National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Rotor design of a Line-Start Synchronous Reluctance Machine for Industrial Applications
Žíla, Jakub ; Knebl, Ladislav (referee) ; Bárta, Jan (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with design of rotor of synchronous reluctance machines. There is a theoretical description of rotor geometry of synchronous reluctance machine that respects natural flow of magnetic flux inside complete rotor. The parametric model of rotor is made with usage of ANSYS Maxwell and Matlab software. Furthermore, the parameters of the machines are confirmed using the same program. Finally, changes of motor parameters are observed in connection with different rotor geometries.
Electromagnetic finite element modelling of electrical machines using open-source tools
Žíla, Jakub ; Klíma, Jiří (referee) ; Bárta, Jan (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with electromagnetic computation by opensource softwares. The simulation of three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor is made using opensource programs. Results of simulations are compared with professional software ANSYS Maxwell and with measurements on the machine. All softwares in this thesis use the finest element method for a computation.
Rotor design of a Line-Start Synchronous Reluctance Machine for Industrial Applications
Žíla, Jakub ; Knebl, Ladislav (referee) ; Bárta, Jan (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with design of rotor of synchronous reluctance machines. There is a theoretical description of rotor geometry of synchronous reluctance machine that respects natural flow of magnetic flux inside complete rotor. The parametric model of rotor is made with usage of ANSYS Maxwell and Matlab software. Furthermore, the parameters of the machines are confirmed using the same program. Finally, changes of motor parameters are observed in connection with different rotor geometries.
Electromagnetic finite element modelling of electrical machines using open-source tools
Žíla, Jakub ; Klíma, Jiří (referee) ; Bárta, Jan (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with electromagnetic computation by opensource softwares. The simulation of three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor is made using opensource programs. Results of simulations are compared with professional software ANSYS Maxwell and with measurements on the machine. All softwares in this thesis use the finest element method for a computation.

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1 Žíla, Jiří
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