approached differently than classical ventricular fibrillation.
New trends in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and their possible benefits for the treatment of patients in pre-hospital care
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a set of interrelated logical procedures that is essential for the survival of patients with sudden circulatory arrest. In recent decades, there have been significant advances in cardiopulmonary resuscitation methods and techniques, which have led to the development of new trends to potentially improve the outcomes of resuscitation efforts. The first aim of the bachelor thesis was to map new trends in cardiopulmonary resuscitation from the perspective of paramedics and the benefits of the trends for patients in pre-hospital emergency care. The second aim was to evaluate the differences between new and old trends in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The practical part was developed using two qualitative investigations. The first research investigation was carried out by means of semi-structured interviews with paramedics working at the South Bohemian Region Ambulance Service. The second research investigation was conducted using document analysis, which focused on the Guidelines documents from 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015. In these documents, we focused on the development of trends and practices within cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The results of the first survey show that paramedics are sufficiently familiar with new trends in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A negative finding was that the general public does not use an automated external defibrillator in emergency resuscitation. Another negative finding was that although paramedics are professionally educated and trained, they have to consult a physician for administration of drugs during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The second research investigation shows that trends and practices in cardiopulmonary resuscitation now focus on early defibrillation and well-performed cardiac massage. Based on the results, the bachelor thesis can provide the differences between new and old trends and the perspective of paramedics on current trends.
Orthodox way in the Czechoslovak (Hussite) Church
MARTINEK, Filip Gorazd
The presented work introduces the kind reader to the Orthodox and Portuguese crisis in the Czechoslovak (Hussite) Church, with the addition of a description of its conclusion in the present crisis of ecclesiastical identity. The first part of the thesis presents the genesis of this church and its roots in Catholic modernism, followed by a description of the first stage of the Orthodox crisis, and an analysis of the central document, the so-called Guidelines of Bishop Gorazd. The thesis then continues with an account of the victory of the liberal orientation over the Orthodox ecumenical program. It further depicts echoes of the Orthodox crisis noticeable in the Portuguese crisis and describes the formation of the Apostolic Episcopal Catholic Church. The last section thematizes the contemporary crisis of ecclesial identity through the example of the development of the liturgical vestments, the problem of the liturgy, and the Eucharist.
Proposing a Risk Analysis Methodology for Critical Applications in the Banking Sector
Zajíček, Juraj ; Novák, Lukáš (referee) ; Koch, Miloš (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the problem of risk analysis of critical applications in banking. The sponsor is the bank operating in the Czech Republic. The thesis is based on the theoretical apparatus in the field of information security and legal normatives of the Czech Republic. The thesis analyzes the laws and directives related to the issue of risk analysis, the bank's internal regulations and the previous analyzes carried out in the bank.
Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT Modification
Černochová, Jaromíra ; Mlčáková, Simona (referee) ; Koch, Miloš (advisor)
The thesis focuses on the assessment of the current information system used by a particular company. Work will concentrate mainly on establishing corrective actions to address identified weaknesses. They were recommended specific modules, which should be an information system was expanded further proposed directive governing the operation of information and communication technologies in enterprise reporting and additional well designed website.
Occupational Therapy Practice Guidelines Proposal for Children Aged 3-18 with Developmental Coordination Disorder
Homolková, Simona ; Dvořáková, Petra (advisor) ; Angerová, Yvona (referee)
Thesis abstract Name, Surname: Bc. Simona Homolková Supervisor: Mgr. Petra Dvořáková Thesis Title: Occupational Therapy Practise Guidelines Proposal in Children aged 3-18 years with Developmental Coordination Disorder Abstract: Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) is a neurodevelopmental condition with a prevalence of 6 % among children in the population. The cause of this condition is unknown, but there are known risk factors, such as very low birth weight or maternal exposure to drugs and alcohol during pregnancy. Symptoms include coordination difficulties, impaired motor learning and planning, executive function challenges, and overall mental health vulnerabilities. Each child exhibits different manifestations, and comprehensive care is required, provided by an interprofessional team, which includes occupational therapists. Occupational therapists should base their practice on high-quality care standards. Just like in medicine, there are currently global trends in occupational therapy towards developing Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG), which are still lacking, especially in the field of occupational therapy. CPGs primarily serve to improve and standardize care. The main goal of this work is to create a proposal for clinical practice guidelines in occupational therapy for developmental...
Secure Coding Guidelines for PHP
Holý, Tomáš ; Firc, Anton (referee) ; Malinka, Kamil (advisor)
Vzhledem k široké škále webových aplikací a služeb, které jsou dnes k dispozici, se zabezpečení webu stalo jedním z nejdůležitějších aspektů moderního vývoje webových stránek. Útočníci z celého světa neustále hledají bezpečnostní chyby, které by mohli zneužít, a je na vývojářích webových aplikací, aby své aplikace před těmito útoky ochránili. Pokud se jim to nepodaří, může to vést k přerušení provozu služeb, úniku zdrojového kódu nebo únikům dat, které kompromitují data uživatelů. Cílem této práce je poskytnout úvod do problematiky zabezpečení webových aplikací a soubor programátorských zásad, které by měl znát každý vývojář jazyka PHP, aby zajistil minimální přijatelnou úroveň zabezpečení. Tato práce se zabývá moderními bezpečnostními standardy, nástroji a postupy a také nejčastějšími bezpečnostními chybami a způsoby, jak jim předcházet. Výsledkem této práce je bezplatná výuková webová aplikace nabízející pokyny pro bezpečné kódování v jazyce PHP, která je k dispozici na adrese
Occupational Therapy practice guidelines in children with perinatal brachial plexus palsy.
Jurečková, Michala ; Dvořáková, Petra (advisor) ; Jelínková, Jana (referee)
Title: Occupational therapy practice guidelines in children with perinatal brachial plexus palsy Abstract: Neonatal brachial plexus palsy is a palsy of the upper limb caused by traction of the brachial plexus during birth. It affects about 1.5 cases per 1000 live births and requires complex treatment. The clinical picture depends on the severity of the nerve damage and the part of the plexus that is affected. An unified framework for the treatment and management of paresis improves communication and clinical decision making for further rehabilitation. Currently there is an absence of clinical guidelines on pediatric issues and to ensure the highest quality of care, there is a need to develop them and find the best solutions to the problem. Clinical guidelines improve the quality of healthcare and reduce the variety of procedures and methods in clinical practice. The aim of this thesis is to develop a scheme for a clinical guidelines for diagnosis and intervention in children with neonatal brachial plexus palsy from birth to 7 years of age. A sub-objective is to review diagnostic tools and occupational therapy methods or procedures that appear in studies dealing with brachial plexus paresis and that can be used in occupational therapy practice. The thesis presents the issues of perinatal brachial plexus...
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation from the point of view of emergency medical assistance group
This thesis thoroughly explores the issues that come with cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which in pre-hospital care is handled by emergency medical assistance groups and of which paramedic staff are an inseparable part. These paramedics have a necessity for sufficient, in-depth knowledge and experience. Without the early and critical assistance that paramedics are able to provide, a patient could suffer from irreversible changes in health and are even at a risk of death. This bachelor's thesis is divided into a theoretical section and a research section, further exploring this incredibly important subject. The theoretical section explores the history of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It also digs into the basic life support provided mainly by lay rescuers, in accordance with the guidelines of the European Resuscitation Council. Furthermore, this section also contains information about advanced life support, once again in accordance with the guidelines of the European Resuscitation Council, which is aimed primarily at health care professionals and particularly those who carry the title of paramedic. The research section on the other hand, is based on qualitative research based on interviews consisting of 13 questions. These questions are targeted towards a research group consisting of a group of 12 paramedics employed in the South Bohemian region. This section includes an analysis of the obtained data and their evaluation. The aim of this work is to map the awareness of paramedics about the latest suggested methods for cardiopulmonary resuscitation according to the guidelines of the European Resuscitation Council and to find out how paramedics view and handle cases of sudden circulatory arrest.

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