National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Software Architecture Comparison
Motyčka, Michal ; Polčák, Libor (referee) ; Pluskal, Jan (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is to compare software architectures to help the reader decide which architecture is the most suitable for their project. The thesis compares the Onion architecture, Anemic domain model architecture and Active record architecture. The architectures are compared based on their readability, extensibility, testability and the amount of knowledge neccesary to implement each architecture. It also offers the description of other well-known software architectures and the concepts which they use.
Software Architecture Comparison
Motyčka, Michal ; Polčák, Libor (referee) ; Pluskal, Jan (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is to compare software architectures to help the reader decide which architecture is the most suitable for their project. The thesis compares the Onion architecture, Anemic domain model architecture and Active record architecture. The architectures are compared based on their readability, extensibility, testability and the amount of knowledge neccesary to implement each architecture. It also offers the description of other well-known software architectures and the concepts which they use.
Perfomance management in hotel industry in the CR
Motyčka, Michal ; Hron, Jan (advisor) ; Macák, Tomáš (referee)
The aim of this work is to propose effective changes in performance management in hotels in the Czech Republic. The thesis is focused on the employee performance. Performance management is a modern and effective approach to human resource management. This approach has evolved from the original classic staff evaluation and instruments such management by objectives. Unlike this classical tools, performance management is not focused on the past and finding the state, but is directed more to the future. It is a comprehensive, continuous and self-renewing process which includes the evaluation of workers, setting development plan and training, providing feedback and remuneration based performance. The emphasis in this process is placed on the evaluation of the workers and their personal development and remuneration. However, according to the recent research, staff remuneration is usually not based on track record. Although their performance is evaluated at least once a year and their personal development plans are not set. Deficiencies in performance management can also be found in the fact in that their personal development plans are not reviewed, adjusted. For the development of theoretical and empirical parts the methods of: analysis and synthesis were used. To determine the relevance of the respondents' views, the methods of observation, structured interview, questionnaire survey and statistical evaluation were used. On the basis of qualitative and quantitative research, the majority of hoteliers focus on evaluating the work of their staff, particularly through the evaluation interviews, MBO or mystery shopping. Personal development planning and remuneration based on performance is usually neglected. To increase the effectiveness of performance management in hospitality, frequent and shorter forms of assessment rather than traditional annual evaluation interviews are recommended. The conclusions obtained from the above studies suggest an emphasis on personal development and getting frequent feedback from employees during the period. The effective performance management should be focused more on salaries based on job performance, evaluation of employees and working approach. The performance salary should be included in most of the remuneration systems in hotels.
Communication Strategies of Municipalities of the Third Grade
Bláhová, Marta ; Krbová, Jana (advisor) ; Motyčka, Michal (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to assess the present communication strategy of the Prague 8th municipal district and the relevant data collected in the questionnaire in order to recommend a set of amendments. Following methods were used in the thesis: synthesis, description, analysis and a field research. The theoretical part provides definitions of basic concepts connected to the subject of this research, practical part provides the assessment of a current communication strategy of the municipal district Prague 8th. The thesis includes a custom designed questionnaire the outcomes of which will help to answer the research question, will verify or refute the hypotheses posed in this research, and will facilitate amendments to the present communication strategy.

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8 Motyčka, Martin
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