National Repository of Grey Literature 78 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Analysis of upper limbs muscles involvement during playing the drums
Štumpfová, Lenka ; Nováková, Tereza (advisor) ; Véle, František (referee)
Title: Analysis of upper limbs muscles involvement during playing the drums. Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to compile information about playing the drums and summerize the most frequent musculosceletal disorders of upper extremities of these musicians. The main aim is analyzing and comparing the involvement of muscles or muscles groups of the right upper limb while drumming. Methods: The theoretical part follows up the given issue as a research and theoretical overview of the current findings based on czech and foreign literature. The practical part is dedicated to evaluation of surface electromyography and 3D kinematics analyses of movements while drumming under specified conditions of one single proband. Results: Results of measurement demonstrate that m. biceps brachii is the most active muscle during playing on hi-hat, snare drum and floor tom with forte dynamics and m. extenzor carpi uln. is is the most muscle active during play with piano dynamics. Wrist flexors were the least active during all measurements. M. extenzor carpi rad. was measured too and its activity was on second place. A close relation between changes of muscles activity and changes of angles of the elbow and wrist have not been established in this study. This research was implemented only with one proband so the...
Investigation of Insufficient Lumbopelvic Stability in Low Back Pain
Elrakayek, Abdulhamid Ibrahim ; Dudová, Agnieszka (advisor) ; Véle, František (referee)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY An Investigation of Insufficient Lumbopelvic-Hip Stability Approach to Low Back Pain Project for diploma thesis Supervisors: Author: For Proposal: Prof. RNDr. Jan Hendl, CSc. Bc. Abdulhamid Elrakayek For Thesis: Mgr. Agnieszka Kaczmarska, Ph.D. Prague, 2012 Abstract Introduction: Impairment of lumbopelvic-hip stability, in particular of lumbar spine, sacroiliac joint, abdominal muscles, back muscles, diapharagm and ligamentous weakness may result in deficient load transfer through this region and lead low back pain. Clinicians assessing and treating patients with LBP due to impairment of lumbopelvic- hip stability insight into the possible stabilizing role of lumbopelvic-hip structures is important. After several of researches, most experts agree that the impairment of lumbopelvic-hip stability cause of LBP. The theories included in this thesis proposal already have research background, both practically and theoretically by several authors. Despite many distinct theories, there are currently several accurate methods to the management and prevent progression of LBP due to lumbopelvic-hip insufficient stability. Aim: The aim is to present a group of concepts considering the stabilization system of the spine including the...
Comparing Neurophysiological Methods to Functional Therapy in Treatment of Cerebral Palsy from Newborns To Adolescents- A literary review
Smetana, Christer ; Nováková, Tereza (advisor) ; Véle, František (referee)
Title: Comparing Neurophysiological Methods to Functional Therapy in Treatment of Cerebral Palsy from Newborn to Adolescents Investigative questions: What are the scientifically proven advantages of Neurophysiological Methods and Functional therapy, respectively? In what situations would one treatment approach be more beneficial than the others? Background: Cerebral palsy is the most prevalent of the chronic childhood motor disability disorders, with a prevalence of approximately 2 in every 1000 live born. Definitions and classifications have been varying for the last 150 years, leading to a great deal of confusion and controversy in this field of paediatric medicine, resulting in varying recommendations in terms of therapy. In complex cooperative therapy team is necessary in each individual, and in terms of physiotherapeutic treatment, two big and very distinct blocks of treatment philosophies are found, namely the Neurophysiologic Method and the Functional Therapy. Previously, no definite recommendations towards therapy has been provided, and many studies simply conclude that the field of cerebral palsy, despite centuries of attention, still lacks substantial parts of information to conclude with anything in particular. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate and compare the Neurophysiological...
Problematics of Muscle Chains
Šimáková, Tereza ; Malá, Jitka (advisor) ; Véle, František (referee)
SOUHRN Název práce: Problematika řetězení svalového hypertonu. Name of physis: Problematics OfMuscle Chains Cíle práce: Získat ucelený přehled a zpracovat problematiku "zřetězeného hypertonu" ve smyslu "funkčních" poruch pohybového aparátu. Shromáždit teoretické informace týkající se podkladů vysvětlujících jednotlivé principy vzniku "zřetězeného hypertonu" a porovnat názory a přístupy českých i zahraničních odborníků na definování svalového hypertonu a jeho možné "řetězení". V rámci tohoto ověřit uvedené hypotézy. Metoda: Předkládaná diplomová práce je teoretická studie zpracovaná formou literární rešerše. Základním postupem je získání dostatečného množství informací týkající se tématu a jejich následné zpracování. Zdrojem se největší měrou staly publikované články v odborných periodikách, monografiích a elektronických databázích (nejvíce zdrojů pochází z databáze Národní lékařské knihovny). Práce je rozdělena do několika kapitol, které na sebe logicky navazují a celá problematika je shrnuta v závěrečné diskuzi. Výsledky: Shledala jsem nedostačující množství zahraniční literatury věnující se problematice řetězení svalového hypertonu. Je vidět zřejmé "specifikum funkčního pojetí" poruch pohybového aparátu českých odborníků, které nemá ve světě obdoby. Dominantní úlohu v procesu vzniku řetězení a následného...
Kinesiolgy analysis of function selected muscles of upper limb after brest augmentation
Víšková, Anna ; Kračmar, Bronislav (advisor) ; Véle, František (referee)
Title: Kinesiologic analysis of function of selected upper limb muscles after female breast augmentation Objectives: The aim of this research is to analyze the functionality and scope of involvement of the injured muscles due to plastic surgical augmentation procedure at pre-selected physical activities before and after surgery a few months later (specifically, three months - the time the patient left the recovery) using a noninvasive surface electromyography (EMG). Methods: A Case Study measuring method of noninvasive surface electromyography in combination with the method of temporal phase shifts involved in the activation of muscle movement, accompanied by a support method of integrated EMG. Results: There differences have been observed in the timing of individual muscles measured during performing selected testing exercises before and after completion of the augmentation plastic surgery operatios. Furthermore, the possibility of the loss of muscle strength has been detected by some measured muscles and this has the potential to take over functions of damaged muscles. Key words: plastic surgery, female breast augmentation, surface electromyography, upper limb muscles, musculus pectoralis major
Problems of the functional flatfoot
Michalec, Radim ; Dudová, Agnieszka (advisor) ; Véle, František (referee)
Title: Problems of the functional flatfoot Objective: The aim of this diploma thesis is problems of the functional flatfoot. Main goal is to describe relation between change of structure, disorder of foot function and development of flatfoot. The thesis tries to describe the behavior of foot and arch in standing and walking. Another goal is to summarize the diagnostic possibilities of flatfoot. Methods: The diploma thesis has descriptive-analytical character. It's written in form of literature review. Results: This thesis demonstrates the problem of disunity nomenclature concerning the problem of flatfoot. Specifically, it concerns the interpretation of the words of functional flatfoot, movement components in foot and laboratory diagnostic methods. There is offered an explanation of the concept of functional flatfoot. Further work indicated that the acquired flatfoot is a question of a functional disorder that may progress to structural changes. The static and dynamic loadings were confirmed by the role of small muscles of the foot in the role of dynamic stabilization and influence of femoral rotation on the foot arch. There were summarized methods used for the diagnosis of flatfoot including dynamic plantography. Keywords: flat foot, foot arch, kinesiology, diagnostics
Hypermobility syndrome and its connection with nerve entrapment syndromes, the example of the thoracic outlet syndrome
Jiquelle, Carine ; Pavlů, Dagmar (advisor) ; Véle, František (referee)
 ABSTRACT  Background: Since its first mention by Kirk et al. in 1967 and its recognition as a full- fledged rheumatologic disorder, the hypermobility syndrome (HMS) has been increasingly investigated and reported in the scientific literature. Expeditiously renamed benign joint hypermobility syndrome in the patent absence of life-threatening complications, its relatively innocuous character has been progressively reconsidered. In fact, the HMS tends to date to be considered analogous to the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome-hypermobility type, a heritable disease of connective tissue, and therefore emerges as a chiefly rheumatologic disorder with possible widespread reverberations in practically all organs and systems. The condition thence goes beyond the sole involvement of the musculoskeletal system and is recurrently associated with seemingly-unrelated and more or less severe conditions (cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastro- intestinal…). However, neurologic implications of the hypermobility syndrome remain poorly documented, particularly those regarding the peripheral nervous system. Ranking amongst the afflictions of the latter, nerve entrapment syndromes (NES) comprehend a multitude of categories, notably the thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS). And if their pathological mechanisms are generally apprehended...
Knee system C-Leg and its application to transfemoral amputation
Červený, Jan ; Pavlů, Dagmar (advisor) ; Véle, František (referee)
Title: Knee System C-Leg and its application to transfemoral amputation Objectives: Aim of this work is characteristic of knee system C-Leg prosthetic leg construction with knee system C-Leg applied in patients with transfemoral amputations, the possible setting, used in combination with a common type of Socket and compare the affect of the image of the patient's gait. Another target is a description of possible mistakes in the setting of the C-Leg and their manifestations in the initial use and walking Methods: In this work I used the method of analysis previously identified and published knowledge and experience with the knee of C-Leg, its buildings, the settings recommended by the manufacturer and walk to school transfemoral amputation. Compiling the various types of Socket used to walking training, the published results of therapy in patients amputated and its own experience, I worked under subsequent acts, which occurred during therapy. Results: In keeping with the recommended structure for the transfemoral prosthesis and knee system with the C-Leg and then comparing the different types of Socket and results of therapy in the rehabilitation wards, I described the side effects are possible in the image the patient's gait. The presented findings describe the possible recommendations for the...
Lumbar Disc Herniation - Conservative versus Non-conservative Treatment
Diogenous, Iakovos ; Pavlů, Dagmar (advisor) ; Véle, František (referee)
Objectives: The purpose of this Thesis is to create a general review to describe methods, results and conclusion of treatments for lumbar disc herniation. To compare conservative with non conservative treatment by meaning of using systematic reviews literature and clinical trials. Selection Criteria: We independently assessed each title and abstract using predetermined inclusion criteria based on intervention, population, outcome measures, and study design criteria. Full papers, reports, and meeting abstracts that met inclusion criteria were retrieved and reviewed independently. Results: A significant improvement in surgery in evaluation in the first six months which follows in a slight decreasment the first 2 years comparing with conservative approach. Microdicectomy effectiveness is comparable with standard discectomy. A stiff and flat back has a good prognosis after lumbar disc surgery. Conservative treatments can improve patient but there were no statistical significant however good results were shown in evaluation and exercise by mckenzie also physical therapy had some good results with exercises, traction with greater result with chiropractic approach. Conservative is needed after surgey for better and longer timing results. By MRI finding there was conclusion that only with natural history...

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