National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Regulatory Risk on the Financial Markets and expected Impact of new Basel Accord on their Effectiveness
Hájková, Dagmar ; Teplý, Petr (advisor) ; Mejstřík, Michal (referee)
In my thesis I focus on regulatory risk affecting financial markets effectiveness. I describe specifics of financial markets regulation in Czech Republic and in the World, particularly the development of bank capital adequacy regulation. Further I discuss practical problems connected with implementation of New Basel Accord (Basel II), but also its advantages arising for banks. Last part of my paper is devoted to the evaluation of expected impact of the new rules on the effectiveness of financial markets and to the consideration of future perspectives of financial system regulation.
The Czechoslovak institutions and repatriation after the First World War
Lacko, Miroslav ; Doubek, Vratislav (advisor) ; Hájková, Dagmar (referee) ; Vaculík, Jaroslav (referee)
The topic of my work was The Czechoslovak institutions and repatriation after the First World War. I describe the years 1918 - 1923 in Central Europe, specifically in Czechoslovakia and in other new succession states after Austria-Hungary. My work is divided into 4 different chapters, introduction and conclusion. The first chapter describes the First World War and its consequences for Central European region. It also describes economic problems in succession states, the changes of territory, situation in Czechoslovakia after 1918 and it characterize population in key countries (Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Austria and Poland) for my topic. The second chapter is focused on Czechoslovakia. It shortly explains reasons of emigration and immigration of Czechs and Slovaks before and also after the First World War. It describes factors which have big influence on repatriation in Czechoslovakia (for example land reform). The third and fourth chapters analyze materials from archives. They present a lot of very concrete examples of repatriation process (lack of housing, problems with citizenship, unemployment). It points at importance of state executive institutions for repatriation process. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry Social Security and Employment have...
The territorial ambitions of Czech politics in the context of World War I
Bodláková, Nina ; Doubek, Vratislav (advisor) ; Hájková, Dagmar (referee)
The thesis is focused towards analyzing concepts of territorial demarcation of the Czech lands-state which where introduced during World War I by Czech politics and finally pursued through during the Paris Peace Conference. In the period of war the focus is towards constitutional concepts of the Czech official political representation and from the side of anti - austrian Czech political resistance towards constitutional concepts of the resistance circle of Karel Kramář and the resistance circle of Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk. The goal of the thesis is to summarize and evaluate different arguments of historical-political, economical or socio- cultural character benefiting maximal territorial gain. The hypothesis is that the arguments based on historical law dominated throughout.
Drama activities in the school club
Hájková, Dagmar ; Hanková, Zdeňka (referee) ; Provazník, Jaroslav (advisor)
The subjekt of my dissertation is development of social competences and personal development of a child in the school club within drama activities.
Emanuel Voska in Czechoslovak independence movement in the First World War: espionage and propaganda
Hájková, Dagmar ; Kvaček, Robert (advisor) ; Švec, Luboš (referee) ; Galandauer, Jan (referee)
The study deals with the activities of Emanuel Voska, an American Czech, during the First World War from the point of view of the Czechoslovak resistance movement abroad, propaganda, intelligence services and the immigrant associations. After the First World War, an image was created of Voska as the first Czech spy and one of the foremost associates of T. G. Masaryk. The study puts the image into a sharper relief and tries to answer the question how important were Voska's activities during the war in the context of the resistance movement abroad and what was his actual merit in the process of creation of independent Czechoslovak state. Voska left for America when he was 19 years old. He tried to make his name in business as well as in the immigrants associations, in which he presented himself as a freethinker, Sokol and left wing radical. His journey to Europe in 1914 when he contacted Masaryk and Wickam Steed placed him in a good position with regard to communications between the immigrant societies in the USA, the representatives of the Allies and the initial exile centre in Europe. After his return to USA, Voska became a leading representative of an association named "Bohemian National Alliance" which aimed to achieve the break-up of Austria-Hungary as well as an independent state of Czechs and Slovaks....

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8 Hájková, Dagmara
11 Hájková, Dana
4 Hájková, Denisa
3 Hájková, Dina
1 Hájková, Dobromila
2 Hájková, Dominika
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