National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Issue of pension supplementary insurance in the chosen enterprise
Součková, Lucie ; Podolínská, Zuzana Šobová (referee) ; Martinovičová, Dana (advisor)
Master´s thesis is focused on the issue of pension supplementary insurance in the chosen enterprise. This proposal makes it possible to increase the income of employees and at the same time minimize the increase of costs of the company Flextronics Design, s.r.o. Master´s thesis describes pension supplementary insurance according to the Czech act. Thesis also contains the choice of suitable pension fund, it means the evaluation of funds acting in the Czech republic.
Health protection at work, legislative measures
Součková, Lucie ; Kneidlová, Monika (advisor)
The care about safe labour belongs among basic attributes in educated and human society. This area is regulated by state in all advanced countries, whereas a law imposes duties for employers and also for employees. Relatively big attention is devoted to this problem in the Czech Republic and so the care about employees is at a very good level. As has been already said protection of health at work is based on valid legislation first of all. That is why this bachelor's work follows valid legislation of course and each chapter goes out from legal rule. There are number of legal rules about labour safety and health protection, I mentioned only part of the most important rules in the beginning of this work. Particular topics are processed in detail in next chapters, which refer to risks at work, duties for employers, but also for employees, personal protective equipments, work accidents, works preventive care and no less important preventive measures, government control and supervisory power of labour unions. I variegated the chapter about work accidents of some statistic facts. The prevention is very important in the branch of health protection. Preventive measures are included in each chapter, because the legislation observance itself is some prevention. A work shouldn't be done at the expense of health and...
Analysis of the Economy of the Town Horní Planá
The diploma thesis is focused on budgetary economy of selected minucipality, in this case the town Horní Planá. There are described functions of the municipality, its institutions and a property, separation of the property and management with it. The thesis is focused on a budgetary economy of a municipality, a budget, a budget composition, where are defined budgetary incomes and expeditures and subsequently a budgetary outlook is analyzed there. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the economy of the town Horní Planá, which is performed on the data in the next five years, based on the analysis recommend possible measures to achieve the optimum relationship between the economy, efficiency and effectiveness, or finding potential funding sources. Partial aims are evaluation of the progression budgets in the period and to determine the effects of ganges of incomes and expenditures in different years, to analyze cash flow over the period and evaluate influences on cash flow and the analysis of the property of selected municipality and its funding.
Issue of pension supplementary insurance in the chosen enterprise
Součková, Lucie ; Podolínská, Zuzana Šobová (referee) ; Martinovičová, Dana (advisor)
Master´s thesis is focused on the issue of pension supplementary insurance in the chosen enterprise. This proposal makes it possible to increase the income of employees and at the same time minimize the increase of costs of the company Flextronics Design, s.r.o. Master´s thesis describes pension supplementary insurance according to the Czech act. Thesis also contains the choice of suitable pension fund, it means the evaluation of funds acting in the Czech republic.
Subregional Cooperation in the Mekong River Basin: Program GMS
Součková, Lucie ; Pavlík, Petr (advisor) ; Musiyenko, Svitlana (referee)
The main focus of this bachelor thesis is the cooperation between the subregions of Southeast Asian countries situated on the river Mekong. The objective of the resesarch is to display subregional cooperation in this particular area and its impact on the development of these areas. Effectivity of subregional cooperation in this part of Southeast Asia has been discovered within the case study aimed to the program of the Asian Development Bank named Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS). From the analysis of the indicators which are maping not only the econommical status but also standard of living conditions the big improvement has been made within last 20 years. Rising integration in the subregion leads to improvement of the infrastructure and effectivity of manufacturing processes which led to engagement of these countries on world markets and the intensity of intraregional trade growth. Opening the borders for easier movement of the goods, capital and people has its downs for instance the increase of criminality around the border areas. However, the criticism of subregional cooperation which compares them to confusing mixture of initiatives in the case of GMS program, the form of cooperation seems to be effective for several reasons: its based on cooperatiom on the local level which leds to bigger consequences towards the general standards of living, cooperation is mainly managed by the market and therefore is not so demanding for institutionslization and involvement of the government which is mainly beneficial for countries with weaker government sector.
Tax optimization of the use of tax reserves for repairs of tangible assets
This thesis deals with the issue of reserves for repairs of tangible assets and their utilization to optimize the income tax, as business entities and natural persons. This issue is mentioned in the theoretical part, which is focused on legislation regulating the creation and use of accounting and legal reserves. This thesis analyzes the impact of the creation and use of reserves for repairs of tangible assets to income tax. The aim of the second part of the thesis is to deal with reserves for repairs of tangible assets in a particular subject, the comparison with the possibilities of financing repairs in other ways as potential investment returns.
Zhodnocení personálních činností v Nakladatelství Dr. Josef Raabe, s. r. o., se zaměřením na vzdělávání pracovníků
Součková, Lucie Bc. ; Nesnídalová, Jitka (advisor) ; Šauer, Ladislav (referee)
Práce hodnotí význam a smysl vzdělávání v malých a středních podnicích a zaměřuje se na společnost Nakladatelství Dr. Josef Raabe, s. r .o. Zaměřuje na vzdělávání pracovníků v průzkumu trhu a vývoji nových produktů. Součástí práce je dotazníkové šetření, kterého se zúčastnili všichni proškolení zaměstnanci. Na základě poznatků zjištěných z dotazníkového šetření, které odráží názory zaměstnanců, je zhodnocen proces vzdělávání v nakladatelství. Přínosy jsou zhodnoceny z finančního hlediska, z pohledu zákazníků a také z pohledu jednotlivých vedoucích projektu. Součástí hodnocení systému vzdělávání jsou i konkrétní doporučení a náměty pro zlepšení vzdělávacího procesu.

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10 SOUČKOVÁ, Lucie
8 Součková, Lenka
1 Součková, Lucie Bc.
1 Součková, Ludmila
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