National Repository of Grey Literature 231 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Censorship and its influence on the theater during the time of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia
Kovaříková, Olga ; Míšková, Alena (advisor) ; Köpplová, Barbara (referee) ; Janoušek, Pavel (referee)
TITLE: Censorship and its influence on the theater during the time of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia AUTHOR: Olga Kovaříková DEPARTMENT: History and History Didactics Department SUPERVISOR: doc. PhDr. Alena Míšková, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: This dissertation describes the organisation and the influence of censorship in the theater during the time of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and is based on the political, administrative and cultural history of the given period. The purpose of the work isn't only to describe the structure of censorship in the theater, but also to relate its significance to the world of theater and its repertoire using concrete examples of Czech theater in Prague. As a result of interpreting censored theater scripts performed during the protectorate period of Prague, the work contains detailed characteristic and thematic categorization of the most frequent expurgations. Through the use of theater memoirs and police records, the work shows the censorship's influence on the everyday history of Prague theater. The procedure of censorship used at this time reveals the main tendency of cultural policy, the categorization of expurgations reflects the everyday history of the protectorate. The work is completed entirely by an alphabetical list of the permitted and forbidden dramatic...
Czech modern women and the Orient in the first half of the 20th century: Challenging both gender and colonial dichotomies from the margins of Europe
Havlůjová, Hana ; Míšková, Alena (advisor) ; Charvát, Petr (referee) ; Bahenská, Marie (referee)
Hana Havlůjová: Czech modern women and the Orient in the first half of the 20th century: Challenging both gender and colonial dichotomies from the margins of Europe Abstract In regards to both Czech and international research context my thesis has two main objectives. Firstly, it aims to explore various Czech sources, be them written or visual, in order to examine their potential for cultural history-based research on Czech modern women's (re)presentations of the Orient in the first half of the 20th century. Secondly, it uses a perspective 'from the margins of Europe' in order to challenge traditional dichotomies that prevail in a majority of research on gender and nationalism as well as colonialism worldwide. Therefore, my analyses of Czech modern women's (re)presentations of the Orient focus mainly on the interplay of three modern discourses - feminism, nationalism and orientalism. The first part of the thesis First impressions: Three Czech modern women in the Orient comprises three case studies on Pavla Dušková, Ludmila Matiegková and Vlasta Kálalová Di- Lotti, who travelled to and stayed in the Near East (Egypt, Palestine, Iraq) in the 1920s and 1930s. Their personal papers (e.g. family correspondence, unpublished travelogues) as well as published works (e.g. academic pieces of writing, popular novels)...
Hugo Bergman, postmaster, mayor, politician
Beštová, Tereza ; Zilynskyj, Bohdan (advisor) ; Míšková, Alena (referee)
Při zadávání diplomové práce v rámci studia na Katedře dějin a didaktiky dějepisu Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze jsem si zvolila téma "Hugo Bergmann, poštmistr, starosta a politik". První poznatky o této významné postavě regionálního a zároveň celonárodního charakteru jsem získala při studiu archiválií k mé předchozí práci v rámci Semináře k obecným dějinám. Zde jsem se zabývala situací v mém rodném městě - Brandýse nad Labem - na konci dvacátých a v první polovině třicátých let 20. století, přičemž jsem se soustředila zejména na brandýské školství. Jméno Hugo Bergmann bylo v archiváliích velmi často uvedeno a jeho osoba mne velmi zaujala. Jak jsem již zmínila, brandýský starosta Hugo Bergmann nebyl pouze postavou regionální, nýbrž i politikem a poslancem Československé strany socialistické. Poslancem Národního shromáždění republiky Československé byl zvolen celkem čtyřikrát a mandát vykonával mezi lety 1923 - 1938.
"Resistance Movement in the Region of Plzeň- North during the Second World War "
Boříková, Barbora ; Míšková, Alena (advisor) ; Václavů, Lubor (referee)
This diploma thesis briefly describes the situation in the region of Plzeň throughout the period between the signature of the Munich Agreement and the end of the Second World War in the background of the international events and with special emphasis on everyday life. It also monitors the course of events in the field of domestic resistance and its cooperation with the foreign representatives; it provides a list of resistance movement organizations operating in the region of Plzeň. The majority of the thesis deals with the resistance movement in the district of Nýřany, which has been a part of the Plzeň - North district since 1960. This part of the thesis describes not only the organized resistance movement (the communist and the democratic one) but also the spontaneous actions performed by the individuals. The thesis depicts the story of several people who participated in the resistance movement against the Nazis and whose lives were deeply affected by the Nazi persecution. The aim of the thesis is to point out the domestic resistance situation in the background of the above-mentioned stories in the industrial area of Nýřany.
Vits Family in the one-party represion (Komunist party represion)
Světlík, Pavel ; Míšková, Alena (advisor) ; Pokorný, Jiří (referee)
Operation "Náchod Terror." Files of this name found in the archival resources of the State Security (Státní bezpečnost, StB) document show trials with the so called Karel Rudolf and Karel Vondráček groups. The case involving a group of private farmers from the village of Litoboř and its surroundings became the largest show trial with private farmers in the former Region of Eastern Bohemia. It was conducted in two parts, 26th-27th January and 25th-26th June 1952. The State Court (Státní soud) sentenced 18 people for treason and other criminal acts. Four death sentences were passed, three out of which were carried out and one changed to life sentence. Most of the remaining convicts were condemned to 14 to 20 years imprisonment. In the outcome, the public trials, greatly abused by the regime propaganda, served finally to crush the stubborn opposition of private farmers in the area against the establishing of collective farms (Jednotná zemědělská družstva, JZD).
Zdeňka Šemberová and her life (1841-1912)
Jeřábková, Iveta ; Zilynskyj, Bohdan (advisor) ; Míšková, Alena (referee)
Aim of my baccalaureate essay is introduce to personality of Zdeňka Šemberová, which live in years 1841 - 1912. Her family was weddend with a town Vysoké Mýto in eastern Bohemia. I assembler Zdeňka's biography on the basis of her diary. I included her familly problems here and her subjective perspective to the society in nineteenth century. I narrated Zdeňka's life in connestion with life of her father Alos Vojtěch Šembera. I tryed to do an analysis of Zdeňka's correspondence. It was related with two outstanding personality of our history, with czech writer Jan Neruda and politician Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk.
Newest History of the Central Bohemian Borough Byšice
Sisák, Jiří ; Foltýn, Dušan (advisor) ; Míšková, Alena (referee)
TITLE: The Newest History of the Central Bohemian Borough Byšice AUTHOR: Bc. Jiří Sisák DEPARTMENT: History & History Didactics Department STUDY PROGRAMME: Teaching for high schools, Master degree Programme in History and Civics SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Dušan Foltýn ABSTRACT: This diploma thesis reviews the history of the borough Byšice in the last two centuries and attempts to assess the importance of the various epochs in the development of the community. The main body of the thesis examines its own history of the borough, the side lines represent the cultural history and the history of the village school in Byšice. All events are processed gradually in a chronological order. The role of various social groups in the history of the town is being examined, as well as the conversion of the urban village in the city. KEYWORDS: regional history, Czech towns, cultural history, history of education, 19th century, 20th century

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1 MIŠKOVÁ, Alžběta
8 Mišková, Alena
2 Míšková, Aneta
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