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Satisfying of needs of retirees in a retirement home
Koubová, Věra ; Pečenková, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Holmerová, Iva (referee) ; Vostrovská, Helena (referee)
66 Theoretical part of the bachelor's thesis handle with problems of aging, old-age and the most common physical and psychosocial changes in a retirement age. Further on there is a focus dedicated to satisfying of basic human needs and satisfying of not only biological, but also psychological and social needs of retirees. Finally, satisfying of needs according to the Henderson nursing model is described. Research survey, realised by a questionnaire, included mainly questions from a social area. Retirees could express their perception of own health status and evaluation of self-care and could evaluate satisfaction with the care in the retirement house and utilization of freetime activities. At the end of the survey retirees could mark the rank of importance of satisfying of own needs.

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6 KOUBOVÁ, Veronika
2 Koubová, V.
1 Koubová, Valerie
6 Koubová, Veronika
2 Koubová, Věnceslava
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