National Repository of Grey Literature 16 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Plasma diagnostics for the therapeutic applications
Kletzander, Lukáš ; Slavíček, Pavel (referee) ; Krčma, František (advisor)
Plasma, an ionized gas, is often regarded as the fourth state of matter. It has many useful applications, from arc welding to plasma displays. An emerging application of low-temperature plasma is in medicine, too. Reactive species generated in plasma discharges are the source of its usefulness in sterilization and supporting would healing. The detailed characterization of plasma is a key point before its real application in medicine. Thus, this is the main goal of this thesis. The subject of this thesis was the characterization of three new experimental applicators generating microwave plasma at 2,45 GHz in argon. The angle of argon flow into the applicator was the differentiating factor, the three versions have had angles of 0, 15 and 30 degrees. This angle affected the spatial distribution of the generated reactive species, as well as the discharge length and its stability. The reactive species, which included nitric oxide, oxygen radical and hydroxyl radical, were analyzed using optical emission spectroscopy. The diagnostic was done along the discharge axis for different mass flows of argon and at different power. In addition, photos of the discharges at selected powers and argon flows were taken. The lengths of the discharges were measured from the images. It was found out that the intensity of spectral transitions of the reactive species is dependent on the aforementioned parameters – mass flow of argon and supplied power. The intensity of these particles’ radiation related to their concentrations generally increased as more power was supplied to the applicator. The intensity subsequently decreased with increasing gas flow. The active region of the discharge also decreased as gas flow was increased. The length of the discharges was also dependent on supplied power and gas flow. The three versions of the applicators have shown differences – a maximum and a subsequent decrease in length with increasing gas flow were observed, the rate of the decrease being different for the three versions. The average length of the discharge was also different for the three applicators.
Spectroscopy of VOC degradation by surface discharge catalyzed by TiO2
Veverková, Radka ; Slavíček, Pavel (referee) ; Kozáková, Zdenka (advisor)
Bachelor thesis is focused on the study of degradation of volatile organic compounds in surface discharge catalysed by TiO2. Volatile organic compounds are dangerous both for human beings and the environment. Therefore it is necessary to eliminate volatile organic compounds. Plasma technology is one of the options how to reach their efficient removal. The experiment was carried out in the plasma reactor with electrodes for surface discharge. One or two layers of TiO2 catalyst were deposited on one of the electrodes. Nitrogen was used as a carrier gas and it was mixed with air before entering the reactor. The radiation emitted by the discharge during the degradation of VOC was transmitted via optical fibre to the optical emission spectrometer Jobin Yvon TRIAX 550. Toluene, hexane, cyklohexane and xylene were used as model VOCs. During the experiment the impact of input power on catalysed or non-catalysed degradation of VOC by the discharge has been monitored. Using optical emission spectrometry it is possible to determine some important parameters of surface discharge, such as rotation and vibration temperature. The values were determined for each measurement in the range from 650 to 1050 K for rotation temperature and from 1600 to 1950 K for vibration temperature. The average error of determination was 100 K for rotation temperature and 120 K for vibration temperature. It was found, that the catalyst is without effect on the rotation and vibration temperature. In contrast, change of discharge input power significantly influenced both rotation and vibration temperature. Significantly different values of rotation and vibration temperature were obtained in the presence of particular compound for lower input power, while these values were similar for higher input power. Further, the spectral bands of nitrogen, oxygen and NO were identified from emission spectra. The obtained results may be used as a fundament for further study of volatile organic compounds decomposition in surface discharge.
Electric characteristics of the diaphragm discharge in electrolyte solutions
Dřímalková, Lucie ; Slavíček, Pavel (referee) ; Kozáková, Zdenka (advisor)
The main object of this thesis is the diagnostics of the diaphragm discharge generated in water solutions containing supporting electrolytes (mostly NaCl), and description of particular processes before and after discharge breakdown by DC non-pulsed voltage up to 2 kV. Although many applications of electric discharge in liquids have been developed during the last years, the exact mechanism of the discharge ignition is not sufficiently known up to now. Based on this reason, this work is focused on the investigation of processes before the discharge ignition, breakdown parameters and the discharge itself both in the irregular and stable regime. The theoretical part of the work presents proposed mechanisms of the discharge generation in water solutions including the description of particular kinds of known discharges. Diaphragm discharge is one of many possible configurations of electrical discharges in liquids. In fact, electrical discharge in water forms non-thermal plasma, which is generated by high voltage, and many physical and chemical processes are started in plasma channels (so-called streamers). Among physical processes, high electrical field, shock waves and last but not least emission of electromagnetic radiation in visible and ultra-violet radiation belongs. The most important chemical processes are generation of various active species as hydrogen peroxide, and OH radical. Three batch plasma reactors using a diaphragm configuration with different total volume (4 l, 100 ml and 50 ml) are employed in the presented work. The discharge is created in an orifice (a pin-hole) in the dielectric barrier separating two electrode parts of the reactor. DC non-pulsed high voltage up to 4 kV is used for the discharge generation. Electrodes are made of stainless steel or platinum, and they are installed in parallel to the diaphragm in a variable distance from the dielectric barrier in each reactor part. The dielectric barrier is made of PET or Shapal-MTM ceramics with the variable thickness (0.2?2 mm). One pin hole st the diaphragm center with diameter of 0.2?1.5 mm are used in contemporary experiments. Time resolved characteristics of current and voltage are recorded using four-channel oscilloscope which detected their output values. Parameters are measured by the constantly increasing DC voltage with a step of 100 V. The solutions containing sodium chloride electrolyte are used at five different conductivities. Recorded time resolved characteristics determine breakdown moment, and describe current and voltage in particular parts within the static current-voltage curve. The breakdown appeared at lower applied voltage when the electrode distance is enhanced. However, the electrode distances higher than 4 cm does not induce any significant change of the breakdown voltage. The influence of pin-hole diameter is less obvious in the studied range, but a slight enhancement of breakdown voltage is observed with the increasing pin-hole diameter. Current-voltage characteristic curve moves towards lower voltage with the diaphragm thickness enhancement. The work compares the influence of conductivity change on current-voltage characteristics as well as the effect of inorganic salt kind. By the conductivity enhancement, the measured current-voltage curve moves towards lower voltage which means that the breakdown voltage is decreased. Sizes of the reactors do not have any effect on the processes before and after discharge breakdown.
Investigation on the Interaction between Construction Materials and Switching Arc in Low Voltage Switching Devices
Šimek, David ; Slavíček, Pavel (referee) ; Mindl,, Pavel (referee) ; Kloc, Petr (advisor)
The doctoral thesis is focused on the interaction of construction materials and the switching arc in low voltage switchgear. An issue of selected low-voltage electrical devices, electric arc in electrical devices, and its diagnostics using optical emission spectroscopy and high-speed video are discussed at the theoretical level. The main part of the work is an experimental examination of samples of selected high-performance industrial plastics. A series of tests of resistance to an electric arc were performed on these plastics. The electrical parameters of the switching process, the weight losses of the material of the quenching chambers when applying various power parameters were evaluated from the experiments. The empirical equations were determined for the calculation of the loss of individual materials in a specific configuration. Furthermore, the influence of the used material on the behavior of the electric arc in the extinguishing chamber made of these plastics was investigated. A high-speed video was recorded, the time evolution of the pressure inside the chamber, the electrical parameters of the arc, and the time-resolved evolution of the radiation spectra were measured using atomic emission spectroscopy in these measurements. The relative composition of the plasma was identified from the radiation spectra, and the time evolution of the relative contamination of the discharge area by the main contact material and the selected vapors of the used plastics was created. The last important parameter of the electric arc is its temperature, which was also calculated from the radiation spectra. A comparison of individual plastics and their applicability for applications in contact with electric arc was performed based on the obtained data.
Diagnostics of plasma generated in mixtures of water and alcohols
Adámková, Barbora ; Slavíček, Pavel (referee) ; Kozáková, Zdenka (advisor)
This diploma thesis is aimed to the corona-like discharge in solutions of alcohols, specifically in ethanol, methanol, glycerol, butanol and isopropyl alcohol. The electric discharge was diagnosed by two methods. The first method was the measuring of electrical characteristics. Current-voltage characteristics were constructed from the measured average values of voltage and current. The breakdown voltages were determined from the current-voltage characteristics. The breakdown voltages of the individual alcohol solutions were dependent on the alcohol concentration, polarity of the electrodes in the reactor and solution conductivity. The breakdown voltage was determined for solutions of butanol, glycerol and isopropyl alcohol with a concentration of 20 vol. % and conductivity of 200 µS. The highest value of the breakdown voltage was determined for solution of glycerol at 580 V. The lowest voltage at which the discharge was observed was estimated for butanol (320 V), but due to the limited miscibility with water this value is inaccurate, and therefore in the second part of experiment butanol was not used. Alcohol series was supplemented with methanol. The second diagnostic method was the proton ionization mass spectrometry with the time of flight analyzer. The products formed in the reactor due to the plasma discharge were identified from the mass spectrum. Mostly, aliphatic hydrocarbons and their radicals were detected. The amount of products was observed in the dependence on the changing experimental conditions: alcohol concentration in the solution, the polarity of the electrodes in the reactor and the duration of the discharge. Only a small amount of compounds were detected in methanol. However, more molecules were formed with the increasing carbon chain in the alcohol molecule. More compounds were also detected with the increasing alcohol concentration and in case of the negative polarity of the main electrode. The formation of acetaldehyde as a typical discharge product was studied in details. Its production in time was observed and the reaction pathways of its formation in the ethanol solution were suggested.
Plasma chemical removal of bronze corrosion layers
Miková, Petra ; Slavíček, Pavel (referee) ; Tiňo, Jozef (referee) ; Krčma, František (advisor)
The thesis deal with applying low-pressure low-temperature plasma to corrosion products layers on bronze. Layers of corrosion products on samples were artificially prepared. As a result, they had the same composition and could be irreversibly destroyed during experiments, which would not be possible with real archeological artifacts. Bronze, copper and tin alloy, samples were cut with respect to the size of the plasma-chemical device. XRF was used to determine the bronze composition. Before being corroded by the active medium, each sample was washed with ethanol and dried with a hot air stream. Until now, the procedure was the same for all samples. During formation of corrosion products layers, two factors have to be taken into account: the time consumption and the corrosiveness of the active environment. By focusing on one or the other factor, several groups of samples with differently degraded surfaces were created. The fastest way was to place samples in a corrosion chamber where sodium chloride solution was applied at the elevated temperature. The samples were corroded within a few days there. Longer, but in terms of corrosion products layers compactness better way proved procedure where the samples were sealed in the desiccator. At the desiccator bottom the Petri dish with an inorganic acid was placed, in our case, with hydrochloric acid inside. This method corroded the samples within one month. The longest but the most closed to the real live method was the burial of samples into soil or compost. However, this method corroded the samples within two years. Final step after the samples were removed from any corrosive environment, were dried under low pressure and were placed in a barrier film made bag together with moisture and oxygen absorbers. So prepared samples with layers of corrosion products have been treated in a low-pressure low-temperature plasma. Treatment was carried out in the apparatus which is based on the reactor: cylinder of quartz glass having a diameter of 100 mm and a length of 900 mm. The reactor was supplied with a working gas or a mixture of working gases with a total flow rate of 50 sccm. In our case, one is pure hydrogen or a combination with argon. A rotary oil pump was used to provide vacuum. The reactor base pressure was 10 Pa before treatment, while during the treatment it was 150 Pa. High-frequency generator (13.54 MHz) was used for supply the system with energy through two copper electrodes located outside the reactor. According to the energy delivery method, the treatment was carried out in a continuous or pulse mode. The sample temperature was monitored during the experiment and were evaluated the emission spectra from OES. The sample temperature was one of the key factors. The measurement was first done with a thermocouple, later switched to a thermocouple with optical data transmission. A safe temperature was set and then the whole process was controlled through it. In addition, the effect of the energy delivery method, value of the delivered power, sample size, presence of incrusted layers and composition of working gas were studied. After application of plasma, samples were analyzed by SEM – EDX and XRD. After the evaluation of the acquired knowledge and experience, a real artifact - a bronze chisel from the site of Boskovice - was treated. This documentation lacked the artifact, so it could be used to verify the lessons learned about plasma chemical reduction.
Deposition and diagnostics of plasmachemical prepared thin polymer layers based on 2-methyl-2-oxazoline
Podzemná, Daniela ; Slavíček, Pavel (referee) ; Mazánková, Věra (advisor)
The deposition of thin polymer layers, which are antibacterial and cytocompatible at the same time, is one of the solutions to prevent infection when using biomaterials in biomedical applications. The formation of layers based on plasma polymerization in the surface dielectric barrier discharge, which was used in the presented work, seems promising in terms of time and financial simplicity. When we use the plasma polymerization method, it should be possible to create a layer containing such functional groups that will have the ability to repel unwanted bacterial contamination. The analyte used in this work to form such layers is the monomer 2-methyl-2-oxazoline. Plasma polymerization of this substance produces polyoxazolines, which are known for their antibacterial and cytocompatible properties. Part of the work also deals with polytetrafluoroethylene, which in our case is substrate for deposition. The subject of the experimental work was the subsequent characterization of the layers using biological diagnostic methods, which were antibacterial tests and cytocompatibility tests in vitro. The physico-chemical properties of the layers were investigated using SEM, FT-IR and the surface free energy determination method. The experimental part also included the study of interactions of electrons and ions with molecules taking place in the plasma.
Investigation on the Interaction between Construction Materials and Switching Arc in Low Voltage Switching Devices
Šimek, David ; Slavíček, Pavel (referee) ; Mindl,, Pavel (referee) ; Kloc, Petr (advisor)
The doctoral thesis is focused on the interaction of construction materials and the switching arc in low voltage switchgear. An issue of selected low-voltage electrical devices, electric arc in electrical devices, and its diagnostics using optical emission spectroscopy and high-speed video are discussed at the theoretical level. The main part of the work is an experimental examination of samples of selected high-performance industrial plastics. A series of tests of resistance to an electric arc were performed on these plastics. The electrical parameters of the switching process, the weight losses of the material of the quenching chambers when applying various power parameters were evaluated from the experiments. The empirical equations were determined for the calculation of the loss of individual materials in a specific configuration. Furthermore, the influence of the used material on the behavior of the electric arc in the extinguishing chamber made of these plastics was investigated. A high-speed video was recorded, the time evolution of the pressure inside the chamber, the electrical parameters of the arc, and the time-resolved evolution of the radiation spectra were measured using atomic emission spectroscopy in these measurements. The relative composition of the plasma was identified from the radiation spectra, and the time evolution of the relative contamination of the discharge area by the main contact material and the selected vapors of the used plastics was created. The last important parameter of the electric arc is its temperature, which was also calculated from the radiation spectra. A comparison of individual plastics and their applicability for applications in contact with electric arc was performed based on the obtained data.
Diagnostics of plasma generated in mixtures of water and alcohols
Adámková, Barbora ; Slavíček, Pavel (referee) ; Kozáková, Zdenka (advisor)
This diploma thesis is aimed to the corona-like discharge in solutions of alcohols, specifically in ethanol, methanol, glycerol, butanol and isopropyl alcohol. The electric discharge was diagnosed by two methods. The first method was the measuring of electrical characteristics. Current-voltage characteristics were constructed from the measured average values of voltage and current. The breakdown voltages were determined from the current-voltage characteristics. The breakdown voltages of the individual alcohol solutions were dependent on the alcohol concentration, polarity of the electrodes in the reactor and solution conductivity. The breakdown voltage was determined for solutions of butanol, glycerol and isopropyl alcohol with a concentration of 20 vol. % and conductivity of 200 µS. The highest value of the breakdown voltage was determined for solution of glycerol at 580 V. The lowest voltage at which the discharge was observed was estimated for butanol (320 V), but due to the limited miscibility with water this value is inaccurate, and therefore in the second part of experiment butanol was not used. Alcohol series was supplemented with methanol. The second diagnostic method was the proton ionization mass spectrometry with the time of flight analyzer. The products formed in the reactor due to the plasma discharge were identified from the mass spectrum. Mostly, aliphatic hydrocarbons and their radicals were detected. The amount of products was observed in the dependence on the changing experimental conditions: alcohol concentration in the solution, the polarity of the electrodes in the reactor and the duration of the discharge. Only a small amount of compounds were detected in methanol. However, more molecules were formed with the increasing carbon chain in the alcohol molecule. More compounds were also detected with the increasing alcohol concentration and in case of the negative polarity of the main electrode. The formation of acetaldehyde as a typical discharge product was studied in details. Its production in time was observed and the reaction pathways of its formation in the ethanol solution were suggested.
Plasma chemical removal of bronze corrosion layers
Miková, Petra ; Slavíček, Pavel (referee) ; Tiňo, Jozef (referee) ; Krčma, František (advisor)
The thesis deal with applying low-pressure low-temperature plasma to corrosion products layers on bronze. Layers of corrosion products on samples were artificially prepared. As a result, they had the same composition and could be irreversibly destroyed during experiments, which would not be possible with real archeological artifacts. Bronze, copper and tin alloy, samples were cut with respect to the size of the plasma-chemical device. XRF was used to determine the bronze composition. Before being corroded by the active medium, each sample was washed with ethanol and dried with a hot air stream. Until now, the procedure was the same for all samples. During formation of corrosion products layers, two factors have to be taken into account: the time consumption and the corrosiveness of the active environment. By focusing on one or the other factor, several groups of samples with differently degraded surfaces were created. The fastest way was to place samples in a corrosion chamber where sodium chloride solution was applied at the elevated temperature. The samples were corroded within a few days there. Longer, but in terms of corrosion products layers compactness better way proved procedure where the samples were sealed in the desiccator. At the desiccator bottom the Petri dish with an inorganic acid was placed, in our case, with hydrochloric acid inside. This method corroded the samples within one month. The longest but the most closed to the real live method was the burial of samples into soil or compost. However, this method corroded the samples within two years. Final step after the samples were removed from any corrosive environment, were dried under low pressure and were placed in a barrier film made bag together with moisture and oxygen absorbers. So prepared samples with layers of corrosion products have been treated in a low-pressure low-temperature plasma. Treatment was carried out in the apparatus which is based on the reactor: cylinder of quartz glass having a diameter of 100 mm and a length of 900 mm. The reactor was supplied with a working gas or a mixture of working gases with a total flow rate of 50 sccm. In our case, one is pure hydrogen or a combination with argon. A rotary oil pump was used to provide vacuum. The reactor base pressure was 10 Pa before treatment, while during the treatment it was 150 Pa. High-frequency generator (13.54 MHz) was used for supply the system with energy through two copper electrodes located outside the reactor. According to the energy delivery method, the treatment was carried out in a continuous or pulse mode. The sample temperature was monitored during the experiment and were evaluated the emission spectra from OES. The sample temperature was one of the key factors. The measurement was first done with a thermocouple, later switched to a thermocouple with optical data transmission. A safe temperature was set and then the whole process was controlled through it. In addition, the effect of the energy delivery method, value of the delivered power, sample size, presence of incrusted layers and composition of working gas were studied. After application of plasma, samples were analyzed by SEM – EDX and XRD. After the evaluation of the acquired knowledge and experience, a real artifact - a bronze chisel from the site of Boskovice - was treated. This documentation lacked the artifact, so it could be used to verify the lessons learned about plasma chemical reduction.

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5 Slavíček, Petr
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