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The implementation of lethal AI systems on the battlefield and its implication on warfare
Schoenemeyer, Julian ; Hays II, George (vedoucí práce) ; Solovyeva, Anzhelika (oponent)
This paper examines the role of lethal AI weapon systems on the battlefield and its implications for the classical concept of warfare developed by Carl von Clausewitz. Furthermore, it addresses the consequences that a proliferation of these systems can have on the current security orders. To examine both issues, my study uses a qualitative research design that consists out of two cases. My methodological approach uses a content analysis approach that is based on objective and subjective characteristics of each system. Moreover, I differentiate between airborne and ground-based systems. The results that I generated from this case study indicates only a weak effect of lethal autonomous weapon systems on the classical concept of warfare. These autonomous robotic systems rather enhance and modify the existing theory. A similar correlation can be found regarding the second research question that a proliferation of LAWS has also only a limited effect on current global security orders. Their effects are more of regional significance. Therefore, my study concludes that the effects of LAWS on the classical concept of warfare is marginal, likewise to the effects on global security structures. A possible limitation of my study is that it doesn't take offensive fully autonomous weapon systems into account...
Responding to Hybrid Warfare: The Case of the Attempted Assassination of Sergey Skripal
Kondrushenko, Yuliia ; Hays II, George (vedoucí práce) ; Van Puyvelde, Damien (oponent) ; Fitzgerald, James (oponent)
The concept of hybrid warfare, parsimonious but poorly defined in terms of theory, failed to provide an operational framework for relevant research or policy purposes. With a more holistic approach to hybrid warfare, this thesis means to revitalize a decaying interest to this topic, prove its relevance, as well as provide a new, broad understanding of the phenomenon that is fit for practical purposes. To study the means of state response to hybrid warfare through public policy, this dissertation adopted a case study approach. Ignoring the more 'traditional' hybrid scenarios, such as cyber attacks in the Baltics, this research focused on a more novel interpretation of a hybrid attack, such as the case of attempted assassination of Sergey Skripal. Cases of such unorthodox nature of hybrid warfare have the potential to unveil significant evidence base for both research and policy-making purposes in terms of prevention and reaction to hybrid scenarios. With findings of the research focusing on the triangulation of theory with a real-world scenario, this dissertation lays foundation for the new understanding of hybrid warfare and, possibly, a more comprehensive theory of hybrid warfare in the future.
Preconditions of Democracy: How forced democratization depends on transformation and state-building characteristics
Kraft, Michael ; Hays II, George (vedoucí práce) ; Laryš, Martin (oponent)
Military Democratic Intervention is a common strategy of foreign interaction especially since World War II. However, the question why some interventions are successful in implementing democracy and others are still not answered satisfactorily. Whereas the scientific debate so far focused on mission specific characteristics including variables such as personnel or financial equipment of interventions, the underlying assumption of this work is that external democratized countries need to exhibit the same preconditions as countries internally democratized. Therefore, the transition and state-building literature is investigated and five clusters of preconditions for successful democratization is developed. With a Qualitative Comparative Analysis, a dataset comprising 27 cases, eight variables and the outcome variable, the author provides evidence for the significance of all five clusters. Most importantly, the level of human development and modernization as well as the predecessor regime type and the experience with democratic experience strand out. Further, the combination of the variables of high GDP, an ethnically homogeneous society and a democratically ruled neighborhood are identified as variables sufficiently influencing successful democratization after a military intervention. These results...
American "Foreign Policy" in Film
Hays II, George ; Drulák, Petr (vedoucí práce) ; Raška, Francis (oponent) ; Suchý, Petr (oponent)
G. Hays II American "Foreign Policy" in Film Abstract Tato práce bere koncept "foreign policy" Davida Campbella, jak je aplikován na identifikátory americké elity, a rozšiřuje jeho aplikaci taky na identifikátory subelit. Podobně jako u Cambellovy analýzy americké identity, společným kontextem jsou zde mezinárodní konflikty, v kterých jsou účastny Spojené státy americké. Diskurz elit je analyzován na podkladě Zpráv o stavu unie v době těchto konfliktů, zatímco diskurz subelit je analyzován ve významných válečných filmech o stejných konfliktech. Cambellův argument předpokládá společnou výslednou identifikaci elitních i subelitních identifikátorů, ovšem zjištění v této práci jsou opačná. V čase, přes jednotlivé konflikty i vládní administrativy elitní identifikátory zdůrazňují hierarchii a pořádek, což bylo i Cambellovým závěrem. Na rozdíl od toho však identifikátory subelit v čase, přes jednotlivé konflikty a administrativy kladou důraz na bezprostřednost zkušenosti a správné konání. Identifikace těchto dvou skupin, z nichž obě si nárokují "americkou" identitu, jsou ve vzájemném protikladu. Analýzou a svým závěrem tato práce zpochybňuje dominantní poststrukturální koncept "vnitro/vnějšek" ("inside/outside") politicko-identifikačního prostoru (relevantní pouze pro elity) a předkládá místo toho víc...
Russian-American bilateral strategic arms control treaties after the Cold war
Vavreková, Katarína ; Bříza, Vlastislav (vedoucí práce) ; Hays II, George (oponent)
Bakalárska práca Rusko-americké bilaterálne zmluvy o obmedzení jadrového zbrojenia po konci Studenej vojny rozoberá špecifické aspekty strategických odzbrojovacích zmlúv Ruskej Federácie a Spojených štátov po roku 1991 a otázku budúcnosti v jadrovom odzbrojovaní. Zameriava sa hlavne na tri faktory vychádzajúce z týchto zmlúv a to faktor kvantitatívny, ekonomický a politický. Prvá časť práce rozoberá pozadie odzbrojovacích zmlúv. V úvode teoreticky vymedzuje rámec odzbrojenia a predstavuje základný bezpečnostný princíp, z ktorého zmluvy vychádzajú. Ďalej sa venuje krátkemu historickému prierezu odzbrojovacích iniciatív a bilaterálnych zmlúv podpísaných do konca Studenej vojny. V nasledujúcej časti práca objasňuje postavenie Spojených štátov a Ruskej federácie vzhľadom na bezprostredné zmeny v medzinárodnom systéme po tomto období. V poslednej časti sa venuje úlohe jadrových zbraní v zahranično-bezpečnostných koncepciách oboch štátov. Druhá časť práce sa venuje samotným bilaterálnym odzbrojovacím zmluvám a budúcnosti jadrového odzbrojovania. V úvode predstavuje krátky informačný prierez odzbrojovacími zmluvami a pokračuje obsahovou analýzou kvantitatívnych limitov jednotlivých odzbrojovacích zmlúv. Ďalej práca pojednáva o ekonomických a politických aspektoch v súvislosti s odzbrojovacími zmluvami. Záverečná...
The Effects of Cold War Speech in the Post-Cold War World: Identification of the Enemy in the War on Terror
Hays II, George Waight Secrest ; Drulák, Petr (vedoucí práce) ; Beneš, Vít (oponent)
This work is a discursive analysis exploring the effects of US presidential Cold War speech on the identification of the "Enemy." It examines the usage of metaphors in key speeches from Truman, Eisenhower, Reagan, and G.H.W. Bush in order to determine the composition and evolution of the identity of the Cold War "Enemy." This identity is then compared and contrasted to that created by the usage of metaphors concerning the War on Terror by G.W. Bush. The theory of discursive analysis used in this work stems from beginnings in philosophy several decades old. Over time, the theory of discursive analysis was honed towards many different schools and areas of study. The specific branch which this work springs from holds that language shapes political and physical reality. Coming out of this theory, this work aims to explore whether or not exposure to Cold War rhetoric had an impact over time between different administrations as well as between different conflicts. The method of analysis is an adaptation of previous methods of metaphorical analysis. Eight general conceptual metaphors are chosen as a guiding structure throughout all of the speeches. Corresponding metaphorical expressions are then gathered according to the conceptual metaphor being analyzed. The frequency of metaphorical expressions, and the...

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